John Preston 8e3274cd8f Colors added in palette for selected messages.
User names in groups, text and links in messages and names
in files and shared contacts not can have different colors
in plain inbox / outbox messages and in selected messages.

Now we can use a separate color for selected parts in Text.
2017-02-09 16:46:14 +03:00

505 lines
38 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license:
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston,
// basic
windowBg: #ffffff; // white: fallback for background
windowFg: #000000; // black: fallback for text
windowBgOver: #f1f1f1; // light gray: fallback for background with mouse over
windowBgRipple: #e5e5e5; // darker gray: fallback for ripple effect
windowFgOver: windowFg; // black: fallback for text with mouse over
windowSubTextFg: #999999; // gray: fallback for additional text
windowSubTextFgOver: #919191; // darker gray: fallback for additional text with mouse over
windowBoldFg: #222222; // dark gray: fallback for bold text
windowBoldFgOver: #222222; // dark gray: fallback for bold text with mouse over
windowBgActive: #40a7e3; // bright blue: fallback for blue filled active areas
windowFgActive: #ffffff; // white: fallback for text on active areas
windowActiveTextFg: #168acd; // online blue: fallback for active text like online status
windowShadowFg: #000000; // black: fallback for shadow
windowShadowFgFallback: #f1f1f1; // gray: fallback for shadow without opacity
shadowFg: #00000018; // most shadows (including opacity)
slideFadeOutBg: #0000003c; // slide animation (chat to profile) fade out filling
slideFadeOutShadowFg: windowShadowFg; // slide animation (chat to profile) fade out right section shadow
imageBg: #000000; // image background fallback (when photo size is less than minimum allowed)
imageBgTransparent: #ffffff; // image background when displaying an image with opacity where no opacity is needed
// widgets
activeButtonBg: windowBgActive; // default active button background
activeButtonBgOver: #39a5db; // default active button background with mouse over
activeButtonBgRipple: #2095d0; // default active button ripple effect
activeButtonFg: windowFgActive; // default active button text
activeButtonFgOver: activeButtonFg; // default active button text with mouse over
activeButtonSecondaryFg: #cceeff; // default active button additional text (selected messages counter in forward / delete buttons)
activeButtonSecondaryFgOver: activeButtonSecondaryFg; // default active button additional text with mouse over
activeLineFg: #37a1de; // default active line (like code input field bottom border when you log in and field is focused)
activeLineFgError: #e48383; // default active line for error state (like code input field bottom border when you log in and you've entered incorrect code)
lightButtonBg: windowBg; // default light button background (like buttons in boxes)
lightButtonBgOver: #e3f1fa; // default light button background with mouse over
lightButtonBgRipple: #c9e4f6; // default light button ripple effect
lightButtonFg: windowActiveTextFg; // default light button text
lightButtonFgOver: lightButtonFg; // default light button text with mouse over
attentionButtonFg: #d14e4e; // default attention button text (like confirm button on log out)
attentionButtonFgOver: #d14e4e; // default attention button text with mouse over
attentionButtonBgOver: #fcdfde; // default attention button background with mouse over
attentionButtonBgRipple: #f4c3c2; // default attention button ripple effect
outlineButtonBg: windowBg; // default left outlined button background (like shared media links in profiles)
outlineButtonBgOver: lightButtonBgOver; // default left outlined button background with mouse over
outlineButtonOutlineFg: windowBgActive; // default left outlined button left outline border
outlineButtonBgRipple: lightButtonBgRipple; // default left outlined button ripple effect
menuBg: windowBg; // default popup menu background
menuBgOver: windowBgOver; // default popup menu item background with mouse over
menuBgRipple: windowBgRipple; // default popup menu item ripple effect
menuIconFg: #a8a8a8; // default popup menu item icon (like main menu)
menuIconFgOver: #999999; // default popup menu item icon with mouse over
menuSubmenuArrowFg: #373737; // default popup menu submenu arrow icon (like in message field context menu in case of RTL system language)
menuFgDisabled: #cccccc; // default popup menu item disabled text (like unavailable items in message field context menu)
menuSeparatorFg: #f1f1f1; // default popup menu separator (like in message field context menu)
scrollBarBg: #00000053; // default scroll bar current rectangle, the bar itself (like in chats list)
scrollBarBgOver: #0000007a; // default scroll bar current rectangle with mouse over it
scrollBg: #0000001a; // default scroll bar background
scrollBgOver: #0000002c; // default scroll bar background with mouse over the scroll bar
smallCloseIconFg: #c7c7c7; // small X icon (like in Show all sessions box to the right for sessions termination)
smallCloseIconFgOver: #a3a3a3; // small X icon with mouse over
radialFg: windowFgActive; // default radial loader line (like in Media Viewer when loading a photo)
radialBg: #00000056; // default radial loader background (like in Media Viewer when loading a photo)
placeholderFg: windowSubTextFg; // default input field placeholder when field is not focused (like in phone input field when you log in)
placeholderFgActive: #aaaaaa; // default input field placeholder when field is focused
inputBorderFg: #e0e0e0; // default input field bottom border (like in code input field when you log in and field is not focused)
filterInputBorderFg: #54c3f3; // default rounded input field border (like in chats list search field when field is focused)
filterInputInactiveBg: windowBgOver; // default rounded input field background (like in chats list search field when field is inactive)
checkboxFg: #b3b3b3; // default unchecked checkbox rounded rectangle (and also emoji category icons)
sliderBgInactive: #e1eaef; // default slider not active bar (like in Settings when you choose interface scale or custom notifications count)
sliderBgActive: windowBgActive; // default slider active bar (like in Settings when you choose interface scale or custom notifications count)
tooltipBg: #eef2f5; // tooltip background (like when you put mouse over the message timestamp and wait)
tooltipFg: #5d6c80; // tooltip text
tooltipBorderFg: #c9d1db; // tooltip border
// custom title bar for Windows and macOS
titleShadow: #00000003; // one pixel line shadow at the bottom of custom window title
titleBg: windowBgOver; // custom window title background when window is inactive
titleBgActive: titleBg; // custom window title background when window is active
titleButtonBg: titleBg; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button background when window is inactive (Windows only)
titleButtonFg: #ababab; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button icon when window is inactive (Windows only)
titleButtonBgOver: #e5e5e5; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button background with mouse over when window is inactive (Windows only)
titleButtonFgOver: #9a9a9a; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button icon with mouse over when window is inactive (Windows only)
titleButtonBgActive: titleButtonBg; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button background when window is active (Windows only)
titleButtonFgActive: titleButtonFg; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button icon when window is active (Windows only)
titleButtonBgActiveOver: titleButtonBgOver; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button background with mouse over when window is active (Windows only)
titleButtonFgActiveOver: titleButtonFgOver; // custom window title minimize/maximize/restore button icon with mouse over when window is active (Windows only)
titleButtonCloseBg: titleButtonBg; // custom window title close button background when window is inactive (Windows only)
titleButtonCloseFg: titleButtonFg; // custom window title close button icon when window is inactive (Windows only)
titleButtonCloseBgOver: #e81123; // custom window title close button background with mouse over when window is inactive (Windows only)
titleButtonCloseFgOver: windowFgActive; // custom window title close button icon with mouse over when window is inactive (Windows only)
titleButtonCloseBgActive: titleButtonCloseBg; // custom window title close button background when window is active (Windows only)
titleButtonCloseFgActive: titleButtonCloseFg; // custom window title close button icon when window is active (Windows only)
titleButtonCloseBgActiveOver: titleButtonCloseBgOver; // custom window title close button background with mouse over when window is active (Windows only)
titleButtonCloseFgActiveOver: titleButtonCloseFgOver; // custom window title close button icon with mouse over when window is active (Windows only)
titleFg: #acacac; // custom window title text when window is inactive (macOS only)
titleFgActive: #3e3c3e; // custom window title text when window is active (macOS only)
// tray icon
trayCounterBg: #f23c34; // tray icon counter background
trayCounterBgMute: #888888; // tray icon counter background if all unread messages are muted
trayCounterFg: #ffffff; // tray icon counter text
trayCounterBgMacInvert: #ffffff; // tray icon counter background when tray icon is pressed or when dark theme of macOS is used (macOS only)
trayCounterFgMacInvert: #ffffff01; // tray icon counter text when tray icon is pressed or when dark theme of macOS is used (macOS only)
// layers
layerBg: #0000007f; // box and main menu background layer fade
cancelIconFg: menuIconFg; // default for settings close icon and box search cancel icon
cancelIconFgOver: menuIconFgOver; // default for settings close icon and box search cancel icon with mouse over
// boxes
boxBg: windowBg; // box background
boxTextFg: windowFg; // box text
boxTextFgGood: #4ab44a; // accepted box text (like when choosing username that is not occupied)
boxTextFgError: #d84d4d; // rejecting box text (like when choosing username that is occupied)
boxTitleFg: #404040; // box title text
boxSearchBg: boxBg; // box search field background (like in contacts box)
boxTitleAdditionalFg: #808080; // box title additional text (like in create group box when you see chosen members count)
boxTitleCloseFg: cancelIconFg; // settings close icon and box search cancel icon (like in contacts box)
boxTitleCloseFgOver: cancelIconFgOver; // settings close icon and box search cancel icon (like in contacts box) with mouse over
//boxSearchCancelIconFg: cancelIconFg; // search cancel X button icon (like in contacts box) (not implemented yet)
//boxSearchCancelIconFgOver: cancelIconFgOver; // search cancel X button icon with mouse over (not implemented yet)
membersAboutLimitFg: windowSubTextFgOver; // text in channel members box about the limit (max 200 last members are shown)
contactsBg: windowBg; // contacts (and some other) box row background
contactsBgOver: windowBgOver; // contacts (and some other) box row background with mouse over
contactsNameFg: boxTextFg; // contacts (and some other) box row name text
contactsStatusFg: windowSubTextFg; // contacts (and some other) box row additional text (like last seen stamp)
contactsStatusFgOver: windowSubTextFgOver; // contacts (and some other) box row additional text (like last seen stamp) with mouse over
contactsStatusFgOnline: windowActiveTextFg; // contacts (and some other) box row active additional text (like online status)
photoCropFadeBg: layerBg; // avatar crop box fade background (when choosing a new photo in Settings or for a group)
photoCropPointFg: #ffffff7f; // avatar crop box corner rectangles (when choosing a new photo in Settings or for a group)
// intro
introBg: windowBg; // login background
introTitleFg: windowBoldFg; // login title text
introDescriptionFg: windowSubTextFg; // login description text
introErrorFg: windowSubTextFg; // login error text (like when providing a wrong log in code)
introCoverTopBg: #0f89d0; // intro gradient top (from)
introCoverBottomBg: #39b0f0; // intro gradient bottom (to)
introCoverIconsFg: #5ec6ff; // intro cloud graphics
introCoverPlaneTrace: #5ec6ff69; // intro plane traces
introCoverPlaneInner: #c6d8e8; // intro plane part
introCoverPlaneOuter: #a1bed4; // intro plane part
introCoverPlaneTop: #ffffff; // intro plane part
// dialogs
dialogsMenuIconFg: menuIconFg; // main menu and lock telegram icon
dialogsMenuIconFgOver: menuIconFgOver; // main menu and lock telegram icon with mouse over
dialogsBg: windowBg; // chat list background
dialogsNameFg: windowBoldFg; // chat list name text
dialogsChatIconFg: dialogsNameFg; // chat list group or channel icon
dialogsDateFg: windowSubTextFg; // chat list date text
dialogsTextFg: windowSubTextFg; // chat list message text
dialogsTextFgService: windowActiveTextFg; // chat list group sender name text (or media message type text)
dialogsDraftFg: #dd4b39; // chat list draft label
dialogsVerifiedIconBg: windowBgActive; // chat list verified icon background
dialogsVerifiedIconFg: windowFgActive; // chat list verified icon check
dialogsSendingIconFg: #c1c1c1; // chat list sending message icon (clock)
dialogsSentIconFg: #5dc452; // chat list sent message tick / double tick icon
dialogsUnreadBg: windowBgActive; // chat list unread badge background for not muted chat
dialogsUnreadBgMuted: #bbbbbb; // chat list unread badge background for muted chat
dialogsUnreadFg: windowFgActive; // chat list unread badge text
dialogsBgOver: windowBgOver; // chat list background with mouse over
dialogsNameFgOver: windowBoldFgOver; // chat list name text with mouse over
dialogsChatIconFgOver: dialogsNameFgOver; // chat list group or channel icon with mouse over
dialogsDateFgOver: windowSubTextFgOver; // chat list date text with mouse over
dialogsTextFgOver: windowSubTextFgOver; // chat list message text with mouse over
dialogsTextFgServiceOver: dialogsTextFgService; // chat list group sender name text with mouse over
dialogsDraftFgOver: dialogsDraftFg; // chat list draft label with mouse over
dialogsVerifiedIconBgOver: dialogsVerifiedIconBg; // chat list verified icon background with mouse over
dialogsVerifiedIconFgOver: dialogsVerifiedIconFg; // chat list verified icon check with mouse over
dialogsSendingIconFgOver: dialogsSendingIconFg; // chat list sending message icon (clock) with mouse over
dialogsSentIconFgOver: dialogsSentIconFg; // chat list sent message tick / double tick icon with mouse over
dialogsUnreadBgOver: dialogsUnreadBg; // chat list unread badge background for not muted chat with mouse over
dialogsUnreadBgMutedOver: dialogsUnreadBgMuted; // chat list unread badge background for muted chat with mouse over
dialogsUnreadFgOver: dialogsUnreadFg; // chat list unread badge text with mouse over
dialogsBgActive: #419fd9; // chat list background for current (active) chat
dialogsNameFgActive: windowFgActive; // chat list name text for current (active) chat
dialogsChatIconFgActive: dialogsNameFgActive; // chat list group or channel icon for current (active) chat
dialogsDateFgActive: windowFgActive; // chat list date text for current (active) chat
dialogsTextFgActive: windowFgActive; // chat list message text for current (active) chat
dialogsTextFgServiceActive: dialogsTextFgActive; // chat list group sender name text for current (active) chat
dialogsDraftFgActive: #c6e1f7; // chat list draft label for current (active) chat
dialogsVerifiedIconBgActive: dialogsTextFgActive; // chat list verified icon background for current (active) chat
dialogsVerifiedIconFgActive: dialogsBgActive; // chat list verified icon check for current (active) chat
dialogsSendingIconFgActive: #ffffff99; // chat list sending message icon (clock) for current (active) chat
dialogsSentIconFgActive: dialogsTextFgActive; // chat list sent message tick / double tick icon for current (active) chat
dialogsUnreadBgActive: dialogsTextFgActive; // chat list unread badge background for not muted chat for current (active) chat
dialogsUnreadBgMutedActive: dialogsDraftFgActive; // chat list unread badge background for muted chat for current (active) chat
dialogsUnreadFgActive: dialogsBgActive; // chat list unread badge text for current (active) chat
dialogsForwardBg: dialogsBgActive; // forwarding panel background (when forwarding messages in the smallest window size)
dialogsForwardFg: dialogsNameFgActive; // forwarding panel text (when forwarding messages in the smallest window size)
searchedBarBg: windowBgOver; // search results bar background (in chats list, contacts box..)
searchedBarFg: windowSubTextFgOver; // search results bar text (in chats list, contacts box..)
// history
topBarBg: windowBg; // top bar background (in chat view, media overview..)
emojiPanBg: windowBg; // emoji panel background
emojiPanCategories: #f7f7f7 | windowBg; // emoji panel categories background
emojiPanHeaderFg: windowSubTextFg; // emoji panel section header text
emojiPanHeaderBg: #fffffff2 | emojiPanBg; // emoji panel section header background
stickerPanDeleteBg: #000000cc; // delete X button background for custom sent stickers in stickers panel (legacy)
stickerPanDeleteFg: windowFgActive; // delete X button icon for custom sent stickers in stickers panel (legacy)
stickerPreviewBg: #ffffffb0; // sticker and GIF preview background (when you press and hold on a sticker)
historyTextInFg: windowFg; // inbox message text
historyTextInFgSelected: historyTextInFg; // inbox message selected text or text in a selected message
historyTextOutFg: windowFg; // outbox message text
historyTextOutFgSelected: historyTextOutFg; // outbox message selected text or text in a selected message
historyLinkInFg: windowActiveTextFg; // inbox message link
historyLinkInFgSelected: historyLinkInFg; // inbox message link in a selected text or message
historyLinkOutFg: windowActiveTextFg; // outbox message link
historyLinkOutFgSelected: historyLinkOutFg; // outbox message link in a selected text or message
historyFileNameInFg: historyTextInFg; // inbox media filename text
historyFileNameInFgSelected: historyFileNameInFg; // inbox media filename text in a selected message
historyFileNameOutFg: historyTextOutFg; // outbox media filename text
historyFileNameOutFgSelected: historyFileNameOutFg; // outbox media filename text in a selected message
historyOutIconFg: dialogsSentIconFg; // outbox message tick / double tick icon
historyOutIconFgSelected: #4da79f; // outbox message tick / double tick icon in a selected message
historyIconFgInverted: windowFgActive; // media message tick / double tick icon (like in sent photo)
historySendingOutIconFg: #98d292; // outbox sending message icon (clock)
historySendingInIconFg: #a0adb5; // inbox sending message icon (clock) (like in sent messages to yourself or in sent messages to a channel)
historySendingInvertedIconFg: #ffffffc8; // media sending message icon (clock) (like in sent photo)
historyUnreadBarBg: #fcfbfa; // new unread messages bar background
historyUnreadBarBorder: shadowFg; // new unread messages bar shadow
historyUnreadBarFg: #538bb4; // new unread messages bar text
historyForwardChooseBg: #0000004c; // forwarding messages in a large window size "choose recipient" background
historyForwardChooseFg: windowFgActive; // forwarding messages in a large window size "choose recipient" text
historyPeer1NameFg: #c03d33; // red group member name
historyPeer1NameFgSelected: historyPeer1NameFg; // red group member name in a selected message
historyPeer1UserpicBg: #e17076; // red userpic background
historyPeer2NameFg: #4fad2d; // green group member name
historyPeer2NameFgSelected: historyPeer2NameFg; // green group member name in a selected message
historyPeer2UserpicBg: #7bc862; // green userpic background
historyPeer3NameFg: #d09306; // yellow group member name
historyPeer3NameFgSelected: historyPeer3NameFg; // yellow group member name in a selected message
historyPeer3UserpicBg: #e5ca77; // yellow userpic background
historyPeer4NameFg: windowActiveTextFg; // blue group member name
historyPeer4NameFgSelected: historyPeer4NameFg; // blue group member name in a selected message
historyPeer4UserpicBg: #65aadd; // blue userpic background
historyPeer5NameFg: #8544d6; // purple group member name
historyPeer5NameFgSelected: historyPeer5NameFg; // purple group member name in a selected message
historyPeer5UserpicBg: #a695e7; // purple userpic background
historyPeer6NameFg: #cd4073; // pink group member name
historyPeer6NameFgSelected: historyPeer6NameFg; // pink group member name in a selected message
historyPeer6UserpicBg: #ee7aae; // pink userpic background
historyPeer7NameFg: #2996ad; // sea group member name
historyPeer7NameFgSelected: historyPeer7NameFg; // sea group member name in a selected message
historyPeer7UserpicBg: #6ec9cb; // sea userpic background
historyPeer8NameFg: #ce671b; // orange group member name
historyPeer8NameFgSelected: historyPeer8NameFg; // orange group member name in a selected message
historyPeer8UserpicBg: #faa774; // orange userpic background
historyPeerUserpicFg: windowFgActive; // default userpic initials
// Some values are marked as (adjusted), it means they're adjusted by
// hue and saturation of the average background color if user chooses
// some other (not bundled to this color theme) background. If the
// bundled background is used those colors are not adjusted in any way.
historyScrollBarBg: #517c417a; // scroll bar current rectangle, the bar itself in the chat view (adjusted)
historyScrollBarBgOver: #517c41bc; // scroll bar current rectangle with mouse over it in the chat view (adjusted)
historyScrollBg: #517c414c; // scroll bar background (adjusted)
historyScrollBgOver: #517c416b; // scroll bar background with mouse over the scroll bar (adjusted)
msgInBg: windowBg; // inbox message background
msgInBgSelected: #c2dcf2; // inbox selected message background (and background of selected text in those messages)
msgOutBg: #effdde; // outbox message background
msgOutBgSelected: #b7dbdb; // outbox selected message background (and background of selected text in those messages)
msgSelectOverlay: #358cd44c; // overlay which is filling the media parts of selected messages (like in selected photo message)
msgStickerOverlay: #358cd47f; // overlay which is filling the selected sticker message
msgInServiceFg: windowActiveTextFg; // inbox message information text (like information about a forwarded message original sender)
msgInServiceFgSelected: windowActiveTextFg; // inbox selected message information text (like information about a forwarded message original sender)
msgOutServiceFg: #3a8e26; // outbox message information text (like information about a forwarded message original sender)
msgOutServiceFgSelected: #367570; // outbox message information text (like information about a forwarded message original sender)
msgInShadow: #748ea229; // inbox message shadow (below the bubble)
msgInShadowSelected: #548dbb29; // inbox selected message shadow (below the bubble)
msgOutShadow: #3ac34740; // outbox message shadow (below the bubble)
msgOutShadowSelected: #37a78e40; // outbox selected message shadow (below the bubble)
msgInDateFg: #a0acb6; // inbox message time text
msgInDateFgSelected: #6a9cc5; // inbox selected message time text
msgOutDateFg: #6cc264; // outbox message time text
msgOutDateFgSelected: #50a79c; // outbox selected message time text
msgServiceFg: windowFgActive; // service message text (like date dividers or service message about the group title being changed)
msgServiceBg: #517c417f; // service message background (like in a service message about group title being changed) (adjusted)
msgServiceBgSelected: #96b38ba2; // service message selected text background (like in a service message about group title being changed) (adjusted)
msgInReplyBarColor: activeLineFg; // inbox message reply outline
msgInReplyBarSelColor: activeLineFg; // inbox selected message reply outline
msgOutReplyBarColor: historyOutIconFg; // outbox message reply outline
msgOutReplyBarSelColor: historyOutIconFgSelected; // outbox selected message reply outline
msgImgReplyBarColor: msgServiceFg; // sticker message reply outline
msgInMonoFg: #4e7391; // inbox message monospace text (like a message sent with `test` text)
msgOutMonoFg: #469165; // outbox message monospace text
msgInMonoFgSelected: msgInMonoFg; // inbox message monospace text in a selected text or message
msgOutMonoFgSelected: msgOutMonoFg; // outbox message monospace text in a selected text or message
msgDateImgFg: msgServiceFg; // media message time text (like time text in a sent photo)
msgDateImgBg: #00000054; // media message time bubble background (like time bubble in a sent photo) or file with thumbnail download icon circle background
msgDateImgBgOver: #00000074; // media message download icon circle background with mouse over (like file with thumbnail download icon)
msgDateImgBgSelected: #1c4a7187; // selected media message time bubble background
msgFileThumbLinkInFg: lightButtonFg; // inbox media file message with thumbnail download / open with button text
msgFileThumbLinkInFgSelected: lightButtonFgOver; // inbox selected media file message with thumbnail download / open with button text
msgFileThumbLinkOutFg: #5eba5b; // outbox media file message with thumbnail download / open with button text
msgFileThumbLinkOutFgSelected: #31a298; // outbox selected media file message with thumbnail download / open with button text
msgFileInBg: windowBgActive; // inbox audio file download circle background
msgFileInBgOver: #4eade3; // inbox audio file download circle background with mouse over
msgFileInBgSelected: #51a3d3; // inbox selected audio file download circle background
msgFileOutBg: #78c67f; // outbox audio file download circle background
msgFileOutBgOver: #6bc272; // outbox audio file download circle background with mouse over
msgFileOutBgSelected: #5fb389; // outbox selected audio file download circle background
msgFile1Bg: #72b1df; // blue shared links / files without image square thumbnail
msgFile1BgDark: #5c9ece; // blue shared files without image download circle background
msgFile1BgOver: #5294c4; // blue shared files without image download circle background with mouse over
msgFile1BgSelected: #5099d0; // blue shared files without image download circle background if file is selected
msgFile2Bg: #61b96e; // green shared links / shared files without image square thumbnail
msgFile2BgDark: #4da859; // green shared files without image download circle background
msgFile2BgOver: #44a050; // green shared files without image download circle background with mouse over
msgFile2BgSelected: #46a07e; // green shared files without image download circle background if file is selected
msgFile3Bg: #e47272; // red shared links / shared files without image square thumbnail
msgFile3BgDark: #cd5b5e; // red shared files without image download circle background
msgFile3BgOver: #c35154; // red shared files without image download circle background with mouse over
msgFile3BgSelected: #9f6a82; // red shared files without image download circle background if file is selected
msgFile4Bg: #efc274; // yellow shared links / shared files without image square thumbnail
msgFile4BgDark: #e6a561; // yellow shared files without image download circle background
msgFile4BgOver: #dc9c5a; // yellow shared files without image download circle background with mouse over
msgFile4BgSelected: #b19d84; // yellow shared files without image download circle background if file is selected
historyFileInIconFg: msgInBg; // inbox file without thumbnail (like audio file) download arrow icon
historyFileInIconFgSelected: msgInBgSelected; // inbox selected file without thumbnail (like audio file) download arrow icon
historyFileInRadialFg: historyFileInIconFg; // inbox file without thumbnail (like audio file) radial download animation line
historyFileInRadialFgSelected: historyFileInIconFgSelected; // inbox selected file without thumbnail (like audio file) radial download animation line
historyFileOutIconFg: msgOutBg; // outbox file without thumbnail (like audio file) download arrow icon
historyFileOutIconFgSelected: msgOutBgSelected; // outbox selected file without thumbnail (like audio file) download arrow icon
historyFileOutRadialFg: historyFileOutIconFg; // outbox file without thumbnail (like audio file) radial download animation line
historyFileOutRadialFgSelected: historyFileOutIconFgSelected; // outbox selected file without thumbnail (like audio file) radial download animation line
historyFileThumbIconFg: msgInBg; // file with thumbnail (or photo / video) download arrow icon
historyFileThumbIconFgSelected: msgInBgSelected; // selected file with thumbnail (or photo / video) download arrow icon
historyFileThumbRadialFg: historyFileThumbIconFg; // file with thumbnail (or photo / video) radial download animation line
historyFileThumbRadialFgSelected: historyFileThumbIconFgSelected; // selected file with thumbnail (or photo / video) radial download animation line
msgWaveformInActive: windowBgActive; // inbox voice message active waveform lines (like played part of currently playing voice message)
msgWaveformInActiveSelected: #51a3d3; // inbox selected voice message active waveform lines (like played part of currently playing voice message)
msgWaveformInInactive: #d4dee6; // inbox voice message inactive waveform lines (like upcoming part of currently playing voice message)
msgWaveformInInactiveSelected: #9cc1e1; // inbox selected voice message inactive waveform lines (like upcoming part of currently playing voice message)
msgWaveformOutActive: #78c67f; // outbox voice message active waveform lines (like played part of currently playing voice message)
msgWaveformOutActiveSelected: #6badad; // outbox selected voice message active waveform lines (like played part of currently playing voice message)
msgWaveformOutInactive: #b3e2b4; // outbox voice message inactive waveform lines (like upcoming part of currently playing voice message)
msgWaveformOutInactiveSelected: #91c3c3; // outbox selected voice message inactive waveform lines (like upcoming part of currently playing voice message)
msgBotKbOverBgAdd: #ffffff20; // this is painted over a bot inline keyboard button (which has msgServiceBg background) when mouse is over that button
msgBotKbIconFg: msgServiceFg; // bot inline keyboard button icon in the top-right corner (like in @vote bot when a poll is ready to be shared)
msgBotKbRippleBg: #00000020; // bot inline keyboard button ripple effect
mediaInFg: msgInDateFg; // inbox media message status text (like in file that is being downloaded)
mediaInFgSelected: msgInDateFgSelected; // inbox selected media message status text (like in file that is being downloaded)
mediaOutFg: msgOutDateFg; // outbox media message status text (like in file that is being downloaded)
mediaOutFgSelected: msgOutDateFgSelected; // outbox selected media message status text (like in file that is being downloaded)
youtubePlayIconBg: #e83131c8; // youtube play icon background (when a link to a youtube video with a webpage preview is sent)
youtubePlayIconFg: windowFgActive; // youtube play icon arrow (when a link to a youtube video with a webpage preview is sent)
videoPlayIconBg: #0000007f; // other video play icon background (like when a link to a vimeo video with a webpage preview is sent)
videoPlayIconFg: #ffffff; // other video play icon arrow (like when a link to a vimeo video with a webpage preview is sent)
toastBg: #000000b2; // toast notification background (like when you click on your link when editing your username)
toastFg: windowFgActive; // toast notification text (like when you click on your link when editing your username)
reportSpamBg: emojiPanHeaderBg; // report spam panel background (like a non contact user writes your for the first time)
reportSpamFg: windowFg; // report spam panel text (when you send a report from that panel)
historyToDownBg: windowBg; // arrow button background (to scroll to the end of the viewed chat)
historyToDownBgOver: windowBgOver; // arrow button background with mouse over
historyToDownBgRipple: windowBgRipple; // arrow button ripple effect
historyToDownFg: menuIconFg; // arrow button icon
historyToDownFgOver: menuIconFgOver; // arrow button icon with mouse over
historyToDownShadow: #00000040; // arrow button shadow
historyComposeAreaBg: msgInBg; // history compose area background (message write area / reply information / forwarding information)
historyComposeAreaFg: historyTextInFg; // history compose area text
historyComposeAreaFgService: msgInDateFg; // history compose area text when replying to a media message
historyComposeIconFg: menuIconFg; // history compose area icon (like emoji, attach, bot command..)
historyComposeIconFgOver: menuIconFgOver; // history compose area icon with mouse over
historySendIconFg: windowBgActive; // send message icon
historySendIconFgOver: windowBgActive; // send message icon with mouse over
historyPinnedBg: historyComposeAreaBg; // pinned message area background
historyReplyBg: historyComposeAreaBg; // reply / forward / edit message area background
historyReplyIconFg: windowBgActive; // reply / forward / edit message left icon
historyReplyCancelFg: cancelIconFg; // reply / forward / edit message cancel button
historyReplyCancelFgOver: cancelIconFgOver; // reply / forward / edit message cancel button with mouse over
historyComposeButtonBg: historyComposeAreaBg; // unblock / join channel / mute channel button background
historyComposeButtonBgOver: windowBgOver; // unblock / join channel / mute channel button background with mouse over
historyComposeButtonBgRipple: windowBgRipple; // unblock / join channel / mute channel button ripple effect
// overview
overviewCheckBg: #00000040; // shared files / links checkbox background for not selected rows when some rows are selected
overviewCheckFg: windowBg; // shared files / links checkbox icon for not selected rows when some rows are selected
overviewCheckFgActive: windowBg; // shared files / links checkbox icon for selected rows
overviewPhotoSelectOverlay: #40ace333; // shared photos / videos / links fill for selected rows
// profile
profileStatusFgOver: #7c99b2; // group members list in group profile user last seen text with mouse over
profileVerifiedCheckBg: windowBgActive; // profile verified check icon background
profileVerifiedCheckFg: windowFgActive; // profile verified check icon tick
profileAdminStartFg: windowBgActive; // group members list admin star icon
// settings
notificationsBoxMonitorFg: windowFg; // custom notifications settings box monitor color
notificationsBoxScreenBg: dialogsBgActive; // #6389a8; // custom notifications settings box monitor screen background
notificationSampleUserpicFg: windowBgActive; // custom notifications settings box small sample userpic placeholder
notificationSampleCloseFg: #d7d7d7 | windowSubTextFg; // custom notifications settings box small sample close button placeholder
notificationSampleTextFg: #d7d7d7 | windowSubTextFg; // custom notifications settings box small sample text placeholder
notificationSampleNameFg: #939393 | windowSubTextFg; // custom notifications settings box small sample name placeholder
mainMenuBg: windowBg; // main menu background
mainMenuCoverBg: dialogsBgActive; // main menu top cover background
mainMenuCoverFg: windowFgActive; // main menu top cover text
mediaPlayerBg: windowBg; // audio file player background
mediaPlayerActiveFg: windowBgActive; // audio file player playback progress already played part
mediaPlayerInactiveFg: sliderBgInactive; // audio file player playback progress upcoming (not played yet) part with mouse over
mediaPlayerDisabledFg: #9dd1ef; // audio file player loading progress (when you're playing an audio file and switch to the previous one which is not loaded yet)
// mediaview
mediaviewFileBg: windowBg; // file rectangle background (when you view a png file in Media Viewer and go to a previous, not loaded yet, file)
mediaviewFileNameFg: windowFg; // file name in file rectangle
mediaviewFileSizeFg: windowSubTextFg; // file size text in file rectangle
mediaviewFileRedCornerFg: #d55959; // red file thumbnail placeholder corner in file rectangle (for a file without thumbnail, like .pdf)
mediaviewFileYellowCornerFg: #e8a659; // yellow file thumbnail placeholder corner in file rectangle (for a file without thumbnail, like .zip)
mediaviewFileGreenCornerFg: #49a957; // green file thumbnail placeholder corner in file rectangle (for a file without thumbnail, like .exe)
mediaviewFileBlueCornerFg: #599dcf; // blue file thumbnail placeholder corner in file rectangle (for a file without thumbnail, like .dmg)
mediaviewFileExtFg: activeButtonFg; // file extension text in file thumbnail placeholder in file rectangle
mediaviewMenuBg: #383838; // context menu in Media Viewer background
mediaviewMenuBgOver: #505050; // context menu item background with mouse over
mediaviewMenuBgRipple: #676767; // context menu item ripple effect
mediaviewMenuFg: windowFgActive; // context menu item text
mediaviewBg: #222222eb; // Media Viewer background
mediaviewVideoBg: imageBg; // Media Viewer background when viewing a video in full screen
mediaviewControlBg: #0000003c; // controls background (like next photo / previous photo)
mediaviewControlFg: windowFgActive; // controls icon (like next photo / previous photo)
mediaviewCaptionBg: #11111180; // caption text background (when viewing photo with caption)
mediaviewCaptionFg: mediaviewControlFg; // caption text
mediaviewTextLinkFg: #91d9ff; // caption text link
mediaviewSaveMsgBg: toastBg; // save to file toast message background in Media Viewer
mediaviewSaveMsgFg: toastFg; // save to file toast message text
mediaviewPlaybackActive: #c7c7c7; // video playback progress already played part
mediaviewPlaybackInactive: #252525; // video playback progress upcoming (not played yet) part
mediaviewPlaybackActiveOver: #ffffff; // video playback progress already played part with mouse over
mediaviewPlaybackInactiveOver: #474747; // video playback progress upcoming (not played yet) part with mouse over
mediaviewPlaybackProgressFg: #ffffffc7; // video playback progress text
mediaviewPlaybackIconFg: mediaviewPlaybackActive; // video playback controls icon
mediaviewPlaybackIconFgOver: mediaviewPlaybackActiveOver; // video playback controls icon with mouse over
mediaviewTransparentBg: #ffffff; // transparent filling part (when viewing a transparent .png file in Media Viewer)
mediaviewTransparentFg: #cccccc; // another transparent filling part
// notification
notificationBg: windowBg; // custom notification window background