2018-05-30 18:44:46 +03:00

254 lines
9.2 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "core/basic_types.h"
#include "data/data_types.h"
#include "data/data_peer.h"
enum NewMessageType : char;
class Messenger;
class MainWindow;
class MainWidget;
class LocationCoords;
struct LocationData;
class HistoryItem;
class History;
class Histories;
namespace HistoryView {
class Element;
} // namespace HistoryView
using HistoryItemsMap = base::flat_set<not_null<HistoryItem*>>;
using GifItems = QHash<Media::Clip::Reader*, HistoryItem*>;
enum RoundCorners {
SmallMaskCorners = 0x00, // for images
InShadowCorners, // for photos without bg
MessageInCorners, // with shadow
namespace App {
MainWindow *wnd();
MainWidget *main();
bool passcoded();
void logOut();
QString formatPhone(QString phone);
UserData *feedUser(const MTPUser &user);
UserData *feedUsers(const MTPVector<MTPUser> &users); // returns last user
PeerData *feedChat(const MTPChat &chat);
PeerData *feedChats(const MTPVector<MTPChat> &chats); // returns last chat
void feedParticipants(const MTPChatParticipants &p, bool requestBotInfos);
void feedParticipantAdd(const MTPDupdateChatParticipantAdd &d);
void feedParticipantDelete(const MTPDupdateChatParticipantDelete &d);
void feedChatAdmins(const MTPDupdateChatAdmins &d);
void feedParticipantAdmin(const MTPDupdateChatParticipantAdmin &d);
bool checkEntitiesAndViewsUpdate(const MTPDmessage &m); // returns true if item found and it is not detached
void updateEditedMessage(const MTPMessage &m);
void addSavedGif(DocumentData *doc);
void checkSavedGif(HistoryItem *item);
void feedMsgs(const QVector<MTPMessage> &msgs, NewMessageType type);
void feedMsgs(const MTPVector<MTPMessage> &msgs, NewMessageType type);
void feedInboxRead(const PeerId &peer, MsgId upTo);
void feedOutboxRead(const PeerId &peer, MsgId upTo, TimeId when);
void feedWereDeleted(ChannelId channelId, const QVector<MTPint> &msgsIds);
void feedUserLink(MTPint userId, const MTPContactLink &myLink, const MTPContactLink &foreignLink);
ImagePtr image(const MTPPhotoSize &size);
PeerData *peer(const PeerId &id, PeerData::LoadedStatus restriction = PeerData::NotLoaded);
inline UserData *user(const PeerId &id, PeerData::LoadedStatus restriction = PeerData::NotLoaded) {
return asUser(peer(id, restriction));
inline ChatData *chat(const PeerId &id, PeerData::LoadedStatus restriction = PeerData::NotLoaded) {
return asChat(peer(id, restriction));
inline ChannelData *channel(const PeerId &id, PeerData::LoadedStatus restriction = PeerData::NotLoaded) {
return asChannel(peer(id, restriction));
inline UserData *user(UserId userId, PeerData::LoadedStatus restriction = PeerData::NotLoaded) {
return asUser(peer(peerFromUser(userId), restriction));
inline ChatData *chat(ChatId chatId, PeerData::LoadedStatus restriction = PeerData::NotLoaded) {
return asChat(peer(peerFromChat(chatId), restriction));
inline ChannelData *channel(ChannelId channelId, PeerData::LoadedStatus restriction = PeerData::NotLoaded) {
return asChannel(peer(peerFromChannel(channelId), restriction));
inline PeerData *peerLoaded(const PeerId &id) {
return peer(id, PeerData::FullLoaded);
inline UserData *userLoaded(const PeerId &id) {
return user(id, PeerData::FullLoaded);
inline ChatData *chatLoaded(const PeerId &id) {
return chat(id, PeerData::FullLoaded);
inline ChannelData *channelLoaded(const PeerId &id) {
return channel(id, PeerData::FullLoaded);
inline UserData *userLoaded(UserId userId) {
return user(userId, PeerData::FullLoaded);
inline ChatData *chatLoaded(ChatId chatId) {
return chat(chatId, PeerData::FullLoaded);
inline ChannelData *channelLoaded(ChannelId channelId) {
return channel(channelId, PeerData::FullLoaded);
void enumerateUsers(base::lambda<void(not_null<UserData*>)> action);
void enumerateChatsChannels(
base::lambda<void(not_null<PeerData*>)> action);
UserData *self();
PeerData *peerByName(const QString &username);
QString peerName(const PeerData *peer, bool forDialogs = false);
LocationData *location(const LocationCoords &coords);
void forgetMedia();
MTPPhoto photoFromUserPhoto(MTPint userId, MTPint date, const MTPUserProfilePhoto &photo);
Histories &histories();
not_null<History*> history(const PeerId &peer);
History *historyLoaded(const PeerId &peer);
HistoryItem *histItemById(ChannelId channelId, MsgId itemId);
inline not_null<History*> history(const PeerData *peer) {
Assert(peer != nullptr);
return history(peer->id);
inline History *historyLoaded(const PeerData *peer) {
return peer ? historyLoaded(peer->id) : nullptr;
inline HistoryItem *histItemById(const ChannelData *channel, MsgId itemId) {
return histItemById(channel ? peerToChannel(channel->id) : 0, itemId);
inline HistoryItem *histItemById(const FullMsgId &msgId) {
return histItemById(, msgId.msg);
void historyRegItem(not_null<HistoryItem*> item);
void historyUnregItem(not_null<HistoryItem*> item);
void historyUpdateDependent(not_null<HistoryItem*> item);
void historyClearMsgs();
void historyClearItems();
void historyRegDependency(HistoryItem *dependent, HistoryItem *dependency);
void historyUnregDependency(HistoryItem *dependent, HistoryItem *dependency);
void historyRegRandom(uint64 randomId, const FullMsgId &itemId);
void historyUnregRandom(uint64 randomId);
FullMsgId histItemByRandom(uint64 randomId);
void historyRegSentData(uint64 randomId, const PeerId &peerId, const QString &text);
void historyUnregSentData(uint64 randomId);
void histSentDataByItem(uint64 randomId, PeerId &peerId, QString &text);
void hoveredItem(HistoryView::Element *item);
HistoryView::Element *hoveredItem();
void pressedItem(HistoryView::Element *item);
HistoryView::Element *pressedItem();
void hoveredLinkItem(HistoryView::Element *item);
HistoryView::Element *hoveredLinkItem();
void pressedLinkItem(HistoryView::Element *item);
HistoryView::Element *pressedLinkItem();
void mousedItem(HistoryView::Element *item);
HistoryView::Element *mousedItem();
void clearMousedItems();
const style::font &monofont();
const QPixmap &emoji();
const QPixmap &emojiLarge();
const QPixmap &emojiSingle(EmojiPtr emoji, int32 fontHeight);
void clearHistories();
void initMedia();
void deinitMedia();
void checkImageCacheSize();
bool isValidPhone(QString phone);
enum LaunchState {
Launched = 0,
QuitRequested = 1,
QuitProcessed = 2,
void quit();
bool quitting();
LaunchState launchState();
void setLaunchState(LaunchState state);
void restart();
constexpr auto kFileSizeLimit = 1500 * 1024 * 1024; // Load files up to 1500mb
constexpr auto kImageSizeLimit = 64 * 1024 * 1024; // Open images up to 64mb jpg/png/gif
QImage readImage(QByteArray data, QByteArray *format = nullptr, bool opaque = true, bool *animated = nullptr);
QImage readImage(const QString &file, QByteArray *format = nullptr, bool opaque = true, bool *animated = nullptr, QByteArray *content = 0);
QPixmap pixmapFromImageInPlace(QImage &&image);
void complexOverlayRect(Painter &p, QRect rect, ImageRoundRadius radius, RectParts corners);
void complexLocationRect(Painter &p, QRect rect, ImageRoundRadius radius, RectParts corners);
QImage *cornersMask(ImageRoundRadius radius);
void roundRect(Painter &p, int32 x, int32 y, int32 w, int32 h, style::color bg, RoundCorners index, const style::color *shadow = nullptr, RectParts parts = RectPart::Full);
inline void roundRect(Painter &p, const QRect &rect, style::color bg, RoundCorners index, const style::color *shadow = nullptr, RectParts parts = RectPart::Full) {
return roundRect(p, rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height(), bg, index, shadow, parts);
void roundShadow(Painter &p, int32 x, int32 y, int32 w, int32 h, style::color shadow, RoundCorners index, RectParts parts = RectPart::Full);
inline void roundShadow(Painter &p, const QRect &rect, style::color shadow, RoundCorners index, RectParts parts = RectPart::Full) {
return roundShadow(p, rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height(), shadow, index, parts);
void roundRect(Painter &p, int32 x, int32 y, int32 w, int32 h, style::color bg, ImageRoundRadius radius, RectParts parts = RectPart::Full);
inline void roundRect(Painter &p, const QRect &rect, style::color bg, ImageRoundRadius radius, RectParts parts = RectPart::Full) {
return roundRect(p, rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height(), bg, radius, parts);
struct WallPaper {
WallPaper(int32 id, ImagePtr thumb, ImagePtr full) : id(id), thumb(thumb), full(full) {
int32 id;
ImagePtr thumb;
ImagePtr full;
typedef QList<WallPaper> WallPapers;
DeclareSetting(WallPapers, ServerBackgrounds);