/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "window/window_media_preview.h" #include "chat_helpers/stickers_lottie.h" #include "chat_helpers/stickers_emoji_pack.h" #include "data/data_photo.h" #include "data/data_photo_media.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_document_media.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/stickers/data_stickers.h" #include "history/view/media/history_view_sticker.h" #include "ui/image/image.h" #include "ui/emoji_config.h" #include "lottie/lottie_single_player.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "styles/style_layers.h" #include "styles/style_chat_helpers.h" #include "styles/style_chat.h" namespace Window { namespace { constexpr auto kStickerPreviewEmojiLimit = 10; constexpr auto kPremiumShift = 21. / 240; constexpr auto kPremiumMultiplier = (1 + 0.245 * 2); constexpr auto kPremiumDownscale = 1.25; } // namespace MediaPreviewWidget::MediaPreviewWidget( QWidget *parent, not_null controller) : RpWidget(parent) , _controller(controller) , _emojiSize(Ui::Emoji::GetSizeLarge() / style::DevicePixelRatio()) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents); _controller->session().downloaderTaskFinished( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { update(); }, lifetime()); style::PaletteChanged( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { if (_document && _document->emojiUsesTextColor()) { _cache = QPixmap(); } }, lifetime()); } QRect MediaPreviewWidget::updateArea() const { const auto size = currentDimensions(); const auto position = QPoint( (width() - size.width()) / 2, (height() - size.height()) / 2); const auto premium = _document && _document->isPremiumSticker(); const auto adjusted = position - (premium ? QPoint(size.width() - (size.width() / 2), size.height() / 2) : QPoint()); return QRect(adjusted, size * (premium ? 2 : 1)); } void MediaPreviewWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { auto p = QPainter(this); const auto r = e->rect(); const auto factor = style::DevicePixelRatio(); const auto dimensions = currentDimensions(); const auto frame = (_lottie && _lottie->ready()) ? _lottie->frameInfo({ .box = dimensions * factor, .colored = ((_document && _document->emojiUsesTextColor()) ? st::windowFg->c : QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)), }) : Lottie::Animation::FrameInfo(); const auto effect = (_effect && _effect->ready()) ? _effect->frameInfo({ dimensions * kPremiumMultiplier * factor }) : Lottie::Animation::FrameInfo(); const auto image = frame.image; const auto effectImage = effect.image; //const auto framesCount = !image.isNull() ? _lottie->framesCount() : 1; //const auto effectsCount = !effectImage.isNull() // ? _effect->framesCount() // : 1; const auto pixmap = image.isNull() ? currentImage() : QPixmap(); const auto size = image.isNull() ? pixmap.size() : image.size(); int w = size.width() / factor, h = size.height() / factor; auto shown = _a_shown.value(_hiding ? 0. : 1.); if (!_a_shown.animating()) { if (_hiding) { hide(); _controller->disableGifPauseReason(Window::GifPauseReason::MediaPreview); return; } } else { p.setOpacity(shown); // w = qMax(qRound(w * (st::stickerPreviewMin + ((1. - st::stickerPreviewMin) * shown)) / 2.) * 2 + int(w % 2), 1); // h = qMax(qRound(h * (st::stickerPreviewMin + ((1. - st::stickerPreviewMin) * shown)) / 2.) * 2 + int(h % 2), 1); } p.fillRect(r, st::stickerPreviewBg); const auto position = innerPosition({ w, h }); if (image.isNull()) { p.drawPixmap(position, pixmap); } else { p.drawImage(QRect(position, QSize(w, h)), image); } if (!effectImage.isNull()) { p.drawImage( QRect(outerPosition({ w, h }), effectImage.size() / factor), effectImage); } if (!_emojiList.empty()) { const auto emojiCount = _emojiList.size(); const auto emojiWidth = (emojiCount * _emojiSize) + (emojiCount - 1) * st::stickerEmojiSkip; auto emojiLeft = (width() - emojiWidth) / 2; const auto esize = Ui::Emoji::GetSizeLarge(); for (const auto emoji : _emojiList) { Ui::Emoji::Draw( p, emoji, esize, emojiLeft, (height() - h) / 2 - (_emojiSize * 2)); emojiLeft += _emojiSize + st::stickerEmojiSkip; } } if (!frame.image.isNull()/* && (!_effect || ((frame.index % effectsCount) <= effect.index))*/) { _lottie->markFrameShown(); } if (!effect.image.isNull()/* && ((effect.index % framesCount) <= frame.index)*/) { _effect->markFrameShown(); } } void MediaPreviewWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { update(); } QPoint MediaPreviewWidget::innerPosition(QSize size) const { if (!_document || !_document->isPremiumSticker()) { return QPoint( (width() - size.width()) / 2, (height() - size.height()) / 2); } const auto outer = size * kPremiumMultiplier; const auto shift = size.width() * kPremiumShift; return outerPosition(size) + QPoint( outer.width() - size.width() - shift, (outer.height() - size.height()) / 2); } QPoint MediaPreviewWidget::outerPosition(QSize size) const { const auto outer = size * kPremiumMultiplier; return QPoint( (width() - outer.width()) / 2, (height() - outer.height()) / 2); } void MediaPreviewWidget::showPreview( Data::FileOrigin origin, not_null document) { if (!document || (!document->isAnimation() && !document->sticker()) || document->isVideoMessage()) { hidePreview(); return; } startShow(); _origin = origin; _photo = nullptr; _photoMedia = nullptr; _document = document; _documentMedia = _document->createMediaView(); _documentMedia->thumbnailWanted(_origin); _documentMedia->videoThumbnailWanted(_origin); _documentMedia->automaticLoad(_origin, nullptr); fillEmojiString(); resetGifAndCache(); } void MediaPreviewWidget::showPreview( Data::FileOrigin origin, not_null photo) { startShow(); _origin = origin; _document = nullptr; _documentMedia = nullptr; _photo = photo; _photoMedia = _photo->createMediaView(); fillEmojiString(); resetGifAndCache(); } void MediaPreviewWidget::startShow() { _cache = QPixmap(); if (isHidden() || _a_shown.animating()) { if (isHidden()) { show(); _controller->enableGifPauseReason(Window::GifPauseReason::MediaPreview); } _hiding = false; _a_shown.start([=] { update(); }, 0., 1., st::stickerPreviewDuration); } else { update(); } } void MediaPreviewWidget::hidePreview() { if (isHidden()) { return; } if (_gif || _gifThumbnail) { _cache = currentImage(); } _hiding = true; _a_shown.start([=] { update(); }, 1., 0., st::stickerPreviewDuration); _photo = nullptr; _photoMedia = nullptr; _document = nullptr; _documentMedia = nullptr; resetGifAndCache(); } void MediaPreviewWidget::fillEmojiString() { _emojiList.clear(); if (_photo) { return; } if (auto sticker = _document->sticker()) { if (auto list = _document->owner().stickers().getEmojiListFromSet(_document)) { _emojiList = std::move(*list); while (_emojiList.size() > kStickerPreviewEmojiLimit) { _emojiList.pop_back(); } } else if (const auto emoji = Ui::Emoji::Find(sticker->alt)) { _emojiList.emplace_back(emoji); } } } void MediaPreviewWidget::resetGifAndCache() { _lottie = nullptr; _effect = nullptr; _gif.reset(); _gifThumbnail.reset(); _gifLastPosition = 0; _cacheStatus = CacheNotLoaded; _cachedSize = QSize(); } QSize MediaPreviewWidget::currentDimensions() const { if (!_cachedSize.isEmpty()) { return _cachedSize; } if (!_document && !_photo) { _cachedSize = _cache.size() * style::DevicePixelRatio(); return _cachedSize; } QSize result, box; if (_photo) { result = QSize(_photo->width(), _photo->height()); const auto skip = st::defaultBox.margin.top(); box = QSize(width() - 2 * skip, height() - 2 * skip); } else { result = _document->dimensions; if (result.isEmpty()) { const auto &gif = (_gif && _gif->ready()) ? _gif : _gifThumbnail; if (gif && gif->ready()) { result = QSize(gif->width(), gif->height()); } } if (_document->sticker()) { box = QSize(st::maxStickerSize, st::maxStickerSize); if (_document->isPremiumSticker()) { result = (box /= kPremiumDownscale); } } else { box = QSize(2 * st::maxStickerSize, 2 * st::maxStickerSize); } } result = QSize(qMax(style::ConvertScale(result.width()), 1), qMax(style::ConvertScale(result.height()), 1)); if (result.width() > box.width()) { result.setHeight(qMax((box.width() * result.height()) / result.width(), 1)); result.setWidth(box.width()); } if (result.height() > box.height()) { result.setWidth(qMax((box.height() * result.width()) / result.height(), 1)); result.setHeight(box.height()); } if (_photo) { _cachedSize = result; } return result; } void MediaPreviewWidget::createLottieIfReady( not_null document) { const auto sticker = document->sticker(); if (!sticker || !sticker->isLottie() || _lottie || !_documentMedia->loaded()) { return; } else if (document->isPremiumSticker() && _documentMedia->videoThumbnailContent().isEmpty()) { return; } const_cast(this)->setupLottie(); } void MediaPreviewWidget::setupLottie() { Expects(_document != nullptr); const auto factor = style::DevicePixelRatio(); if (_document->isPremiumSticker()) { const auto size = HistoryView::Sticker::Size(_document); _cachedSize = size; _lottie = ChatHelpers::LottiePlayerFromDocument( _documentMedia.get(), nullptr, ChatHelpers::StickerLottieSize::MessageHistory, size * factor, Lottie::Quality::High); _effect = _document->session().emojiStickersPack().effectPlayer( _document, _documentMedia->videoThumbnailContent(), QString(), true); } else { const auto size = currentDimensions(); _lottie = std::make_unique( Lottie::ReadContent(_documentMedia->bytes(), _document->filepath()), Lottie::FrameRequest{ size * factor }, Lottie::Quality::High); } const auto handler = [=](Lottie::Update update) { v::match(update.data, [&](const Lottie::Information &) { this->update(); }, [&](const Lottie::DisplayFrameRequest &) { this->update(updateArea()); }); }; _lottie->updates() | rpl::start_with_next(handler, lifetime()); if (_effect) { _effect->updates() | rpl::start_with_next(handler, lifetime()); } } QPixmap MediaPreviewWidget::currentImage() const { const auto blur = Images::PrepareArgs{ .options = Images::Option::Blur }; if (_document) { const auto sticker = _document->sticker(); const auto webm = sticker && sticker->isWebm(); if (sticker && !webm) { if (_cacheStatus != CacheLoaded) { const_cast(this)->createLottieIfReady( _document); if (_lottie && _lottie->ready()) { return QPixmap(); } else if (const auto image = _documentMedia->getStickerLarge()) { QSize s = currentDimensions(); _cache = image->pix(s); _cacheStatus = CacheLoaded; } else if (_cacheStatus != CacheThumbLoaded && _document->hasThumbnail() && _documentMedia->thumbnail()) { QSize s = currentDimensions(); _cache = _documentMedia->thumbnail()->pix(s, blur); if (_document && _document->emojiUsesTextColor()) { _cache = Ui::PixmapFromImage( Images::Colored( _cache.toImage(), st::windowFg->c)); } _cacheStatus = CacheThumbLoaded; } } } else { const_cast(this)->validateGifAnimation(); const auto &gif = (_gif && _gif->started()) ? _gif : _gifThumbnail; if (gif && gif->started()) { const auto paused = _controller->isGifPausedAtLeastFor( Window::GifPauseReason::MediaPreview); return QPixmap::fromImage(gif->current( { .frame = currentDimensions(), .keepAlpha = webm }, paused ? 0 : crl::now()), Qt::ColorOnly); } if (_cacheStatus != CacheThumbLoaded && _document->hasThumbnail()) { QSize s = currentDimensions(); const auto thumbnail = _documentMedia->thumbnail(); if (thumbnail) { _cache = thumbnail->pix(s, blur); _cacheStatus = CacheThumbLoaded; } else if (const auto blurred = _documentMedia->thumbnailInline()) { _cache = blurred->pix(s, blur); _cacheStatus = CacheThumbLoaded; } } } } else if (_photo) { if (_cacheStatus != CacheLoaded) { if (_photoMedia->loaded()) { QSize s = currentDimensions(); _cache = _photoMedia->image(Data::PhotoSize::Large)->pix(s); _cacheStatus = CacheLoaded; } else { _photo->load(_origin); if (_cacheStatus != CacheThumbLoaded) { QSize s = currentDimensions(); if (const auto thumbnail = _photoMedia->image( Data::PhotoSize::Thumbnail)) { _cache = thumbnail->pix(s, blur); _cacheStatus = CacheThumbLoaded; } else if (const auto small = _photoMedia->image( Data::PhotoSize::Small)) { _cache = small->pix(s, blur); _cacheStatus = CacheThumbLoaded; } else if (const auto blurred = _photoMedia->thumbnailInline()) { _cache = blurred->pix(s, blur); _cacheStatus = CacheThumbLoaded; } else { _photoMedia->wanted(Data::PhotoSize::Small, _origin); } } } } } return _cache; } void MediaPreviewWidget::startGifAnimation( const Media::Clip::ReaderPointer &gif) { gif->start({ .frame = currentDimensions(), .keepAlpha = _gifWithAlpha }); } void MediaPreviewWidget::validateGifAnimation() { Expects(_documentMedia != nullptr); if (_gifThumbnail && _gifThumbnail->started()) { const auto position = _gifThumbnail->getPositionMs(); if (_gif && _gif->ready() && !_gif->started() && (_gifLastPosition > position)) { startGifAnimation(_gif); _gifThumbnail.reset(); _gifLastPosition = 0; return; } else { _gifLastPosition = position; } } else if (_gif || _gif.isBad()) { return; } const auto contentLoaded = _documentMedia->loaded(); const auto thumbContent = _documentMedia->videoThumbnailContent(); const auto thumbLoaded = !thumbContent.isEmpty(); if (!contentLoaded && (_gifThumbnail || _gifThumbnail.isBad() | !thumbLoaded)) { return; } const auto callback = [=](Media::Clip::Notification notification) { clipCallback(notification); }; _gifWithAlpha = (_documentMedia->owner()->sticker() != nullptr); if (contentLoaded) { _gif = Media::Clip::MakeReader( _documentMedia->owner()->location(), _documentMedia->bytes(), std::move(callback)); } else { _gifThumbnail = Media::Clip::MakeReader( thumbContent, std::move(callback)); } } void MediaPreviewWidget::clipCallback( Media::Clip::Notification notification) { using namespace Media::Clip; switch (notification) { case Notification::Reinit: { if (_gifThumbnail && _gifThumbnail->state() == State::Error) { _gifThumbnail.setBad(); } if (_gif && _gif->state() == State::Error) { _gif.setBad(); } if (_gif && _gif->ready() && !_gif->started() && (!_gifThumbnail || !_gifThumbnail->started())) { startGifAnimation(_gif); } else if (!_gif && _gifThumbnail && _gifThumbnail->ready() && !_gifThumbnail->started()) { startGifAnimation(_gifThumbnail); } update(); } break; case Notification::Repaint: { if ((_gif && _gif->started() && !_gif->currentDisplayed()) || (_gifThumbnail && _gifThumbnail->started() && !_gifThumbnail->currentDisplayed())) { update(updateArea()); } } break; } } MediaPreviewWidget::~MediaPreviewWidget() { } } // namespace Window