
603 lines
17 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "base/timer.h"
#include "ui/rp_widget.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_surface.h"
#include "ui/widgets/dropdown_menu.h"
#include "ui/effects/animations.h"
#include "ui/effects/radial_animation.h"
#include "data/data_shared_media.h"
#include "data/data_user_photos.h"
#include "data/data_web_page.h"
#include "data/data_cloud_themes.h" // Data::CloudTheme.
#include "media/view/media_view_playback_controls.h"
#include "media/view/media_view_open_common.h"
namespace Data {
class PhotoMedia;
class DocumentMedia;
} // namespace Data
namespace Ui {
class PopupMenu;
class LinkButton;
class RoundButton;
namespace GL {
struct ChosenRenderer;
struct Capabilities;
} // namespace GL
} // namespace Ui
namespace Window {
namespace Theme {
struct Preview;
} // namespace Theme
} // namespace Window
namespace Media {
namespace Player {
struct TrackState;
} // namespace Player
namespace Streaming {
struct Information;
struct Update;
struct FrameWithInfo;
enum class Error;
} // namespace Streaming
} // namespace Media
namespace Media::View {
class GroupThumbs;
class Pip;
class OverlayWidget final
: public ClickHandlerHost
, private PlaybackControls::Delegate {
enum class TouchBarItemType {
[[nodiscard]] bool isHidden() const;
[[nodiscard]] not_null<QWidget*> widget() const;
void hide();
void setCursor(style::cursor cursor);
void setFocus();
void activate();
void show(OpenRequest request);
//void leaveToChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) override {
// // e -- from enterEvent() of child TWidget
// updateOverState(OverNone);
//void enterFromChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) override {
// // e -- from leaveEvent() of child TWidget
// updateOver(mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()));
void activateControls();
void close();
void notifyFileDialogShown(bool shown);
void clearSession();
// ClickHandlerHost interface
void clickHandlerActiveChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool active) override;
void clickHandlerPressedChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool pressed) override;
rpl::lifetime &lifetime();
struct Streamed;
struct PipWrap;
class Renderer;
class RendererSW;
class RendererGL;
// If changing, see paintControls()!
enum OverState {
struct Entity {
not_null<DocumentData*>> data;
HistoryItem *item;
enum class SavePhotoVideo {
struct ContentGeometry {
QRectF rect;
qreal rotation = 0.;
struct StartStreaming {
StartStreaming() : continueStreaming(false), startTime(0) {
StartStreaming(bool continueStreaming, crl::time startTime)
: continueStreaming(continueStreaming)
, startTime(startTime) {
const bool continueStreaming = false;
const crl::time startTime = 0;
[[nodiscard]] not_null<QWindow*> window() const;
[[nodiscard]] int width() const;
[[nodiscard]] int height() const;
void update();
void update(const QRegion &region);
[[nodiscard]] Ui::GL::ChosenRenderer chooseRenderer(
Ui::GL::Capabilities capabilities);
void paint(not_null<Renderer*> renderer);
void handleMousePress(QPoint position, Qt::MouseButton button);
void handleMouseRelease(QPoint position, Qt::MouseButton button);
void handleMouseMove(QPoint position);
bool handleContextMenu(std::optional<QPoint> position);
bool handleDoubleClick(QPoint position, Qt::MouseButton button);
bool handleTouchEvent(not_null<QTouchEvent*> e);
void handleWheelEvent(not_null<QWheelEvent*> e);
void handleKeyPress(not_null<QKeyEvent*> e);
void toggleApplicationEventFilter(bool install);
bool filterApplicationEvent(
not_null<QObject*> object,
not_null<QEvent*> e);
void setSession(not_null<Main::Session*> session);
void playbackControlsPlay() override;
void playbackControlsPause() override;
void playbackControlsSeekProgress(crl::time position) override;
void playbackControlsSeekFinished(crl::time position) override;
void playbackControlsVolumeChanged(float64 volume) override;
float64 playbackControlsCurrentVolume() override;
void playbackControlsVolumeToggled() override;
void playbackControlsVolumeChangeFinished() override;
void playbackControlsSpeedChanged(float64 speed) override;
float64 playbackControlsCurrentSpeed() override;
void playbackControlsToFullScreen() override;
void playbackControlsFromFullScreen() override;
void playbackControlsToPictureInPicture() override;
void playbackControlsRotate() override;
void playbackPauseResume();
void playbackToggleFullScreen();
void playbackPauseOnCall();
void playbackResumeOnCall();
void playbackPauseMusic();
void switchToPip();
void hideControls(bool force = false);
void subscribeToScreenGeometry();
void toMessage();
void saveAs();
void downloadMedia();
void saveCancel();
void showInFolder();
void forwardMedia();
void deleteMedia();
void showMediaOverview();
void copyMedia();
void receiveMouse();
void showAttachedStickers();
void showDropdown();
void handleTouchTimer();
void handleDocumentClick();
void updateImage();
void clearBeforeHide();
void clearAfterHide();
void assignMediaPointer(DocumentData *document);
void assignMediaPointer(not_null<PhotoData*> photo);
void updateOver(QPoint mpos);
void moveToScreen(bool inMove = false);
void updateGeometry(bool inMove = false);
bool moveToNext(int delta);
void preloadData(int delta);
void handleScreenChanged(QScreen *screen);
bool contentCanBeSaved() const;
void checkForSaveLoaded();
Entity entityForUserPhotos(int index) const;
Entity entityForSharedMedia(int index) const;
Entity entityForCollage(int index) const;
Entity entityByIndex(int index) const;
Entity entityForItemId(const FullMsgId &itemId) const;
bool moveToEntity(const Entity &entity, int preloadDelta = 0);
void setContext(std::variant<
not_null<PeerData*>> context);
void refreshLang();
void showSaveMsgFile();
struct SharedMedia;
using SharedMediaType = SharedMediaWithLastSlice::Type;
using SharedMediaKey = SharedMediaWithLastSlice::Key;
std::optional<SharedMediaType> sharedMediaType() const;
std::optional<SharedMediaKey> sharedMediaKey() const;
std::optional<SharedMediaType> computeOverviewType() const;
bool validSharedMedia() const;
void validateSharedMedia();
void handleSharedMediaUpdate(SharedMediaWithLastSlice &&update);
struct UserPhotos;
using UserPhotosKey = UserPhotosSlice::Key;
std::optional<UserPhotosKey> userPhotosKey() const;
bool validUserPhotos() const;
void validateUserPhotos();
void handleUserPhotosUpdate(UserPhotosSlice &&update);
struct Collage;
using CollageKey = WebPageCollage::Item;
std::optional<CollageKey> collageKey() const;
bool validCollage() const;
void validateCollage();
[[nodiscard]] Data::FileOrigin fileOrigin() const;
[[nodiscard]] Data::FileOrigin fileOrigin(const Entity& entity) const;
void refreshFromLabel();
void refreshCaption();
void refreshMediaViewer();
void refreshNavVisibility();
void refreshGroupThumbs();
void dropdownHidden();
void updateDocSize();
void updateControls();
void updateControlsGeometry();
using MenuCallback = Fn<void(
const QString &,
const style::icon *)>;
void fillContextMenuActions(const MenuCallback &addAction);
void resizeCenteredControls();
void resizeContentByScreenSize();
void displayPhoto(not_null<PhotoData*> photo);
void displayDocument(
DocumentData *document,
const Data::CloudTheme &cloud = Data::CloudTheme(),
const StartStreaming &startStreaming = StartStreaming());
void displayFinished();
void redisplayContent();
void findCurrent();
void updateCursor();
void setZoomLevel(int newZoom, bool force = false);
void updatePlaybackState();
void seekRelativeTime(crl::time time);
void restartAtProgress(float64 progress);
void restartAtSeekPosition(crl::time position);
void refreshClipControllerGeometry();
void refreshCaptionGeometry();
bool initStreaming(
const StartStreaming &startStreaming = StartStreaming());
void startStreamingPlayer(const StartStreaming &startStreaming);
void initStreamingThumbnail();
void streamingReady(Streaming::Information &&info);
[[nodiscard]] bool createStreamingObjects();
void handleStreamingUpdate(Streaming::Update &&update);
void handleStreamingError(Streaming::Error &&error);
void updatePowerSaveBlocker(const Player::TrackState &state);
void initThemePreview();
void destroyThemePreview();
void updateThemePreviewGeometry();
void documentUpdated(not_null<DocumentData*> document);
void changingMsgId(not_null<HistoryItem*> row, MsgId oldId);
[[nodiscard]] int finalContentRotation() const;
[[nodiscard]] QRect finalContentRect() const;
[[nodiscard]] ContentGeometry contentGeometry() const;
void updateContentRect();
void contentSizeChanged();
// Radial animation interface.
float64 radialProgress() const;
bool radialLoading() const;
QRect radialRect() const;
void radialStart();
crl::time radialTimeShift() const;
void updateHeader();
void snapXY();
void clearControlsState();
bool stateAnimationCallback(crl::time ms);
bool radialAnimationCallback(crl::time now);
void waitingAnimationCallback();
bool updateControlsAnimation(crl::time now);
void zoomIn();
void zoomOut();
void zoomReset();
void zoomUpdate(int32 &newZoom);
void paintRadialLoading(not_null<Renderer*> renderer);
void paintRadialLoadingContent(
Painter &p,
QRect inner,
bool radial,
float64 radialOpacity) const;
void paintThemePreviewContent(Painter &p, QRect outer, QRect clip);
void paintDocumentBubbleContent(
Painter &p,
QRect outer,
QRect icon,
QRect clip) const;
void paintSaveMsgContent(Painter &p, QRect outer, QRect clip);
void paintControls(not_null<Renderer*> renderer, float64 opacity);
void paintFooterContent(
Painter &p,
QRect outer,
QRect clip,
float64 opacity);
[[nodiscard]] QRect footerGeometry() const;
void paintCaptionContent(
Painter &p,
QRect outer,
QRect clip,
float64 opacity);
[[nodiscard]] QRect captionGeometry() const;
void paintGroupThumbsContent(
Painter &p,
QRect outer,
QRect clip,
float64 opacity);
void updateSaveMsgState();
void updateOverRect(OverState state);
bool updateOverState(OverState newState);
float64 overLevel(OverState control) const;
void checkGroupThumbsAnimation();
void initGroupThumbs();
void validatePhotoImage(Image *image, bool blurred);
void validatePhotoCurrentImage();
[[nodiscard]] bool hasCopyRestriction() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool showCopyRestriction();
[[nodiscard]] QSize flipSizeByRotation(QSize size) const;
void applyVideoSize();
[[nodiscard]] bool videoShown() const;
[[nodiscard]] QSize videoSize() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool videoIsGifOrUserpic() const;
[[nodiscard]] QImage videoFrame() const; // ARGB (changes prepare format)
[[nodiscard]] QImage currentVideoFrameImage() const; // RGB (may convert)
[[nodiscard]] Streaming::FrameWithInfo videoFrameWithInfo() const; // YUV
[[nodiscard]] int streamedIndex() const;
[[nodiscard]] QImage transformedShownContent() const;
[[nodiscard]] QImage transformShownContent(
QImage content,
int rotation) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool documentContentShown() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool documentBubbleShown() const;
void setStaticContent(QImage image);
[[nodiscard]] bool contentShown() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool opaqueContentShown() const;
void clearStreaming(bool savePosition = true);
bool canInitStreaming() const;
void applyHideWindowWorkaround();
Window::SessionController *findWindow(bool switchTo = true) const;
bool _opengl = false;
const std::unique_ptr<Ui::RpWidgetWrap> _surface;
const not_null<QWidget*> _widget;
base::weak_ptr<Window::Controller> _window;
Main::Session *_session = nullptr;
rpl::lifetime _sessionLifetime;
PhotoData *_photo = nullptr;
DocumentData *_document = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<Data::PhotoMedia> _photoMedia;
std::shared_ptr<Data::DocumentMedia> _documentMedia;
base::flat_set<std::shared_ptr<Data::PhotoMedia>> _preloadPhotos;
base::flat_set<std::shared_ptr<Data::DocumentMedia>> _preloadDocuments;
int _rotation = 0;
std::unique_ptr<SharedMedia> _sharedMedia;
std::optional<SharedMediaWithLastSlice> _sharedMediaData;
std::optional<SharedMediaWithLastSlice::Key> _sharedMediaDataKey;
std::unique_ptr<UserPhotos> _userPhotos;
std::optional<UserPhotosSlice> _userPhotosData;
std::unique_ptr<Collage> _collage;
std::optional<WebPageCollage> _collageData;
QRect _closeNav, _closeNavIcon;
QRect _leftNav, _leftNavIcon, _rightNav, _rightNavIcon;
QRect _headerNav, _nameNav, _dateNav;
QRect _rotateNav, _rotateNavIcon, _saveNav, _saveNavIcon, _moreNav, _moreNavIcon;
bool _leftNavVisible = false;
bool _rightNavVisible = false;
bool _saveVisible = false;
bool _rotateVisible = false;
bool _headerHasLink = false;
QString _dateText;
QString _headerText;
bool _streamingStartPaused = false;
bool _fullScreenVideo = false;
int _fullScreenZoomCache = 0;
float64 _lastPositiveVolume = 1.;
std::unique_ptr<GroupThumbs> _groupThumbs;
QRect _groupThumbsRect;
int _groupThumbsAvailableWidth = 0;
int _groupThumbsLeft = 0;
int _groupThumbsTop = 0;
Ui::Text::String _caption;
QRect _captionRect;
int _width = 0;
int _height = 0;
int _x = 0, _y = 0, _w = 0, _h = 0;
int _xStart = 0, _yStart = 0;
int _zoom = 0; // < 0 - out, 0 - none, > 0 - in
float64 _zoomToScreen = 0.; // for documents
float64 _zoomToDefault = 0.;
QPoint _mStart;
bool _pressed = false;
int32 _dragging = 0;
QImage _staticContent;
bool _staticContentTransparent = false;
bool _blurred = true;
ContentGeometry _oldGeometry;
Ui::Animations::Simple _geometryAnimation;
rpl::lifetime _screenGeometryLifetime;
std::unique_ptr<QObject> _applicationEventFilter;
std::unique_ptr<Streamed> _streamed;
std::unique_ptr<PipWrap> _pip;
int _streamedCreated = 0;
bool _showAsPip = false;
const style::icon *_docIcon = nullptr;
style::color _docIconColor;
QString _docName, _docSize, _docExt;
int _docNameWidth = 0, _docSizeWidth = 0, _docExtWidth = 0;
QRect _docRect, _docIconRect;
QImage _docRectImage;
int _docThumbx = 0, _docThumby = 0, _docThumbw = 0;
object_ptr<Ui::LinkButton> _docDownload;
object_ptr<Ui::LinkButton> _docSaveAs;
object_ptr<Ui::LinkButton> _docCancel;
QRect _photoRadialRect;
Ui::RadialAnimation _radial;
History *_migrated = nullptr;
History *_history = nullptr; // if conversation photos or files overview
PeerData *_peer = nullptr;
UserData *_user = nullptr; // if user profile photos overview
// We save the information about the reason of the current mediaview show:
// did we open a peer profile photo or a photo from some message.
// We use it when trying to delete a photo: if we've opened a peer photo,
// then we'll delete group photo instead of the corresponding message.
bool _firstOpenedPeerPhoto = false;
PeerData *_from = nullptr;
QString _fromName;
Ui::Text::String _fromNameLabel;
std::optional<int> _index; // Index in current _sharedMedia data.
std::optional<int> _fullIndex; // Index in full shared media.
std::optional<int> _fullCount;
HistoryItem *_message = nullptr;
mtpRequestId _loadRequest = 0;
OverState _over = OverNone;
OverState _down = OverNone;
QPoint _lastAction, _lastMouseMovePos;
bool _ignoringDropdown = false;
Ui::Animations::Basic _stateAnimation;
enum ControlsState {
ControlsState _controlsState = ControlsShown;
crl::time _controlsAnimStarted = 0;
base::Timer _controlsHideTimer;
anim::value _controlsOpacity;
bool _mousePressed = false;
base::unique_qptr<Ui::PopupMenu> _menu;
object_ptr<Ui::DropdownMenu> _dropdown;
base::Timer _dropdownShowTimer;
bool _receiveMouse = true;
bool _touchPress = false;
bool _touchMove = false;
bool _touchRightButton = false;
base::Timer _touchTimer;
QPoint _touchStart;
QString _saveMsgFilename;
crl::time _saveMsgStarted = 0;
anim::value _saveMsgOpacity;
QRect _saveMsg;
QImage _saveMsgImage;
base::Timer _saveMsgUpdater;
Ui::Text::String _saveMsgText;
SavePhotoVideo _savePhotoVideoWhenLoaded = SavePhotoVideo::None;
base::flat_map<OverState, crl::time> _animations;
base::flat_map<OverState, anim::value> _animationOpacities;
rpl::event_stream<Media::Player::TrackState> _touchbarTrackState;
rpl::event_stream<TouchBarItemType> _touchbarDisplay;
rpl::event_stream<bool> _touchbarFullscreenToggled;
int _verticalWheelDelta = 0;
bool _themePreviewShown = false;
uint64 _themePreviewId = 0;
QRect _themePreviewRect;
std::unique_ptr<Window::Theme::Preview> _themePreview;
object_ptr<Ui::RoundButton> _themeApply = { nullptr };
object_ptr<Ui::RoundButton> _themeCancel = { nullptr };
object_ptr<Ui::RoundButton> _themeShare = { nullptr };
Data::CloudTheme _themeCloudData;
std::unique_ptr<Ui::RpWidget> _hideWorkaround;
} // namespace Media::View