
133 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <QImage>
#include "codegen/common/basic_tokenized_file.h"
#include "codegen/style/options.h"
#include "codegen/style/module.h"
namespace codegen {
namespace style {
using Modifier = std::function<void(QImage &image)>;
Modifier GetModifier(const QString &name);
// Parses an input file to the internal struct.
class ParsedFile {
explicit ParsedFile(
const Options &options,
std::vector<QString> includeStack = {});
ParsedFile(const ParsedFile &other) = delete;
ParsedFile &operator=(const ParsedFile &other) = delete;
bool read();
using ModulePtr = std::unique_ptr<structure::Module>;
ModulePtr getResult() {
return std::move(module_);
bool failed() const {
return failed_ || file_.failed();
// Log error to std::cerr with 'code' at the current position in file.
common::LogStream logError(int code) {
failed_ = true;
return file_.logError(code);
common::LogStream logErrorUnexpectedToken() {
failed_ = true;
return file_.logErrorUnexpectedToken();
common::LogStream logErrorTypeMismatch();
common::LogStream logAssert(bool assertion) {
if (!assertion) {
return logError(common::kErrorInternal) << "internal - ";
return common::LogStream(common::LogStream::Null);
// Helper methods for context-dependent reading.
ModulePtr readIncluded();
structure::Struct readStruct(const QString &name);
structure::Variable readVariable(const QString &name);
structure::StructField readStructField(const QString &name);
structure::Type readType();
structure::Value readValue();
structure::Value readStructValue();
structure::Value defaultConstructedStruct(const structure::FullName &name);
void applyStructParent(structure::Value &result, const structure::FullName &parentName);
bool readStructValueInner(structure::Value &result);
bool assignStructField(structure::Value &result, const structure::Variable &field);
bool readStructParents(structure::Value &result);
// Simple methods for reading value types.
structure::Value readPositiveValue();
structure::Value readNumericValue();
structure::Value readStringValue();
structure::Value readColorValue();
structure::Value readPointValue();
structure::Value readSizeValue();
structure::Value readAlignValue();
structure::Value readMarginsValue();
structure::Value readFontValue();
structure::Value readIconValue();
structure::Value readCopyValue();
structure::Value readNumericOrNumericCopyValue();
structure::Value readStringOrStringCopyValue();
structure::data::monoicon readMonoIconFields();
QString readMonoIconFilename();
// Read next token and fire unexpected token error if it is not of "type".
using BasicToken = common::BasicTokenizedFile::Token;
BasicToken assertNextToken(BasicToken::Type type);
// Look through include directories in options_ and find absolute include path.
Options includedOptions(const QString &filepath);
// Compose context-dependent full name.
structure::FullName composeFullName(const QString &name);
QString filePath_;
common::BasicTokenizedFile file_;
Options options_;
bool failed_ = false;
ModulePtr module_;
std::vector<QString> includeStack_;
QMap<std::string, structure::Type> typeNames_ = {
{ "int" , { structure::TypeTag::Int } },
{ "double" , { structure::TypeTag::Double } },
{ "pixels" , { structure::TypeTag::Pixels } },
{ "string" , { structure::TypeTag::String } },
{ "color" , { structure::TypeTag::Color } },
{ "point" , { structure::TypeTag::Point } },
{ "size" , { structure::TypeTag::Size } },
{ "align" , { structure::TypeTag::Align } },
{ "margins" , { structure::TypeTag::Margins } },
{ "font" , { structure::TypeTag::Font } },
{ "icon" , { structure::TypeTag::Icon } },
} // namespace style
} // namespace codegen