
231 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "base/timer.h"
#include "mtproto/mtproto_rpc_sender.h"
#include "mtproto/mtproto_proxy_data.h"
#include "mtproto/details/mtproto_serialized_request.h"
#include <QtCore/QTimer>
namespace MTP {
class Instance;
class AuthKey;
using AuthKeyPtr = std::shared_ptr<AuthKey>;
namespace internal {
class Dcenter;
class Connection;
enum class TemporaryKeyType;
enum class CreatingKeyType;
struct ConnectionOptions {
ConnectionOptions() = default;
const QString &systemLangCode,
const QString &cloudLangCode,
const QString &langPackName,
const ProxyData &proxy,
bool useIPv4,
bool useIPv6,
bool useHttp,
bool useTcp);
ConnectionOptions(const ConnectionOptions &other) = default;
ConnectionOptions &operator=(const ConnectionOptions &other) = default;
QString systemLangCode;
QString cloudLangCode;
QString langPackName;
ProxyData proxy;
bool useIPv4 = true;
bool useIPv6 = true;
bool useHttp = true;
bool useTcp = true;
class Session;
class SessionData {
SessionData(not_null<Session*> creator) : _owner(creator) {
void notifyConnectionInited(const ConnectionOptions &options);
void setConnectionOptions(ConnectionOptions options) {
QWriteLocker locker(&_optionsLock);
_options = options;
[[nodiscard]] ConnectionOptions connectionOptions() const {
QReadLocker locker(&_optionsLock);
return _options;
not_null<QReadWriteLock*> toSendMutex() {
return &_toSendLock;
not_null<QReadWriteLock*> haveSentMutex() {
return &_haveSentLock;
not_null<QReadWriteLock*> haveReceivedMutex() {
return &_haveReceivedLock;
base::flat_map<mtpRequestId, details::SerializedRequest> &toSendMap() {
return _toSend;
base::flat_map<mtpMsgId, details::SerializedRequest> &haveSentMap() {
return _haveSent;
base::flat_map<mtpRequestId, mtpBuffer> &haveReceivedResponses() {
return _receivedResponses;
std::vector<mtpBuffer> &haveReceivedUpdates() {
return _receivedUpdates;
// Warning! Valid only in constructor, _owner is guaranteed != null.
[[nodiscard]] not_null<Session*> owner() {
return _owner;
// Connection -> Session interface.
void queueTryToReceive();
void queueNeedToResumeAndSend();
void queueConnectionStateChange(int newState);
void queueResetDone();
void queueSendAnything(crl::time msCanWait = 0);
[[nodiscard]] bool connectionInited() const;
[[nodiscard]] AuthKeyPtr getPersistentKey() const;
[[nodiscard]] AuthKeyPtr getTemporaryKey(TemporaryKeyType type) const;
[[nodiscard]] CreatingKeyType acquireKeyCreation(TemporaryKeyType type);
[[nodiscard]] bool releaseKeyCreationOnDone(
const AuthKeyPtr &temporaryKey,
const AuthKeyPtr &persistentKeyUsedForBind);
void releaseKeyCreationOnFail();
void destroyTemporaryKey(uint64 keyId);
void detach();
template <typename Callback>
void withSession(Callback &&callback);
Session *_owner = nullptr;
mutable QMutex _ownerMutex;
ConnectionOptions _options;
mutable QReadWriteLock _optionsLock;
base::flat_map<mtpRequestId, details::SerializedRequest> _toSend; // map of request_id -> request, that is waiting to be sent
QReadWriteLock _toSendLock;
base::flat_map<mtpMsgId, details::SerializedRequest> _haveSent; // map of msg_id -> request, that was sent
QReadWriteLock _haveSentLock;
base::flat_map<mtpRequestId, mtpBuffer> _receivedResponses; // map of request_id -> response that should be processed in the main thread
std::vector<mtpBuffer> _receivedUpdates; // list of updates that should be processed in the main thread
QReadWriteLock _haveReceivedLock;
class Session : public QObject {
// Main thread.
not_null<Instance*> instance,
ShiftedDcId shiftedDcId,
not_null<Dcenter*> dc);
void start();
void reInitConnection();
void restart();
void refreshOptions();
void stop();
void kill();
void unpaused();
// Thread-safe.
[[nodiscard]] ShiftedDcId getDcWithShift() const;
[[nodiscard]] AuthKeyPtr getPersistentKey() const;
[[nodiscard]] AuthKeyPtr getTemporaryKey(TemporaryKeyType type) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool connectionInited() const;
void sendPrepared(
const details::SerializedRequest &request,
crl::time msCanWait = 0);
// Connection thread.
[[nodiscard]] CreatingKeyType acquireKeyCreation(TemporaryKeyType type);
[[nodiscard]] bool releaseKeyCreationOnDone(
const AuthKeyPtr &temporaryKey,
const AuthKeyPtr &persistentKeyUsedForBind);
void releaseKeyCreationOnFail();
void destroyTemporaryKey(uint64 keyId);
void notifyDcConnectionInited();
void ping();
void cancel(mtpRequestId requestId, mtpMsgId msgId);
int32 requestState(mtpRequestId requestId) const;
int32 getState() const;
QString transport() const;
void tryToReceive();
void needToResumeAndSend();
void connectionStateChange(int newState);
void resetDone();
void sendAnything(crl::time msCanWait = 0);
void authKeyChanged();
void needToSend();
void needToPing();
void needToRestart();
void watchDcKeyChanges();
bool rpcErrorOccured(mtpRequestId requestId, const RPCFailHandlerPtr &onFail, const RPCError &err);
const not_null<Instance*> _instance;
const ShiftedDcId _shiftedDcId = 0;
const not_null<Dcenter*> _dc;
const std::shared_ptr<SessionData> _data;
std::unique_ptr<Connection> _connection;
bool _killed = false;
bool _needToReceive = false;
AuthKeyPtr _dcKeyForCheck;
CreatingKeyType _myKeyCreation = CreatingKeyType();
crl::time _msSendCall = 0;
crl::time _msWait = 0;
bool _ping = false;
base::Timer _timeouter;
base::Timer _sender;
rpl::lifetime _lifetime;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace MTP