/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "core/sandbox.h" #include "base/platform/base_platform_info.h" #include "platform/platform_specific.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "window/notifications_manager.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "core/crash_reports.h" #include "core/crash_report_window.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "core/launcher.h" #include "core/local_url_handlers.h" #include "core/update_checker.h" #include "base/timer.h" #include "base/concurrent_timer.h" #include "base/invoke_queued.h" #include "base/qthelp_url.h" #include "base/qthelp_regex.h" #include "ui/ui_utility.h" #include "ui/effects/animations.h" #include "ui/platform/ui_platform_utility.h" #include #include #include #include namespace Core { namespace { QChar _toHex(ushort v) { v = v & 0x000F; return QChar::fromLatin1((v >= 10) ? ('a' + (v - 10)) : ('0' + v)); } ushort _fromHex(QChar c) { return ((c.unicode() >= uchar('a')) ? (c.unicode() - uchar('a') + 10) : (c.unicode() - uchar('0'))) & 0x000F; } QString _escapeTo7bit(const QString &str) { QString result; result.reserve(str.size() * 2); for (int i = 0, l = str.size(); i != l; ++i) { QChar ch(str.at(i)); ushort uch(ch.unicode()); if (uch < 32 || uch > 127 || uch == ushort(uchar('%'))) { result.append('%').append(_toHex(uch >> 12)).append(_toHex(uch >> 8)).append(_toHex(uch >> 4)).append(_toHex(uch)); } else { result.append(ch); } } return result; } QString _escapeFrom7bit(const QString &str) { QString result; result.reserve(str.size()); for (int i = 0, l = str.size(); i != l; ++i) { QChar ch(str.at(i)); if (ch == QChar::fromLatin1('%') && i + 4 < l) { result.append(QChar(ushort((_fromHex(str.at(i + 1)) << 12) | (_fromHex(str.at(i + 2)) << 8) | (_fromHex(str.at(i + 3)) << 4) | _fromHex(str.at(i + 4))))); i += 4; } else { result.append(ch); } } return result; } } // namespace bool Sandbox::QuitOnStartRequested = false; Sandbox::Sandbox(int &argc, char **argv) : QApplication(argc, argv) , _mainThreadId(QThread::currentThreadId()) { setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); } int Sandbox::start() { if (!Core::UpdaterDisabled()) { _updateChecker = std::make_unique(); } { const auto d = QFile::encodeName(QDir(cWorkingDir()).absolutePath()); char h[33] = { 0 }; hashMd5Hex(d.constData(), d.size(), h); _localServerName = Platform::SingleInstanceLocalServerName(h); } { const auto d = QFile::encodeName(cExeDir() + cExeName()); QByteArray h; h.resize(32); hashMd5Hex(d.constData(), d.size(), h.data()); _lockFile = std::make_unique(QDir::tempPath() + '/' + h + '-' + cGUIDStr()); _lockFile->setStaleLockTime(0); if (!_lockFile->tryLock() && Launcher::Instance().customWorkingDir()) { // On Windows, QLockFile has problems detecting a stale lock // if the machine's hostname contains characters outside the US-ASCII character set. if constexpr (Platform::IsWindows()) { // QLockFile::removeStaleLockFile returns false on Windows, // when the application owning the lock is still running. if (!_lockFile->removeStaleLockFile()) { gManyInstance = true; } } else { gManyInstance = true; } } } #if defined Q_OS_LINUX && QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 2, 0) _localServer.setSocketOptions(QLocalServer::AbstractNamespaceOption); _localSocket.setSocketOptions(QLocalSocket::AbstractNamespaceOption); #endif // Q_OS_LINUX && Qt >= 6.2.0 connect( &_localSocket, &QLocalSocket::connected, [=] { socketConnected(); }); connect( &_localSocket, &QLocalSocket::disconnected, [=] { socketDisconnected(); }); connect( &_localSocket, &QLocalSocket::errorOccurred, [=](QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError error) { socketError(error); }); connect( &_localSocket, &QLocalSocket::bytesWritten, [=](qint64 bytes) { socketWritten(bytes); }); connect( &_localSocket, &QLocalSocket::readyRead, [=] { socketReading(); }); connect( &_localServer, &QLocalServer::newConnection, [=] { newInstanceConnected(); }); crl::on_main(this, [=] { checkForQuit(); }); connect(this, &QCoreApplication::aboutToQuit, [=] { customEnterFromEventLoop([&] { closeApplication(); }); }); // https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/issues/948 // and https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/issues/5022 const auto restartHint = [](QSessionManager &manager) { manager.setRestartHint(QSessionManager::RestartNever); }; connect( this, &QGuiApplication::saveStateRequest, this, restartHint, Qt::DirectConnection); LOG(("Connecting local socket to %1...").arg(_localServerName)); _localSocket.connectToServer(_localServerName); if (QuitOnStartRequested) { closeApplication(); return 0; } _started = true; return exec(); } void Sandbox::QuitWhenStarted() { if (!QApplication::instance() || !Instance()._started) { QuitOnStartRequested = true; } else { quit(); } } void Sandbox::launchApplication() { InvokeQueued(this, [=] { if (Quitting()) { quit(); } else if (_application) { return; } setupScreenScale(); _application = std::make_unique(); // Ideally this should go to constructor. // But we want to catch all native events and Application installs // its own filter that can filter out some of them. So we install // our filter after the Application constructor installs his. installNativeEventFilter(this); _application->run(); }); } void Sandbox::setupScreenScale() { const auto ratio = devicePixelRatio(); LOG(("Global devicePixelRatio: %1").arg(ratio)); const auto logEnv = [](const char *name) { const auto value = qEnvironmentVariable(name); if (!value.isEmpty()) { LOG(("%1: %2").arg(name).arg(value)); } }; logEnv("QT_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO"); logEnv("QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR"); logEnv("QT_ENABLE_HIGHDPI_SCALING"); logEnv("QT_SCALE_FACTOR"); logEnv("QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS"); logEnv("QT_SCALE_FACTOR_ROUNDING_POLICY"); logEnv("QT_DPI_ADJUSTMENT_POLICY"); logEnv("QT_USE_PHYSICAL_DPI"); logEnv("QT_FONT_DPI"); // Like Qt::HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy::RoundPreferFloor. // Round up for .75 and higher. This favors "small UI" over "large UI". const auto roundedRatio = ((ratio - qFloor(ratio)) < 0.75) ? qFloor(ratio) : qCeil(ratio); const auto useRatio = std::clamp(roundedRatio, 1, 3); style::SetDevicePixelRatio(useRatio); const auto screen = Sandbox::primaryScreen(); const auto dpi = screen->logicalDotsPerInch(); const auto basePair = screen->handle()->logicalBaseDpi(); const auto base = (basePair.first + basePair.second) * 0.5; const auto screenScaleExact = dpi / base; const auto screenScale = int(base::SafeRound(screenScaleExact * 20)) * 5; LOG(("Primary screen DPI: %1, Base: %2.").arg(dpi).arg(base)); LOG(("Computed screen scale: %1").arg(screenScale)); if (Platform::IsMac()) { // 110% for Retina screens by default. cSetScreenScale((useRatio == 2) ? 110 : style::kScaleDefault); } else { cSetScreenScale(std::clamp( screenScale, style::kScaleMin, style::MaxScaleForRatio(useRatio))); } LOG(("DevicePixelRatio: %1").arg(useRatio)); LOG(("ScreenScale: %1").arg(cScreenScale())); } Sandbox::~Sandbox() = default; bool Sandbox::event(QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::Quit && !Quitting()) { Quit(QuitReason::QtQuitEvent); e->ignore(); return false; } else if (e->type() == QEvent::Close) { Quit(); } return QApplication::event(e); } void Sandbox::socketConnected() { LOG(("Socket connected, this is not the first application instance, sending show command...")); _secondInstance = true; QString commands; const QStringList &lst(cSendPaths()); for (QStringList::const_iterator i = lst.cbegin(), e = lst.cend(); i != e; ++i) { commands += u"SEND:"_q + _escapeTo7bit(*i) + ';'; } if (qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("XDG_ACTIVATION_TOKEN")) { commands += u"XDG_ACTIVATION_TOKEN:"_q + _escapeTo7bit(qEnvironmentVariable("XDG_ACTIVATION_TOKEN")) + ';'; } if (!cStartUrl().isEmpty()) { commands += u"OPEN:"_q + _escapeTo7bit(cStartUrl()) + ';'; } else if (cQuit()) { commands += u"CMD:quit;"_q; } else { commands += u"CMD:show;"_q; } DEBUG_LOG(("Sandbox Info: writing commands %1").arg(commands)); _localSocket.write(commands.toLatin1()); } void Sandbox::socketWritten(qint64/* bytes*/) { if (_localSocket.state() != QLocalSocket::ConnectedState) { LOG(("Socket is not connected %1").arg(_localSocket.state())); return; } if (_localSocket.bytesToWrite()) { return; } LOG(("Show command written, waiting response...")); } void Sandbox::socketReading() { if (_localSocket.state() != QLocalSocket::ConnectedState) { LOG(("Socket is not connected %1").arg(_localSocket.state())); return; } _localSocketReadData.append(_localSocket.readAll()); const auto m = QRegularExpression(u"RES:(\\d+)_(\\d+);"_q).match( _localSocketReadData); if (!m.hasMatch()) { return; } const auto processId = m.capturedView(1).toULongLong(); const auto windowId = m.capturedView(2).toULongLong(); if (windowId) { Platform::ActivateOtherProcess(processId, windowId); } LOG(("Show command response received, processId = %1, windowId = %2, " "activating and quitting..." ).arg(processId ).arg(windowId)); return Quit(); } void Sandbox::socketError(QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError e) { if (Quitting()) return; if (_secondInstance) { LOG(("Could not write show command, error %1, quitting...").arg(e)); return Quit(); } if (e == QLocalSocket::ServerNotFoundError) { LOG(("This is the only instance of Telegram, starting server and app...")); } else { LOG(("Socket connect error %1, starting server and app...").arg(e)); } _localSocket.close(); // Local server does not work in WinRT build. #ifndef Q_OS_WINRT psCheckLocalSocket(_localServerName); if (!_localServer.listen(_localServerName)) { LOG(("Failed to start listening to %1 server: %2").arg(_localServerName, _localServer.errorString())); return Quit(); } #endif // !Q_OS_WINRT if (!Core::UpdaterDisabled() && !cNoStartUpdate() && Core::checkReadyUpdate()) { cSetRestartingUpdate(true); DEBUG_LOG(("Sandbox Info: installing update instead of starting app...")); return Quit(); } if (cQuit()) { return Quit(); } singleInstanceChecked(); } void Sandbox::singleInstanceChecked() { if (cManyInstance()) { LOG(("App Info: Detected another instance")); } refreshGlobalProxy(); if (!Logs::started() || !Logs::instanceChecked()) { new NotStartedWindow(); return; } const auto result = CrashReports::Start(); v::match(result, [&](CrashReports::Status status) { if (status == CrashReports::CantOpen) { new NotStartedWindow(); } else { launchApplication(); } }, [&](const QByteArray &crashdump) { // If crash dump is empty with that status it means that we // didn't close the application properly. Just ignore for now. if (crashdump.isEmpty()) { if (CrashReports::Restart() == CrashReports::CantOpen) { new NotStartedWindow(); } else { launchApplication(); } return; } _lastCrashDump = crashdump; auto window = new LastCrashedWindow( _lastCrashDump, [=] { launchApplication(); }); window->proxyChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](MTP::ProxyData &&proxy) { _sandboxProxy = std::move(proxy); refreshGlobalProxy(); }, window->lifetime()); }); } void Sandbox::socketDisconnected() { if (_secondInstance) { DEBUG_LOG(("Sandbox Error: socket disconnected before command response received, quitting...")); return Quit(); } } void Sandbox::newInstanceConnected() { DEBUG_LOG(("Sandbox Info: new local socket connected")); for (auto client = _localServer.nextPendingConnection(); client; client = _localServer.nextPendingConnection()) { _localClients.push_back(LocalClient(client, QByteArray())); connect( client, &QLocalSocket::readyRead, [=] { readClients(); }); connect( client, &QLocalSocket::disconnected, [=] { removeClients(); }); } } void Sandbox::readClients() { // This method can be called before Application is constructed. QString startUrl; QStringList toSend; for (LocalClients::iterator i = _localClients.begin(), e = _localClients.end(); i != e; ++i) { i->second.append(i->first->readAll()); if (i->second.size()) { QString cmds(QString::fromLatin1(i->second)); int32 from = 0, l = cmds.length(); for (int32 to = cmds.indexOf(QChar(';'), from); to >= from; to = (from < l) ? cmds.indexOf(QChar(';'), from) : -1) { auto cmd = base::StringViewMid(cmds, from, to - from); if (cmd.startsWith(u"CMD:"_q)) { const auto processId = QApplication::applicationPid(); const auto windowId = execExternal(cmds.mid(from + 4, to - from - 4)); const auto response = u"RES:%1_%2;"_q.arg(processId).arg(windowId).toLatin1(); i->first->write(response.data(), response.size()); } else if (cmd.startsWith(u"SEND:"_q)) { if (cSendPaths().isEmpty()) { toSend.append(_escapeFrom7bit(cmds.mid(from + 5, to - from - 5))); } } else if (cmd.startsWith(u"XDG_ACTIVATION_TOKEN:"_q)) { qputenv("XDG_ACTIVATION_TOKEN", _escapeFrom7bit(cmds.mid(from + 21, to - from - 21)).toUtf8()); } else if (cmd.startsWith(u"OPEN:"_q)) { startUrl = _escapeFrom7bit(cmds.mid(from + 5, to - from - 5)).mid(0, 8192); const auto activationRequired = StartUrlRequiresActivate(startUrl); const auto processId = QApplication::applicationPid(); const auto windowId = activationRequired ? execExternal("show") : 0; const auto response = u"RES:%1_%2;"_q.arg(processId).arg(windowId).toLatin1(); i->first->write(response.data(), response.size()); } else { LOG(("Sandbox Error: unknown command %1 passed in local socket").arg(cmd.toString())); } from = to + 1; } if (from > 0) { i->second = i->second.mid(from); } } } if (!toSend.isEmpty()) { QStringList paths(cSendPaths()); paths.append(toSend); cSetSendPaths(paths); } if (_application) { _application->checkSendPaths(); } if (!startUrl.isEmpty()) { cSetStartUrl(startUrl); } if (_application) { _application->checkStartUrl(); } } void Sandbox::removeClients() { DEBUG_LOG(("Sandbox Info: remove clients slot called, clients %1" ).arg(_localClients.size())); for (auto i = _localClients.begin(), e = _localClients.end(); i != e;) { if (i->first->state() != QLocalSocket::ConnectedState) { DEBUG_LOG(("Sandbox Info: removing client")); i = _localClients.erase(i); e = _localClients.end(); } else { ++i; } } } void Sandbox::checkForQuit() { if (Quitting()) { quit(); } } void Sandbox::refreshGlobalProxy() { const auto proxy = !Core::IsAppLaunched() ? _sandboxProxy : Core::App().settings().proxy().isEnabled() ? Core::App().settings().proxy().selected() : MTP::ProxyData(); if (proxy.type == MTP::ProxyData::Type::Socks5 || proxy.type == MTP::ProxyData::Type::Http) { QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy( MTP::ToNetworkProxy(MTP::ToDirectIpProxy(proxy))); } else if (!Core::IsAppLaunched() || Core::App().settings().proxy().isSystem()) { QNetworkProxyFactory::setUseSystemConfiguration(true); } else { QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy(QNetworkProxy::NoProxy); } } void Sandbox::checkForEmptyLoopNestingLevel() { // _loopNestingLevel == _eventNestingLevel means that we had a // native event in a nesting loop that didn't get a notify() call // after. That means we already have exited the nesting loop and // there must not be any postponed calls with that nesting level. if (_loopNestingLevel == _eventNestingLevel) { Assert(_postponedCalls.empty() || _postponedCalls.back().loopNestingLevel < _loopNestingLevel); Assert(!_previousLoopNestingLevels.empty()); _loopNestingLevel = _previousLoopNestingLevels.back(); _previousLoopNestingLevels.pop_back(); } } void Sandbox::postponeCall(FnMut &&callable) { Expects(callable != nullptr); Expects(_eventNestingLevel >= _loopNestingLevel); checkForEmptyLoopNestingLevel(); _postponedCalls.push_back({ _loopNestingLevel, std::move(callable) }); } void Sandbox::incrementEventNestingLevel() { ++_eventNestingLevel; } void Sandbox::decrementEventNestingLevel() { Expects(_eventNestingLevel >= _loopNestingLevel); if (_eventNestingLevel == _loopNestingLevel) { _loopNestingLevel = _previousLoopNestingLevels.back(); _previousLoopNestingLevels.pop_back(); } const auto processTillLevel = _eventNestingLevel - 1; processPostponedCalls(processTillLevel); checkForEmptyLoopNestingLevel(); _eventNestingLevel = processTillLevel; Ensures(_eventNestingLevel >= _loopNestingLevel); } void Sandbox::registerEnterFromEventLoop() { Expects(_eventNestingLevel >= _loopNestingLevel); if (_eventNestingLevel > _loopNestingLevel) { _previousLoopNestingLevels.push_back(_loopNestingLevel); _loopNestingLevel = _eventNestingLevel; } } bool Sandbox::notifyOrInvoke(QObject *receiver, QEvent *e) { const auto type = e->type(); if (type == base::InvokeQueuedEvent::kType) { static_cast(e)->invoke(); return true; } else if (receiver == this) { if (type == QEvent::ApplicationDeactivate) { if (Ui::Platform::SkipApplicationDeactivateEvent()) { return true; } } else if (type == QEvent::ApplicationActivate) { Ui::Platform::GotApplicationActivateEvent(); } } return QApplication::notify(receiver, e); } bool Sandbox::notify(QObject *receiver, QEvent *e) { if (QThread::currentThreadId() != _mainThreadId) { return notifyOrInvoke(receiver, e); } const auto wrap = createEventNestingLevel(); if (e->type() == QEvent::UpdateRequest) { const auto weak = QPointer(receiver); _widgetUpdateRequests.fire({}); if (!weak) { return true; } } return notifyOrInvoke(receiver, e); } void Sandbox::processPostponedCalls(int level) { while (!_postponedCalls.empty()) { auto &last = _postponedCalls.back(); if (last.loopNestingLevel != level) { break; } auto taken = std::move(last); _postponedCalls.pop_back(); taken.callable(); } } bool Sandbox::nativeEventFilter( const QByteArray &eventType, void *message, base::NativeEventResult *result) { registerEnterFromEventLoop(); return false; } rpl::producer<> Sandbox::widgetUpdateRequests() const { return _widgetUpdateRequests.events(); } MTP::ProxyData Sandbox::sandboxProxy() const { return _sandboxProxy; } void Sandbox::closeApplication() { if (CurrentLaunchState() == LaunchState::QuitProcessed) { return; } SetLaunchState(LaunchState::QuitProcessed); _application = nullptr; _localServer.close(); for (const auto &localClient : base::take(_localClients)) { localClient.first->close(); } _localClients.clear(); _localSocket.close(); _updateChecker = nullptr; } uint64 Sandbox::execExternal(const QString &cmd) { DEBUG_LOG(("Sandbox Info: executing external command '%1'").arg(cmd)); if (cmd == "show") { if (Core::IsAppLaunched() && Core::App().activePrimaryWindow()) { const auto window = Core::App().activePrimaryWindow(); window->activate(); return Platform::ActivationWindowId(window->widget()); } else if (const auto window = PreLaunchWindow::instance()) { window->activate(); return Platform::ActivationWindowId(window); } } else if (cmd == "quit") { Quit(); } return 0; } } // namespace Core namespace crl { rpl::producer<> on_main_update_requests() { return Core::Sandbox::Instance().widgetUpdateRequests(); } } // namespace crl