
99 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "media/streaming/media_streaming_common.h"
#include "ffmpeg/ffmpeg_utility.h"
namespace Media {
namespace Streaming {
struct TimePoint {
crl::time trackTime = kTimeUnknown;
crl::time worldTime = kTimeUnknown;
bool valid() const {
return (trackTime != kTimeUnknown) && (worldTime != kTimeUnknown);
explicit operator bool() const {
return valid();
struct Stream {
int index = -1;
crl::time duration = kTimeUnknown;
AVRational timeBase = FFmpeg::kUniversalTimeBase;
FFmpeg::CodecPointer codec;
FFmpeg::FramePointer decodedFrame;
FFmpeg::FramePointer transferredFrame;
std::deque<FFmpeg::Packet> queue;
int invalidDataPackets = 0;
// Audio only.
int frequency = 0;
// Video only.
int rotation = 0;
AVRational aspect = FFmpeg::kNormalAspect;
FFmpeg::SwscalePointer swscale;
[[nodiscard]] crl::time FramePosition(const Stream &stream);
[[nodiscard]] FFmpeg::AvErrorWrap ProcessPacket(
Stream &stream,
FFmpeg::Packet &&packet);
[[nodiscard]] FFmpeg::AvErrorWrap ReadNextFrame(Stream &stream);
[[nodiscard]] bool GoodForRequest(
const QImage &image,
bool hasAlpha,
int rotation,
const FrameRequest &request);
[[nodiscard]] bool TransferFrame(
Stream &stream,
not_null<AVFrame*> decodedFrame,
not_null<AVFrame*> transferredFrame);
[[nodiscard]] QImage ConvertFrame(
Stream &stream,
not_null<AVFrame*> frame,
QSize resize,
QImage storage);
[[nodiscard]] FrameYUV ExtractYUV(Stream &stream, AVFrame *frame);
struct ExpandDecision {
QSize result;
bool expanding = false;
[[nodiscard]] ExpandDecision DecideFrameResize(
QSize outer,
QSize original,
int minVisibleNominator = 3, // If we cut out no more than 0.25 of
int minVisibleDenominator = 4); // the original, let's expand.
[[nodiscard]] bool FrameResizeMayExpand(
QSize outer,
QSize original,
int minVisibleNominator = 3,
int minVisibleDenominator = 4);
[[nodiscard]] ExpandDecision DecideVideoFrameResize(
QSize outer,
QSize original);
[[nodiscard]] QSize CalculateResizeFromOuter(QSize outer, QSize original);
[[nodiscard]] QImage PrepareBlurredBackground(QSize outer, QImage frame);
void FillBlurredBackground(QPainter &p, QSize outer, QImage bg);
[[nodiscard]] QImage PrepareByRequest(
const QImage &original,
bool hasAlpha,
const AVRational &aspect,
int rotation,
const FrameRequest &request,
QImage storage);
} // namespace Streaming
} // namespace Media