/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "window/notifications_manager.h" #include "base/options.h" #include "platform/platform_notifications_manager.h" #include "window/notifications_manager_default.h" #include "media/audio/media_audio_track.h" #include "media/audio/media_audio.h" #include "mtproto/mtproto_config.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item_components.h" #include "history/view/history_view_replies_section.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "data/notify/data_notify_settings.h" #include "data/stickers/data_custom_emoji.h" #include "data/data_document_media.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_forum_topic.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_poll.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "api/api_updates.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "main/main_account.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "main/main_domain.h" #include "ui/text/text_utilities.h" #include #if __has_include() #include #endif // __has_include() namespace Window { namespace Notifications { namespace { // not more than one sound in 500ms from one peer - grouping constexpr auto kMinimalDelay = crl::time(100); constexpr auto kMinimalForwardDelay = crl::time(500); constexpr auto kMinimalAlertDelay = crl::time(500); constexpr auto kWaitingForAllGroupedDelay = crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kReactionNotificationEach = 60 * 60 * crl::time(1000); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC constexpr auto kSystemAlertDuration = crl::time(1000); #else // !Q_OS_MAC constexpr auto kSystemAlertDuration = crl::time(0); #endif // Q_OS_MAC [[nodiscard]] QString PlaceholderReactionText() { static const auto result = QString::fromUtf8("\xf0\x9f\x92\xad"); return result; } [[nodiscard]] QString TextWithForwardedChar( const QString &text, bool forwarded) { static const auto result = QString::fromUtf8("\xE2\x9E\xA1\xEF\xB8\x8F"); return forwarded ? result + text : text; } [[nodiscard]] QString TextWithPermanentSpoiler( const TextWithEntities &textWithEntities) { auto text = textWithEntities.text; for (const auto &e : textWithEntities.entities) { if (e.type() == EntityType::Spoiler) { auto replacement = QString().fill(QChar(0x259A), e.length()); text = text.replace( e.offset(), e.length(), std::move(replacement)); } } return text; } [[nodiscard]] QByteArray ReadRingtoneBytes( const std::shared_ptr &media) { const auto result = media->bytes(); if (!result.isEmpty()) { return result; } const auto &location = media->owner()->location(); if (!location.isEmpty() && location.accessEnable()) { const auto guard = gsl::finally([&] { location.accessDisable(); }); auto f = QFile(location.name()); if (f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { return f.readAll(); } } return {}; } } // namespace const char kOptionGNotification[] = "gnotification"; base::options::toggle OptionGNotification({ .id = kOptionGNotification, .name = "GNotification", .description = "Force enable GLib's GNotification." " When disabled, autodetect is used.", .scope = [] { #if __has_include() using namespace gi::repository; return bool(Gio::Application::get_default()); #else // __has_include() return false; #endif // __has_include() }, .restartRequired = true, }); struct System::Waiter { NotificationInHistoryKey key; UserData *reactionSender = nullptr; Data::ItemNotificationType type = Data::ItemNotificationType::Message; crl::time when = 0; }; System::NotificationInHistoryKey::NotificationInHistoryKey( Data::ItemNotification notification) : NotificationInHistoryKey(notification.item->id, notification.type) { } System::NotificationInHistoryKey::NotificationInHistoryKey( MsgId messageId, Data::ItemNotificationType type) : messageId(messageId) , type(type) { } System::System() : _waitTimer([=] { showNext(); }) , _waitForAllGroupedTimer([=] { showGrouped(); }) , _manager(std::make_unique(this)) { settingsChanged( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](ChangeType type) { if (type == ChangeType::DesktopEnabled) { clearAll(); } else if (type == ChangeType::ViewParams) { updateAll(); } else if (type == ChangeType::IncludeMuted || type == ChangeType::CountMessages) { Core::App().domain().notifyUnreadBadgeChanged(); } }, lifetime()); } void System::createManager() { Platform::Notifications::Create(this); } void System::setManager(std::unique_ptr manager) { _manager = std::move(manager); if (!_manager) { _manager = std::make_unique(this); } } Manager &System::manager() const { Expects(_manager != nullptr); return *_manager; } Main::Session *System::findSession(uint64 sessionId) const { for (const auto &[index, account] : Core::App().domain().accounts()) { if (const auto session = account->maybeSession()) { if (session->uniqueId() == sessionId) { return session; } } } return nullptr; } bool System::skipReactionNotification(not_null item) const { const auto id = ReactionNotificationId{ .itemId = item->fullId(), .sessionId = item->history()->session().uniqueId(), }; const auto now = crl::now(); const auto clearBefore = now - kReactionNotificationEach; for (auto i = begin(_sentReactionNotifications) ; i != end(_sentReactionNotifications) ;) { if (i->second <= clearBefore) { i = _sentReactionNotifications.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } return !_sentReactionNotifications.emplace(id, now).second; } System::SkipState System::skipNotification( Data::ItemNotification notification) const { const auto item = notification.item; const auto type = notification.type; const auto messageType = (type == Data::ItemNotificationType::Message); if (!item->notificationThread()->currentNotification() || (messageType && item->skipNotification()) || (type == Data::ItemNotificationType::Reaction && skipReactionNotification(item))) { return { SkipState::Skip }; } return computeSkipState(notification); } System::SkipState System::computeSkipState( Data::ItemNotification notification) const { const auto type = notification.type; const auto item = notification.item; const auto thread = item->notificationThread(); const auto notifySettings = &thread->owner().notifySettings(); const auto messageType = (type == Data::ItemNotificationType::Message); const auto withSilent = [&]( SkipState::Value value, bool forceSilent = false) { return SkipState{ .value = value, .silent = (forceSilent || !messageType || item->isSilent() || notifySettings->sound(thread).none), }; }; const auto showForMuted = messageType && item->out() && item->isFromScheduled(); const auto notifyBy = messageType ? item->specialNotificationPeer() : notification.reactionSender; if (Core::Quitting()) { return { SkipState::Skip }; } else if (!Core::App().settings().notifyFromAll() && &thread->session().account() != &Core::App().domain().active()) { return { SkipState::Skip }; } if (messageType) { notifySettings->request(thread); } else if (notifyBy->blockStatus() == PeerData::BlockStatus::Unknown) { notifyBy->updateFull(); } if (notifyBy) { notifySettings->request(notifyBy); } if (messageType && notifySettings->muteUnknown(thread)) { return { SkipState::Unknown }; } else if (messageType && !notifySettings->isMuted(thread)) { return withSilent(SkipState::DontSkip); } else if (!notifyBy) { return withSilent( showForMuted ? SkipState::DontSkip : SkipState::Skip, showForMuted); } else if (notifySettings->muteUnknown(notifyBy) || (!messageType && notifyBy->blockStatus() == PeerData::BlockStatus::Unknown)) { return withSilent(SkipState::Unknown); } else if (!notifySettings->isMuted(notifyBy) && (messageType || !notifyBy->isBlocked())) { return withSilent(SkipState::DontSkip); } else { return withSilent( showForMuted ? SkipState::DontSkip : SkipState::Skip, showForMuted); } } System::Timing System::countTiming( not_null thread, crl::time minimalDelay) const { auto delay = minimalDelay; const auto t = base::unixtime::now(); const auto ms = crl::now(); const auto &updates = thread->session().updates(); const auto &config = thread->session().serverConfig(); const bool isOnline = updates.lastWasOnline(); const auto otherNotOld = ((cOtherOnline() * 1000LL) + config.onlineCloudTimeout > t * 1000LL); const bool otherLaterThanMe = (cOtherOnline() * 1000LL + (ms - updates.lastSetOnline()) > t * 1000LL); if (!isOnline && otherNotOld && otherLaterThanMe) { delay = config.notifyCloudDelay; } else if (cOtherOnline() >= t) { delay = config.notifyDefaultDelay; } return { .delay = delay, .when = ms + delay, }; } void System::registerThread(not_null thread) { if (const auto topic = thread->asTopic()) { const auto &[i, ok] = _watchedTopics.emplace(topic, rpl::lifetime()); if (ok) { topic->destroyed() | rpl::start_with_next([=] { clearFromTopic(topic); }, i->second); } } } void System::schedule(Data::ItemNotification notification) { Expects(_manager != nullptr); const auto item = notification.item; const auto type = notification.type; const auto thread = item->notificationThread(); const auto skip = skipNotification(notification); if (skip.value == SkipState::Skip) { thread->popNotification(notification); return; } const auto ready = (skip.value != SkipState::Unknown) && item->notificationReady(); const auto minimalDelay = (type == Data::ItemNotificationType::Reaction) ? kMinimalDelay : item->Has() ? kMinimalForwardDelay : kMinimalDelay; const auto timing = countTiming(thread, minimalDelay); const auto notifyBy = (type == Data::ItemNotificationType::Message) ? item->specialNotificationPeer() : notification.reactionSender; if (!skip.silent) { registerThread(thread); _whenAlerts[thread].emplace(timing.when, notifyBy); } if (Core::App().settings().desktopNotify() && !_manager->skipToast()) { registerThread(thread); const auto key = NotificationInHistoryKey(notification); auto &whenMap = _whenMaps[thread]; if (whenMap.find(key) == whenMap.end()) { whenMap.emplace(key, timing.when); } auto &addTo = ready ? _waiters : _settingWaiters; const auto it = addTo.find(thread); if (it == addTo.end() || it->second.when > timing.when) { addTo.emplace(thread, Waiter{ .key = key, .reactionSender = notification.reactionSender, .type = notification.type, .when = timing.when, }); } } if (ready) { if (!_waitTimer.isActive() || _waitTimer.remainingTime() > timing.delay) { _waitTimer.callOnce(timing.delay); } } } void System::clearAll() { if (_manager) { _manager->clearAll(); } for (const auto &[thread, _] : _whenMaps) { thread->clearNotifications(); } _whenMaps.clear(); _whenAlerts.clear(); _waiters.clear(); _settingWaiters.clear(); _watchedTopics.clear(); } void System::clearFromTopic(not_null topic) { if (_manager) { _manager->clearFromTopic(topic); } topic->clearNotifications(); _whenMaps.remove(topic); _whenAlerts.remove(topic); _waiters.remove(topic); _settingWaiters.remove(topic); _watchedTopics.remove(topic); _waitTimer.cancel(); showNext(); } void System::clearForThreadIf(Fn)> predicate) { for (auto i = _whenMaps.begin(); i != _whenMaps.end();) { const auto thread = i->first; if (!predicate(thread)) { ++i; continue; } i = _whenMaps.erase(i); thread->clearNotifications(); _whenAlerts.remove(thread); _waiters.remove(thread); _settingWaiters.remove(thread); if (const auto topic = thread->asTopic()) { _watchedTopics.remove(topic); } } const auto clearFrom = [&](auto &map) { for (auto i = map.begin(); i != map.end();) { const auto thread = i->first; if (predicate(thread)) { if (const auto topic = thread->asTopic()) { _watchedTopics.remove(topic); } i = map.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } }; clearFrom(_whenAlerts); clearFrom(_waiters); clearFrom(_settingWaiters); _waitTimer.cancel(); showNext(); } void System::clearFromHistory(not_null history) { if (_manager) { _manager->clearFromHistory(history); } clearForThreadIf([&](not_null thread) { return (thread->owningHistory() == history); }); } void System::clearFromSession(not_null session) { if (_manager) { _manager->clearFromSession(session); } clearForThreadIf([&](not_null thread) { return (&thread->session() == session); }); } void System::clearIncomingFromHistory(not_null history) { if (_manager) { _manager->clearFromHistory(history); } history->clearIncomingNotifications(); _whenAlerts.remove(history); } void System::clearIncomingFromTopic(not_null topic) { if (_manager) { _manager->clearFromTopic(topic); } topic->clearIncomingNotifications(); _whenAlerts.remove(topic); } void System::clearFromItem(not_null item) { if (_manager) { _manager->clearFromItem(item); } } void System::clearAllFast() { if (_manager) { _manager->clearAllFast(); } _whenMaps.clear(); _whenAlerts.clear(); _waiters.clear(); _settingWaiters.clear(); _watchedTopics.clear(); } void System::checkDelayed() { for (auto i = _settingWaiters.begin(); i != _settingWaiters.end();) { const auto remove = [&] { const auto thread = i->first; const auto peer = thread->peer(); const auto fullId = FullMsgId(peer->id, i->second.key.messageId); const auto item = thread->owner().message(fullId); if (!item) { return true; } const auto state = computeSkipState({ .item = item, .reactionSender = i->second.reactionSender, .type = i->second.type, }); if (state.value == SkipState::Skip) { return true; } else if (state.value == SkipState::Unknown || !item->notificationReady()) { return false; } _waiters.emplace(i->first, i->second); return true; }(); if (remove) { i = _settingWaiters.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } _waitTimer.cancel(); showNext(); } void System::showGrouped() { Expects(_manager != nullptr); if (const auto session = findSession(_lastHistorySessionId)) { if (const auto lastItem = session->data().message(_lastHistoryItemId)) { _waitForAllGroupedTimer.cancel(); _manager->showNotification({ .item = lastItem, .forwardedCount = _lastForwardedCount, }); _lastForwardedCount = 0; _lastHistoryItemId = FullMsgId(); _lastHistorySessionId = 0; } } } void System::showNext() { Expects(_manager != nullptr); if (Core::Quitting()) { return; } const auto isSameGroup = [=](HistoryItem *item) { if (!_lastHistorySessionId || !_lastHistoryItemId || !item) { return false; } else if (item->history()->session().uniqueId() != _lastHistorySessionId) { return false; } const auto lastItem = item->history()->owner().message( _lastHistoryItemId); if (lastItem) { return (lastItem->groupId() == item->groupId()) || (lastItem->author() == item->author()); } return false; }; auto ms = crl::now(), nextAlert = crl::time(0); auto alertThread = (Data::Thread*)nullptr; for (auto i = _whenAlerts.begin(); i != _whenAlerts.end();) { while (!i->second.empty() && i->second.begin()->first <= ms) { const auto thread = i->first; const auto notifySettings = &thread->owner().notifySettings(); const auto threadUnknown = notifySettings->muteUnknown(thread); const auto threadAlert = !threadUnknown && !notifySettings->isMuted(thread); const auto from = i->second.begin()->second; const auto fromUnknown = (!from || notifySettings->muteUnknown(from)); const auto fromAlert = !fromUnknown && !notifySettings->isMuted(from); if (threadAlert || fromAlert) { alertThread = thread; } while (!i->second.empty() && i->second.begin()->first <= ms + kMinimalAlertDelay) { i->second.erase(i->second.begin()); } } if (i->second.empty()) { i = _whenAlerts.erase(i); } else { if (!nextAlert || nextAlert > i->second.begin()->first) { nextAlert = i->second.begin()->first; } ++i; } } const auto &settings = Core::App().settings(); if (alertThread) { if (settings.flashBounceNotify()) { const auto peer = alertThread->peer(); if (const auto window = Core::App().windowFor(peer)) { if (const auto controller = window->sessionController()) { _manager->maybeFlashBounce(crl::guard(controller, [=] { if (const auto handle = window->widget()->windowHandle()) { handle->alert(kSystemAlertDuration); // (handle, SLOT(_q_clearAlert())); in the future. } })); } } } if (settings.soundNotify()) { const auto owner = &alertThread->owner(); const auto id = owner->notifySettings().sound(alertThread).id; _manager->maybePlaySound(crl::guard(&owner->session(), [=] { const auto track = lookupSound(owner, id); track->playOnce(); Media::Player::mixer()->suppressAll(track->getLengthMs()); Media::Player::mixer()->scheduleFaderCallback(); })); } } if (_waiters.empty() || !settings.desktopNotify() || _manager->skipToast()) { if (nextAlert) { _waitTimer.callOnce(nextAlert - ms); } return; } while (true) { auto next = 0LL; auto notify = std::optional(); auto notifyThread = (Data::Thread*)nullptr; for (auto i = _waiters.begin(); i != _waiters.end();) { const auto thread = i->first; auto current = thread->currentNotification(); if (current && current->item->id != i->second.key.messageId) { auto j = _whenMaps.find(thread); if (j == _whenMaps.end()) { thread->clearNotifications(); i = _waiters.erase(i); continue; } do { auto k = j->second.find(*current); if (k != j->second.cend()) { i->second.key = k->first; i->second.when = k->second; break; } thread->skipNotification(); current = thread->currentNotification(); } while (current); } if (!current) { _whenMaps.remove(thread); i = _waiters.erase(i); continue; } auto when = i->second.when; if (!notify || next > when) { next = when; notify = current, notifyThread = thread; } ++i; } if (!notify) { break; } else if (next > ms) { if (nextAlert && nextAlert < next) { next = nextAlert; nextAlert = 0; } _waitTimer.callOnce(next - ms); break; } const auto notifyItem = notify->item; const auto messageType = (notify->type == Data::ItemNotificationType::Message); const auto isForwarded = messageType && notifyItem->Has(); const auto isAlbum = messageType && notifyItem->groupId(); // Forwarded and album notify grouping. auto groupedItem = (isForwarded || isAlbum) ? notifyItem.get() : nullptr; auto forwardedCount = isForwarded ? 1 : 0; const auto thread = notifyItem->notificationThread(); const auto j = _whenMaps.find(thread); if (j == _whenMaps.cend()) { thread->clearNotifications(); } else { while (true) { auto nextNotify = std::optional(); thread->skipNotification(); if (!thread->hasNotification()) { break; } j->second.remove({ (groupedItem ? groupedItem : notifyItem.get())->id, notify->type, }); do { const auto k = j->second.find( thread->currentNotification()); if (k != j->second.cend()) { nextNotify = thread->currentNotification(); _waiters.emplace(notifyThread, Waiter{ .key = k->first, .when = k->second }); break; } thread->skipNotification(); } while (thread->hasNotification()); if (!nextNotify || !groupedItem) { break; } const auto nextMessageNotification = (nextNotify->type == Data::ItemNotificationType::Message); const auto canNextBeGrouped = nextMessageNotification && ((isForwarded && nextNotify->item->Has()) || (isAlbum && nextNotify->item->groupId())); const auto nextItem = canNextBeGrouped ? nextNotify->item.get() : nullptr; if (nextItem && qAbs(int64(nextItem->date()) - int64(groupedItem->date())) < 2) { if (isForwarded && groupedItem->author() == nextItem->author()) { ++forwardedCount; groupedItem = nextItem; continue; } if (isAlbum && groupedItem->groupId() == nextItem->groupId()) { groupedItem = nextItem; continue; } } break; } } if (!_lastHistoryItemId && groupedItem) { _lastHistorySessionId = groupedItem->history()->session().uniqueId(); _lastHistoryItemId = groupedItem->fullId(); } // If the current notification is grouped. if (isAlbum || isForwarded) { // If the previous notification is grouped // then reset the timer. if (_waitForAllGroupedTimer.isActive()) { _waitForAllGroupedTimer.cancel(); // If this is not the same group // then show the previous group immediately. if (!isSameGroup(groupedItem)) { showGrouped(); } } // We have to wait until all the messages in this group are loaded. _lastForwardedCount += forwardedCount; _lastHistorySessionId = groupedItem->history()->session().uniqueId(); _lastHistoryItemId = groupedItem->fullId(); _waitForAllGroupedTimer.callOnce(kWaitingForAllGroupedDelay); } else { // If the current notification is not grouped // then there is no reason to wait for the timer // to show the previous notification. showGrouped(); const auto reactionNotification = (notify->type == Data::ItemNotificationType::Reaction); const auto reaction = reactionNotification ? notify->item->lookupUnreadReaction(notify->reactionSender) : Data::ReactionId(); if (!reactionNotification || !reaction.empty()) { _manager->showNotification({ .item = notify->item, .forwardedCount = forwardedCount, .reactionFrom = notify->reactionSender, .reactionId = reaction, }); } } if (!thread->hasNotification()) { _waiters.remove(thread); _whenMaps.remove(thread); } } if (nextAlert) { _waitTimer.callOnce(nextAlert - ms); } } not_null System::lookupSound( not_null owner, DocumentId id) { if (!id) { ensureSoundCreated(); return _soundTrack.get(); } const auto i = _customSoundTracks.find(id); if (i != end(_customSoundTracks)) { return i->second.get(); } const auto ¬ifySettings = owner->notifySettings(); if (const auto custom = notifySettings.lookupRingtone(id)) { const auto bytes = ReadRingtoneBytes(custom); if (!bytes.isEmpty()) { const auto j = _customSoundTracks.emplace( id, Media::Audio::Current().createTrack() ).first; j->second->fillFromData(bytes::make_vector(bytes)); return j->second.get(); } } ensureSoundCreated(); return _soundTrack.get(); } void System::ensureSoundCreated() { if (_soundTrack) { return; } _soundTrack = Media::Audio::Current().createTrack(); _soundTrack->fillFromFile( Core::App().settings().getSoundPath(u"msg_incoming"_q)); } void System::updateAll() { if (_manager) { _manager->updateAll(); } } rpl::producer System::settingsChanged() const { return _settingsChanged.events(); } void System::notifySettingsChanged(ChangeType type) { return _settingsChanged.fire(std::move(type)); } void System::playSound(not_null session, DocumentId id) { lookupSound(&session->data(), id)->playOnce(); } Manager::DisplayOptions Manager::getNotificationOptions( HistoryItem *item, Data::ItemNotificationType type) const { const auto hideEverything = Core::App().passcodeLocked() || forceHideDetails(); const auto view = Core::App().settings().notifyView(); const auto peer = item ? item->history()->peer.get() : nullptr; const auto topic = item ? item->topic() : nullptr; auto result = DisplayOptions(); result.hideNameAndPhoto = hideEverything || (view > Core::Settings::NotifyView::ShowName); result.hideMessageText = hideEverything || (view > Core::Settings::NotifyView::ShowPreview); result.hideMarkAsRead = result.hideMessageText || (type != Data::ItemNotificationType::Message) || !item || ((item->out() || peer->isSelf()) && item->isFromScheduled()); result.hideReplyButton = result.hideMarkAsRead || (!Data::CanSendTexts(peer) && (!topic || !Data::CanSendTexts(topic))) || peer->isBroadcast() || (peer->slowmodeSecondsLeft() > 0); result.spoilerLoginCode = item && !item->out() && peer->isNotificationsUser() && Core::App().isSharingScreen(); return result; } TextWithEntities Manager::ComposeReactionEmoji( not_null session, const Data::ReactionId &reaction) { if (const auto emoji = std::get_if(&reaction.data)) { return TextWithEntities{ *emoji }; } const auto id = v::get(reaction.data); const auto document = session->data().document(id); const auto sticker = document->sticker(); const auto text = sticker ? sticker->alt : PlaceholderReactionText(); return TextWithEntities{ text, { EntityInText( EntityType::CustomEmoji, 0, text.size(), Data::SerializeCustomEmojiId(id)) } }; } TextWithEntities Manager::ComposeReactionNotification( not_null item, const Data::ReactionId &reaction, bool hideContent) { const auto reactionWithEntities = ComposeReactionEmoji( &item->history()->session(), reaction); const auto simple = [&](const auto &phrase) { return phrase( tr::now, lt_reaction, reactionWithEntities, Ui::Text::WithEntities); }; if (hideContent) { return simple(tr::lng_reaction_notext); } const auto media = item->media(); const auto text = [&] { return tr::lng_reaction_text( tr::now, lt_reaction, reactionWithEntities, lt_text, item->notificationText(), Ui::Text::WithEntities); }; if (!media || media->webpage()) { return text(); } else if (media->photo()) { return simple(tr::lng_reaction_photo); } else if (const auto document = media->document()) { if (document->isVoiceMessage()) { return simple(tr::lng_reaction_voice_message); } else if (document->isVideoMessage()) { return simple(tr::lng_reaction_video_message); } else if (document->isAnimation()) { return simple(tr::lng_reaction_gif); } else if (document->isVideoFile()) { return simple(tr::lng_reaction_video); } else if (const auto sticker = document->sticker()) { return tr::lng_reaction_sticker( tr::now, lt_reaction, reactionWithEntities, lt_emoji, Ui::Text::WithEntities(sticker->alt), Ui::Text::WithEntities); } return simple(tr::lng_reaction_document); } else if (const auto contact = media->sharedContact()) { const auto name = contact->firstName.isEmpty() ? contact->lastName : contact->lastName.isEmpty() ? contact->firstName : tr::lng_full_name( tr::now, lt_first_name, contact->firstName, lt_last_name, contact->lastName); return tr::lng_reaction_contact( tr::now, lt_reaction, reactionWithEntities, lt_name, Ui::Text::WithEntities(name), Ui::Text::WithEntities); } else if (media->location()) { return simple(tr::lng_reaction_location); // lng_reaction_live_location not used right now :( } else if (const auto poll = media->poll()) { return (poll->quiz() ? tr::lng_reaction_quiz : tr::lng_reaction_poll)( tr::now, lt_reaction, reactionWithEntities, lt_title, poll->question, Ui::Text::WithEntities); } else if (media->game()) { return simple(tr::lng_reaction_game); } else if (media->invoice()) { return simple(tr::lng_reaction_invoice); } return text(); } TextWithEntities Manager::addTargetAccountName( TextWithEntities title, not_null session) { const auto add = [&] { for (const auto &[index, account] : Core::App().domain().accounts()) { if (const auto other = account->maybeSession()) { if (other != session) { return true; } } } return false; }(); if (!add) { return title; } return title.append(accountNameSeparator()).append( (session->user()->username().isEmpty() ? session->user()->name() : session->user()->username())); } QString Manager::addTargetAccountName( const QString &title, not_null session) { return addTargetAccountName(TextWithEntities{ title }, session).text; } QString Manager::accountNameSeparator() { return QString::fromUtf8(" \xE2\x9E\x9C "); } void Manager::notificationActivated( NotificationId id, const TextWithTags &reply) { onBeforeNotificationActivated(id); if (const auto session = system()->findSession(id.contextId.sessionId)) { if (session->windows().empty()) { Core::App().domain().activate(&session->account()); } if (!session->windows().empty()) { const auto window = session->windows().front(); const auto history = session->data().history( id.contextId.peerId); const auto item = history->owner().message( history->peer, id.msgId); const auto topic = item ? item->topic() : nullptr; if (!reply.text.isEmpty()) { const auto topicRootId = topic ? topic->rootId() : id.contextId.topicRootId; const auto replyToId = (id.msgId > 0 && !history->peer->isUser() && id.msgId != topicRootId) ? FullMsgId(history->peer->id, id.msgId) : FullMsgId(); auto draft = std::make_unique( reply, FullReplyTo{ .messageId = replyToId, .topicRootId = topicRootId, }, MessageCursor{ int(reply.text.size()), int(reply.text.size()), Ui::kQFixedMax, }, Data::WebPageDraft()); history->setLocalDraft(std::move(draft)); } window->widget()->showFromTray(); window->widget()->reActivateWindow(); if (Core::App().passcodeLocked()) { window->widget()->setInnerFocus(); system()->clearAll(); } else { openNotificationMessage(history, id.msgId); } onAfterNotificationActivated(id, window); } } } void Manager::openNotificationMessage( not_null history, MsgId messageId) { const auto item = history->owner().message(history->peer, messageId); const auto openExactlyMessage = !history->peer->isBroadcast() && item && item->isRegular() && (item->out() || (item->mentionsMe() && !history->peer->isUser())); const auto topic = item ? item->topic() : nullptr; const auto separate = Core::App().separateWindowForPeer(history->peer); const auto window = separate ? separate->sessionController() : history->session().tryResolveWindow(); const auto itemId = openExactlyMessage ? messageId : ShowAtUnreadMsgId; if (window) { if (topic) { window->showSection( std::make_shared( history, topic->rootId(), itemId), SectionShow::Way::Forward); } else { window->showPeerHistory( history->peer->id, SectionShow::Way::Forward, itemId); } } if (topic) { system()->clearFromTopic(topic); } else { system()->clearFromHistory(history); } } void Manager::notificationReplied( NotificationId id, const TextWithTags &reply) { if (!id.contextId.sessionId || !id.contextId.peerId) { return; } const auto session = system()->findSession(id.contextId.sessionId); if (!session) { return; } const auto history = session->data().history(id.contextId.peerId); const auto item = history->owner().message(history->peer, id.msgId); const auto topic = item ? item->topic() : nullptr; const auto topicRootId = topic ? topic->rootId() : id.contextId.topicRootId; auto message = Api::MessageToSend(Api::SendAction(history)); message.textWithTags = reply; const auto replyToId = (id.msgId > 0 && !history->peer->isUser() && id.msgId != topicRootId) ? id.msgId : history->peer->isForum() ? topicRootId : MsgId(0); message.action.replyTo = { .messageId = { replyToId ? history->peer->id : 0, replyToId }, .topicRootId = topic ? topic->rootId() : 0, }; message.action.clearDraft = false; history->session().api().sendMessage(std::move(message)); if (item && item->isUnreadMention() && !item->isIncomingUnreadMedia()) { history->session().api().markContentsRead(item); } } void NativeManager::doShowNotification(NotificationFields &&fields) { const auto options = getNotificationOptions( fields.item, (fields.reactionFrom ? Data::ItemNotificationType::Reaction : Data::ItemNotificationType::Message)); const auto item = fields.item; const auto peer = item->history()->peer; const auto reactionFrom = fields.reactionFrom; if (reactionFrom && options.hideNameAndPhoto) { return; } const auto scheduled = !options.hideNameAndPhoto && !reactionFrom && (item->out() || peer->isSelf()) && item->isFromScheduled(); const auto topicWithChat = [&] { const auto name = peer->name(); const auto topic = item->topic(); return topic ? (topic->title() + u" ("_q + name + ')') : name; }; const auto title = options.hideNameAndPhoto ? AppName.utf16() : (scheduled && peer->isSelf()) ? tr::lng_notification_reminder(tr::now) : topicWithChat(); const auto fullTitle = addTargetAccountName(title, &peer->session()); const auto subtitle = reactionFrom ? (reactionFrom != peer ? reactionFrom->name() : QString()) : options.hideNameAndPhoto ? QString() : item->notificationHeader(); const auto text = reactionFrom ? TextWithPermanentSpoiler(ComposeReactionNotification( item, fields.reactionId, options.hideMessageText)) : options.hideMessageText ? tr::lng_notification_preview(tr::now) : (fields.forwardedCount > 1) ? tr::lng_forward_messages(tr::now, lt_count, fields.forwardedCount) : item->groupId() ? tr::lng_in_dlg_album(tr::now) : TextWithForwardedChar( TextWithPermanentSpoiler(item->notificationText({ .spoilerLoginCode = options.spoilerLoginCode, })), (fields.forwardedCount == 1)); // #TODO optimize auto userpicView = item->history()->peer->createUserpicView(); doShowNativeNotification( item->history()->peer, item->topicRootId(), userpicView, item->id, scheduled ? WrapFromScheduled(fullTitle) : fullTitle, subtitle, text, options); } bool NativeManager::forceHideDetails() const { return Core::App().screenIsLocked(); } System::~System() = default; QString WrapFromScheduled(const QString &text) { return QString::fromUtf8("\xF0\x9F\x93\x85 ") + text; } } // namespace Notifications } // namespace Window