2020-06-23 21:53:40 +04:00

189 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include <rpl/event_stream.h>
#include <rpl/filter.h>
#include <rpl/variable.h>
#include "main/main_settings.h"
#include "base/timer.h"
class ApiWrap;
namespace Api {
class Updates;
} // namespace Api
namespace MTP {
class Instance;
} // namespace MTP
namespace Support {
class Helper;
class Templates;
} // namespace Support
namespace Data {
class Session;
class Changes;
} // namespace Data
namespace Storage {
class DownloadManagerMtproto;
class Uploader;
class Facade;
class Account;
} // namespace Storage
namespace Window {
namespace Notifications {
class System;
} // namespace Notifications
class SessionController;
} // namespace Window
namespace Calls {
class Instance;
} // namespace Calls
namespace Stickers {
class EmojiPack;
class DicePacks;
} // namespace Stickers;
namespace Core {
class Changelogs;
} // namespace Core
namespace Main {
class Account;
class Session final
: public base::has_weak_ptr
, private base::Subscriber {
not_null<Main::Account*> account,
const MTPUser &user,
Settings &&other);
Session(const Session &other) = delete;
Session &operator=(const Session &other) = delete;
[[nodiscard]] Main::Account &account() const;
[[nodiscard]] Storage::Account &local() const;
[[nodiscard]] UserId userId() const;
[[nodiscard]] PeerId userPeerId() const;
[[nodiscard]] not_null<UserData*> user() const {
return _user;
bool validateSelf(const MTPUser &user);
[[nodiscard]] Api::Updates &updates() const {
return *_updates;
[[nodiscard]] Storage::DownloadManagerMtproto &downloader() const {
return *_downloader;
[[nodiscard]] Storage::Uploader &uploader() const {
return *_uploader;
[[nodiscard]] Storage::Facade &storage() const {
return *_storage;
[[nodiscard]] Stickers::EmojiPack &emojiStickersPack() const {
return *_emojiStickersPack;
[[nodiscard]] Stickers::DicePacks &diceStickersPacks() const {
return *_diceStickersPacks;
[[nodiscard]] Window::Notifications::System &notifications() {
return *_notifications;
[[nodiscard]] Data::Changes &changes() {
return *_changes;
[[nodiscard]] Data::Session &data() {
return *_data;
[[nodiscard]] Settings &settings() {
return _settings;
void saveSettingsDelayed(crl::time delay = kDefaultSaveDelay);
void saveSettingsNowIfNeeded();
void addWindow(not_null<Window::SessionController*> controller);
[[nodiscard]] auto windows() const
-> const base::flat_set<not_null<Window::SessionController*>> &;
// Shortcuts.
[[nodiscard]] base::Observable<void> &downloaderTaskFinished();
[[nodiscard]] MTP::DcId mainDcId() const;
[[nodiscard]] not_null<MTP::Instance*> mtp() const;
[[nodiscard]] ApiWrap &api() {
return *_api;
[[nodiscard]] Calls::Instance &calls() {
return *_calls;
void termsDeleteNow();
[[nodiscard]] rpl::lifetime &lifetime() {
return _lifetime;
base::Observable<DocumentData*> documentUpdated;
base::Observable<std::pair<not_null<HistoryItem*>, MsgId>> messageIdChanging;
bool supportMode() const;
Support::Helper &supportHelper() const;
Support::Templates &supportTemplates() const;
static constexpr auto kDefaultSaveDelay = crl::time(1000);
const not_null<Main::Account*> _account;
Settings _settings;
base::Timer _saveSettingsTimer;
const std::unique_ptr<ApiWrap> _api;
const std::unique_ptr<Api::Updates> _updates;
const std::unique_ptr<Calls::Instance> _calls;
const std::unique_ptr<Storage::DownloadManagerMtproto> _downloader;
const std::unique_ptr<Storage::Uploader> _uploader;
const std::unique_ptr<Storage::Facade> _storage;
const std::unique_ptr<Window::Notifications::System> _notifications;
// _data depends on _downloader / _uploader / _notifications.
const std::unique_ptr<Data::Changes> _changes;
const std::unique_ptr<Data::Session> _data;
const not_null<UserData*> _user;
// _emojiStickersPack depends on _data.
const std::unique_ptr<Stickers::EmojiPack> _emojiStickersPack;
const std::unique_ptr<Stickers::DicePacks> _diceStickersPacks;
// _changelogs depends on _data, subscribes on chats loading event.
const std::unique_ptr<Core::Changelogs> _changelogs;
const std::unique_ptr<Support::Helper> _supportHelper;
base::flat_set<not_null<Window::SessionController*>> _windows;
rpl::lifetime _lifetime;
} // namespace Main