/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "dialogs/ui/dialogs_layout.h" #include "data/data_abstract_structure.h" #include "data/data_drafts.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_list.h" #include "styles/style_dialogs.h" #include "styles/style_window.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "ui/empty_userpic.h" #include "ui/text/text_options.h" #include "ui/unread_badge.h" #include "ui/ui_utility.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "support/support_helper.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "history/view/history_view_send_action.h" #include "history/history_item_components.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_folder.h" #include "data/data_peer_values.h" namespace Dialogs::Ui { namespace { // Show all dates that are in the last 20 hours in time format. constexpr int kRecentlyInSeconds = 20 * 3600; const auto kPsaBadgePrefix = "cloud_lng_badge_psa_"; [[nodiscard]] bool ShowUserBotIcon(not_null user) { return user->isBot() && !user->isSupport() && !user->isRepliesChat(); } [[nodiscard]] bool ShowSendActionInDialogs(History *history) { return history && (!history->peer->isUser() || history->peer->asUser()->onlineTill > 0); } void PaintRowTopRight(Painter &p, const QString &text, QRect &rectForName, bool active, bool selected) { const auto width = st::dialogsDateFont->width(text); rectForName.setWidth(rectForName.width() - width - st::dialogsDateSkip); p.setFont(st::dialogsDateFont); p.setPen(active ? st::dialogsDateFgActive : (selected ? st::dialogsDateFgOver : st::dialogsDateFg)); p.drawText(rectForName.left() + rectForName.width() + st::dialogsDateSkip, rectForName.top() + st::msgNameFont->height - st::msgDateFont->descent, text); } void PaintRowDate(Painter &p, QDateTime date, QRect &rectForName, bool active, bool selected) { const auto now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); const auto &lastTime = date; const auto nowDate = now.date(); const auto lastDate = lastTime.date(); const auto dt = [&] { const auto wasSameDay = (lastDate == nowDate); const auto wasRecently = qAbs(lastTime.secsTo(now)) < kRecentlyInSeconds; if (wasSameDay || wasRecently) { return lastTime.toString(cTimeFormat()); } else if (lastDate.year() == nowDate.year() && lastDate.weekNumber() == nowDate.weekNumber()) { return langDayOfWeek(lastDate); } else { return lastDate.toString(cDateFormat()); } }(); PaintRowTopRight(p, dt, rectForName, active, selected); } void PaintNarrowCounter( Painter &p, bool displayUnreadCounter, bool displayUnreadMark, bool displayMentionBadge, int unreadCount, bool active, bool unreadMuted, bool mentionMuted) { auto skipBeforeMention = 0; if (displayUnreadCounter || displayUnreadMark) { auto counter = (unreadCount > 0) ? QString::number(unreadCount) : QString(); const auto allowDigits = displayMentionBadge ? 1 : 3; auto unreadRight = st::dialogsPadding.x() + st::dialogsPhotoSize; auto unreadTop = st::dialogsPadding.y() + st::dialogsPhotoSize - st::dialogsUnreadHeight; auto unreadWidth = 0; UnreadBadgeStyle st; st.active = active; st.muted = unreadMuted; paintUnreadCount(p, counter, unreadRight, unreadTop, st, &unreadWidth, allowDigits); skipBeforeMention += unreadWidth + st.padding; } if (displayMentionBadge) { auto counter = qsl("@"); auto unreadRight = st::dialogsPadding.x() + st::dialogsPhotoSize - skipBeforeMention; auto unreadTop = st::dialogsPadding.y() + st::dialogsPhotoSize - st::dialogsUnreadHeight; auto unreadWidth = 0; UnreadBadgeStyle st; st.active = active; st.muted = mentionMuted; st.padding = 0; st.textTop = 0; paintUnreadCount(p, counter, unreadRight, unreadTop, st, &unreadWidth); } } int PaintWideCounter( Painter &p, int texttop, int availableWidth, int fullWidth, bool displayUnreadCounter, bool displayUnreadMark, bool displayMentionBadge, bool displayPinnedIcon, int unreadCount, bool active, bool selected, bool unreadMuted, bool mentionMuted) { const auto initial = availableWidth; auto hadOneBadge = false; if (displayUnreadCounter || displayUnreadMark) { auto counter = (unreadCount > 0) ? QString::number(unreadCount) : QString(); auto unreadRight = fullWidth - st::dialogsPadding.x(); auto unreadTop = texttop + st::dialogsTextFont->ascent - st::dialogsUnreadFont->ascent - (st::dialogsUnreadHeight - st::dialogsUnreadFont->height) / 2; auto unreadWidth = 0; UnreadBadgeStyle st; st.active = active; st.muted = unreadMuted; paintUnreadCount(p, counter, unreadRight, unreadTop, st, &unreadWidth); availableWidth -= unreadWidth + st.padding; hadOneBadge = true; } else if (displayPinnedIcon) { auto &icon = (active ? st::dialogsPinnedIconActive : (selected ? st::dialogsPinnedIconOver : st::dialogsPinnedIcon)); icon.paint(p, fullWidth - st::dialogsPadding.x() - icon.width(), texttop, fullWidth); availableWidth -= icon.width() + st::dialogsUnreadPadding; hadOneBadge = true; } if (displayMentionBadge) { auto counter = qsl("@"); auto unreadRight = fullWidth - st::dialogsPadding.x() - (initial - availableWidth); auto unreadTop = texttop + st::dialogsTextFont->ascent - st::dialogsUnreadFont->ascent - (st::dialogsUnreadHeight - st::dialogsUnreadFont->height) / 2; auto unreadWidth = 0; UnreadBadgeStyle st; st.active = active; st.muted = mentionMuted; st.padding = 0; st.textTop = 0; paintUnreadCount(p, counter, unreadRight, unreadTop, st, &unreadWidth); availableWidth -= unreadWidth + st.padding + (hadOneBadge ? st::dialogsUnreadPadding : 0); } return availableWidth; } void PaintListEntryText( Painter &p, QRect rect, bool active, bool selected, not_null row) { if (rect.isEmpty()) { return; } row->validateListEntryCache(); const auto &palette = row->folder() ? (active ? st::dialogsTextPaletteArchiveActive : selected ? st::dialogsTextPaletteArchiveOver : st::dialogsTextPaletteArchive) : (active ? st::dialogsTextPaletteActive : selected ? st::dialogsTextPaletteOver : st::dialogsTextPalette); const auto &color = active ? st::dialogsTextFgActive : selected ? st::dialogsTextFgOver : st::dialogsTextFg; p.setTextPalette(palette); p.setFont(st::dialogsTextFont); p.setPen(color); row->listEntryCache().drawElided( p, rect.left(), rect.top(), rect.width(), rect.height() / st::dialogsTextFont->height); p.restoreTextPalette(); } enum class Flag { Active = 0x01, Selected = 0x02, SearchResult = 0x04, SavedMessages = 0x08, RepliesMessages = 0x10, AllowUserOnline = 0x20, }; inline constexpr bool is_flag_type(Flag) { return true; } template void paintRow( Painter &p, not_null row, not_null entry, Dialogs::Key chat, FilterId filterId, PeerData *from, const HiddenSenderInfo *hiddenSenderInfo, HistoryItem *item, const Data::Draft *draft, QDateTime date, int fullWidth, base::flags flags, crl::time ms, PaintItemCallback &&paintItemCallback, PaintCounterCallback &&paintCounterCallback) { const auto supportMode = entry->session().supportMode(); if (supportMode) { draft = nullptr; } auto active = (flags & Flag::Active); auto selected = (flags & Flag::Selected); auto fullRect = QRect(0, 0, fullWidth, st::dialogsRowHeight); auto bg = active ? st::dialogsBgActive : (selected ? st::dialogsBgOver : st::dialogsBg); auto ripple = active ? st::dialogsRippleBgActive : st::dialogsRippleBg; p.fillRect(fullRect, bg); row->paintRipple(p, 0, 0, fullWidth, &ripple->c); const auto history = chat.history(); if (flags & Flag::SavedMessages) { EmptyUserpic::PaintSavedMessages( p, st::dialogsPadding.x(), st::dialogsPadding.y(), fullWidth, st::dialogsPhotoSize); } else if (flags & Flag::RepliesMessages) { EmptyUserpic::PaintRepliesMessages( p, st::dialogsPadding.x(), st::dialogsPadding.y(), fullWidth, st::dialogsPhotoSize); } else if (from) { row->paintUserpic( p, from, (flags & Flag::AllowUserOnline) ? history : nullptr, ms, active, fullWidth); } else if (hiddenSenderInfo) { hiddenSenderInfo->userpic.paint( p, st::dialogsPadding.x(), st::dialogsPadding.y(), fullWidth, st::dialogsPhotoSize); } else { entry->paintUserpicLeft( p, row->userpicView(), st::dialogsPadding.x(), st::dialogsPadding.y(), fullWidth, st::dialogsPhotoSize); } auto nameleft = st::dialogsPadding.x() + st::dialogsPhotoSize + st::dialogsPhotoPadding; if (fullWidth <= nameleft) { if (!draft && item && !item->isEmpty()) { paintCounterCallback(); } return; } auto namewidth = fullWidth - nameleft - st::dialogsPadding.x(); auto rectForName = QRect( nameleft, st::dialogsPadding.y() + st::dialogsNameTop, namewidth, st::msgNameFont->height); const auto promoted = (history && history->useTopPromotion()) && !(flags & Flag::SearchResult); if (promoted) { const auto type = history->topPromotionType(); const auto custom = type.isEmpty() ? QString() : Lang::GetNonDefaultValue(kPsaBadgePrefix + type.toUtf8()); const auto text = type.isEmpty() ? tr::lng_proxy_sponsor(tr::now) : custom.isEmpty() ? tr::lng_badge_psa_default(tr::now) : custom; PaintRowTopRight(p, text, rectForName, active, selected); } else if (from) { if (const auto chatTypeIcon = ChatTypeIcon(from, active, selected)) { chatTypeIcon->paint(p, rectForName.topLeft(), fullWidth); rectForName.setLeft(rectForName.left() + st::dialogsChatTypeSkip); } } auto texttop = st::dialogsPadding.y() + st::msgNameFont->height + st::dialogsSkip; if (promoted && !history->topPromotionMessage().isEmpty()) { auto availableWidth = namewidth; p.setFont(st::dialogsTextFont); if (history->cloudDraftTextCache.isEmpty()) { history->cloudDraftTextCache.setText( st::dialogsTextStyle, history->topPromotionMessage(), DialogTextOptions()); } p.setPen(active ? st::dialogsTextFgActive : (selected ? st::dialogsTextFgOver : st::dialogsTextFg)); history->cloudDraftTextCache.drawElided(p, nameleft, texttop, availableWidth, 1); } else if (draft || (supportMode && entry->session().supportHelper().isOccupiedBySomeone(history))) { if (!promoted) { PaintRowDate(p, date, rectForName, active, selected); } auto availableWidth = namewidth; if (entry->isPinnedDialog(filterId) && (filterId || !entry->fixedOnTopIndex())) { auto &icon = (active ? st::dialogsPinnedIconActive : (selected ? st::dialogsPinnedIconOver : st::dialogsPinnedIcon)); icon.paint(p, fullWidth - st::dialogsPadding.x() - icon.width(), texttop, fullWidth); availableWidth -= icon.width() + st::dialogsUnreadPadding; } p.setFont(st::dialogsTextFont); auto &color = active ? st::dialogsTextFgServiceActive : (selected ? st::dialogsTextFgServiceOver : st::dialogsTextFgService); if (!ShowSendActionInDialogs(history) || !history->sendActionPainter()->paint(p, nameleft, texttop, availableWidth, fullWidth, color, ms)) { if (history->cloudDraftTextCache.isEmpty()) { auto draftWrapped = textcmdLink(1, tr::lng_dialogs_text_from_wrapped(tr::now, lt_from, tr::lng_from_draft(tr::now))); auto draftText = supportMode ? textcmdLink(1, Support::ChatOccupiedString(history)) : tr::lng_dialogs_text_with_from(tr::now, lt_from_part, draftWrapped, lt_message, TextUtilities::Clean(draft->textWithTags.text)); history->cloudDraftTextCache.setText(st::dialogsTextStyle, draftText, DialogTextOptions()); } p.setPen(active ? st::dialogsTextFgActive : (selected ? st::dialogsTextFgOver : st::dialogsTextFg)); if (supportMode) { p.setTextPalette(active ? st::dialogsTextPaletteTakenActive : (selected ? st::dialogsTextPaletteTakenOver : st::dialogsTextPaletteTaken)); } else { p.setTextPalette(active ? st::dialogsTextPaletteDraftActive : (selected ? st::dialogsTextPaletteDraftOver : st::dialogsTextPaletteDraft)); } history->cloudDraftTextCache.drawElided(p, nameleft, texttop, availableWidth, 1); p.restoreTextPalette(); } } else if (!item) { auto availableWidth = namewidth; if (entry->isPinnedDialog(filterId) && (filterId || !entry->fixedOnTopIndex())) { auto &icon = (active ? st::dialogsPinnedIconActive : (selected ? st::dialogsPinnedIconOver : st::dialogsPinnedIcon)); icon.paint(p, fullWidth - st::dialogsPadding.x() - icon.width(), texttop, fullWidth); availableWidth -= icon.width() + st::dialogsUnreadPadding; } auto &color = active ? st::dialogsTextFgServiceActive : (selected ? st::dialogsTextFgServiceOver : st::dialogsTextFgService); p.setFont(st::dialogsTextFont); if (!ShowSendActionInDialogs(history) || !history->sendActionPainter()->paint(p, nameleft, texttop, availableWidth, fullWidth, color, ms)) { // Empty history } } else if (!item->isEmpty()) { if (history && !promoted) { PaintRowDate(p, date, rectForName, active, selected); } paintItemCallback(nameleft, namewidth); } else if (entry->isPinnedDialog(filterId) && (filterId || !entry->fixedOnTopIndex())) { auto availableWidth = namewidth; auto &icon = (active ? st::dialogsPinnedIconActive : (selected ? st::dialogsPinnedIconOver : st::dialogsPinnedIcon)); icon.paint(p, fullWidth - st::dialogsPadding.x() - icon.width(), texttop, fullWidth); availableWidth -= icon.width() + st::dialogsUnreadPadding; } auto sendStateIcon = [&]() -> const style::icon* { if (draft) { if (draft->saveRequestId) { return &(active ? st::dialogsSendingIconActive : (selected ? st::dialogsSendingIconOver : st::dialogsSendingIcon)); } } else if (item && !item->isEmpty() && item->needCheck()) { if (item->id > 0) { if (item->unread()) { return &(active ? st::dialogsSentIconActive : (selected ? st::dialogsSentIconOver : st::dialogsSentIcon)); } return &(active ? st::dialogsReceivedIconActive : (selected ? st::dialogsReceivedIconOver : st::dialogsReceivedIcon)); } return &(active ? st::dialogsSendingIconActive : (selected ? st::dialogsSendingIconOver : st::dialogsSendingIcon)); } return nullptr; }(); if (sendStateIcon && history) { rectForName.setWidth(rectForName.width() - st::dialogsSendStateSkip); sendStateIcon->paint(p, rectForName.topLeft() + QPoint(rectForName.width(), 0), fullWidth); } p.setFont(st::msgNameFont); if (flags & (Flag::SavedMessages | Flag::RepliesMessages)) { auto text = (flags & Flag::SavedMessages) ? tr::lng_saved_messages(tr::now) : tr::lng_replies_messages(tr::now); const auto textWidth = st::msgNameFont->width(text); if (textWidth > rectForName.width()) { text = st::msgNameFont->elided(text, rectForName.width()); } p.setPen(active ? st::dialogsNameFgActive : selected ? st::dialogsNameFgOver : st::dialogsNameFg); p.drawTextLeft(rectForName.left(), rectForName.top(), fullWidth, text); } else if (from) { if (!(flags & Flag::SearchResult)) { const auto badgeStyle = PeerBadgeStyle{ (active ? &st::dialogsVerifiedIconActive : selected ? &st::dialogsVerifiedIconOver : &st::dialogsVerifiedIcon), (active ? &st::dialogsScamFgActive : selected ? &st::dialogsScamFgOver : &st::dialogsScamFg) }; const auto badgeWidth = DrawPeerBadgeGetWidth( from, p, rectForName, from->nameText().maxWidth(), fullWidth, badgeStyle); rectForName.setWidth(rectForName.width() - badgeWidth); } p.setPen(active ? st::dialogsNameFgActive : selected ? st::dialogsNameFgOver : st::dialogsNameFg); from->nameText().drawElided(p, rectForName.left(), rectForName.top(), rectForName.width()); } else if (hiddenSenderInfo) { p.setPen(active ? st::dialogsNameFgActive : selected ? st::dialogsNameFgOver : st::dialogsNameFg); hiddenSenderInfo->nameText.drawElided(p, rectForName.left(), rectForName.top(), rectForName.width()); } else { p.setPen(active ? st::dialogsNameFgActive : selected ? st::dialogsArchiveFgOver : st::dialogsArchiveFg); auto text = entry->chatListName(); // TODO feed name with emoji auto textWidth = st::msgNameFont->width(text); if (textWidth > rectForName.width()) { text = st::msgNameFont->elided(text, rectForName.width()); } p.drawTextLeft(rectForName.left(), rectForName.top(), fullWidth, text); } } struct UnreadBadgeSizeData { QImage circle; QPixmap left[6], right[6]; }; class UnreadBadgeStyleData : public Data::AbstractStructure { public: UnreadBadgeStyleData(); UnreadBadgeSizeData sizes[UnreadBadgeSizesCount]; style::color bg[6] = { st::dialogsUnreadBg, st::dialogsUnreadBgOver, st::dialogsUnreadBgActive, st::dialogsUnreadBgMuted, st::dialogsUnreadBgMutedOver, st::dialogsUnreadBgMutedActive }; rpl::lifetime lifetime; }; Data::GlobalStructurePointer unreadBadgeStyle; UnreadBadgeStyleData::UnreadBadgeStyleData() { style::PaletteChanged( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { for (auto &data : sizes) { for (auto &left : data.left) { left = QPixmap(); } for (auto &right : data.right) { right = QPixmap(); } } }, lifetime); } void createCircleMask(UnreadBadgeSizeData *data, int size) { if (!data->circle.isNull()) return; data->circle = style::createCircleMask(size); } QImage colorizeCircleHalf(UnreadBadgeSizeData *data, int size, int half, int xoffset, style::color color) { auto result = style::colorizeImage(data->circle, color, QRect(xoffset, 0, half, size)); result.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); return result; } } // namepsace const style::icon *ChatTypeIcon( not_null peer, bool active, bool selected) { if (peer->isChat() || peer->isMegagroup()) { return &(active ? st::dialogsChatIconActive : (selected ? st::dialogsChatIconOver : st::dialogsChatIcon)); } else if (peer->isChannel()) { return &(active ? st::dialogsChannelIconActive : (selected ? st::dialogsChannelIconOver : st::dialogsChannelIcon)); } else if (const auto user = peer->asUser()) { if (ShowUserBotIcon(user)) { return &(active ? st::dialogsBotIconActive : (selected ? st::dialogsBotIconOver : st::dialogsBotIcon)); } } return nullptr; } void paintUnreadBadge(Painter &p, const QRect &rect, const UnreadBadgeStyle &st) { Assert(rect.height() == st.size); int index = (st.muted ? 0x03 : 0x00) + (st.active ? 0x02 : (st.selected ? 0x01 : 0x00)); int size = st.size, sizehalf = size / 2; unreadBadgeStyle.createIfNull(); auto badgeData = unreadBadgeStyle->sizes; if (st.sizeId > 0) { Assert(st.sizeId < UnreadBadgeSizesCount); badgeData = &unreadBadgeStyle->sizes[st.sizeId]; } auto bg = unreadBadgeStyle->bg[index]; if (badgeData->left[index].isNull()) { int imgsize = size * cIntRetinaFactor(), imgsizehalf = sizehalf * cIntRetinaFactor(); createCircleMask(badgeData, size); badgeData->left[index] = PixmapFromImage( colorizeCircleHalf(badgeData, imgsize, imgsizehalf, 0, bg)); badgeData->right[index] = PixmapFromImage(colorizeCircleHalf( badgeData, imgsize, imgsizehalf, imgsize - imgsizehalf, bg)); } int bar = rect.width() - 2 * sizehalf; p.drawPixmap(rect.x(), rect.y(), badgeData->left[index]); if (bar) { p.fillRect(rect.x() + sizehalf, rect.y(), bar, rect.height(), bg); } p.drawPixmap(rect.x() + sizehalf + bar, rect.y(), badgeData->right[index]); } UnreadBadgeStyle::UnreadBadgeStyle() : size(st::dialogsUnreadHeight) , padding(st::dialogsUnreadPadding) , font(st::dialogsUnreadFont) { } void paintUnreadCount( Painter &p, const QString &unreadCount, int x, int y, const UnreadBadgeStyle &st, int *outUnreadWidth, int allowDigits) { const auto text = (allowDigits > 0) && (unreadCount.size() > allowDigits + 1) ? qsl("..") + unreadCount.mid(unreadCount.size() - allowDigits) : unreadCount; int unreadWidth = st.font->width(text); int unreadRectWidth = unreadWidth + 2 * st.padding; int unreadRectHeight = st.size; accumulate_max(unreadRectWidth, unreadRectHeight); int unreadRectLeft = x; if ((st.align & Qt::AlignHorizontal_Mask) & style::al_center) { unreadRectLeft = (x - unreadRectWidth) / 2; } else if ((st.align & Qt::AlignHorizontal_Mask) & style::al_right) { unreadRectLeft = x - unreadRectWidth; } int unreadRectTop = y; if (outUnreadWidth) { *outUnreadWidth = unreadRectWidth; } paintUnreadBadge(p, QRect(unreadRectLeft, unreadRectTop, unreadRectWidth, unreadRectHeight), st); auto textTop = st.textTop ? st.textTop : (unreadRectHeight - st.font->height) / 2; p.setFont(st.font); p.setPen(st.active ? st::dialogsUnreadFgActive : (st.selected ? st::dialogsUnreadFgOver : st::dialogsUnreadFg)); p.drawText(unreadRectLeft + (unreadRectWidth - unreadWidth) / 2, unreadRectTop + textTop + st.font->ascent, text); } void RowPainter::paint( Painter &p, not_null row, FilterId filterId, int fullWidth, bool active, bool selected, crl::time ms) { const auto entry = row->entry(); const auto history = row->history(); const auto peer = history ? history->peer.get() : nullptr; const auto unreadCount = entry->chatListUnreadCount(); const auto unreadMark = entry->chatListUnreadMark(); const auto unreadMuted = entry->chatListMutedBadge(); const auto mentionMuted = (entry->folder() != nullptr); const auto item = entry->chatListMessage(); const auto cloudDraft = [&]() -> const Data::Draft*{ if (history && (!item || (!unreadCount && !unreadMark))) { // Draw item, if there are unread messages. if (const auto draft = history->cloudDraft()) { if (!Data::draftIsNull(draft)) { return draft; } } } return nullptr; }(); const auto displayDate = [&] { if (item) { if (cloudDraft) { return (item->date() > cloudDraft->date) ? ItemDateTime(item) : base::unixtime::parse(cloudDraft->date); } return ItemDateTime(item); } return cloudDraft ? base::unixtime::parse(cloudDraft->date) : QDateTime(); }(); const auto displayMentionBadge = history ? history->hasUnreadMentions() : false; const auto displayUnreadCounter = [&] { if (displayMentionBadge && unreadCount == 1 && item && item->isUnreadMention()) { return false; } return (unreadCount > 0); }(); const auto displayUnreadMark = !displayUnreadCounter && !displayMentionBadge && history && unreadMark; const auto displayPinnedIcon = !displayUnreadCounter && !displayMentionBadge && !displayUnreadMark && entry->isPinnedDialog(filterId) && (filterId || !entry->fixedOnTopIndex()); const auto from = history ? (history->peer->migrateTo() ? history->peer->migrateTo() : history->peer.get()) : nullptr; const auto allowUserOnline = (fullWidth >= st::columnMinimalWidthLeft) || (!displayUnreadCounter && !displayUnreadMark); const auto flags = (active ? Flag::Active : Flag(0)) | (selected ? Flag::Selected : Flag(0)) | (allowUserOnline ? Flag::AllowUserOnline : Flag(0)) | (peer && peer->isSelf() ? Flag::SavedMessages : Flag(0)) | (peer && peer->isRepliesChat() ? Flag::RepliesMessages : Flag(0)); const auto paintItemCallback = [&](int nameleft, int namewidth) { const auto texttop = st::dialogsPadding.y() + st::msgNameFont->height + st::dialogsSkip; const auto availableWidth = PaintWideCounter( p, texttop, namewidth, fullWidth, displayUnreadCounter, displayUnreadMark, displayMentionBadge, displayPinnedIcon, unreadCount, active, selected, unreadMuted, mentionMuted); const auto &color = active ? st::dialogsTextFgServiceActive : (selected ? st::dialogsTextFgServiceOver : st::dialogsTextFgService); const auto itemRect = QRect( nameleft, texttop, availableWidth, st::dialogsTextFont->height); const auto actionWasPainted = ShowSendActionInDialogs(history) ? history->sendActionPainter()->paint( p, itemRect.x(), itemRect.y(), itemRect.width(), fullWidth, color, ms) : false; if (const auto folder = row->folder()) { PaintListEntryText(p, itemRect, active, selected, row); } else if (history && !actionWasPainted) { history->lastItemDialogsView.paint( p, item, itemRect, active, selected, {}); } }; const auto paintCounterCallback = [&] { PaintNarrowCounter( p, displayUnreadCounter, displayUnreadMark, displayMentionBadge, unreadCount, active, unreadMuted, mentionMuted); }; paintRow( p, row, entry, row->key(), filterId, from, nullptr, item, cloudDraft, displayDate, fullWidth, flags, ms, paintItemCallback, paintCounterCallback); } void RowPainter::paint( Painter &p, not_null row, int fullWidth, bool active, bool selected, crl::time ms, bool displayUnreadInfo) { auto item = row->item(); auto history = item->history(); auto cloudDraft = nullptr; const auto from = [&] { if (row->searchInChat()) { return item->displayFrom(); } return history->peer->migrateTo() ? history->peer->migrateTo() : history->peer.get(); }(); const auto hiddenSenderInfo = [&]() -> const HiddenSenderInfo* { if (const auto searchChat = row->searchInChat()) { if (const auto peer = searchChat.peer()) { if (const auto forwarded = item->Get()) { if (peer->isSelf() || forwarded->imported) { return forwarded->hiddenSenderInfo.get(); } } } } return nullptr; }(); const auto previewOptions = [&]() -> HistoryView::ToPreviewOptions { if (const auto searchChat = row->searchInChat()) { if (const auto peer = searchChat.peer()) { if (!peer->isChannel() || peer->isMegagroup()) { return { .hideSender = true }; } } } return {}; }(); const auto unreadCount = displayUnreadInfo ? history->chatListUnreadCount() : 0; const auto unreadMark = displayUnreadInfo && history->chatListUnreadMark(); const auto unreadMuted = history->chatListMutedBadge(); const auto mentionMuted = (history->folder() != nullptr); const auto displayMentionBadge = displayUnreadInfo && history->hasUnreadMentions(); const auto displayUnreadCounter = (unreadCount > 0); const auto displayUnreadMark = !displayUnreadCounter && !displayMentionBadge && unreadMark; const auto displayPinnedIcon = false; const auto paintItemCallback = [&](int nameleft, int namewidth) { const auto texttop = st::dialogsPadding.y() + st::msgNameFont->height + st::dialogsSkip; const auto availableWidth = PaintWideCounter( p, texttop, namewidth, fullWidth, displayUnreadCounter, displayUnreadMark, displayMentionBadge, displayPinnedIcon, unreadCount, active, selected, unreadMuted, mentionMuted); const auto itemRect = QRect( nameleft, texttop, availableWidth, st::dialogsTextFont->height); row->itemView().paint( p, item, itemRect, active, selected, previewOptions); }; const auto paintCounterCallback = [&] { PaintNarrowCounter( p, displayUnreadCounter, displayUnreadMark, displayMentionBadge, unreadCount, active, unreadMuted, mentionMuted); }; const auto showSavedMessages = history->peer->isSelf() && !row->searchInChat(); const auto showRepliesMessages = history->peer->isRepliesChat() && !row->searchInChat(); const auto flags = (active ? Flag::Active : Flag(0)) | (selected ? Flag::Selected : Flag(0)) | Flag::SearchResult | (showSavedMessages ? Flag::SavedMessages : Flag(0)) | (showRepliesMessages ? Flag::RepliesMessages : Flag(0)); paintRow( p, row, history, history, FilterId(), from, hiddenSenderInfo, item, cloudDraft, ItemDateTime(item), fullWidth, flags, ms, paintItemCallback, paintCounterCallback); } QRect RowPainter::sendActionAnimationRect( int animationLeft, int animationWidth, int animationHeight, int fullWidth, bool textUpdated) { const auto nameleft = st::dialogsPadding.x() + st::dialogsPhotoSize + st::dialogsPhotoPadding; const auto namewidth = fullWidth - nameleft - st::dialogsPadding.x(); const auto texttop = st::dialogsPadding.y() + st::msgNameFont->height + st::dialogsSkip; return QRect( nameleft + (textUpdated ? 0 : animationLeft), texttop, textUpdated ? namewidth : animationWidth, animationHeight); } void PaintCollapsedRow( Painter &p, const BasicRow &row, Data::Folder *folder, const QString &text, int unread, int fullWidth, bool selected) { p.fillRect(0, 0, fullWidth, st::dialogsImportantBarHeight, selected ? st::dialogsBgOver : st::dialogsBg); row.paintRipple(p, 0, 0, fullWidth); const auto smallWidth = st::dialogsPadding.x() + st::dialogsPhotoSize + st::dialogsPhotoPadding; const auto narrow = (fullWidth <= smallWidth); const auto unreadTop = (st::dialogsImportantBarHeight - st::dialogsUnreadHeight) / 2; if (!narrow || !folder) { p.setFont(st::semiboldFont); p.setPen(st::dialogsNameFg); const auto textBaseline = unreadTop + (st::dialogsUnreadHeight - st::dialogsUnreadFont->height) / 2 + st::dialogsUnreadFont->ascent; const auto left = narrow ? ((fullWidth - st::semiboldFont->width(text)) / 2) : st::dialogsPadding.x(); p.drawText(left, textBaseline, text); } else { folder->paintUserpicLeft( p, row.userpicView(), (fullWidth - st::dialogsUnreadHeight) / 2, unreadTop, fullWidth, st::dialogsUnreadHeight); } if (!narrow && unread) { const auto unreadRight = fullWidth - st::dialogsPadding.x(); UnreadBadgeStyle st; st.muted = true; paintUnreadCount( p, QString::number(unread), unreadRight, unreadTop, st, nullptr); } } } // namespace Dialogs::Ui