
158 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "statistics/segment_tree.h"
namespace Data {
struct StatisticsMessageInteractionInfo final {
MsgId messageId;
int viewsCount = 0;
int forwardsCount = 0;
struct StatisticsMessageSenderInfo final {
UserId userId = UserId(0);
int sentMessageCount = 0;
int averageCharacterCount = 0;
struct StatisticsAdministratorActionsInfo final {
UserId userId = UserId(0);
int deletedMessageCount = 0;
int bannedUserCount = 0;
int restrictedUserCount = 0;
struct StatisticsInviterInfo final {
UserId userId = UserId(0);
int addedMemberCount = 0;
struct StatisticalChart {
StatisticalChart() = default;
[[nodiscard]] bool empty() const {
return lines.empty();
[[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const {
return !empty();
void measure();
[[nodiscard]] QString getDayString(int i) const;
[[nodiscard]] int findStartIndex(float v) const;
[[nodiscard]] int findEndIndex(int left, float v) const;
[[nodiscard]] int findIndex(int left, int right, float v) const;
struct Line final {
std::vector<int> y;
Statistic::SegmentTree segmentTree;
int id = 0;
QString idString;
QString name;
int maxValue = 0;
int minValue = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
int colorKey = 0;
QColor color;
QColor colorDark;
std::vector<float64> x;
std::vector<float64> xPercentage;
std::vector<QString> daysLookup;
std::vector<Line> lines;
int maxValue = 0;
int minValue = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
float64 oneDayPercentage = 0.;
float64 timeStep = 0.;
struct StatisticalGraph final {
StatisticalChart chart;
struct StatisticalValue final {
float64 value = 0.;
float64 previousValue = 0.;
float64 growthRatePercentage = 0.;
struct ChannelStatistics final {
[[nodiscard]] bool empty() const {
return !startDate || !endDate;
[[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const {
return !empty();
int startDate = 0;
int endDate = 0;
StatisticalValue memberCount;
StatisticalValue meanViewCount;
StatisticalValue meanShareCount;
float64 enabledNotificationsPercentage = 0.;
StatisticalGraph memberCountGraph;
StatisticalGraph joinGraph;
StatisticalGraph muteGraph;
StatisticalGraph viewCountByHourGraph;
StatisticalGraph viewCountBySourceGraph;
StatisticalGraph joinBySourceGraph;
StatisticalGraph languageGraph;
StatisticalGraph messageInteractionGraph;
StatisticalGraph instantViewInteractionGraph;
std::vector<StatisticsMessageInteractionInfo> recentMessageInteractions;
struct SupergroupStatistics final {
[[nodiscard]] bool empty() const {
return !startDate || !endDate;
[[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const {
return !empty();
int startDate = 0;
int endDate = 0;
StatisticalValue memberCount;
StatisticalValue messageCount;
StatisticalValue viewerCount;
StatisticalValue senderCount;
StatisticalGraph memberCountGraph;
StatisticalGraph joinGraph;
StatisticalGraph joinBySourceGraph;
StatisticalGraph languageGraph;
StatisticalGraph messageContentGraph;
StatisticalGraph actionGraph;
StatisticalGraph dayGraph;
StatisticalGraph weekGraph;
std::vector<StatisticsMessageSenderInfo> topSenders;
std::vector<StatisticsAdministratorActionsInfo> topAdministrators;
std::vector<StatisticsInviterInfo> topInviters;
} // namespace Data