/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "stripe/stripe_api_client.h" #include "stripe/stripe_error.h" #include "stripe/stripe_token.h" #include "stripe/stripe_form_encoder.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace Stripe { namespace { [[nodiscard]] QString APIURLBase() { return "api.stripe.com/v1"; } [[nodiscard]] QString TokenEndpoint() { return "tokens"; } [[nodiscard]] QString StripeAPIVersion() { return "2015-10-12"; } [[nodiscard]] QString SDKVersion() { return "9.1.0"; } [[nodiscard]] QString StripeUserAgentDetails() { const auto details = QJsonObject{ { "lang", "objective-c" }, { "bindings_version", SDKVersion() }, }; return QString::fromUtf8( QJsonDocument(details).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact)); } } // namespace APIClient::APIClient(PaymentConfiguration configuration) : _apiUrl("https://" + APIURLBase()) , _configuration(configuration) { _additionalHttpHeaders = { { "X-Stripe-User-Agent", StripeUserAgentDetails() }, { "Stripe-Version", StripeAPIVersion() }, { "Authorization", "Bearer " + _configuration.publishableKey }, }; } APIClient::~APIClient() { const auto destroy = std::move(_old); } void APIClient::createTokenWithCard( CardParams card, TokenCompletionCallback completion) { createTokenWithData( FormEncoder::formEncodedDataForObject(MakeEncodable(card)), std::move(completion)); } void APIClient::createTokenWithData( QByteArray data, TokenCompletionCallback completion) { const auto url = QUrl(_apiUrl + '/' + TokenEndpoint()); auto request = QNetworkRequest(url); for (const auto &[name, value] : _additionalHttpHeaders) { request.setRawHeader(name.toUtf8(), value.toUtf8()); } destroyReplyDelayed(std::move(_reply)); _reply.reset(_manager.post(request, data)); const auto finish = [=](Token token, Error error) { crl::on_main([ completion, token = std::move(token), error = std::move(error) ] { completion(std::move(token), std::move(error)); }); }; const auto finishWithError = [=](Error error) { finish(Token::Empty(), std::move(error)); }; const auto finishWithToken = [=](Token token) { finish(std::move(token), Error::None()); }; QObject::connect(_reply.get(), &QNetworkReply::finished, [=] { const auto replyError = int(_reply->error()); const auto replyErrorString = _reply->errorString(); const auto bytes = _reply->readAll(); destroyReplyDelayed(std::move(_reply)); auto parseError = QJsonParseError(); const auto document = QJsonDocument::fromJson(bytes, &parseError); if (!bytes.isEmpty()) { if (parseError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) { const auto code = int(parseError.error); finishWithError({ Error::Code::JsonParse, QString("InvalidJson%1").arg(code), parseError.errorString(), }); return; } else if (!document.isObject()) { finishWithError({ Error::Code::JsonFormat, "InvalidJsonRoot", "Not an object in JSON reply.", }); return; } const auto object = document.object(); if (auto error = Error::DecodedObjectFromResponse(object)) { finishWithError(std::move(error)); return; } } if (replyError != QNetworkReply::NoError) { finishWithError({ Error::Code::Network, QString("RequestError%1").arg(replyError), replyErrorString, }); return; } auto token = Token::DecodedObjectFromAPIResponse(document.object()); if (!token) { finishWithError({ Error::Code::JsonFormat, "InvalidTokenJson", "Could not parse token.", }); } finishWithToken(std::move(token)); }); } void APIClient::destroyReplyDelayed(std::unique_ptr reply) { if (!reply) { return; } const auto raw = reply.get(); _old.push_back(std::move(reply)); QObject::disconnect(raw, &QNetworkReply::finished, nullptr, nullptr); raw->deleteLater(); QObject::connect(raw, &QObject::destroyed, [=] { for (auto i = begin(_old); i != end(_old); ++i) { if (i->get() == raw) { i->release(); _old.erase(i); break; } } }); } } // namespace Stripe