/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. This code is in Public Domain, see license terms in .github/CONTRIBUTING.md Copyright (C) 2017, Nicholas Guriev */ #include "boxes/mute_settings_box.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "ui/special_buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/checkbox.h" #include "ui/widgets/labels.h" namespace { constexpr auto kForeverHours = 24 * 365; } // namespace MuteSettingsBox::MuteSettingsBox(QWidget *parent, not_null peer) : _peer(peer) { } void MuteSettingsBox::prepare() { setTitle(tr::lng_disable_notifications_from_tray()); auto y = 0; object_ptr info(this, st::boxLabel); info->setText(tr::lng_mute_box_tip(tr::now)); info->moveToLeft(st::boxPadding.left(), y); y += info->height() + st::boxLittleSkip; const auto icon = object_ptr( this, _peer, Ui::UserpicButton::Role::Custom, st::mutePhotoButton); icon->setPointerCursor(false); icon->moveToLeft(st::boxPadding.left(), y); object_ptr title(this, st::muteChatTitle); title->setText(App::peerName(_peer, true)); title->moveToLeft( st::boxPadding.left() + st::muteChatTitleLeft, y + (icon->height() / 2) - (title->height() / 2)); // the icon is always higher than this chat title y += icon->height() + st::boxMediumSkip; // in fact, this is mute only for 1 year const auto group = std::make_shared(kForeverHours); y += st::boxOptionListPadding.top(); for (const auto hours : { 1, 4, 18, 72, kForeverHours }) { const auto text = [&] { if (hours < 24) { return tr::lng_mute_duration_hours(tr::now, lt_count, hours); } else if (hours < kForeverHours) { return tr::lng_mute_duration_days(tr::now, lt_count, hours / 24); } else { return tr::lng_mute_duration_forever(tr::now); } }(); object_ptr option(this, group, hours, text); option->moveToLeft(st::boxPadding.left(), y); y += option->heightNoMargins() + st::boxOptionListSkip; } y += st::boxOptionListPadding.bottom() - st::boxOptionListSkip + st::defaultCheckbox.margin.bottom(); _save = [=] { const auto muteForSeconds = group->value() * 3600; Auth().data().updateNotifySettings( _peer, muteForSeconds); closeBox(); }; addButton(tr::lng_box_ok(), _save); addButton(tr::lng_cancel(), [this] { closeBox(); }); setDimensions(st::boxWidth, y); } void MuteSettingsBox::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || e->key() == Qt::Key_Return) { if (_save) { _save(); } } } // vi: ts=4 tw=80