/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #pragma once #include "ui/twidget.h" #include "ui/effects/rect_shadow.h" namespace InlineBots { namespace Layout { class ItemBase; } // namespace Layout class Result; } // namespace InlineBots namespace internal { constexpr int InlineItemsMaxPerRow = 5; constexpr int EmojiColorsCount = 5; using InlineResult = InlineBots::Result; using InlineResults = QList; using InlineItem = InlineBots::Layout::ItemBase; struct InlineCacheEntry { ~InlineCacheEntry() { clearResults(); } QString nextOffset; QString switchPmText, switchPmStartToken; InlineResults results; // owns this results list void clearResults(); }; class EmojiColorPicker : public TWidget { Q_OBJECT public: EmojiColorPicker(); void showEmoji(uint32 code); void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e); void enterEvent(QEvent *e); void leaveEvent(QEvent *e); void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e); void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e); void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e); void step_appearance(float64 ms, bool timer); void step_selected(uint64 ms, bool timer); void showStart(); void clearSelection(bool fast = false); public slots: void hideStart(bool fast = false); signals: void emojiSelected(EmojiPtr emoji); void hidden(); private: void drawVariant(Painter &p, int variant); void updateSelected(); bool _ignoreShow = false; EmojiPtr _variants[EmojiColorsCount + 1]; typedef QMap EmojiAnimations; // index - showing, -index - hiding EmojiAnimations _emojiAnimations; Animation _a_selected; float64 _hovers[EmojiColorsCount + 1]; int _selected = -1; int _pressedSel = -1; QPoint _lastMousePos; bool _hiding = false; QPixmap _cache; anim::fvalue a_opacity; Animation _a_appearance; QTimer _hideTimer; Ui::RectShadow _shadow; }; class EmojiPanel; class EmojiPanInner : public ScrolledWidget { Q_OBJECT public: EmojiPanInner(); void setMaxHeight(int32 h); void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override; void step_selected(uint64 ms, bool timer); void hideFinish(); void showEmojiPack(DBIEmojiTab packIndex); void clearSelection(bool fast = false); DBIEmojiTab currentTab(int yOffset) const; void refreshRecent(); void setVisibleTopBottom(int visibleTop, int visibleBottom) override; void fillPanels(QVector &panels); void refreshPanels(QVector &panels); protected: void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void leaveEvent(QEvent *e) override; void leaveToChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) override; void enterFromChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) override; public slots: void updateSelected(); void onShowPicker(); void onPickerHidden(); void onColorSelected(EmojiPtr emoji); bool checkPickerHide(); signals: void selected(EmojiPtr emoji); void switchToStickers(); void scrollToY(int y); void disableScroll(bool dis); void needRefreshPanels(); void saveConfigDelayed(int32 delay); private: int32 _maxHeight; int countHeight(); void selectEmoji(EmojiPtr emoji); QRect emojiRect(int tab, int sel); typedef QMap Animations; // index - showing, -index - hiding Animations _animations; Animation _a_selected; int _visibleTop = 0; int _visibleBottom = 0; int _counts[emojiTabCount]; QVector _emojis[emojiTabCount]; QVector _hovers[emojiTabCount]; int32 _esize; int _selected = -1; int _pressedSel = -1; int _pickerSel = -1; QPoint _lastMousePos; EmojiColorPicker _picker; QTimer _showPickerTimer; }; struct StickerIcon { StickerIcon(uint64 setId) : setId(setId) { } StickerIcon(uint64 setId, DocumentData *sticker, int32 pixw, int32 pixh) : setId(setId), sticker(sticker), pixw(pixw), pixh(pixh) { } uint64 setId; DocumentData *sticker = nullptr; int pixw = 0; int pixh = 0; }; class StickerPanInner : public ScrolledWidget, private base::Subscriber { Q_OBJECT public: StickerPanInner(); void setMaxHeight(int32 h); void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override; void step_selected(uint64 ms, bool timer); void hideFinish(bool completely); void showFinish(); void showStickerSet(uint64 setId); void updateShowingSavedGifs(); bool showSectionIcons() const; void clearSelection(bool fast = false); void refreshStickers(); void refreshRecentStickers(bool resize = true); void refreshSavedGifs(); int refreshInlineRows(UserData *bot, const InlineCacheEntry *results, bool resultsDeleted); void refreshRecent(); void inlineBotChanged(); void hideInlineRowsPanel(); void clearInlineRowsPanel(); void fillIcons(QList &icons); void fillPanels(QVector &panels); void refreshPanels(QVector &panels); void setVisibleTopBottom(int visibleTop, int visibleBottom) override; void preloadImages(); uint64 currentSet(int yOffset) const; void notify_inlineItemLayoutChanged(const InlineItem *layout); void ui_repaintInlineItem(const InlineItem *layout); bool ui_isInlineItemVisible(const InlineItem *layout); bool ui_isInlineItemBeingChosen(); bool inlineResultsShown() const { return (_section == Section::Inlines); } int countHeight(bool plain = false); void installedLocally(uint64 setId); void notInstalledLocally(uint64 setId); void clearInstalledLocally(); ~StickerPanInner(); protected: void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void leaveEvent(QEvent *e) override; void leaveToChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) override; void enterFromChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) override; private slots: void updateSelected(); void onSettings(); void onPreview(); void onUpdateInlineItems(); void onSwitchPm(); signals: void selected(DocumentData *sticker); void selected(PhotoData *photo); void selected(InlineBots::Result *result, UserData *bot); void displaySet(quint64 setId); void installSet(quint64 setId); void removeSet(quint64 setId); void refreshIcons(bool scrollAnimation); void emptyInlineRows(); void switchToEmoji(); void scrollToY(int y); void scrollUpdated(); void disableScroll(bool dis); void needRefreshPanels(); void saveConfigDelayed(int32 delay); private: static constexpr bool kRefreshIconsScrollAnimation = true; static constexpr bool kRefreshIconsNoAnimation = false; struct Set { Set(uint64 id, MTPDstickerSet::Flags flags, const QString &title, int32 hoversSize, const StickerPack &pack = StickerPack()) : id(id), flags(flags), title(title), hovers(hoversSize, 0), pack(pack) { } uint64 id; MTPDstickerSet::Flags flags; QString title; QVector hovers; StickerPack pack; }; using Sets = QList; Sets &shownSets() { return (_section == Section::Featured) ? _featuredSets : _mySets; } const Sets &shownSets() const { return const_cast(this)->shownSets(); } int featuredRowHeight() const; void readVisibleSets(); bool showingInlineItems() const { // Gifs or Inline results return (_section == Section::Inlines) || (_section == Section::Gifs); } void paintInlineItems(Painter &p, const QRect &r); void paintStickers(Painter &p, const QRect &r); void paintSticker(Painter &p, Set &set, int y, int index); bool featuredHasAddButton(int index) const; int featuredContentWidth() const; QRect featuredAddRect(int y) const; void refreshSwitchPmButton(const InlineCacheEntry *entry); enum class AppendSkip { Archived, Installed, }; void appendSet(Sets &to, uint64 setId, AppendSkip skip); void selectEmoji(EmojiPtr emoji); QRect stickerRect(int tab, int sel); int32 _maxHeight; typedef QMap Animations; // index - showing, -index - hiding Animations _animations; Animation _a_selected; int _visibleTop = 0; int _visibleBottom = 0; Sets _mySets; Sets _featuredSets; OrderedSet _installedLocallySets; QList _custom; enum class Section { Inlines, Gifs, Featured, Stickers, }; Section _section = Section::Stickers; bool _setGifCommand = false; UserData *_inlineBot; QString _inlineBotTitle; uint64 _lastScrolled = 0; QTimer _updateInlineItems; bool _inlineWithThumb = false; std_::unique_ptr _switchPmButton; QString _switchPmStartToken; typedef QVector InlineItems; struct InlineRow { InlineRow() : height(0) { } int32 height; InlineItems items; }; typedef QVector InlineRows; InlineRows _inlineRows; void clearInlineRows(bool resultsDeleted); using GifLayouts = QMap; GifLayouts _gifLayouts; InlineItem *layoutPrepareSavedGif(DocumentData *doc, int32 position); using InlineLayouts = QMap; InlineLayouts _inlineLayouts; InlineItem *layoutPrepareInlineResult(InlineResult *result, int32 position); bool inlineRowsAddItem(DocumentData *savedGif, InlineResult *result, InlineRow &row, int32 &sumWidth); bool inlineRowFinalize(InlineRow &row, int32 &sumWidth, bool force = false); InlineRow &layoutInlineRow(InlineRow &row, int32 sumWidth = 0); void deleteUnusedGifLayouts(); void deleteUnusedInlineLayouts(); int validateExistingInlineRows(const InlineResults &results); void selectInlineResult(int row, int column); void removeRecentSticker(int tab, int index); int _selected = -1; int _pressed = -1; int _selectedFeaturedSet = -1; int _pressedFeaturedSet = -1; int _selectedFeaturedSetAdd = -1; int _pressedFeaturedSetAdd = -1; QPoint _lastMousePos; QString _addText; int _addWidth; LinkButton _settings; QTimer _previewTimer; bool _previewShown = false; }; class EmojiPanel : public TWidget { Q_OBJECT public: EmojiPanel(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, uint64 setId, bool special, int32 wantedY); // Stickers::NoneSetId if in emoji void setText(const QString &text); void setDeleteVisible(bool isVisible); void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e); void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e); int32 wantedY() const { return _wantedY; } void setWantedY(int32 y) { _wantedY = y; } signals: void deleteClicked(quint64 setId); void mousePressed(); public slots: void onDelete(); private: void updateText(); int32 _wantedY; QString _text, _fullText; uint64 _setId; bool _special, _deleteVisible; IconedButton *_delete; }; class EmojiSwitchButton : public Button { public: EmojiSwitchButton(QWidget *parent, bool toStickers); // otherwise toEmoji void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e); void updateText(const QString &inlineBotUsername = QString()); protected: bool _toStickers; QString _text; int32 _textWidth; }; } // namespace internal class EmojiPan : public TWidget, public RPCSender { Q_OBJECT public: EmojiPan(QWidget *parent); void setMaxHeight(int32 h); void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e); void moveBottom(int32 bottom, bool force = false); void enterEvent(QEvent *e); void leaveEvent(QEvent *e); void otherEnter(); void otherLeave(); void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e); void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e); void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e); bool event(QEvent *e); void fastHide(); bool hiding() const { return _hiding || _hideTimer.isActive(); } void step_appearance(float64 ms, bool timer); void step_slide(float64 ms, bool timer); void step_icons(uint64 ms, bool timer); bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *e); void stickersInstalled(uint64 setId); void queryInlineBot(UserData *bot, PeerData *peer, QString query); void clearInlineBot(); bool overlaps(const QRect &globalRect) { if (isHidden() || !_cache.isNull()) return false; return QRect(st::dropdownDef.padding.left(), st::dropdownDef.padding.top(), _width - st::dropdownDef.padding.left() - st::dropdownDef.padding.right(), _height - st::dropdownDef.padding.top() - st::dropdownDef.padding.bottom() ).contains(QRect(mapFromGlobal(globalRect.topLeft()), globalRect.size())); } void notify_inlineItemLayoutChanged(const InlineBots::Layout::ItemBase *layout); void ui_repaintInlineItem(const InlineBots::Layout::ItemBase *layout); bool ui_isInlineItemVisible(const InlineBots::Layout::ItemBase *layout); bool ui_isInlineItemBeingChosen(); bool inlineResultsShown() const { return s_inner.inlineResultsShown(); } public slots: void hideStart(); void refreshStickers(); private slots: void refreshSavedGifs(); void hideFinish(); void showStart(); void onWndActiveChanged(); void onTabChange(); void onScrollEmoji(); void onScrollStickers(); void onSwitch(); void onDisplaySet(quint64 setId); void onInstallSet(quint64 setId); void onRemoveSet(quint64 setId); void onRemoveSetSure(); void onDelayedHide(); void onRefreshIcons(bool scrollAnimation); void onRefreshPanels(); void onSaveConfig(); void onSaveConfigDelayed(int32 delay); void onInlineRequest(); void onEmptyInlineRows(); signals: void emojiSelected(EmojiPtr emoji); void stickerSelected(DocumentData *sticker); void photoSelected(PhotoData *photo); void inlineResultSelected(InlineBots::Result *result, UserData *bot); void updateStickers(); private: bool preventAutoHide() const; void installSetDone(const MTPmessages_StickerSetInstallResult &result); bool installSetFail(uint64 setId, const RPCError &error); void paintStickerSettingsIcon(Painter &p) const; void paintFeaturedStickerSetsBadge(Painter &p, int iconLeft) const; enum class ValidateIconAnimations { Full, Scroll, None, }; void validateSelectedIcon(ValidateIconAnimations animations); void updateContentHeight(); void leaveToChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child); void hideAnimated(); void prepareShowHideCache(); void updateSelected(); void updateIcons(); void prepareTab(int32 &left, int32 top, int32 _width, FlatRadiobutton &tab); void updatePanelsPositions(const QVector &panels, int32 st); void showAll(); void hideAll(); int32 _maxHeight, _contentMaxHeight, _contentHeight, _contentHeightEmoji, _contentHeightStickers; bool _horizontal = false; bool _noTabUpdate = false; int32 _width, _height, _bottom; bool _hiding = false; QPixmap _cache; anim::fvalue a_opacity = { 0. }; Animation _a_appearance; QTimer _hideTimer; Ui::RectShadow _shadow; FlatRadiobutton _recent, _people, _nature, _food, _activity, _travel, _objects, _symbols; QList _icons; QVector _iconHovers; int _iconOver = -1; int _iconSel = 0; int _iconDown = -1; bool _iconsDragging = false; typedef QMap Animations; // index - showing, -index - hiding Animations _iconAnimations; Animation _a_icons; QPoint _iconsMousePos, _iconsMouseDown; int _iconsLeft = 0; int _iconsTop = 0; int _iconsStartX = 0; int _iconsMax = 0; anim::ivalue _iconsX = { 0, 0 }; anim::ivalue _iconSelX = { 0, 0 }; uint64 _iconsStartAnim = 0; bool _stickersShown = false; bool _shownFromInlineQuery = false; QPixmap _fromCache, _toCache; anim::ivalue a_fromCoord, a_toCoord; anim::fvalue a_fromAlpha, a_toAlpha; Animation _a_slide; ScrollArea e_scroll; internal::EmojiPanInner e_inner; QVector e_panels; internal::EmojiSwitchButton e_switch; ScrollArea s_scroll; internal::StickerPanInner s_inner; QVector s_panels; internal::EmojiSwitchButton s_switch; uint64 _displayingSetId = 0; uint64 _removingSetId = 0; QTimer _saveConfigTimer; // inline bots typedef QMap InlineCache; InlineCache _inlineCache; QTimer _inlineRequestTimer; void inlineBotChanged(); int32 showInlineRows(bool newResults); bool hideOnNoInlineResults(); void recountContentMaxHeight(); bool refreshInlineRows(int32 *added = 0); UserData *_inlineBot = nullptr; PeerData *_inlineQueryPeer = nullptr; QString _inlineQuery, _inlineNextQuery, _inlineNextOffset; mtpRequestId _inlineRequestId = 0; void inlineResultsDone(const MTPmessages_BotResults &result); bool inlineResultsFail(const RPCError &error); };