
446 lines
11 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "mtproto/sender.h"
#include "boxes/confirm_phone_box.h"
#include "base/weak_ptr.h"
class BoxContent;
namespace Storage {
struct UploadSecureDone;
struct UploadSecureProgress;
} // namespace Storage
namespace Window {
class Controller;
} // namespace Window
namespace Passport {
class ViewController;
struct FormRequest {
UserId botId,
const QString &scope,
const QString &callbackUrl,
const QString &publicKey,
const QString &payload,
const QString &errors);
UserId botId;
QString scope;
QString callbackUrl;
QString publicKey;
QString payload;
QString errors;
struct UploadScanData {
FullMsgId fullId;
uint64 fileId = 0;
int partsCount = 0;
QByteArray md5checksum;
bytes::vector hash;
bytes::vector bytes;
int offset = 0;
class UploadScanDataPointer {
UploadScanDataPointer(std::unique_ptr<UploadScanData> &&value);
UploadScanDataPointer(UploadScanDataPointer &&other);
UploadScanDataPointer &operator=(UploadScanDataPointer &&other);
UploadScanData *get() const;
operator UploadScanData*() const;
explicit operator bool() const;
UploadScanData *operator->() const;
std::unique_ptr<UploadScanData> _value;
struct Value;
struct File {
uint64 id = 0;
uint64 accessHash = 0;
int32 size = 0;
int32 dcId = 0;
TimeId date = 0;
bytes::vector hash;
bytes::vector secret;
bytes::vector encryptedSecret;
int downloadOffset = 0;
QImage image;
QString error;
struct EditFile {
not_null<const Value*> value,
const File &fields,
std::unique_ptr<UploadScanData> &&uploadData);
not_null<const Value*> value;
File fields;
UploadScanDataPointer uploadData;
std::shared_ptr<bool> guard;
bool deleted = false;
struct ValueField {
QString text;
QString error;
struct ValueMap {
std::map<QString, ValueField> fields;
struct ValueData {
QByteArray original;
bytes::vector secret;
ValueMap parsed;
bytes::vector hash;
bytes::vector encryptedSecret;
ValueMap parsedInEdit;
bytes::vector hashInEdit;
bytes::vector encryptedSecretInEdit;
struct Verification {
mtpRequestId requestId = 0;
QString phoneCodeHash;
int codeLength = 0;
std::unique_ptr<SentCodeCall> call;
QString error;
struct Form;
enum class SpecialFile {
struct Value {
enum class Type {
explicit Value(Type type);
Value(Value &&other) = default;
Value &operator=(Value &&other) = default;
bool requiresSpecialScan(SpecialFile type, bool selfieRequired) const;
bool scansAreFilled(bool selfieRequired) const;
Type type;
ValueData data;
std::vector<File> scans;
std::map<SpecialFile, File> specialScans;
QString scanMissingError;
std::vector<EditFile> scansInEdit;
std::map<SpecialFile, EditFile> specialScansInEdit;
Verification verification;
bytes::vector submitHash;
int editScreens = 0;
mtpRequestId saveRequestId = 0;
struct Form {
std::map<Value::Type, Value> values;
std::vector<Value::Type> request;
bool identitySelfieRequired = false;
QString privacyPolicyUrl;
QVector<MTPSecureValueError> pendingErrors;
struct PasswordSettings {
bytes::vector salt;
bytes::vector newSalt;
bytes::vector newSecureSalt;
QString hint;
QString unconfirmedPattern;
QString confirmedEmail;
bool hasRecovery = false;
bool notEmptyPassport = false;
bool operator==(const PasswordSettings &other) const {
return (salt == other.salt)
&& (newSalt == other.newSalt)
&& (newSecureSalt == other.newSecureSalt)
&& (hint == other.hint)
&& (unconfirmedPattern == other.unconfirmedPattern)
&& (confirmedEmail == other.confirmedEmail)
&& (hasRecovery == other.hasRecovery);
bool operator!=(const PasswordSettings &other) const {
return !(*this == other);
struct FileKey {
uint64 id = 0;
int32 dcId = 0;
inline bool operator==(const FileKey &other) const {
return (id == && (dcId == other.dcId);
inline bool operator!=(const FileKey &other) const {
return !(*this == other);
inline bool operator<(const FileKey &other) const {
return (id < || ((id == && (dcId < other.dcId));
inline bool operator>(const FileKey &other) const {
return (other < *this);
inline bool operator<=(const FileKey &other) const {
return !(other < *this);
inline bool operator>=(const FileKey &other) const {
return !(*this < other);
class FormController : private MTP::Sender, public base::has_weak_ptr {
not_null<Window::Controller*> controller,
const FormRequest &request);
void show();
UserData *bot() const;
QString privacyPolicyUrl() const;
std::vector<not_null<const Value*>> submitGetErrors();
void submitPassword(const QString &password);
void recoverPassword();
rpl::producer<QString> passwordError() const;
const PasswordSettings &passwordSettings() const;
void reloadPassword();
void cancelPassword();
bool canAddScan(not_null<const Value*> value) const;
void uploadScan(not_null<const Value*> value, QByteArray &&content);
void deleteScan(not_null<const Value*> value, int fileIndex);
void restoreScan(not_null<const Value*> value, int fileIndex);
void uploadSpecialScan(
not_null<const Value*> value,
SpecialFile type,
QByteArray &&content);
void deleteSpecialScan(
not_null<const Value*> value,
SpecialFile type);
void restoreSpecialScan(
not_null<const Value*> value,
SpecialFile type);
rpl::producer<> secretReadyEvents() const;
QString defaultEmail() const;
QString defaultPhoneNumber() const;
rpl::producer<not_null<const EditFile*>> scanUpdated() const;
rpl::producer<not_null<const Value*>> valueSaveFinished() const;
rpl::producer<not_null<const Value*>> verificationNeeded() const;
rpl::producer<not_null<const Value*>> verificationUpdate() const;
void verify(not_null<const Value*> value, const QString &code);
const Form &form() const;
void startValueEdit(not_null<const Value*> value);
void cancelValueEdit(not_null<const Value*> value);
void cancelValueVerification(not_null<const Value*> value);
bool editValueChanged(
not_null<const Value*> value,
const ValueMap &data) const;
void saveValueEdit(not_null<const Value*> value, ValueMap &&data);
void deleteValueEdit(not_null<const Value*> value);
bool savingValue(not_null<const Value*> value) const;
bool uploadingScan(not_null<const Value*> value) const;
void cancel();
void cancelSure();
rpl::lifetime &lifetime();
struct FinalData {
QVector<MTPSecureValueHash> hashes;
QByteArray credentials;
std::vector<not_null<const Value*>> errors;
EditFile *findEditFile(const FullMsgId &fullId);
EditFile *findEditFile(const FileKey &key);
std::pair<Value*, File*> findFile(const FileKey &key);
not_null<Value*> findValue(not_null<const Value*> value);
void requestForm();
void requestPassword();
void formDone(const MTPaccount_AuthorizationForm &result);
void formFail(const QString &error);
void parseForm(const MTPaccount_AuthorizationForm &result);
void showForm();
Value parseValue(
const MTPSecureValue &value,
const std::vector<EditFile> &editData = {}) const;
std::vector<File> parseFiles(
const QVector<MTPSecureFile> &data,
const std::vector<EditFile> &editData) const;
base::optional<File> parseFile(
const MTPSecureFile &data,
const std::vector<EditFile> &editData) const;
void fillDownloadedFile(
File &destination,
const std::vector<EditFile> &source) const;
void passwordDone(const MTPaccount_Password &result);
bool applyPassword(const MTPDaccount_noPassword &settings);
bool applyPassword(const MTPDaccount_password &settings);
bool applyPassword(PasswordSettings &&settings);
bytes::vector passwordHashForAuth(bytes::const_span password) const;
void validateSecureSecret(
bytes::const_span salt,
bytes::const_span encryptedSecret,
bytes::const_span password,
uint64 serverSecretId);
void decryptValues();
void decryptValue(Value &value);
bool validateValueSecrets(Value &value);
void resetValue(Value &value);
void fillErrors();
void loadFile(File &file);
void fileLoadDone(FileKey key, const QByteArray &bytes);
void fileLoadProgress(FileKey key, int offset);
void fileLoadFail(FileKey key);
void generateSecret(bytes::const_span password);
void subscribeToUploader();
void encryptFile(
EditFile &file,
QByteArray &&content,
Fn<void(UploadScanData &&result)> callback);
void prepareFile(
EditFile &file,
const QByteArray &content);
void uploadEncryptedFile(
EditFile &file,
UploadScanData &&data);
void scanUploadDone(const Storage::UploadSecureDone &data);
void scanUploadProgress(const Storage::UploadSecureProgress &data);
void scanUploadFail(const FullMsgId &fullId);
void scanDeleteRestore(
not_null<const Value*> value,
int fileIndex,
bool deleted);
void specialScanDeleteRestore(
not_null<const Value*> value,
SpecialFile type,
bool deleted);
QString getPhoneFromValue(not_null<const Value*> value) const;
QString getEmailFromValue(not_null<const Value*> value) const;
QString getPlainTextFromValue(not_null<const Value*> value) const;
void startPhoneVerification(not_null<Value*> value);
void startEmailVerification(not_null<Value*> value);
void valueSaveShowError(not_null<Value*> value, const RPCError &error);
void valueSaveFailed(not_null<Value*> value);
void requestPhoneCall(not_null<Value*> value);
void verificationError(
not_null<Value*> value,
const QString &text);
void valueEditFailed(not_null<Value*> value);
void clearValueEdit(not_null<Value*> value);
void clearValueVerification(not_null<Value*> value);
bool editFileChanged(const EditFile &file) const;
bool isEncryptedValue(Value::Type type) const;
void saveEncryptedValue(not_null<Value*> value);
void savePlainTextValue(not_null<Value*> value);
void sendSaveRequest(
not_null<Value*> value,
const MTPInputSecureValue &data);
FinalData prepareFinalData();
void suggestReset(bytes::vector password);
void suggestRestart();
void cancelAbort();
void shortPollEmailConfirmation();
not_null<Window::Controller*> _controller;
FormRequest _request;
UserData *_bot = nullptr;
mtpRequestId _formRequestId = 0;
mtpRequestId _passwordRequestId = 0;
mtpRequestId _passwordCheckRequestId = 0;
PasswordSettings _password;
Form _form;
bool _cancelled = false;
mtpRequestId _recoverRequestId = 0;
std::map<FileKey, std::unique_ptr<mtpFileLoader>> _fileLoaders;
rpl::event_stream<not_null<const EditFile*>> _scanUpdated;
rpl::event_stream<not_null<const Value*>> _valueSaveFinished;
rpl::event_stream<not_null<const Value*>> _verificationNeeded;
rpl::event_stream<not_null<const Value*>> _verificationUpdate;
bytes::vector _secret;
uint64 _secretId = 0;
std::vector<Fn<void()>> _secretCallbacks;
mtpRequestId _saveSecretRequestId = 0;
rpl::event_stream<> _secretReady;
rpl::event_stream<QString> _passwordError;
mtpRequestId _submitRequestId = 0;
bool _submitSuccess = false;
bool _suggestingRestart = false;
QString _serviceErrorText;
base::Timer _shortPollTimer;
rpl::lifetime _uploaderSubscriptions;
rpl::lifetime _lifetime;
std::unique_ptr<ViewController> _view;
} // namespace Passport