
168 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "mtproto/mtproto_auth_key.h"
#include "mtproto/mtp_instance.h"
#include "base/weak_ptr.h"
namespace Storage {
class Account;
class Domain;
enum class StartResult : uchar;
} // namespace Storage
namespace MTP {
class AuthKey;
class Config;
} // namespace MTP
namespace Main {
class Domain;
class Session;
class SessionSettings;
class AppConfig;
class Account final : public base::has_weak_ptr {
Account(not_null<Domain*> domain, const QString &dataName, int index);
[[nodiscard]] Domain &domain() const {
return *_domain;
[[nodiscard]] Storage::Domain &domainLocal() const;
[[nodiscard]] Storage::StartResult legacyStart(
const QByteArray &passcode);
[[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr<MTP::Config> prepareToStart(
std::shared_ptr<MTP::AuthKey> localKey);
void prepareToStartAdded(
std::shared_ptr<MTP::AuthKey> localKey);
void start(std::unique_ptr<MTP::Config> config);
[[nodiscard]] uint64 willHaveSessionUniqueId(MTP::Config *config) const;
void createSession(
const MTPUser &user,
std::unique_ptr<SessionSettings> settings = nullptr);
void createSession(
UserId id,
QByteArray serialized,
int streamVersion,
std::unique_ptr<SessionSettings> settings);
void logOut();
void forcedLogOut();
[[nodiscard]] bool loggingOut() const;
[[nodiscard]] AppConfig &appConfig() const {
Expects(_appConfig != nullptr);
return *_appConfig;
[[nodiscard]] Storage::Account &local() const {
return *_local;
[[nodiscard]] bool sessionExists() const;
[[nodiscard]] Session &session() const;
[[nodiscard]] Session *maybeSession() const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<Session*> sessionValue() const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<Session*> sessionChanges() const;
[[nodiscard]] MTP::Instance &mtp() const {
return *_mtp;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<not_null<MTP::Instance*>> mtpValue() const;
// Each time the main session changes a new copy of the pointer is fired.
// This allows to resend the requests that were not requiring auth, and
// which could be forgotten without calling .done() or .fail() because
// of the main dc changing.
[[nodiscard]] auto mtpMainSessionValue() const
-> rpl::producer<not_null<MTP::Instance*>>;
// Set from legacy storage.
void setLegacyMtpKey(std::shared_ptr<MTP::AuthKey> key);
void setMtpMainDcId(MTP::DcId mainDcId);
void setSessionUserId(UserId userId);
void setSessionFromStorage(
std::unique_ptr<SessionSettings> data,
QByteArray &&selfSerialized,
int32 selfStreamVersion);
[[nodiscard]] SessionSettings *getSessionSettings();
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<> mtpNewSessionCreated() const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<MTPUpdates> mtpUpdates() const;
// Serialization.
[[nodiscard]] QByteArray serializeMtpAuthorization() const;
void setMtpAuthorization(const QByteArray &serialized);
void suggestMainDcId(MTP::DcId mainDcId);
void destroyStaleAuthorizationKeys();
[[nodiscard]] rpl::lifetime &lifetime() {
return _lifetime;
static constexpr auto kDefaultSaveDelay = crl::time(1000);
enum class DestroyReason {
void startMtp(std::unique_ptr<MTP::Config> config);
void createSession(
const MTPUser &user,
QByteArray serialized,
int streamVersion,
std::unique_ptr<SessionSettings> settings);
void watchProxyChanges();
void watchSessionChanges();
bool checkForUpdates(const MTP::Response &message);
bool checkForNewSession(const MTP::Response &message);
void destroyMtpKeys(MTP::AuthKeysList &&keys);
void resetAuthorizationKeys();
void loggedOut();
void destroySession(DestroyReason reason);
const not_null<Domain*> _domain;
const std::unique_ptr<Storage::Account> _local;
std::unique_ptr<MTP::Instance> _mtp;
rpl::variable<MTP::Instance*> _mtpValue;
std::unique_ptr<MTP::Instance> _mtpForKeysDestroy;
rpl::event_stream<MTPUpdates> _mtpUpdates;
rpl::event_stream<> _mtpNewSessionCreated;
std::unique_ptr<AppConfig> _appConfig;
std::unique_ptr<Session> _session;
rpl::variable<Session*> _sessionValue;
UserId _sessionUserId = 0;
QByteArray _sessionUserSerialized;
int32 _sessionUserStreamVersion = 0;
std::unique_ptr<SessionSettings> _storedSessionSettings;
MTP::Instance::Fields _mtpFields;
MTP::AuthKeysList _mtpKeysToDestroy;
bool _loggingOut = false;
rpl::lifetime _lifetime;
} // namespace Main