
314 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "history/view/history_view_element.h"
#include "history/view/history_view_bottom_info.h"
#include "ui/effects/animations.h"
class HistoryItem;
struct HistoryMessageEdited;
struct HistoryMessageForwarded;
struct HistoryMessageReplyMarkup;
namespace Data {
struct ReactionId;
} // namespace Data
namespace Ui {
struct BubbleRounding;
} // namespace Ui
namespace HistoryView {
class ViewButton;
class WebPage;
namespace Reactions {
class InlineList;
} // namespace Reactions
// Special type of Component for the channel actions log.
struct LogEntryOriginal
: public RuntimeComponent<LogEntryOriginal, Element> {
LogEntryOriginal(LogEntryOriginal &&other);
LogEntryOriginal &operator=(LogEntryOriginal &&other);
std::unique_ptr<WebPage> page;
struct PsaTooltipState : public RuntimeComponent<PsaTooltipState, Element> {
QString type;
mutable ClickHandlerPtr link;
mutable Ui::Animations::Simple buttonVisibleAnimation;
mutable bool buttonVisible = true;
struct BottomRippleMask {
QImage image;
int shift = 0;
[[nodiscard]] style::color FromNameFg(
const Ui::ChatPaintContext &context,
PeerId peerId);
class Message final : public Element {
not_null<ElementDelegate*> delegate,
not_null<HistoryItem*> data,
Element *replacing);
void clickHandlerPressedChanged(
const ClickHandlerPtr &handler,
bool pressed) override;
[[nodiscard]] const HistoryMessageEdited *displayedEditBadge() const;
[[nodiscard]] HistoryMessageEdited *displayedEditBadge();
[[nodiscard]] bool embedReactionsInBottomInfo() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool embedReactionsInBubble() const;
int marginTop() const override;
int marginBottom() const override;
void draw(Painter &p, const PaintContext &context) const override;
PointState pointState(QPoint point) const override;
TextState textState(
QPoint point,
StateRequest request) const override;
void updatePressed(QPoint point) override;
void drawInfo(
Painter &p,
const PaintContext &context,
int right,
int bottom,
int width,
InfoDisplayType type) const override;
TextState bottomInfoTextState(
int right,
int bottom,
QPoint point,
InfoDisplayType type) const override;
TextForMimeData selectedText(TextSelection selection) const override;
TextSelection adjustSelection(
TextSelection selection,
TextSelectType type) const override;
Reactions::ButtonParameters reactionButtonParameters(
QPoint position,
const TextState &reactionState) const override;
int reactionsOptimalWidth() const override;
bool hasHeavyPart() const override;
void unloadHeavyPart() override;
// hasFromPhoto() returns true even if we don't display the photo
// but we need to skip a place at the left side for this photo
bool hasFromPhoto() const override;
bool displayFromPhoto() const override;
bool hasFromName() const override;
bool displayFromName() const override;
bool displayForwardedFrom() const override;
bool hasOutLayout() const override;
bool drawBubble() const override;
bool hasBubble() const override;
TopicButton *displayedTopicButton() const override;
bool unwrapped() const override;
int minWidthForMedia() const override;
bool hasFastReply() const override;
bool displayFastReply() const override;
bool displayRightActionComments() const;
std::optional<QSize> rightActionSize() const override;
void drawRightAction(
Painter &p,
const PaintContext &context,
int left,
int top,
int outerWidth) const override;
[[nodiscard]] ClickHandlerPtr rightActionLink(
std::optional<QPoint> pressPoint) const override;
[[nodiscard]] TimeId displayedEditDate() const override;
[[nodiscard]] HistoryMessageReply *displayedReply() const override;
[[nodiscard]] bool toggleSelectionByHandlerClick(
const ClickHandlerPtr &handler) const override;
[[nodiscard]] int infoWidth() const override;
[[nodiscard]] int bottomInfoFirstLineWidth() const override;
[[nodiscard]] bool bottomInfoIsWide() const override;
[[nodiscard]] bool isSignedAuthorElided() const override;
void itemDataChanged() override;
VerticalRepaintRange verticalRepaintRange() const override;
void applyGroupAdminChanges(
const base::flat_set<UserId> &changes) override;
void animateReaction(Ui::ReactionFlyAnimationArgs &&args) override;
auto takeReactionAnimations()
-> base::flat_map<
std::unique_ptr<Ui::ReactionFlyAnimation>> override;
QRect innerGeometry() const override;
[[nodiscard]] BottomRippleMask bottomRippleMask(int buttonHeight) const;
void refreshDataIdHook() override;
struct CommentsButton;
struct FromNameStatus;
struct RightAction;
void initLogEntryOriginal();
void initPsa();
void fromNameUpdated(int width) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool showForwardsFromSender(
not_null<HistoryMessageForwarded*> forwarded) const;
[[nodiscard]] TextSelection skipTextSelection(
TextSelection selection) const;
[[nodiscard]] TextSelection unskipTextSelection(
TextSelection selection) const;
void toggleCommentsButtonRipple(bool pressed);
void createCommentsButtonRipple();
void toggleTopicButtonRipple(bool pressed);
void createTopicButtonRipple();
void toggleRightActionRipple(bool pressed);
void createRightActionRipple();
void paintCommentsButton(
Painter &p,
QRect &g,
const PaintContext &context) const;
void paintFromName(
Painter &p,
QRect &trect,
const PaintContext &context) const;
void paintTopicButton(
Painter &p,
QRect &trect,
const PaintContext &context) const;
void paintForwardedInfo(
Painter &p,
QRect &trect,
const PaintContext &context) const;
void paintReplyInfo(
Painter &p,
QRect &trect,
const PaintContext &context) const;
// This method draws "via @bot" if it is not painted
// in forwarded info or in from name.
void paintViaBotIdInfo(
Painter &p,
QRect &trect,
const PaintContext &context) const;
void paintText(
Painter &p,
QRect &trect,
const PaintContext &context) const;
bool getStateCommentsButton(
QPoint point,
QRect &g,
not_null<TextState*> outResult) const;
bool getStateFromName(
QPoint point,
QRect &trect,
not_null<TextState*> outResult) const;
bool getStateTopicButton(
QPoint point,
QRect &trect,
not_null<TextState*> outResult) const;
bool getStateForwardedInfo(
QPoint point,
QRect &trect,
not_null<TextState*> outResult,
StateRequest request) const;
bool getStateReplyInfo(
QPoint point,
QRect &trect,
not_null<TextState*> outResult) const;
bool getStateViaBotIdInfo(
QPoint point,
QRect &trect,
not_null<TextState*> outResult) const;
bool getStateText(
QPoint point,
QRect &trect,
not_null<TextState*> outResult,
StateRequest request) const;
void updateMediaInBubbleState();
QRect countGeometry() const;
[[nodiscard]] Ui::BubbleRounding countMessageRounding() const;
[[nodiscard]] Ui::BubbleRounding countBubbleRounding(
Ui::BubbleRounding messageRounding) const;
[[nodiscard]] Ui::BubbleRounding countBubbleRounding() const;
int resizeContentGetHeight(int newWidth);
QSize performCountOptimalSize() override;
QSize performCountCurrentSize(int newWidth) override;
bool hasVisibleText() const override;
[[nodiscard]] int visibleTextLength() const;
[[nodiscard]] int visibleMediaTextLength() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool needInfoDisplay() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool isPinnedContext() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool displayFastShare() const;
[[nodiscard]] bool displayGoToOriginal() const;
[[nodiscard]] ClickHandlerPtr fastReplyLink() const;
[[nodiscard]] ClickHandlerPtr prepareRightActionLink() const;
void ensureRightAction() const;
void refreshTopicButton();
void refreshInfoSkipBlock();
[[nodiscard]] int plainMaxWidth() const;
[[nodiscard]] int monospaceMaxWidth() const;
void validateInlineKeyboard(HistoryMessageReplyMarkup *markup);
void updateViewButtonExistence();
[[nodiscard]] int viewButtonHeight() const;
[[nodiscard]] WebPage *logEntryOriginal() const;
[[nodiscard]] ClickHandlerPtr createGoToCommentsLink() const;
[[nodiscard]] ClickHandlerPtr psaTooltipLink() const;
void psaTooltipToggled(bool shown) const;
void refreshRightBadge();
void refreshReactions();
void validateFromNameText(PeerData *from) const;
mutable std::unique_ptr<RightAction> _rightAction;
mutable ClickHandlerPtr _fastReplyLink;
mutable std::unique_ptr<ViewButton> _viewButton;
std::unique_ptr<Reactions::InlineList> _reactions;
std::unique_ptr<TopicButton> _topicButton;
mutable std::unique_ptr<CommentsButton> _comments;
mutable Ui::Text::String _fromName;
mutable std::unique_ptr<FromNameStatus> _fromNameStatus;
Ui::Text::String _rightBadge;
mutable int _fromNameVersion = 0;
int _bubbleWidthLimit = 0;
BottomInfo _bottomInfo;
} // namespace HistoryView