/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "window/main_window.h" #include "info/info_memento.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "styles/style_window.h" #include "styles/style_dialogs.h" #include "boxes/calendar_box.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "apiwrap.h" namespace Window { void Controller::enableGifPauseReason(GifPauseReason reason) { if (!(_gifPauseReasons & reason)) { auto notify = (static_cast(_gifPauseReasons) < static_cast(reason)); _gifPauseReasons |= reason; if (notify) { _gifPauseLevelChanged.notify(); } } } void Controller::disableGifPauseReason(GifPauseReason reason) { if (_gifPauseReasons & reason) { _gifPauseReasons &= ~reason; if (_gifPauseReasons < reason) { _gifPauseLevelChanged.notify(); } } } bool Controller::isGifPausedAtLeastFor(GifPauseReason reason) const { if (reason == GifPauseReason::Any) { return (_gifPauseReasons != 0) || !window()->isActive(); } return (static_cast(_gifPauseReasons) >= 2 * static_cast(reason)) || !window()->isActive(); } int Controller::dialogsSmallColumnWidth() const { return st::dialogsPadding.x() + st::dialogsPhotoSize + st::dialogsPadding.x(); } int Controller::minimalThreeColumnWidth() const { return st::columnMinimalWidthLeft + st::columnMinimalWidthMain + st::columnMinimalWidthThird; } bool Controller::forceWideDialogs() const { if (dialogsListDisplayForced().value()) { return true; } else if (dialogsListFocused().value()) { return true; } return !App::main()->isMainSectionShown(); } Controller::ColumnLayout Controller::computeColumnLayout() const { auto layout = Adaptive::WindowLayout::OneColumn; auto bodyWidth = window()->bodyWidget()->width(); auto dialogsWidth = 0, chatWidth = 0, thirdWidth = 0; auto useOneColumnLayout = [this, bodyWidth] { auto minimalNormal = st::columnMinimalWidthLeft + st::columnMinimalWidthMain; if (bodyWidth < minimalNormal) { return true; } return false; }; auto useNormalLayout = [this, bodyWidth] { // Used if useSmallColumnLayout() == false. if (bodyWidth < minimalThreeColumnWidth()) { return true; } if (!Auth().data().tabbedSelectorSectionEnabled() && !Auth().data().thirdSectionInfoEnabled()) { return true; } return false; }; if (useOneColumnLayout()) { dialogsWidth = chatWidth = bodyWidth; } else if (useNormalLayout()) { layout = Adaptive::WindowLayout::Normal; dialogsWidth = countDialogsWidthFromRatio(bodyWidth); accumulate_min(dialogsWidth, bodyWidth - st::columnMinimalWidthMain); chatWidth = bodyWidth - dialogsWidth; } else { layout = Adaptive::WindowLayout::ThreeColumn; dialogsWidth = countDialogsWidthFromRatio(bodyWidth); thirdWidth = countThirdColumnWidthFromRatio(bodyWidth); auto shrink = shrinkDialogsAndThirdColumns( dialogsWidth, thirdWidth, bodyWidth); dialogsWidth = shrink.dialogsWidth; thirdWidth = shrink.thirdWidth; chatWidth = bodyWidth - dialogsWidth - thirdWidth; } return { bodyWidth, dialogsWidth, chatWidth, thirdWidth, layout }; } int Controller::countDialogsWidthFromRatio(int bodyWidth) const { auto result = qRound(bodyWidth * Auth().data().dialogsWidthRatio()); accumulate_max(result, st::columnMinimalWidthLeft); // accumulate_min(result, st::columnMaximalWidthLeft); return result; } int Controller::countThirdColumnWidthFromRatio(int bodyWidth) const { auto result = Auth().data().thirdColumnWidth(); accumulate_max(result, st::columnMinimalWidthThird); accumulate_min(result, st::columnMaximalWidthThird); return result; } Controller::ShrinkResult Controller::shrinkDialogsAndThirdColumns( int dialogsWidth, int thirdWidth, int bodyWidth) const { auto chatWidth = st::columnMinimalWidthMain; if (dialogsWidth + thirdWidth + chatWidth <= bodyWidth) { return { dialogsWidth, thirdWidth }; } auto thirdWidthNew = ((bodyWidth - chatWidth) * thirdWidth) / (dialogsWidth + thirdWidth); auto dialogsWidthNew = ((bodyWidth - chatWidth) * dialogsWidth) / (dialogsWidth + thirdWidth); if (thirdWidthNew < st::columnMinimalWidthThird) { thirdWidthNew = st::columnMinimalWidthThird; dialogsWidthNew = bodyWidth - thirdWidthNew - chatWidth; Assert(dialogsWidthNew >= st::columnMinimalWidthLeft); } else if (dialogsWidthNew < st::columnMinimalWidthLeft) { dialogsWidthNew = st::columnMinimalWidthLeft; thirdWidthNew = bodyWidth - dialogsWidthNew - chatWidth; Assert(thirdWidthNew >= st::columnMinimalWidthThird); } return { dialogsWidthNew, thirdWidthNew }; } bool Controller::canShowThirdSection() const { auto currentLayout = computeColumnLayout(); auto minimalExtendBy = minimalThreeColumnWidth() - currentLayout.bodyWidth; return (minimalExtendBy <= window()->maximalExtendBy()); } bool Controller::canShowThirdSectionWithoutResize() const { auto currentWidth = computeColumnLayout().bodyWidth; return currentWidth >= minimalThreeColumnWidth(); } bool Controller::takeThirdSectionFromLayer() { return App::wnd()->takeThirdSectionFromLayer(); } void Controller::resizeForThirdSection() { if (Adaptive::ThreeColumn()) { return; } auto layout = computeColumnLayout(); auto tabbedSelectorSectionEnabled = Auth().data().tabbedSelectorSectionEnabled(); auto thirdSectionInfoEnabled = Auth().data().thirdSectionInfoEnabled(); Auth().data().setTabbedSelectorSectionEnabled(false); Auth().data().setThirdSectionInfoEnabled(false); auto wanted = countThirdColumnWidthFromRatio(layout.bodyWidth); auto minimal = st::columnMinimalWidthThird; auto extendBy = wanted; auto extendedBy = [&] { // Best - extend by third column without moving the window. // Next - extend by minimal third column without moving. // Next - show third column inside the window without moving. // Last - extend with moving. if (window()->canExtendNoMove(wanted)) { return window()->tryToExtendWidthBy(wanted); } else if (window()->canExtendNoMove(minimal)) { extendBy = minimal; return window()->tryToExtendWidthBy(minimal); } else if (layout.bodyWidth >= minimalThreeColumnWidth()) { return 0; } return window()->tryToExtendWidthBy(minimal); }(); if (extendedBy) { if (extendBy != Auth().data().thirdColumnWidth()) { Auth().data().setThirdColumnWidth(extendBy); } auto newBodyWidth = layout.bodyWidth + extendedBy; auto currentRatio = Auth().data().dialogsWidthRatio(); Auth().data().setDialogsWidthRatio( (currentRatio * layout.bodyWidth) / newBodyWidth); } auto savedValue = (extendedBy == extendBy) ? -1 : extendedBy; Auth().data().setThirdSectionExtendedBy(savedValue); Auth().data().setTabbedSelectorSectionEnabled( tabbedSelectorSectionEnabled); Auth().data().setThirdSectionInfoEnabled( thirdSectionInfoEnabled); } void Controller::closeThirdSection() { auto newWindowSize = window()->size(); auto layout = computeColumnLayout(); if (layout.windowLayout == Adaptive::WindowLayout::ThreeColumn) { auto noResize = window()->isFullScreen() || window()->isMaximized(); auto savedValue = Auth().data().thirdSectionExtendedBy(); auto extendedBy = (savedValue == -1) ? layout.thirdWidth : savedValue; auto newBodyWidth = noResize ? layout.bodyWidth : (layout.bodyWidth - extendedBy); auto currentRatio = Auth().data().dialogsWidthRatio(); Auth().data().setDialogsWidthRatio( (currentRatio * layout.bodyWidth) / newBodyWidth); newWindowSize = QSize( window()->width() + (newBodyWidth - layout.bodyWidth), window()->height()); } Auth().data().setTabbedSelectorSectionEnabled(false); Auth().data().setThirdSectionInfoEnabled(false); Auth().saveDataDelayed(); if (window()->size() != newWindowSize) { window()->resize(newWindowSize); } else { updateColumnLayout(); } } void Controller::showJumpToDate(not_null peer, QDate requestedDate) { Expects(peer != nullptr); auto currentPeerDate = [peer] { if (auto history = App::historyLoaded(peer)) { if (history->scrollTopItem) { return history->scrollTopItem->date.date(); } else if (history->loadedAtTop() && !history->isEmpty() && history->peer->migrateFrom()) { if (auto migrated = App::historyLoaded(history->peer->migrateFrom())) { if (migrated->scrollTopItem) { // We're up in the migrated history. // So current date is the date of first message here. return history->blocks.front()->items.front()->date.date(); } } } else if (!history->lastMsgDate.isNull()) { return history->lastMsgDate.date(); } } return QDate::currentDate(); }; auto maxPeerDate = [](not_null peer) { if (auto channel = peer->migrateTo()) { peer = channel; } if (auto history = App::historyLoaded(peer)) { if (!history->lastMsgDate.isNull()) { return history->lastMsgDate.date(); } } return QDate::currentDate(); }; auto minPeerDate = [](not_null peer) { const auto startDate = [] { // Telegram was launched in August 2013 :) return QDate(2013, 8, 1); }; if (auto chat = peer->migrateFrom()) { if (auto history = App::historyLoaded(chat)) { if (history->loadedAtTop()) { if (!history->isEmpty()) { return history->blocks.front()->items.front()->date.date(); } } else { return startDate(); } } } if (auto history = App::historyLoaded(peer)) { if (history->loadedAtTop()) { if (!history->isEmpty()) { return history->blocks.front()->items.front()->date.date(); } return QDate::currentDate(); } } return startDate(); }; auto highlighted = requestedDate.isNull() ? currentPeerDate() : requestedDate; auto month = highlighted; auto callback = [this, peer](const QDate &date) { Auth().api().jumpToDate(peer, date); }; auto box = Box( month, highlighted, std::move(callback)); box->setMinDate(minPeerDate(peer)); box->setMaxDate(maxPeerDate(peer)); Ui::show(std::move(box)); } void Controller::updateColumnLayout() { App::main()->updateColumnLayout(); } void Controller::showPeerHistory( PeerId peerId, const SectionShow ¶ms, MsgId msgId) { App::main()->ui_showPeerHistory( peerId, params, msgId); } void Controller::showPeerHistory( not_null peer, const SectionShow ¶ms, MsgId msgId) { showPeerHistory( peer->id, params, msgId); } void Controller::showPeerHistory( not_null history, const SectionShow ¶ms, MsgId msgId) { showPeerHistory( history->peer->id, params, msgId); } void Navigation::showPeerInfo( PeerId peerId, const SectionShow ¶ms) { //if (Adaptive::ThreeColumn() // && !Auth().data().thirdSectionInfoEnabled()) { // Auth().data().setThirdSectionInfoEnabled(true); // Auth().saveDataDelayed(); //} showSection(Info::Memento(peerId), params); } void Navigation::showPeerInfo( not_null peer, const SectionShow ¶ms) { showPeerInfo(peer->id, params); } void Navigation::showPeerInfo( not_null history, const SectionShow ¶ms) { showPeerInfo(history->peer->id, params); } void Controller::showSection( SectionMemento &&memento, const SectionShow ¶ms) { if (App::wnd()->showSectionInExistingLayer( &memento, params) && !params.thirdColumn) { return; } App::main()->showSection(std::move(memento), params); } void Controller::showBackFromStack(const SectionShow ¶ms) { chats()->showBackFromStack(params); } void Controller::showSpecialLayer( object_ptr &&layer, anim::type animated) { App::wnd()->showSpecialLayer(std::move(layer), animated); } not_null Controller::chats() const { return App::wnd()->chatsWidget(); } } // namespace Window