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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "core/core_settings.h"
#include "mtproto/mtproto_auth_key.h"
#include "mtproto/mtproto_proxy_data.h"
#include "base/timer.h"
class MainWindow;
class MainWidget;
class FileUploader;
class Translator;
namespace Storage {
class Databases;
} // namespace Storage
namespace Window {
class Controller;
} // namespace Window
namespace Window {
namespace Notifications {
class System;
} // namespace Notifications
} // namespace Window
namespace ChatHelpers {
class EmojiKeywords;
} // namespace ChatHelpers
namespace App {
void quit();
} // namespace App
namespace Main {
class Domain;
class Account;
class Session;
} // namespace Main
namespace Ui {
namespace Animations {
class Manager;
} // namespace Animations
namespace Emoji {
class UniversalImages;
} // namespace Emoji
class BoxContent;
} // namespace Ui
namespace MTP {
class Config;
class Instance;
class AuthKey;
using AuthKeyPtr = std::shared_ptr<AuthKey>;
using AuthKeysList = std::vector<AuthKeyPtr>;
} // namespace MTP
namespace Media {
namespace Audio {
class Instance;
} // namespace Audio
namespace View {
class OverlayWidget;
} // namespace View
namespace Player {
class FloatController;
class FloatDelegate;
} // namespace Player
} // namespace Media
namespace Lang {
class Instance;
class Translator;
class CloudManager;
} // namespace Lang
namespace Data {
struct CloudTheme;
} // namespace Data
namespace Stickers {
class EmojiImageLoader;
} // namespace Stickers
namespace Export {
class Manager;
} // namespace Export
namespace Calls {
class Instance;
} // namespace Calls
namespace Core {
class Launcher;
struct LocalUrlHandler;
class Application final : public QObject {
struct ProxyChange {
MTP::ProxyData was;
MTP::ProxyData now;
Application(not_null<Launcher*> launcher);
Application(const Application &other) = delete;
Application &operator=(const Application &other) = delete;
[[nodiscard]] not_null<Launcher*> launcher() const {
return _launcher;
void run();
[[nodiscard]] Ui::Animations::Manager &animationManager() const {
return *_animationsManager;
[[nodiscard]] Window::Notifications::System ¬ifications() const {
Expects(_notifications != nullptr);
return *_notifications;
// Windows interface.
bool hasActiveWindow(not_null<Main::Session*> session) const;
void saveCurrentDraftsToHistories();
[[nodiscard]] Window::Controller *activeWindow() const;
bool closeActiveWindow();
bool minimizeActiveWindow();
[[nodiscard]] QWidget *getFileDialogParent();
void notifyFileDialogShown(bool shown);
void checkSystemDarkMode();
// Media view interface.
void checkMediaViewActivation();
bool hideMediaView();
void showPhoto(not_null<const PhotoOpenClickHandler*> link);
void showPhoto(not_null<PhotoData*> photo, HistoryItem *item);
void showPhoto(not_null<PhotoData*> photo, not_null<PeerData*> item);
void showDocument(not_null<DocumentData*> document, HistoryItem *item);
void showTheme(
not_null<DocumentData*> document,
const Data::CloudTheme &cloud);
[[nodiscard]] PeerData *ui_getPeerForMouseAction();
[[nodiscard]] QPoint getPointForCallPanelCenter() const;
[[nodiscard]] QImage logo() const {
return _logo;
[[nodiscard]] QImage logoNoMargin() const {
return _logoNoMargin;
void startSettingsAndBackground();
[[nodiscard]] Settings &settings() {
return _settings;
void saveSettingsDelayed(crl::time delay = kDefaultSaveDelay);
void saveSettings();
// Fallback config and proxy.
[[nodiscard]] MTP::Config &fallbackProductionConfig() const;
void refreshFallbackProductionConfig(const MTP::Config &config);
void constructFallbackProductionConfig(const QByteArray &serialized);
void setCurrentProxy(
const MTP::ProxyData &proxy,
MTP::ProxyData::Settings settings);
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<ProxyChange> proxyChanges() const;
void badMtprotoConfigurationError();
// Databases.
[[nodiscard]] Storage::Databases &databases() {
return *_databases;
// Domain component.
[[nodiscard]] Main::Domain &domain() const {
return *_domain;
[[nodiscard]] Main::Account &activeAccount() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool someSessionExists() const;
[[nodiscard]] Export::Manager &exportManager() const {
return *_exportManager;
[[nodiscard]] bool exportPreventsQuit();
// Main::Session component.
Main::Session *maybeActiveSession() const;
[[nodiscard]] int unreadBadge() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool unreadBadgeMuted() const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<> unreadBadgeChanges() const;
// Media component.
[[nodiscard]] Media::Audio::Instance &audio() {
return *_audio;
// Langpack and emoji keywords.
[[nodiscard]] Lang::Instance &langpack() {
return *_langpack;
[[nodiscard]] Lang::CloudManager *langCloudManager() {
return _langCloudManager.get();
[[nodiscard]] bool offerLegacyLangPackSwitch() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool canApplyLangPackWithoutRestart() const;
[[nodiscard]] ChatHelpers::EmojiKeywords &emojiKeywords() {
return *_emojiKeywords;
[[nodiscard]] auto emojiImageLoader() const
-> const crl::object_on_queue<Stickers::EmojiImageLoader> & {
return _emojiImageLoader;
// Internal links.
void checkStartUrl();
bool openLocalUrl(const QString &url, QVariant context);
bool openInternalUrl(const QString &url, QVariant context);
[[nodiscard]] QString changelogLink() const;
// Float player.
void setDefaultFloatPlayerDelegate(
not_null<Media::Player::FloatDelegate*> delegate);
void replaceFloatPlayerDelegate(
not_null<Media::Player::FloatDelegate*> replacement);
void restoreFloatPlayerDelegate(
not_null<Media::Player::FloatDelegate*> replacement);
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<FullMsgId> floatPlayerClosed() const;
// Calls.
Calls::Instance &calls() const {
return *_calls;
void logout(Main::Account *account = nullptr);
void forceLogOut(
not_null<Main::Account*> account,
const TextWithEntities &explanation);
void checkLocalTime();
void lockByPasscode();
void unlockPasscode();
[[nodiscard]] bool passcodeLocked() const;
rpl::producer<bool> passcodeLockChanges() const;
rpl::producer<bool> passcodeLockValue() const;
void checkAutoLock();
void checkAutoLockIn(crl::time time);
void localPasscodeChanged();
[[nodiscard]] crl::time lastNonIdleTime() const;
void updateNonIdle();
void registerLeaveSubscription(not_null<QWidget*> widget);
void unregisterLeaveSubscription(not_null<QWidget*> widget);
// Sandbox interface.
void postponeCall(FnMut<void()> &&callable);
void refreshGlobalProxy();
void quitPreventFinished();
void handleAppActivated();
void handleAppDeactivated();
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<bool> appDeactivatedValue() const;
void switchDebugMode();
void switchFreeType();
void writeInstallBetaVersionsSetting();
void preventOrInvoke(Fn<void()> &&callback);
void call_handleObservables();
bool eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) override;
static constexpr auto kDefaultSaveDelay = crl::time(1000);
friend bool IsAppLaunched();
friend Application &App();
void clearEmojiSourceImages();
[[nodiscard]] auto prepareEmojiSourceImages()
-> std::shared_ptr<Ui::Emoji::UniversalImages>;
void startLocalStorage();
void startShortcuts();
void startDomain();
void startEmojiImageLoader();
void startSystemDarkModeViewer();
friend void App::quit();
static void QuitAttempt();
void quitDelayed();
[[nodiscard]] bool readyToQuit();
void showOpenGLCrashNotification();
void clearPasscodeLock();
bool openCustomUrl(
const QString &protocol,
const std::vector<LocalUrlHandler> &handlers,
const QString &url,
const QVariant &context);
static Application *Instance;
struct InstanceSetter {
InstanceSetter(not_null<Application*> instance) {
Expects(Instance == nullptr);
Instance = instance;
InstanceSetter _setter = { this };
not_null<Launcher*> _launcher;
rpl::event_stream<ProxyChange> _proxyChanges;
// Some fields are just moved from the declaration.
struct Private;
const std::unique_ptr<Private> _private;
Settings _settings;
const std::unique_ptr<Storage::Databases> _databases;
const std::unique_ptr<Ui::Animations::Manager> _animationsManager;
crl::object_on_queue<Stickers::EmojiImageLoader> _emojiImageLoader;
base::Timer _clearEmojiImageLoaderTimer;
const std::unique_ptr<Media::Audio::Instance> _audio;
mutable std::unique_ptr<MTP::Config> _fallbackProductionConfig;
// Notifications should be destroyed before _audio, after _domain.
// Mutable because is created in run() after OpenSSL is inited.
std::unique_ptr<Window::Notifications::System> _notifications;
const std::unique_ptr<Main::Domain> _domain;
const std::unique_ptr<Export::Manager> _exportManager;
const std::unique_ptr<Calls::Instance> _calls;
std::unique_ptr<Window::Controller> _window;
std::unique_ptr<Media::View::OverlayWidget> _mediaView;
const std::unique_ptr<Lang::Instance> _langpack;
const std::unique_ptr<Lang::CloudManager> _langCloudManager;
const std::unique_ptr<ChatHelpers::EmojiKeywords> _emojiKeywords;
std::unique_ptr<Lang::Translator> _translator;
QPointer<Ui::BoxContent> _badProxyDisableBox;
std::unique_ptr<Media::Player::FloatController> _floatPlayers;
Media::Player::FloatDelegate *_defaultFloatPlayerDelegate = nullptr;
Media::Player::FloatDelegate *_replacementFloatPlayerDelegate = nullptr;
const QImage _logo;
const QImage _logoNoMargin;
rpl::variable<bool> _passcodeLock;
crl::time _shouldLockAt = 0;
base::Timer _autoLockTimer;
std::optional<base::Timer> _saveSettingsTimer;
struct LeaveFilter {
std::vector<QPointer<QWidget>> registered;
QPointer<QObject> filter;
base::flat_map<not_null<QWidget*>, LeaveFilter> _leaveFilters;
rpl::lifetime _lifetime;
crl::time _lastNonIdleTime = 0;
[[nodiscard]] bool IsAppLaunched();
[[nodiscard]] Application &App();
} // namespace Core