/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "pspecific.h" #include "lang.h" #include "application.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "historywidget.h" #include "localstorage.h" #include "passcodewidget.h" namespace { QStringList _initLogs; bool frameless = true; bool finished = true; class _PsEventFilter : public QAbstractNativeEventFilter { public: _PsEventFilter() { } bool nativeEventFilter(const QByteArray &eventType, void *message, long *result) { Window *wnd = Application::wnd(); if (!wnd) return false; return wnd->psFilterNativeEvent(message); } }; _PsEventFilter *_psEventFilter = 0; }; void MacPrivate::activeSpaceChanged() { if (App::wnd()) { App::wnd()->notifyActivateAll(); } } void MacPrivate::darkModeChanged() { if (App::wnd()) { App::wnd()->updateCounter(); } } void MacPrivate::notifyClicked(unsigned long long peer, int msgid) { History *history = App::history(PeerId(peer)); App::wnd()->showFromTray(); if (App::passcoded()) { App::wnd()->setInnerFocus(); App::wnd()->notifyClear(); } else { App::wnd()->hideSettings(); bool tomsg = history->peer->chat && (msgid > 0); if (tomsg) { HistoryItem *item = App::histItemById(peerToChannel(PeerId(peer)), MsgId(msgid)); if (!item || !item->notifyByFrom()) { tomsg = false; } } App::main()->showPeerHistory(history->peer->id, tomsg ? msgid : ShowAtUnreadMsgId); App::wnd()->notifyClear(history); } } void MacPrivate::notifyReplied(unsigned long long peer, int msgid, const char *str) { History *history = App::history(PeerId(peer)); App::main()->sendMessage(history, QString::fromUtf8(str), (msgid > 0 && history->peer->chat) ? msgid : 0, false); } PsMainWindow::PsMainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), posInited(false), trayIcon(0), trayIconMenu(0), icon256(qsl(":/gui/art/icon256.png")), iconbig256(qsl(":/gui/art/iconbig256.png")), wndIcon(QPixmap::fromImage(iconbig256, Qt::ColorOnly)), psLogout(0), psUndo(0), psRedo(0), psCut(0), psCopy(0), psPaste(0), psDelete(0), psSelectAll(0), psContacts(0), psAddContact(0), psNewGroup(0), psShowTelegram(0) { QImage tray(qsl(":/gui/art/osxtray.png")); trayImg = tray.copy(0, cRetina() ? 0 : tray.width() / 2, tray.width() / (cRetina() ? 2 : 4), tray.width() / (cRetina() ? 2 : 4)); trayImgSel = tray.copy(tray.width() / (cRetina() ? 2 : 4), cRetina() ? 0 : tray.width() / 2, tray.width() / (cRetina() ? 2 : 4), tray.width() / (cRetina() ? 2 : 4)); } QImage PsMainWindow::psTrayIcon(bool selected) const { return selected ? trayImgSel : trayImg; } void PsMainWindow::psShowTrayMenu() { } void PsMainWindow::psRefreshTaskbarIcon() { } void PsMainWindow::psTrayMenuUpdated() { } void PsMainWindow::psSetupTrayIcon() { if (!trayIcon) { trayIcon = new QSystemTrayIcon(this); QIcon icon(QPixmap::fromImage(psTrayIcon(), Qt::ColorOnly)); icon.addPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(psTrayIcon(true), Qt::ColorOnly), QIcon::Selected); trayIcon->setIcon(icon); trayIcon->setToolTip(QString::fromStdWString(AppName)); connect(trayIcon, SIGNAL(activated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason)), this, SLOT(toggleTray(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason)), Qt::UniqueConnection); App::wnd()->updateTrayMenu(); } psUpdateCounter(); trayIcon->show(); } void PsMainWindow::psUpdateWorkmode() { psSetupTrayIcon(); if (cWorkMode() == dbiwmWindowOnly) { if (trayIcon) { trayIcon->setContextMenu(0); delete trayIcon; } trayIcon = 0; } psUpdateDelegate(); setWindowIcon(wndIcon); } void _placeCounter(QImage &img, int size, int count, style::color bg, style::color color) { if (!count) return; QPainter p(&img); QString cnt = (count < 100) ? QString("%1").arg(count) : QString("..%1").arg(count % 100, 2, 10, QChar('0')); int32 cntSize = cnt.size(); p.setBrush(bg->b); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); int32 fontSize, skip; if (size == 22) { skip = 1; fontSize = 8; } else { skip = 2; fontSize = 16; } style::font f(fontSize); int32 w = f->m.width(cnt), d, r; if (size == 22) { d = (cntSize < 2) ? 3 : 2; r = (cntSize < 2) ? 6 : 5; } else { d = (cntSize < 2) ? 6 : 5; r = (cntSize < 2) ? 9 : 11; } p.drawRoundedRect(QRect(size - w - d * 2 - skip, size - f->height - skip, w + d * 2, f->height), r, r); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); p.setFont(f->f); p.setPen(color->p); p.drawText(size - w - d - skip, size - f->height + f->ascent - skip, cnt); } void PsMainWindow::psUpdateCounter() { int32 counter = App::histories().unreadFull - (cIncludeMuted() ? 0 : App::histories().unreadMuted); setWindowTitle((counter > 0) ? qsl("Telegram (%1)").arg(counter) : qsl("Telegram")); setWindowIcon(wndIcon); QString cnt = (counter < 1000) ? QString("%1").arg(counter) : QString("..%1").arg(counter % 100, 2, 10, QChar('0')); _private.setWindowBadge(counter ? cnt : QString()); if (trayIcon) { bool muted = cIncludeMuted() ? (App::histories().unreadMuted >= counter) : false; bool dm = objc_darkMode(); style::color bg = muted ? st::counterMuteBG : st::counterBG; QIcon icon; QImage img(psTrayIcon(dm)), imgsel(psTrayIcon(true)); img.detach(); imgsel.detach(); int32 size = cRetina() ? 44 : 22; _placeCounter(img, size, counter, bg, (dm && muted) ? st::counterMacInvColor : st::counterColor); _placeCounter(imgsel, size, counter, st::white, st::counterMacInvColor); icon.addPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(img, Qt::ColorOnly)); icon.addPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(imgsel, Qt::ColorOnly), QIcon::Selected); trayIcon->setIcon(icon); } } void PsMainWindow::psUpdateDelegate() { _private.updateDelegate(); } void PsMainWindow::psInitSize() { setMinimumWidth(st::wndMinWidth); setMinimumHeight(st::wndMinHeight); TWindowPos pos(cWindowPos()); QRect avail(QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry()); bool maximized = false; QRect geom(avail.x() + (avail.width() - st::wndDefWidth) / 2, avail.y() + (avail.height() - st::wndDefHeight) / 2, st::wndDefWidth, st::wndDefHeight); if (pos.w && pos.h) { QList screens = App::app()->screens(); for (QList::const_iterator i = screens.cbegin(), e = screens.cend(); i != e; ++i) { QByteArray name = (*i)->name().toUtf8(); if (pos.moncrc == hashCrc32(name.constData(), name.size())) { QRect screen((*i)->geometry()); int32 w = screen.width(), h = screen.height(); if (w >= st::wndMinWidth && h >= st::wndMinHeight) { if (pos.w > w) pos.w = w; if (pos.h > h) pos.h = h; pos.x += screen.x(); pos.y += screen.y(); if (pos.x < screen.x() + screen.width() - 10 && pos.y < screen.y() + screen.height() - 10) { geom = QRect(pos.x, pos.y, pos.w, pos.h); } } break; } } if (pos.y < 0) pos.y = 0; maximized = pos.maximized; } setGeometry(geom); } void PsMainWindow::psInitFrameless() { psUpdatedPositionTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&psUpdatedPositionTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(psSavePosition())); if (frameless) { //setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint); } } void PsMainWindow::psSavePosition(Qt::WindowState state) { if (state == Qt::WindowActive) state = windowHandle()->windowState(); if (state == Qt::WindowMinimized || !posInited) return; TWindowPos pos(cWindowPos()), curPos = pos; if (state == Qt::WindowMaximized) { curPos.maximized = 1; } else { QRect r(geometry()); curPos.x = r.x(); curPos.y = r.y(); curPos.w = r.width(); curPos.h = r.height(); curPos.maximized = 0; } int px = curPos.x + curPos.w / 2, py = curPos.y + curPos.h / 2, d = 0; QScreen *chosen = 0; QList screens = App::app()->screens(); for (QList::const_iterator i = screens.cbegin(), e = screens.cend(); i != e; ++i) { int dx = (*i)->geometry().x() + (*i)->geometry().width() / 2 - px; if (dx < 0) dx = -dx; int dy = (*i)->geometry().y() + (*i)->geometry().height() / 2 - py; if (dy < 0) dy = -dy; if (!chosen || dx + dy < d) { d = dx + dy; chosen = *i; } } if (chosen) { curPos.x -= chosen->geometry().x(); curPos.y -= chosen->geometry().y(); QByteArray name = chosen->name().toUtf8(); curPos.moncrc = hashCrc32(name.constData(), name.size()); } if (curPos.w >= st::wndMinWidth && curPos.h >= st::wndMinHeight) { if (curPos.x != pos.x || curPos.y != pos.y || curPos.w != pos.w || curPos.h != pos.h || curPos.moncrc != pos.moncrc || curPos.maximized != pos.maximized) { cSetWindowPos(curPos); Local::writeSettings(); } } } void PsMainWindow::psUpdatedPosition() { psUpdatedPositionTimer.start(SaveWindowPositionTimeout); } void PsMainWindow::psFirstShow() { finished = false; psUpdateMargins(); bool showShadows = true; show(); _private.enableShadow(winId()); if (cWindowPos().maximized) { setWindowState(Qt::WindowMaximized); } if ((cFromAutoStart() && cStartMinimized()) || cStartInTray()) { setWindowState(Qt::WindowMinimized); if (cWorkMode() == dbiwmTrayOnly || cWorkMode() == dbiwmWindowAndTray) { hide(); } else { show(); } showShadows = false; } else { show(); } posInited = true; // init global menu QMenu *main = psMainMenu.addMenu(qsl("Telegram")); main->addAction(lng_mac_menu_about_telegram(lt_telegram, qsl("Telegram")), App::wnd()->getTitle(), SLOT(onAbout()))->setMenuRole(QAction::AboutQtRole); main->addSeparator(); QAction *prefs = main->addAction(lang(lng_mac_menu_preferences), App::wnd(), SLOT(showSettings()), QKeySequence(Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::Key_Comma)); prefs->setMenuRole(QAction::PreferencesRole); QMenu *file = psMainMenu.addMenu(lang(lng_mac_menu_file)); psLogout = file->addAction(lang(lng_mac_menu_logout), App::wnd(), SLOT(onLogout())); QMenu *edit = psMainMenu.addMenu(lang(lng_mac_menu_edit)); psUndo = edit->addAction(lang(lng_mac_menu_undo), this, SLOT(psMacUndo()), QKeySequence::Undo); psRedo = edit->addAction(lang(lng_mac_menu_redo), this, SLOT(psMacRedo()), QKeySequence::Redo); edit->addSeparator(); psCut = edit->addAction(lang(lng_mac_menu_cut), this, SLOT(psMacCut()), QKeySequence::Cut); psCopy = edit->addAction(lang(lng_mac_menu_copy), this, SLOT(psMacCopy()), QKeySequence::Copy); psPaste = edit->addAction(lang(lng_mac_menu_paste), this, SLOT(psMacPaste()), QKeySequence::Paste); psDelete = edit->addAction(lang(lng_mac_menu_delete), this, SLOT(psMacDelete()), QKeySequence(Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::Key_Backspace)); edit->addSeparator(); psSelectAll = edit->addAction(lang(lng_mac_menu_select_all), this, SLOT(psMacSelectAll()), QKeySequence::SelectAll); QMenu *window = psMainMenu.addMenu(lang(lng_mac_menu_window)); psContacts = window->addAction(lang(lng_mac_menu_contacts), App::wnd()->getTitle(), SLOT(onContacts())); psAddContact = window->addAction(lang(lng_mac_menu_add_contact), App::wnd(), SLOT(onShowAddContact())); window->addSeparator(); psNewGroup = window->addAction(lang(lng_mac_menu_new_group), App::wnd(), SLOT(onShowNewGroup())); window->addSeparator(); psShowTelegram = window->addAction(lang(lng_mac_menu_show), App::wnd(), SLOT(showFromTray())); psMacUpdateMenu(); } namespace { void _sendKeySequence(Qt::Key key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier) { QWidget *focused = QApplication::focusWidget(); if (qobject_cast(focused) || qobject_cast(focused) || qobject_cast(focused)) { QApplication::postEvent(focused, new QKeyEvent(QEvent::KeyPress, key, modifiers)); QApplication::postEvent(focused, new QKeyEvent(QEvent::KeyRelease, key, modifiers)); } } void _forceDisabled(QAction *action, bool disabled) { if (action->isEnabled()) { if (disabled) action->setDisabled(true); } else if (!disabled) { action->setDisabled(false); } } } void PsMainWindow::psMacUndo() { _sendKeySequence(Qt::Key_Z, Qt::ControlModifier); } void PsMainWindow::psMacRedo() { _sendKeySequence(Qt::Key_Z, Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::ShiftModifier); } void PsMainWindow::psMacCut() { _sendKeySequence(Qt::Key_X, Qt::ControlModifier); } void PsMainWindow::psMacCopy() { _sendKeySequence(Qt::Key_C, Qt::ControlModifier); } void PsMainWindow::psMacPaste() { _sendKeySequence(Qt::Key_V, Qt::ControlModifier); } void PsMainWindow::psMacDelete() { _sendKeySequence(Qt::Key_Delete); } void PsMainWindow::psMacSelectAll() { _sendKeySequence(Qt::Key_A, Qt::ControlModifier); } bool PsMainWindow::psHandleTitle() { return false; } void PsMainWindow::psInitSysMenu() { } void PsMainWindow::psUpdateSysMenu(Qt::WindowState state) { } void PsMainWindow::psUpdateMargins() { } void PsMainWindow::psMacUpdateMenu() { if (!posInited) return; QWidget *focused = QApplication::focusWidget(); bool isLogged = !!App::self(), canUndo = false, canRedo = false, canCut = false, canCopy = false, canPaste = false, canDelete = false, canSelectAll = false; if (QLineEdit *edit = qobject_cast(focused)) { canCut = canCopy = canDelete = edit->hasSelectedText(); canSelectAll = !edit->text().isEmpty(); canUndo = edit->isUndoAvailable(); canRedo = edit->isRedoAvailable(); canPaste = !App::app()->clipboard()->text().isEmpty(); } else if (FlatTextarea *edit = qobject_cast(focused)) { canCut = canCopy = canDelete = edit->textCursor().hasSelection(); canSelectAll = !edit->getLastText().isEmpty(); canUndo = edit->isUndoAvailable(); canRedo = edit->isRedoAvailable(); canPaste = !App::app()->clipboard()->text().isEmpty(); } else if (HistoryList *list = qobject_cast(focused)) { canCopy = list->canCopySelected(); canDelete = list->canDeleteSelected(); } _forceDisabled(psLogout, !isLogged && !App::passcoded()); _forceDisabled(psUndo, !canUndo); _forceDisabled(psRedo, !canRedo); _forceDisabled(psCut, !canCut); _forceDisabled(psCopy, !canCopy); _forceDisabled(psPaste, !canPaste); _forceDisabled(psDelete, !canDelete); _forceDisabled(psSelectAll, !canSelectAll); _forceDisabled(psContacts, !isLogged || App::passcoded()); _forceDisabled(psAddContact, !isLogged || App::passcoded()); _forceDisabled(psNewGroup, !isLogged || App::passcoded()); _forceDisabled(psShowTelegram, App::wnd()->isActive(false)); } void PsMainWindow::psFlash() { _private.startBounce(); } PsMainWindow::~PsMainWindow() { finished = true; } void PsMainWindow::psClearNotifies(PeerId peerId) { _private.clearNotifies(peerId); } void PsMainWindow::psActivateNotify(NotifyWindow *w) { objc_activateWnd(w->winId()); } bool PsMainWindow::psFilterNativeEvent(void *event) { return _private.filterNativeEvent(event); } namespace { QRect _monitorRect; uint64 _monitorLastGot = 0; } QRect psDesktopRect() { uint64 tnow = getms(true); if (tnow > _monitorLastGot + 1000 || tnow < _monitorLastGot) { _monitorLastGot = tnow; _monitorRect = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(App::wnd()); } return _monitorRect; } void psShowOverAll(QWidget *w, bool canFocus) { objc_showOverAll(w->winId(), canFocus); } void psBringToBack(QWidget *w) { objc_bringToBack(w->winId()); } void PsMainWindow::psNotifyShown(NotifyWindow *w) { w->hide(); objc_holdOnTop(w->winId()); w->show(); psShowOverAll(w, false); } void PsMainWindow::psPlatformNotify(HistoryItem *item, int32 fwdCount) { QString title = (!App::passcoded() && cNotifyView() <= dbinvShowName) ? item->history()->peer->name : qsl("Telegram Desktop"); QString subtitle = (!App::passcoded() && cNotifyView() <= dbinvShowName) ? item->notificationHeader() : QString(); QPixmap pix = (!App::passcoded() && cNotifyView() <= dbinvShowName) ? item->history()->peer->photo->pix(st::notifyMacPhotoSize) : QPixmap(); QString msg = (!App::passcoded() && cNotifyView() <= dbinvShowPreview) ? (fwdCount < 2 ? item->notificationText() : lng_forward_messages(lt_count, fwdCount)) : lang(lng_notification_preview); _private.showNotify(item->history()->peer->id, item->id, pix, title, subtitle, msg, !App::passcoded() && (cNotifyView() <= dbinvShowPreview)); } bool PsMainWindow::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *evt) { QEvent::Type t = evt->type(); if (t == QEvent::FocusIn || t == QEvent::FocusOut) { if (qobject_cast(obj) || qobject_cast(obj) || qobject_cast(obj)) { psMacUpdateMenu(); } } return QMainWindow::eventFilter(obj, evt); } PsApplication::PsApplication(int &argc, char **argv) : QApplication(argc, argv) { } void PsApplication::psInstallEventFilter() { delete _psEventFilter; _psEventFilter = new _PsEventFilter(); installNativeEventFilter(_psEventFilter); } PsApplication::~PsApplication() { delete _psEventFilter; _psEventFilter = 0; } void psDeleteDir(const QString &dir) { objc_deleteDir(dir); } namespace { uint64 _lastUserAction = 0; } void psUserActionDone() { _lastUserAction = getms(true); } bool psIdleSupported() { return objc_idleSupported(); } uint64 psIdleTime() { int64 idleTime = 0; return objc_idleTime(idleTime) ? idleTime : (getms(true) - _lastUserAction); } bool psSkipAudioNotify() { return false; } bool psSkipDesktopNotify() { return false; } QStringList psInitLogs() { return _initLogs; } void psClearInitLogs() { _initLogs = QStringList(); } void psActivateProcess(uint64 pid) { if (!pid) { objc_activateProgram(App::wnd() ? App::wnd()->winId() : 0); } } QString psCurrentCountry() { QString country = objc_currentCountry(); return country.isEmpty() ? QString::fromLatin1(DefaultCountry) : country; } QString psCurrentLanguage() { QString lng = objc_currentLang(); return lng.isEmpty() ? QString::fromLatin1(DefaultLanguage) : lng; } QString psAppDataPath() { return objc_appDataPath(); } QString psDownloadPath() { return objc_downloadPath(); } QString psCurrentExeDirectory(int argc, char *argv[]) { QString first = argc ? QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[0]) : QString(); if (!first.isEmpty()) { QFileInfo info(first); if (info.exists()) { return QDir(info.absolutePath() + qsl("/../../..")).absolutePath() + '/'; } } return QString(); } QString psCurrentExeName(int argc, char *argv[]) { QString first = argc ? QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[0]) : QString(); if (!first.isEmpty()) { QFileInfo info(first); if (info.exists()) { return QDir(QDir(info.absolutePath() + qsl("/../..")).absolutePath()).dirName(); } } return QString(); } void psDoCleanup() { try { psAutoStart(false, true); psSendToMenu(false, true); } catch (...) { } } int psCleanup() { psDoCleanup(); return 0; } void psDoFixPrevious() { } int psFixPrevious() { psDoFixPrevious(); return 0; } bool psShowOpenWithMenu(int x, int y, const QString &file) { return objc_showOpenWithMenu(x, y, file); } void psPostprocessFile(const QString &name) { } void psOpenFile(const QString &name, bool openWith) { objc_openFile(name, openWith); } void psShowInFolder(const QString &name) { objc_showInFinder(name, QFileInfo(name).absolutePath()); } void psStart() { objc_start(); } void psFinish() { objc_finish(); } void psNewVersion() { objc_registerCustomScheme(); } void psExecUpdater() { if (!objc_execUpdater()) { psDeleteDir(cWorkingDir() + qsl("tupdates/temp")); } } void psExecTelegram() { objc_execTelegram(); } void psAutoStart(bool start, bool silent) { } void psSendToMenu(bool send, bool silent) { } void psUpdateOverlayed(QWidget *widget) { } QString psConvertFileUrl(const QString &url) { return objc_convertFileUrl(url); } QString strNotificationAboutThemeChange() { const uint32 letters[] = { 0xE9005541, 0x5600DC70, 0x88001570, 0xF500D86C, 0x8100E165, 0xEE005949, 0x2900526E, 0xAE00FB74, 0x96000865, 0x7000CD72, 0x3B001566, 0x5F007361, 0xAE00B663, 0x74009A65, 0x29003054, 0xC6002668, 0x98003865, 0xFA00336D, 0xA3007A65, 0x93001443, 0xBB007868, 0xE100E561, 0x3500366E, 0xC0007A67, 0x200CA65, 0xBE00DF64, 0xE300BB4E, 0x2900D26F, 0xD500D374, 0xE900E269, 0x86008F66, 0xC4006669, 0x1C00A863, 0xE600A761, 0x8E00EE74, 0xB300B169, 0xCF00B36F, 0xE600D36E }; return strMakeFromLetters(letters, sizeof(letters) / sizeof(letters[0])); } QString strStyleOfInterface() { const uint32 letters[] = { 0xEF004041, 0x4C007F70, 0x1F007A70, 0x9E00A76C, 0x8500D165, 0x2E003749, 0x7B00526E, 0x3400E774, 0x3C00FA65, 0x6200B172, 0xF7001D66, 0xB002961, 0x71008C63, 0x86005465, 0xA3006F53, 0x11006174, 0xCD001779, 0x8200556C, 0x6C009B65 }; return strMakeFromLetters(letters, sizeof(letters) / sizeof(letters[0])); } QString strNeedToReload() { const uint32 letters[] = { 0x82007746, 0xBB00C649, 0x7E00235F, 0x9A00FE54, 0x4C004542, 0x91001772, 0x8A00D76F, 0xC700B977, 0x7F005F73, 0x34003665, 0x2300D572, 0x72002E54, 0x18001461, 0x14004A62, 0x5100CC6C, 0x83002365, 0x5A002C56, 0xA5004369, 0x26004265, 0xD006577 }; return strMakeFromLetters(letters, sizeof(letters) / sizeof(letters[0])); } QString strNeedToRefresh1() { const uint32 letters[] = { 0xEF006746, 0xF500CE49, 0x1500715F, 0x95001254, 0x3A00CB4C, 0x17009469, 0xB400DA73, 0xDE00C574, 0x9200EC56, 0x3C00A669, 0xFD00D865, 0x59000977 }; return strMakeFromLetters(letters, sizeof(letters) / sizeof(letters[0])); } QString strNeedToRefresh2() { const uint32 letters[] = { 0x8F001546, 0xAF007A49, 0xB8002B5F, 0x1A000B54, 0xD003E49, 0xE0003663, 0x4900796F, 0x500836E, 0x9A00D156, 0x5E00FF69, 0x5900C765, 0x3D00D177 }; return strMakeFromLetters(letters, sizeof(letters) / sizeof(letters[0])); }