
190 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "history/view/media/history_view_file.h"
#include "base/runtime_composer.h"
struct HistoryDocumentNamed;
struct HistoryDocumentThumbed;
namespace Data {
class DocumentMedia;
} // namespace Data
namespace Ui {
namespace Text {
class String;
} // namespace Text
} // namespace Ui
namespace HistoryView {
class Document final
: public File
, public RuntimeComposer<Document> {
not_null<Element*> parent,
not_null<HistoryItem*> realParent,
not_null<DocumentData*> document);
void draw(Painter &p, const PaintContext &context) const override;
TextState textState(QPoint point, StateRequest request) const override;
void updatePressed(QPoint point) override;
[[nodiscard]] TextSelection adjustSelection(
TextSelection selection,
TextSelectType type) const override;
uint16 fullSelectionLength() const override;
bool hasTextForCopy() const override;
TextForMimeData selectedText(TextSelection selection) const override;
bool uploading() const override;
DocumentData *getDocument() const override {
return _data;
TextWithEntities getCaption() const override;
void hideSpoilers() override;
bool needsBubble() const override {
return true;
bool customInfoLayout() const override {
return false;
QMargins bubbleMargins() const override;
QSize sizeForGroupingOptimal(int maxWidth) const override;
QSize sizeForGrouping(int width) const override;
void drawGrouped(
Painter &p,
const PaintContext &context,
const QRect &geometry,
RectParts sides,
Ui::BubbleRounding rounding,
float64 highlightOpacity,
not_null<uint64*> cacheKey,
not_null<QPixmap*> cache) const override;
TextState getStateGrouped(
const QRect &geometry,
RectParts sides,
QPoint point,
StateRequest request) const override;
bool voiceProgressAnimationCallback(crl::time now);
void clickHandlerPressedChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool pressed) override;
void refreshParentId(not_null<HistoryItem*> realParent) override;
void parentTextUpdated() override;
bool hasHeavyPart() const override;
void unloadHeavyPart() override;
float64 dataProgress() const override;
bool dataFinished() const override;
bool dataLoaded() const override;
struct StateFromPlayback {
int64 statusSize = 0;
bool showPause = false;
TimeId realDuration = 0;
enum class LayoutMode {
void draw(
Painter &p,
const PaintContext &context,
int width,
LayoutMode mode,
Ui::BubbleRounding outsideRounding) const;
[[nodiscard]] TextState textState(
QPoint point,
QSize layout,
StateRequest request,
LayoutMode mode) const;
void ensureDataMediaCreated() const;
[[nodiscard]] Ui::Text::String createCaption();
QSize countOptimalSize() override;
QSize countCurrentSize(int newWidth) override;
void createComponents(bool caption);
void fillNamedFromData(not_null<HistoryDocumentNamed*> named);
[[nodiscard]] Ui::BubbleRounding thumbRounding(
LayoutMode mode,
Ui::BubbleRounding outsideRounding) const;
void validateThumbnail(
not_null<const HistoryDocumentThumbed*> thumbed,
int size,
Ui::BubbleRounding rounding) const;
void fillThumbnailOverlay(
QPainter &p,
QRect rect,
Ui::BubbleRounding rounding,
const PaintContext &context) const;
void setStatusSize(int64 newSize, TimeId realDuration = 0) const;
bool updateStatusText() const; // returns showPause
[[nodiscard]] bool downloadInCorner() const;
void drawCornerDownload(
Painter &p,
const PaintContext &context,
LayoutMode mode) const;
[[nodiscard]] TextState cornerDownloadTextState(
QPoint point,
StateRequest request,
LayoutMode mode) const;
not_null<DocumentData*> _data;
mutable std::shared_ptr<Data::DocumentMedia> _dataMedia;
mutable QImage _iconCache;
mutable QImage _cornerDownloadCache;
class TooltipFilename {
void setElided(bool value);
void setMoused(bool value);
void setTooltipText(QString text);
void updateTooltipForLink(ClickHandler *link);
void updateTooltipForState(TextState &state) const;
ClickHandler *_lastLink = nullptr;
bool _elided = false;
bool _moused = false;
bool _stale = false;
QString _tooltip;
mutable TooltipFilename _tooltipFilename;
bool _transcribedRound = false;
bool DrawThumbnailAsSongCover(
Painter &p,
const style::color &colored,
const std::shared_ptr<Data::DocumentMedia> &dataMedia,
const QRect &rect,
const bool selected = false);
} // namespace HistoryView