
139 lines
3.2 KiB

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "FullScriptPath=%~dp0"
set "FullExecPath=%cd%"
set "Command=%1"
if "%Command%" == "test" (
call :write_test %2
exit /b %errorlevel%
) else if "%Command%" == "header" (
call :write_header %2
exit /b %errorlevel%
) else if "%Command%" == "source" (
call :write_source %2
exit /b %errorlevel%
) else if "%Command%" == "" (
echo This is an utility for fast blank module creation.
echo Please provide module path.
exit /b
call :write_module %Command%
exit /b %errorlevel%
set "CommandPath=%1"
set "CommandPathUnix=!CommandPath:\=/!"
if "!CommandPathUnix!" == "" (
echo Provide module path.
exit /b 1
echo Generating module !CommandPathUnix!..
call create.bat header !CommandPathUnix!
call create.bat source !CommandPathUnix!
exit /b
set "CommandPath=%1"
set "CommandPathUnix=!CommandPath:\=/!"
set "CommandPathWin=!CommandPath:/=\!"
if "!CommandPathUnix!" == "" (
echo Provide header path.
exit /b 1
) else if exist "SourceFiles\!CommandPathWin!.h" (
echo This header already exists.
exit /b 1
echo Generating header !CommandPathUnix!.h..
mkdir "SourceFiles\!CommandPathWin!.h"
rmdir "SourceFiles\!CommandPathWin!.h"
call :write_comment !CommandPathWin!.h
set "header1=#pragma once"
echo !header1!
)>> "SourceFiles\!CommandPathWin!.h"
exit /b
set "CommandPath=%1"
set "CommandPathUnix=!CommandPath:\=/!"
set "CommandPathWin=!CommandPath:/=\!"
if "!CommandPathUnix:~-4!" == "_mac" (
set "CommandExt=mm"
) else (
set "CommandExt=cpp"
if "!CommandPathUnix!" == "" (
echo Provide source path.
exit /b 1
) else if exist "SourceFiles\!CommandPathWin!.!CommandExt!" (
echo This source already exists.
exit /b 1
echo Generating source !CommandPathUnix!.!CommandExt!..
mkdir "SourceFiles\!CommandPathWin!.!CommandExt!"
rmdir "SourceFiles\!CommandPathWin!.!CommandExt!"
call :write_comment !CommandPathWin!.!CommandExt!
set "quote="""
set "quote=!quote:~0,1!"
set "source1=#include !quote!!CommandPathUnix!.h!quote!"
echo !source1!
)>> "SourceFiles\!CommandPathWin!.!CommandExt!"
exit /b
set "CommandPath=%1"
set "CommandPathUnix=!CommandPath:\=/!"
set "CommandPathWin=!CommandPath:/=\!"
if "!CommandPathUnix!" == "" (
echo Provide source path.
exit /b 1
) else if exist "SourceFiles\!CommandPathWin!.cpp" (
echo This source already exists.
exit /b 1
echo Generating test !CommandPathUnix!.cpp..
mkdir "SourceFiles\!CommandPathWin!.cpp"
rmdir "SourceFiles\!CommandPathWin!.cpp"
call :write_comment !CommandPathWin!.cpp
set "quote="""
set "quote=!quote:~0,1!"
set "source1=#include !quote!catch.hpp!quote!"
echo !source1!
)>> "SourceFiles\!CommandPathWin!.cpp"
exit /b
set "Path=%1"
echo /*
echo This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
echo the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
echo For license and copyright information please follow this link:
echo */
)> "SourceFiles\!Path!"
exit /b