/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "inline_bots/inline_bot_send_data.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "inline_bots/inline_bot_result.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" namespace InlineBots { namespace internal { QString SendData::getLayoutTitle(const Result *owner) const { return owner->_title; } QString SendData::getLayoutDescription(const Result *owner) const { return owner->_description; } void SendDataCommon::addToHistory(const Result *owner, History *history, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, MsgId msgId, UserId fromId, MTPint mtpDate, UserId viaBotId, MsgId replyToId, const QString &postAuthor, const MTPReplyMarkup &markup) const { auto fields = getSentMessageFields(); if (!fields.entities.v.isEmpty()) { flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_entities; } history->addNewMessage(MTP_message(MTP_flags(flags), MTP_int(msgId), MTP_int(fromId), peerToMTP(history->peer->id), MTPnullFwdHeader, MTP_int(viaBotId), MTP_int(replyToId), mtpDate, fields.text, fields.media, markup, fields.entities, MTP_int(1), MTPint(), MTP_string(postAuthor)), NewMessageUnread); } QString SendDataCommon::getErrorOnSend(const Result *owner, History *history) const { if (auto megagroup = history->peer->asMegagroup()) { if (megagroup->restrictedRights().is_send_messages()) { return lang(lng_restricted_send_message); } } return QString(); } SendDataCommon::SentMTPMessageFields SendText::getSentMessageFields() const { SentMTPMessageFields result; result.text = MTP_string(_message); result.entities = TextUtilities::EntitiesToMTP(_entities); return result; } SendDataCommon::SentMTPMessageFields SendGeo::getSentMessageFields() const { SentMTPMessageFields result; result.media = MTP_messageMediaGeo(_location.toMTP()); return result; } SendDataCommon::SentMTPMessageFields SendVenue::getSentMessageFields() const { SentMTPMessageFields result; result.media = MTP_messageMediaVenue(_location.toMTP(), MTP_string(_title), MTP_string(_address), MTP_string(_provider), MTP_string(_venueId)); return result; } SendDataCommon::SentMTPMessageFields SendContact::getSentMessageFields() const { SentMTPMessageFields result; result.media = MTP_messageMediaContact(MTP_string(_phoneNumber), MTP_string(_firstName), MTP_string(_lastName), MTP_int(0)); return result; } QString SendContact::getLayoutDescription(const Result *owner) const { auto result = SendData::getLayoutDescription(owner); if (result.isEmpty()) { return App::formatPhone(_phoneNumber); } return result; } void SendPhoto::addToHistory(const Result *owner, History *history, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, MsgId msgId, UserId fromId, MTPint mtpDate, UserId viaBotId, MsgId replyToId, const QString &postAuthor, const MTPReplyMarkup &markup) const { history->addNewPhoto(msgId, flags, viaBotId, replyToId, date(mtpDate), fromId, postAuthor, _photo, _caption, markup); } QString SendPhoto::getErrorOnSend(const Result *owner, History *history) const { if (auto megagroup = history->peer->asMegagroup()) { if (megagroup->restrictedRights().is_send_media()) { return lang(lng_restricted_send_media); } } return QString(); } void SendFile::addToHistory(const Result *owner, History *history, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, MsgId msgId, UserId fromId, MTPint mtpDate, UserId viaBotId, MsgId replyToId, const QString &postAuthor, const MTPReplyMarkup &markup) const { history->addNewDocument(msgId, flags, viaBotId, replyToId, date(mtpDate), fromId, postAuthor, _document, _caption, markup); } QString SendFile::getErrorOnSend(const Result *owner, History *history) const { if (auto megagroup = history->peer->asMegagroup()) { if (megagroup->restrictedRights().is_send_media()) { return lang(lng_restricted_send_media); } else if (megagroup->restrictedRights().is_send_stickers() && (_document->sticker() != nullptr)) { return lang(lng_restricted_send_stickers); } else if (megagroup->restrictedRights().is_send_gifs() && _document->isAnimation() && !_document->isRoundVideo()) { return lang(lng_restricted_send_gifs); } } return QString(); } void SendGame::addToHistory(const Result *owner, History *history, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, MsgId msgId, UserId fromId, MTPint mtpDate, UserId viaBotId, MsgId replyToId, const QString &postAuthor, const MTPReplyMarkup &markup) const { history->addNewGame(msgId, flags, viaBotId, replyToId, date(mtpDate), fromId, postAuthor, _game, markup); } QString SendGame::getErrorOnSend(const Result *owner, History *history) const { if (auto megagroup = history->peer->asMegagroup()) { if (megagroup->restrictedRights().is_send_games()) { return lang(lng_restricted_send_inline); } } return QString(); } } // namespace internal } // namespace InlineBots