
285 lines
8.8 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "history/media/history_media_sticker.h"
#include "layout.h"
#include "boxes/sticker_set_box.h"
#include "history/history_item_components.h"
#include "history/history_item.h"
#include "history/view/history_view_element.h"
#include "history/view/history_view_cursor_state.h"
#include "ui/image/image.h"
#include "ui/emoji_config.h"
#include "data/data_document.h"
#include "styles/style_history.h"
namespace {
using TextState = HistoryView::TextState;
} // namespace
not_null<Element*> parent,
not_null<DocumentData*> document)
: HistoryMedia(parent)
, _data(document)
, _emoji(_data->sticker()->alt) {
if (const auto emoji = Ui::Emoji::Find(_emoji)) {
_emoji = emoji->text();
QSize HistorySticker::countOptimalSize() {
auto sticker = _data->sticker();
if (!_packLink && sticker && sticker->set.type() != mtpc_inputStickerSetEmpty) {
_packLink = std::make_shared<LambdaClickHandler>([document = _data] {
_pixw = _data->dimensions.width();
_pixh = _data->dimensions.height();
if (_pixw > st::maxStickerSize) {
_pixh = (st::maxStickerSize * _pixh) / _pixw;
_pixw = st::maxStickerSize;
if (_pixh > st::maxStickerSize) {
_pixw = (st::maxStickerSize * _pixw) / _pixh;
_pixh = st::maxStickerSize;
if (_pixw < 1) _pixw = 1;
if (_pixh < 1) _pixh = 1;
auto maxWidth = qMax(_pixw, st::minPhotoSize);
auto minHeight = qMax(_pixh, st::minPhotoSize);
_parent->infoWidth() + 2 * st::msgDateImgPadding.x());
if (_parent->media() == this) {
maxWidth += additionalWidth();
return { maxWidth, minHeight };
QSize HistorySticker::countCurrentSize(int newWidth) {
const auto item = _parent->data();
accumulate_min(newWidth, maxWidth());
if (_parent->media() == this) {
auto via = item->Get<HistoryMessageVia>();
auto reply = item->Get<HistoryMessageReply>();
if (via || reply) {
int usew = maxWidth() - additionalWidth(via, reply);
int availw = newWidth - usew - st::msgReplyPadding.left() - st::msgReplyPadding.left() - st::msgReplyPadding.left();
if (via) {
if (reply) {
return { newWidth, minHeight() };
void HistorySticker::draw(Painter &p, const QRect &r, TextSelection selection, crl::time ms) const {
auto sticker = _data->sticker();
if (!sticker) return;
if (width() < st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right() + 1) return;
bool loaded = _data->loaded();
bool selected = (selection == FullSelection);
auto outbg = _parent->hasOutLayout();
auto inWebPage = (_parent->media() != this);
const auto item = _parent->data();
int usew = maxWidth(), usex = 0;
auto via = inWebPage ? nullptr : item->Get<HistoryMessageVia>();
auto reply = inWebPage ? nullptr : item->Get<HistoryMessageReply>();
if (via || reply) {
usew -= additionalWidth(via, reply);
if (outbg) {
usex = width() - usew;
if (rtl()) usex = width() - usex - usew;
const auto &pixmap = [&]() -> const QPixmap & {
const auto o = item->fullId();
const auto w = _pixw;
const auto h = _pixh;
const auto &c = st::msgStickerOverlay;
if (const auto image = _data->getStickerLarge()) {
return selected
? image->pixColored(o, c, w, h)
: image->pix(o, w, h);
// Inline thumbnails can't have alpha channel.
//} else if (const auto blurred = _data->thumbnailInline()) {
// return selected
// ? blurred->pixBlurredColored(o, c, w, h)
// : blurred->pixBlurred(o, w, h);
} else if (const auto thumbnail = _data->thumbnail()) {
return selected
? thumbnail->pixBlurredColored(o, c, w, h)
: thumbnail->pixBlurred(o, w, h);
} else {
static QPixmap empty;
return empty;
QPoint{ usex + (usew - _pixw) / 2, (minHeight() - _pixh) / 2 },
if (!inWebPage) {
auto fullRight = usex + usew;
auto fullBottom = height();
if (needInfoDisplay()) {
_parent->drawInfo(p, fullRight, fullBottom, usex * 2 + usew, selected, InfoDisplayType::Background);
if (via || reply) {
int rectw = width() - usew - st::msgReplyPadding.left();
int recth = + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom();
if (via) {
recth += st::msgServiceNameFont->height + (reply ? : 0);
if (reply) {
recth += st::msgReplyBarSize.height();
int rectx = outbg ? 0 : (usew + st::msgReplyPadding.left());
int recty = st::msgDateImgDelta;
if (rtl()) rectx = width() - rectx - rectw;
App::roundRect(p, rectx, recty, rectw, recth, selected ? st::msgServiceBgSelected : st::msgServiceBg, selected ? StickerSelectedCorners : StickerCorners);
rectx += st::msgReplyPadding.left();
rectw -= st::msgReplyPadding.left() + st::msgReplyPadding.right();
if (via) {
p.drawTextLeft(rectx, recty +, 2 * rectx + rectw, via->text);
int skip = st::msgServiceNameFont->height + (reply ? : 0);
recty += skip;
if (reply) {
HistoryMessageReply::PaintFlags flags = 0;
if (selected) {
flags |= HistoryMessageReply::PaintFlag::Selected;
reply->paint(p, _parent, rectx, recty, rectw, flags);
if (_parent->displayRightAction()) {
auto fastShareLeft = (fullRight + st::historyFastShareLeft);
auto fastShareTop = (fullBottom - st::historyFastShareBottom - st::historyFastShareSize);
_parent->drawRightAction(p, fastShareLeft, fastShareTop, 2 * usex + usew);
TextState HistorySticker::textState(QPoint point, StateRequest request) const {
auto result = TextState(_parent);
if (width() < st::msgPadding.left() + st::msgPadding.right() + 1) {
return result;
auto outbg = _parent->hasOutLayout();
auto inWebPage = (_parent->media() != this);
const auto item = _parent->data();
int usew = maxWidth(), usex = 0;
auto via = inWebPage ? nullptr : item->Get<HistoryMessageVia>();
auto reply = inWebPage ? nullptr : item->Get<HistoryMessageReply>();
if (via || reply) {
usew -= additionalWidth(via, reply);
if (outbg) {
usex = width() - usew;
if (rtl()) usex = width() - usex - usew;
if (via || reply) {
int rectw = width() - usew - st::msgReplyPadding.left();
int recth = + st::msgReplyPadding.bottom();
if (via) {
recth += st::msgServiceNameFont->height + (reply ? : 0);
if (reply) {
recth += st::msgReplyBarSize.height();
int rectx = outbg ? 0 : (usew + st::msgReplyPadding.left());
int recty = st::msgDateImgDelta;
if (rtl()) rectx = width() - rectx - rectw;
if (via) {
int viah = + st::msgServiceNameFont->height + (reply ? 0 : st::msgReplyPadding.bottom());
if (QRect(rectx, recty, rectw, viah).contains(point)) { = via->link;
return result;
int skip = st::msgServiceNameFont->height + (reply ? 2 * : 0);
recty += skip;
recth -= skip;
if (reply) {
if (QRect(rectx, recty, rectw, recth).contains(point)) { = reply->replyToLink();
return result;
if (_parent->media() == this) {
auto fullRight = usex + usew;
auto fullBottom = height();
if (_parent->pointInTime(fullRight, fullBottom, point, InfoDisplayType::Image)) {
result.cursor = CursorState::Date;
if (_parent->displayRightAction()) {
auto fastShareLeft = (fullRight + st::historyFastShareLeft);
auto fastShareTop = (fullBottom - st::historyFastShareBottom - st::historyFastShareSize);
if (QRect(fastShareLeft, fastShareTop, st::historyFastShareSize, st::historyFastShareSize).contains(point)) { = _parent->rightActionLink();
auto pixLeft = usex + (usew - _pixw) / 2;
auto pixTop = (minHeight() - _pixh) / 2;
if (QRect(pixLeft, pixTop, _pixw, _pixh).contains(point)) { = _packLink;
return result;
return result;
bool HistorySticker::needInfoDisplay() const {
return (_parent->data()->id < 0 || _parent->isUnderCursor());
int HistorySticker::additionalWidth(const HistoryMessageVia *via, const HistoryMessageReply *reply) const {
int result = 0;
if (via) {
accumulate_max(result, st::msgReplyPadding.left() + st::msgReplyPadding.left() + via->maxWidth + st::msgReplyPadding.left());
if (reply) {
accumulate_max(result, st::msgReplyPadding.left() + reply->replyToWidth());
return result;
int HistorySticker::additionalWidth() const {
const auto item = _parent->data();
return additionalWidth(