
304 lines
7.8 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "data/data_wall_paper.h"
#include "data/data_cloud_themes.h"
#include "ui/style/style_core_palette.h"
namespace style {
struct colorizer;
} // namespace style
namespace Main {
class Session;
} // namespace Main
namespace Window {
class Controller;
} // namespace Window
namespace Ui {
struct ChatThemeBackground;
} // namespace Ui
namespace Webview {
struct ThemeParams;
} // namespace Webview
namespace Window {
namespace Theme {
inline constexpr auto kThemeSchemeSizeLimit = 1024 * 1024;
inline constexpr auto kThemeBackgroundSizeLimit = 4 * 1024 * 1024;
struct ParsedTheme;
[[nodiscard]] bool IsEmbeddedTheme(const QString &path);
struct Object {
QString pathRelative;
QString pathAbsolute;
QByteArray content;
Data::CloudTheme cloud;
struct Cached {
QByteArray colors;
QByteArray background;
bool tiled = false;
int32 paletteChecksum = 0;
int32 contentChecksum = 0;
struct Saved {
Object object;
Cached cache;
bool Initialize(Saved &&saved);
void Uninitialize();
struct Instance {
style::palette palette;
QImage background;
Cached cached;
bool tiled = false;
struct Preview {
Object object;
Instance instance;
QImage preview;
bool Apply(
const QString &filepath,
const Data::CloudTheme &cloud = Data::CloudTheme());
bool Apply(std::unique_ptr<Preview> preview);
void ApplyDefaultWithPath(const QString &themePath);
bool ApplyEditedPalette(const QByteArray &content);
void KeepApplied();
void KeepFromEditor(
const QByteArray &originalContent,
const ParsedTheme &originalParsed,
const Data::CloudTheme &cloud,
const QByteArray &themeContent,
const ParsedTheme &themeParsed,
const QImage &background);
QString NightThemePath();
[[nodiscard]] bool IsNightMode();
void SetNightModeValue(bool nightMode);
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<bool> IsNightModeValue();
void ToggleNightMode();
void ToggleNightMode(const QString &themePath);
void ToggleNightModeWithConfirmation(
not_null<Controller*> window,
Fn<void()> toggle);
void ResetToSomeDefault();
[[nodiscard]] bool IsNonDefaultBackground();
void Revert();
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<bool> IsThemeDarkValue();
[[nodiscard]] QString EditingPalettePath();
// NB! This method looks to Core::App().settings() to get colorizer by 'file'.
bool LoadFromFile(
const QString &path,
not_null<Instance*> out,
Cached *outCache,
QByteArray *outContent);
bool LoadFromFile(
const QString &path,
not_null<Instance*> out,
Cached *outCache,
QByteArray *outContent,
const style::colorizer &colorizer);
bool LoadFromContent(
const QByteArray &content,
not_null<Instance*> out,
Cached *outCache);
struct BackgroundUpdate {
enum class Type {
BackgroundUpdate(Type type, bool tiled) : type(type), tiled(tiled) {
[[nodiscard]] bool paletteChanged() const {
return (type == Type::TestingTheme)
|| (type == Type::RevertingTheme)
|| (type == Type::ApplyingEdit)
|| (type == Type::New);
Type type;
bool tiled;
enum class ClearEditing {
class ChatBackground final {
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<BackgroundUpdate> updates() const {
void start();
// This method is allowed to (and should) be called before start().
void setThemeData(QImage &&themeImage, bool themeTile);
// This method is setting the default (themed) image if none was set yet.
void set(const Data::WallPaper &paper, QImage image = QImage());
void setTile(bool tile);
void setTileDayValue(bool tile);
void setTileNightValue(bool tile);
void setThemeObject(const Object &object);
[[nodiscard]] const Object &themeObject() const;
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<Data::CloudTheme> editingTheme() const;
void setEditingTheme(const Data::CloudTheme &editing);
void clearEditingTheme(ClearEditing clear = ClearEditing::Temporary);
void reset();
void setTestingTheme(Instance &&theme);
void saveAdjustableColors();
void setTestingDefaultTheme();
void revert();
void appliedEditedPalette();
void downloadingStarted(bool tile);
[[nodiscard]] const Data::WallPaper &paper() const {
return _paper;
[[nodiscard]] WallPaperId id() const {
[[nodiscard]] const QImage &prepared() const {
return _prepared;
[[nodiscard]] const QImage &preparedForTiled() const {
return _preparedForTiled;
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<QColor> colorForFill() const;
[[nodiscard]] QImage gradientForFill() const;
void recacheGradientForFill(QImage gradient);
[[nodiscard]] QImage createCurrentImage() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool tile() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool tileDay() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool tileNight() const;
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<QColor> imageMonoColor() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool nightModeChangeAllowed() const;
struct AdjustableColor {
AdjustableColor(style::color data);
style::color item;
QColor original;
[[nodiscard]] bool started() const;
void initialRead();
void saveForRevert();
void setPreparedAfterPaper(QImage image);
void setPrepared(QImage original, QImage prepared, QImage gradient);
void prepareImageForTiled();
void writeNewBackgroundSettings();
void setPaper(const Data::WallPaper &paper);
[[nodiscard]] bool adjustPaletteRequired();
void adjustPaletteUsingBackground(const QImage &image);
void adjustPaletteUsingColors(const std::vector<QColor> &colors);
void adjustPaletteUsingColor(QColor color);
void restoreAdjustableColors();
void setNightModeValue(bool nightMode);
[[nodiscard]] bool nightMode() const;
void toggleNightMode(std::optional<QString> themePath);
void reapplyWithNightMode(
std::optional<QString> themePath,
bool newNightMode);
void keepApplied(const Object &object, bool write);
[[nodiscard]] bool isNonDefaultThemeOrBackground();
[[nodiscard]] bool isNonDefaultBackground();
void checkUploadWallPaper();
[[nodiscard]] QImage postprocessBackgroundImage(QImage image);
friend bool IsNightMode();
friend void SetNightModeValue(bool nightMode);
friend void ToggleNightMode();
friend void ToggleNightMode(const QString &themePath);
friend void ResetToSomeDefault();
friend void KeepApplied();
friend void KeepFromEditor(
const QByteArray &originalContent,
const ParsedTheme &originalParsed,
const Data::CloudTheme &cloud,
const QByteArray &themeContent,
const ParsedTheme &themeParsed,
const QImage &background);
friend bool IsNonDefaultBackground();
Main::Session *_session = nullptr;
rpl::event_stream<BackgroundUpdate> _updates;
Data::WallPaper _paper = Data::details::UninitializedWallPaper();
std::optional<QColor> _paperColor;
QImage _gradient;
QImage _original;
QImage _prepared;
QImage _preparedForTiled;
bool _nightMode = false;
bool _tileDayValue = false;
bool _tileNightValue = true;
std::optional<bool> _localStoredTileDayValue;
std::optional<bool> _localStoredTileNightValue;
std::optional<QColor> _imageMonoColor;
Object _themeObject;
QImage _themeImage;
bool _themeTile = false;
std::optional<Data::CloudTheme> _editingTheme;
Data::WallPaper _paperForRevert
= Data::details::UninitializedWallPaper();
QImage _originalForRevert;
bool _tileForRevert = false;
std::vector<AdjustableColor> _adjustableColors;
FullMsgId _wallPaperUploadId;
mtpRequestId _wallPaperRequestId = 0;
rpl::lifetime _wallPaperUploadLifetime;
rpl::lifetime _lifetime;
[[nodiscard]] ChatBackground *Background();
bool ReadPaletteValues(
const QByteArray &content,
Fn<bool(QLatin1String name, QLatin1String value)> callback);
[[nodiscard]] Webview::ThemeParams WebViewParams();
} // namespace Theme
} // namespace Window