/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "dialogs/dialogs_entry.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_key.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_indexed_list.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_folder.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "app.h" #include "styles/style_dialogs.h" // st::dialogsTextWidthMin namespace Dialogs { namespace { auto DialogsPosToTopShift = 0; uint64 DialogPosFromDate(TimeId date) { if (!date) { return 0; } return (uint64(date) << 32) | (++DialogsPosToTopShift); } uint64 FixedOnTopDialogPos(int index) { return 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF000FULL - index; } uint64 PinnedDialogPos(int pinnedIndex) { return 0xFFFFFFFF000000FFULL - pinnedIndex; } } // namespace Entry::Entry(not_null owner, const Key &key) : lastItemTextCache(st::dialogsTextWidthMin) , _owner(owner) , _key(key) { } Data::Session &Entry::owner() const { return *_owner; } Main::Session &Entry::session() const { return _owner->session(); } void Entry::cachePinnedIndex(int index) { if (_pinnedIndex != index) { const auto wasPinned = isPinnedDialog(); _pinnedIndex = index; if (session().supportMode()) { // Force reorder in support mode. _sortKeyInChatList = 0; } updateChatListSortPosition(); updateChatListEntry(); if (wasPinned != isPinnedDialog()) { changedChatListPinHook(); } } } void Entry::cacheProxyPromoted(bool promoted) { if (_isProxyPromoted != promoted) { _isProxyPromoted = promoted; updateChatListSortPosition(); updateChatListEntry(); if (!_isProxyPromoted) { updateChatListExistence(); } } } bool Entry::needUpdateInChatList() const { return inChatList() || shouldBeInChatList(); } void Entry::updateChatListSortPosition() { if (session().supportMode() && _sortKeyInChatList != 0 && session().settings().supportFixChatsOrder()) { updateChatListEntry(); return; } const auto fixedIndex = fixedOnTopIndex(); _sortKeyInChatList = fixedIndex ? FixedOnTopDialogPos(fixedIndex) : isPinnedDialog() ? PinnedDialogPos(_pinnedIndex) : DialogPosFromDate(adjustedChatListTimeId()); if (needUpdateInChatList()) { setChatListExistence(true); } else { _sortKeyInChatList = 0; } } void Entry::updateChatListExistence() { setChatListExistence(shouldBeInChatList()); } void Entry::notifyUnreadStateChange(const UnreadState &wasState) { owner().unreadStateChanged(_key, wasState); } void Entry::setChatListExistence(bool exists) { if (const auto main = App::main()) { if (exists && _sortKeyInChatList) { main->refreshDialog(_key); updateChatListEntry(); } else { main->removeDialog(_key); } } } TimeId Entry::adjustedChatListTimeId() const { return chatListTimeId(); } void Entry::changedChatListPinHook() { } RowsByLetter *Entry::chatListLinks(FilterId filterId) { const auto i = _chatListLinks.find(filterId); return (i != end(_chatListLinks)) ? &i->second : nullptr; } const RowsByLetter *Entry::chatListLinks(FilterId filterId) const { const auto i = _chatListLinks.find(filterId); return (i != end(_chatListLinks)) ? &i->second : nullptr; } not_null Entry::mainChatListLink(FilterId filterId) const { const auto links = chatListLinks(filterId); Assert(links != nullptr); return links->main; } Row *Entry::maybeMainChatListLink(FilterId filterId) const { const auto links = chatListLinks(filterId); return links ? links->main.get() : nullptr; } PositionChange Entry::adjustByPosInChatList(FilterId filterId) { const auto links = chatListLinks(filterId); Assert(links != nullptr); const auto from = links->main->pos(); myChatsList(filterId)->adjustByDate(*links); const auto to = links->main->pos(); return { from, to }; } void Entry::setChatListTimeId(TimeId date) { _timeId = date; updateChatListSortPosition(); if (const auto folder = this->folder()) { folder->updateChatListSortPosition(); } } int Entry::posInChatList(FilterId filterId) const { return mainChatListLink(filterId)->pos(); } not_null Entry::addToChatList(FilterId filterId) { if (const auto main = maybeMainChatListLink(filterId)) { return main; } const auto result = _chatListLinks.emplace( filterId, myChatsList(filterId)->addToEnd(_key) ).first->second.main; if (!filterId) { owner().unreadEntryChanged(_key, true); } return result; } void Entry::removeFromChatList(FilterId filterId) { const auto i = _chatListLinks.find(filterId); if (i == end(_chatListLinks)) { return; } myChatsList(filterId)->del(_key); _chatListLinks.erase(i); if (!filterId) { owner().unreadEntryChanged(_key, false); } } void Entry::removeChatListEntryByLetter(FilterId filterId, QChar letter) { const auto i = _chatListLinks.find(filterId); if (i != end(_chatListLinks)) { i->second.letters.remove(letter); } } void Entry::addChatListEntryByLetter( FilterId filterId, QChar letter, not_null row) { const auto i = _chatListLinks.find(filterId); if (i != end(_chatListLinks)) { i->second.letters.emplace(letter, row); } } void Entry::updateChatListEntry() const { if (const auto main = App::main()) { for (const auto &[filterId, links] : _chatListLinks) { main->repaintDialogRow(filterId, links.main); } if (session().supportMode() && !session().settings().supportAllSearchResults()) { main->repaintDialogRow({ _key, FullMsgId() }); } } } not_null Entry::myChatsList(FilterId filterId) const { return owner().chatsList(folder())->indexed(filterId); } } // namespace Dialogs