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synced 2025-02-18 22:17:01 +00:00
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "ui/image/image.h"
#include "storage/cache/storage_cache_database.h"
#include "data/data_session.h"
#include "main/main_session.h"
#include "app.h"
using namespace Images;
namespace Images {
namespace {
[[nodiscard]] uint64 PixKey(int width, int height, Options options) {
return static_cast<uint64>(width)
| (static_cast<uint64>(height) << 24)
| (static_cast<uint64>(options) << 48);
[[nodiscard]] uint64 SinglePixKey(Options options) {
return PixKey(0, 0, options);
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray ReadContent(const QString &path) {
auto file = QFile(path);
const auto good = (file.size() <= App::kImageSizeLimit)
&& file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
return good ? file.readAll() : QByteArray();
[[nodiscard]] QImage ReadImage(const QByteArray &content) {
return App::readImage(content, nullptr, false, nullptr);
} // namespace
QByteArray ExpandInlineBytes(const QByteArray &bytes) {
if (bytes.size() < 3 || bytes[0] != '\x01') {
return QByteArray();
const char header[] = "\xff\xd8\xff\xe0\x00\x10\x4a\x46\x49"
const char footer[] = "\xff\xd9";
auto real = QByteArray(header, sizeof(header) - 1);
real[164] = bytes[1];
real[166] = bytes[2];
return real
+ bytes.mid(3)
+ QByteArray::fromRawData(footer, sizeof(footer) - 1);
QImage FromInlineBytes(const QByteArray &bytes) {
return App::readImage(ExpandInlineBytes(bytes));
QSize GetSizeForDocument(const QVector<MTPDocumentAttribute> &attributes) {
for (const auto &attribute : attributes) {
if (attribute.type() == mtpc_documentAttributeImageSize) {
auto &size = attribute.c_documentAttributeImageSize();
return QSize(size.vw().v, size.vh().v);
return QSize();
} // namespace Images
Image::Image(const QString &path) : Image(ReadContent(path)) {
Image::Image(const QByteArray &content) : Image(ReadImage(content)) {
Image::Image(QImage &&data)
: _data(data.isNull() ? Empty()->original() : std::move(data)) {
not_null<Image*> Image::Empty() {
static auto result = Image([] {
const auto factor = cIntRetinaFactor();
auto data = QImage(
return data;
return &result;
not_null<Image*> Image::BlankMedia() {
static auto result = Image([] {
const auto factor = cIntRetinaFactor();
auto data = QImage(
return data;
return &result;
QImage Image::original() const {
return _data;
const QPixmap &Image::pix(int w, int h) const {
if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) {
w = width();
} else {
w *= cIntRetinaFactor();
h *= cIntRetinaFactor();
auto options = Option::Smooth | Option::None;
auto k = PixKey(w, h, options);
auto i = _cache.find(k);
if (i == _cache.cend()) {
auto p = pixNoCache(w, h, options);
i = _cache.emplace_or_assign(k, p).first;
return i->second;
const QPixmap &Image::pixRounded(
int w,
int h,
ImageRoundRadius radius,
RectParts corners) const {
if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) {
w = width();
} else {
w *= cIntRetinaFactor();
h *= cIntRetinaFactor();
auto options = Option::Smooth | Option::None;
auto cornerOptions = [](RectParts corners) {
return (corners & RectPart::TopLeft ? Option::RoundedTopLeft : Option::None)
| (corners & RectPart::TopRight ? Option::RoundedTopRight : Option::None)
| (corners & RectPart::BottomLeft ? Option::RoundedBottomLeft : Option::None)
| (corners & RectPart::BottomRight ? Option::RoundedBottomRight : Option::None);
if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Large) {
options |= Option::RoundedLarge | cornerOptions(corners);
} else if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Small) {
options |= Option::RoundedSmall | cornerOptions(corners);
} else if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Ellipse) {
options |= Option::Circled | cornerOptions(corners);
auto k = PixKey(w, h, options);
auto i = _cache.find(k);
if (i == _cache.cend()) {
auto p = pixNoCache(w, h, options);
i = _cache.emplace_or_assign(k, p).first;
return i->second;
const QPixmap &Image::pixCircled(int w, int h) const {
if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) {
w = width();
} else {
w *= cIntRetinaFactor();
h *= cIntRetinaFactor();
auto options = Option::Smooth | Option::Circled;
auto k = PixKey(w, h, options);
auto i = _cache.find(k);
if (i == _cache.cend()) {
auto p = pixNoCache(w, h, options);
i = _cache.emplace_or_assign(k, p).first;
return i->second;
const QPixmap &Image::pixBlurredCircled(int w, int h) const {
if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) {
w = width();
} else {
w *= cIntRetinaFactor();
h *= cIntRetinaFactor();
auto options = Option::Smooth | Option::Circled | Option::Blurred;
auto k = PixKey(w, h, options);
auto i = _cache.find(k);
if (i == _cache.cend()) {
auto p = pixNoCache(w, h, options);
i = _cache.emplace_or_assign(k, p).first;
return i->second;
const QPixmap &Image::pixBlurred(int w, int h) const {
if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) {
w = width() * cIntRetinaFactor();
} else {
w *= cIntRetinaFactor();
h *= cIntRetinaFactor();
auto options = Option::Smooth | Option::Blurred;
auto k = PixKey(w, h, options);
auto i = _cache.find(k);
if (i == _cache.cend()) {
auto p = pixNoCache(w, h, options);
i = _cache.emplace_or_assign(k, p).first;
return i->second;
const QPixmap &Image::pixColored(style::color add, int w, int h) const {
if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) {
w = width() * cIntRetinaFactor();
} else {
w *= cIntRetinaFactor();
h *= cIntRetinaFactor();
auto options = Option::Smooth | Option::Colored;
auto k = PixKey(w, h, options);
auto i = _cache.find(k);
if (i == _cache.cend()) {
auto p = pixColoredNoCache(add, w, h, true);
i = _cache.emplace_or_assign(k, p).first;
return i->second;
const QPixmap &Image::pixBlurredColored(
style::color add,
int w,
int h) const {
if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) {
w = width() * cIntRetinaFactor();
} else {
w *= cIntRetinaFactor();
h *= cIntRetinaFactor();
auto options = Option::Blurred | Option::Smooth | Option::Colored;
auto k = PixKey(w, h, options);
auto i = _cache.find(k);
if (i == _cache.cend()) {
auto p = pixBlurredColoredNoCache(add, w, h);
i = _cache.emplace_or_assign(k, p).first;
return i->second;
const QPixmap &Image::pixSingle(
int w,
int h,
int outerw,
int outerh,
ImageRoundRadius radius,
RectParts corners,
const style::color *colored) const {
if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) {
w = width() * cIntRetinaFactor();
} else {
w *= cIntRetinaFactor();
h *= cIntRetinaFactor();
auto options = Option::Smooth | Option::None;
auto cornerOptions = [](RectParts corners) {
return (corners & RectPart::TopLeft ? Option::RoundedTopLeft : Option::None)
| (corners & RectPart::TopRight ? Option::RoundedTopRight : Option::None)
| (corners & RectPart::BottomLeft ? Option::RoundedBottomLeft : Option::None)
| (corners & RectPart::BottomRight ? Option::RoundedBottomRight : Option::None);
if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Large) {
options |= Option::RoundedLarge | cornerOptions(corners);
} else if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Small) {
options |= Option::RoundedSmall | cornerOptions(corners);
} else if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Ellipse) {
options |= Option::Circled | cornerOptions(corners);
if (colored) {
options |= Option::Colored;
auto k = SinglePixKey(options);
auto i = _cache.find(k);
if (i == _cache.cend() || i->second.width() != (outerw * cIntRetinaFactor()) || i->second.height() != (outerh * cIntRetinaFactor())) {
auto p = pixNoCache(w, h, options, outerw, outerh, colored);
i = _cache.emplace_or_assign(k, p).first;
return i->second;
const QPixmap &Image::pixBlurredSingle(
int w,
int h,
int outerw,
int outerh,
ImageRoundRadius radius,
RectParts corners) const {
if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) {
w = width() * cIntRetinaFactor();
} else {
w *= cIntRetinaFactor();
h *= cIntRetinaFactor();
auto options = Option::Smooth | Option::Blurred;
auto cornerOptions = [](RectParts corners) {
return (corners & RectPart::TopLeft ? Option::RoundedTopLeft : Option::None)
| (corners & RectPart::TopRight ? Option::RoundedTopRight : Option::None)
| (corners & RectPart::BottomLeft ? Option::RoundedBottomLeft : Option::None)
| (corners & RectPart::BottomRight ? Option::RoundedBottomRight : Option::None);
if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Large) {
options |= Option::RoundedLarge | cornerOptions(corners);
} else if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Small) {
options |= Option::RoundedSmall | cornerOptions(corners);
} else if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Ellipse) {
options |= Option::Circled | cornerOptions(corners);
auto k = SinglePixKey(options);
auto i = _cache.find(k);
if (i == _cache.cend() || i->second.width() != (outerw * cIntRetinaFactor()) || i->second.height() != (outerh * cIntRetinaFactor())) {
auto p = pixNoCache(w, h, options, outerw, outerh);
i = _cache.emplace_or_assign(k, p).first;
return i->second;
QPixmap Image::pixNoCache(
int w,
int h,
Options options,
int outerw,
int outerh,
const style::color *colored) const {
if (_data.isNull()) {
if (h <= 0 && height() > 0) {
h = qRound(width() * w / float64(height()));
return Empty()->pixNoCache(w, h, options, outerw, outerh);
if (isNull() && outerw > 0 && outerh > 0) {
outerw *= cIntRetinaFactor();
outerh *= cIntRetinaFactor();
QImage result(outerw, outerh, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
QPainter p(&result);
if (w < outerw) {
p.fillRect(0, 0, (outerw - w) / 2, result.height(), st::imageBg);
p.fillRect(((outerw - w) / 2) + w, 0, result.width() - (((outerw - w) / 2) + w), result.height(), st::imageBg);
if (h < outerh) {
p.fillRect(qMax(0, (outerw - w) / 2), 0, qMin(result.width(), w), (outerh - h) / 2, st::imageBg);
p.fillRect(qMax(0, (outerw - w) / 2), ((outerh - h) / 2) + h, qMin(result.width(), w), result.height() - (((outerh - h) / 2) + h), st::imageBg);
p.fillRect(qMax(0, (outerw - w) / 2), qMax(0, (outerh - h) / 2), qMin(result.width(), w), qMin(result.height(), h), st::imageBgTransparent);
auto corners = [](Options options) {
return ((options & Option::RoundedTopLeft) ? RectPart::TopLeft : RectPart::None)
| ((options & Option::RoundedTopRight) ? RectPart::TopRight : RectPart::None)
| ((options & Option::RoundedBottomLeft) ? RectPart::BottomLeft : RectPart::None)
| ((options & Option::RoundedBottomRight) ? RectPart::BottomRight : RectPart::None);
if (options & Option::Circled) {
} else if (options & Option::RoundedLarge) {
prepareRound(result, ImageRoundRadius::Large, corners(options));
} else if (options & Option::RoundedSmall) {
prepareRound(result, ImageRoundRadius::Small, corners(options));
if (options & Option::Colored) {
Assert(colored != nullptr);
result = prepareColored(*colored, std::move(result));
return App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(result));
return App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(prepare(_data, w, h, options, outerw, outerh, colored));
QPixmap Image::pixColoredNoCache(
style::color add,
int w,
int h,
bool smooth) const {
if (_data.isNull()) {
return Empty()->pix();
auto img = _data;
if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height() || (w == width() && (h <= 0 || h == height()))) {
return App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(prepareColored(add, std::move(img)));
if (h <= 0) {
return App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(prepareColored(add, img.scaledToWidth(w, smooth ? Qt::SmoothTransformation : Qt::FastTransformation)));
return App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(prepareColored(add, img.scaled(w, h, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, smooth ? Qt::SmoothTransformation : Qt::FastTransformation)));
QPixmap Image::pixBlurredColoredNoCache(
style::color add,
int w,
int h) const {
if (_data.isNull()) {
return Empty()->pix();
auto img = prepareBlur(_data);
if (h <= 0) {
img = img.scaledToWidth(w, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
} else {
img = img.scaled(w, h, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
return App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(prepareColored(add, img));