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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "data/data_types.h"
#include "data/data_flags.h"
#include "data/data_notify_settings.h"
class PeerData;
class UserData;
class ChatData;
class ChannelData;
namespace Ui {
class EmptyUserpic;
} // namespace Ui
namespace Main {
class Account;
class Session;
} // namespace Main
namespace Data {
class Session;
int PeerColorIndex(PeerId peerId);
int PeerColorIndex(int32 bareId);
style::color PeerUserpicColor(PeerId peerId);
PeerId FakePeerIdForJustName(const QString &name);
} // namespace Data
using ChatAdminRight = MTPDchatAdminRights::Flag;
using ChatRestriction = MTPDchatBannedRights::Flag;
using ChatAdminRights = MTPDchatAdminRights::Flags;
using ChatRestrictions = MTPDchatBannedRights::Flags;
namespace Data {
class RestrictionCheckResult {
[[nodiscard]] static RestrictionCheckResult Allowed() {
return { 0 };
[[nodiscard]] static RestrictionCheckResult WithEveryone() {
return { 1 };
[[nodiscard]] static RestrictionCheckResult Explicit() {
return { 2 };
explicit operator bool() const {
return (_value != 0);
bool operator==(const RestrictionCheckResult &other) const {
return (_value == other._value);
bool operator!=(const RestrictionCheckResult &other) const {
return !(*this == other);
[[nodiscard]] bool isAllowed() const {
return (*this == Allowed());
[[nodiscard]] bool isWithEveryone() const {
return (*this == WithEveryone());
[[nodiscard]] bool isExplicit() const {
return (*this == Explicit());
RestrictionCheckResult(int value) : _value(value) {
int _value = 0;
} // namespace Data
class PeerClickHandler : public ClickHandler {
PeerClickHandler(not_null<PeerData*> peer);
void onClick(ClickContext context) const override;
not_null<PeerData*> peer() const {
return _peer;
not_null<PeerData*> _peer;
class PeerData {
static constexpr auto kSettingsUnknown = MTPDpeerSettings::Flag(1U << 9);
PeerData(not_null<Data::Session*> owner, PeerId id);
PeerData(const PeerData &other) = delete;
PeerData &operator=(const PeerData &other) = delete;
static constexpr auto kEssentialSettings = 0
| MTPDpeerSettings::Flag::f_report_spam
| MTPDpeerSettings::Flag::f_add_contact
| MTPDpeerSettings::Flag::f_block_contact
| MTPDpeerSettings::Flag::f_share_contact
| kSettingsUnknown;
using Settings = Data::Flags<
virtual ~PeerData();
static constexpr auto kServiceNotificationsId = peerFromUser(777000);
[[nodiscard]] Data::Session &owner() const;
[[nodiscard]] Main::Session &session() const;
[[nodiscard]] Main::Account &account() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool isUser() const {
return peerIsUser(id);
[[nodiscard]] bool isChat() const {
return peerIsChat(id);
[[nodiscard]] bool isChannel() const {
return peerIsChannel(id);
[[nodiscard]] bool isSelf() const {
return (input.type() == mtpc_inputPeerSelf);
[[nodiscard]] bool isVerified() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool isScam() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool isMegagroup() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool isNotificationsUser() const {
return (id == peerFromUser(333000))
|| (id == kServiceNotificationsId);
[[nodiscard]] bool isServiceUser() const {
return isUser() && !(id % 1000);
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<TimeId> notifyMuteUntil() const {
return _notify.muteUntil();
bool notifyChange(const MTPPeerNotifySettings &settings) {
return _notify.change(settings);
bool notifyChange(
std::optional<int> muteForSeconds,
std::optional<bool> silentPosts) {
return _notify.change(muteForSeconds, silentPosts);
[[nodiscard]] bool notifySettingsUnknown() const {
return _notify.settingsUnknown();
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<bool> notifySilentPosts() const {
return _notify.silentPosts();
[[nodiscard]] MTPinputPeerNotifySettings notifySerialize() const {
return _notify.serialize();
[[nodiscard]] bool canWrite() const;
[[nodiscard]] Data::RestrictionCheckResult amRestricted(
ChatRestriction right) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool canRevokeFullHistory() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool slowmodeApplied() const;
[[nodiscard]] int slowmodeSecondsLeft() const;
[[nodiscard]] UserData *asUser();
[[nodiscard]] const UserData *asUser() const;
[[nodiscard]] ChatData *asChat();
[[nodiscard]] const ChatData *asChat() const;
[[nodiscard]] ChannelData *asChannel();
[[nodiscard]] const ChannelData *asChannel() const;
[[nodiscard]] ChannelData *asMegagroup();
[[nodiscard]] const ChannelData *asMegagroup() const;
[[nodiscard]] ChatData *asChatNotMigrated();
[[nodiscard]] const ChatData *asChatNotMigrated() const;
[[nodiscard]] ChannelData *asChannelOrMigrated();
[[nodiscard]] const ChannelData *asChannelOrMigrated() const;
[[nodiscard]] ChatData *migrateFrom() const;
[[nodiscard]] ChannelData *migrateTo() const;
[[nodiscard]] not_null<PeerData*> migrateToOrMe();
[[nodiscard]] not_null<const PeerData*> migrateToOrMe() const;
void updateFull();
void updateFullForced();
void fullUpdated();
[[nodiscard]] bool wasFullUpdated() const {
return (_lastFullUpdate != 0);
[[nodiscard]] const Ui::Text::String &nameText() const;
[[nodiscard]] const QString &shortName() const;
[[nodiscard]] const Ui::Text::String &topBarNameText() const;
[[nodiscard]] QString userName() const;
[[nodiscard]] int32 bareId() const {
return int32(uint32(id & 0xFFFFFFFFULL));
[[nodiscard]] const base::flat_set<QString> &nameWords() const {
return _nameWords;
[[nodiscard]] const base::flat_set<QChar> &nameFirstLetters() const {
return _nameFirstLetters;
void setUserpic(
PhotoId photoId,
const StorageImageLocation &location,
ImagePtr userpic);
void setUserpicPhoto(const MTPPhoto &data);
void paintUserpic(
Painter &p,
int x,
int y,
int size) const;
void paintUserpicLeft(
Painter &p,
int x,
int y,
int w,
int size) const {
paintUserpic(p, rtl() ? (w - x - size) : x, y, size);
void paintUserpicRounded(
Painter &p,
int x,
int y,
int size) const;
void paintUserpicSquare(
Painter &p,
int x,
int y,
int size) const;
void loadUserpic();
[[nodiscard]] bool userpicLoaded() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool useEmptyUserpic() const;
[[nodiscard]] InMemoryKey userpicUniqueKey() const;
void saveUserpic(const QString &path, int size) const;
void saveUserpicRounded(const QString &path, int size) const;
[[nodiscard]] QPixmap genUserpic(int size) const;
[[nodiscard]] QPixmap genUserpicRounded(int size) const;
[[nodiscard]] StorageImageLocation userpicLocation() const {
return _userpicLocation;
[[nodiscard]] bool userpicPhotoUnknown() const {
return (_userpicPhotoId == kUnknownPhotoId);
[[nodiscard]] PhotoId userpicPhotoId() const {
return userpicPhotoUnknown() ? 0 : _userpicPhotoId;
[[nodiscard]] Data::FileOrigin userpicOrigin() const;
[[nodiscard]] Data::FileOrigin userpicPhotoOrigin() const;
// If this string is not empty we must not allow to open the
// conversation and we must show this string instead.
[[nodiscard]] virtual QString unavailableReason() const {
return QString();
[[nodiscard]] ClickHandlerPtr createOpenLink();
[[nodiscard]] const ClickHandlerPtr &openLink() {
if (!_openLink) {
_openLink = createOpenLink();
return _openLink;
[[nodiscard]] ImagePtr currentUserpic() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool canPinMessages() const;
[[nodiscard]] MsgId pinnedMessageId() const {
return _pinnedMessageId;
void setPinnedMessageId(MsgId messageId);
void clearPinnedMessage() {
[[nodiscard]] bool canExportChatHistory() const;
// Returns true if about text was changed.
bool setAbout(const QString &newAbout);
const QString &about() const {
return _about;
void checkFolder(FolderId folderId);
void setSettings(MTPDpeerSettings::Flags which) {
auto settings() const {
return (_settings.current() & kSettingsUnknown)
? std::nullopt
: std::make_optional(_settings.current());
auto settingsValue() const {
return (_settings.current() & kSettingsUnknown)
? _settings.changes()
: (_settings.value() | rpl::type_erased());
enum LoadedStatus {
NotLoaded = 0x00,
MinimalLoaded = 0x01,
FullLoaded = 0x02,
const PeerId id;
QString name;
LoadedStatus loadedStatus = NotLoaded;
MTPinputPeer input;
int nameVersion = 1;
void updateNameDelayed(
const QString &newName,
const QString &newNameOrPhone,
const QString &newUsername);
void updateUserpic(
PhotoId photoId,
MTP::DcId dcId,
const MTPFileLocation &location);
void clearUserpic();
void fillNames();
std::unique_ptr<Ui::EmptyUserpic> createEmptyUserpic() const;
void refreshEmptyUserpic() const;
void setUserpicChecked(
PhotoId photoId,
const StorageImageLocation &location,
ImagePtr userpic);
static constexpr auto kUnknownPhotoId = PhotoId(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL);
not_null<Data::Session*> _owner;
ImagePtr _userpic;
PhotoId _userpicPhotoId = kUnknownPhotoId;
mutable std::unique_ptr<Ui::EmptyUserpic> _userpicEmpty;
StorageImageLocation _userpicLocation;
Ui::Text::String _nameText;
Data::NotifySettings _notify;
ClickHandlerPtr _openLink;
base::flat_set<QString> _nameWords; // for filtering
base::flat_set<QChar> _nameFirstLetters;
crl::time _lastFullUpdate = 0;
MsgId _pinnedMessageId = 0;
Settings _settings = { kSettingsUnknown };
QString _about;
namespace Data {
std::vector<ChatRestrictions> ListOfRestrictions();
std::optional<QString> RestrictionError(
not_null<PeerData*> peer,
ChatRestriction restriction);
} // namespace Data