
129 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "base/timer.h"
class UserData;
class PeerData;
class ApiWrap;
namespace Data {
struct LastSpokeTimes {
crl::time anything = 0;
crl::time voice = 0;
class GroupCall final {
GroupCall(not_null<PeerData*> peer, uint64 id, uint64 accessHash);
[[nodiscard]] uint64 id() const;
[[nodiscard]] not_null<PeerData*> peer() const;
[[nodiscard]] MTPInputGroupCall input() const;
void setPeer(not_null<PeerData*> peer);
struct Participant {
not_null<UserData*> user;
TimeId date = 0;
TimeId lastActive = 0;
uint32 ssrc = 0;
bool sounding = false;
bool speaking = false;
bool muted = false;
bool canSelfUnmute = false;
struct ParticipantUpdate {
std::optional<Participant> was;
std::optional<Participant> now;
static constexpr auto kSoundStatusKeptFor = crl::time(350);
[[nodiscard]] auto participants() const
-> const std::vector<Participant> &;
void requestParticipants();
[[nodiscard]] bool participantsLoaded() const;
[[nodiscard]] UserData *userBySsrc(uint32 ssrc) const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<> participantsSliceAdded();
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<ParticipantUpdate> participantUpdated() const;
void applyUpdate(const MTPGroupCall &update);
void applyUpdate(const MTPDupdateGroupCallParticipants &update);
void applyUpdateChecked(
const MTPDupdateGroupCallParticipants &update);
void applyLastSpoke(uint32 ssrc, LastSpokeTimes when, crl::time now);
void applyActiveUpdate(
UserId userId,
LastSpokeTimes when,
UserData *userLoaded);
[[nodiscard]] int fullCount() const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<int> fullCountValue() const;
void setInCall();
void reload();
void setJoinMutedLocally(bool muted);
[[nodiscard]] bool joinMuted() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool canChangeJoinMuted() const;
enum class ApplySliceSource {
[[nodiscard]] ApiWrap &api() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool inCall() const;
void applyCall(const MTPGroupCall &call, bool force);
void applyParticipantsSlice(
const QVector<MTPGroupCallParticipant> &list,
ApplySliceSource sliceSource);
void applyParticipantsMutes(
const MTPDupdateGroupCallParticipants &update);
void requestUnknownParticipants();
void changePeerEmptyCallFlag();
void checkFinishSpeakingByActive();
const uint64 _id = 0;
const uint64 _accessHash = 0;
not_null<PeerData*> _peer;
int _version = 0;
mtpRequestId _participantsRequestId = 0;
mtpRequestId _reloadRequestId = 0;
std::vector<Participant> _participants;
base::flat_map<uint32, not_null<UserData*>> _userBySsrc;
base::flat_map<not_null<UserData*>, crl::time> _speakingByActiveFinishes;
base::Timer _speakingByActiveFinishTimer;
QString _nextOffset;
rpl::variable<int> _fullCount = 0;
base::flat_map<uint32, LastSpokeTimes> _unknownSpokenSsrcs;
base::flat_map<UserId, LastSpokeTimes> _unknownSpokenUids;
mtpRequestId _unknownUsersRequestId = 0;
rpl::event_stream<ParticipantUpdate> _participantUpdates;
rpl::event_stream<> _participantsSliceAdded;
bool _joinMuted = false;
bool _canChangeJoinMuted = true;
bool _allReceived = false;
} // namespace Data