/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "editor/color_picker.h" #include "ui/painter.h" #include "ui/rp_widget.h" #include "styles/style_editor.h" #include namespace Editor { namespace { constexpr auto kPrecision = 1000; constexpr auto kMinBrushSize = 0.1f; constexpr auto kMouseSkip = 1.4; constexpr auto kMinInnerHeight = 0.2; constexpr auto kMaxInnerHeight = 0.8; constexpr auto kCircleDuration = crl::time(200); constexpr auto kMax = 1.0; ColorPicker::OutlinedStop FindOutlinedStop( const QColor &color, const QGradientStops &stops, int width) { for (auto i = 0; i < stops.size(); i++) { const auto ¤t = stops[i]; if (current.second == color) { const auto prev = ((i - 1) < 0) ? std::nullopt : std::make_optional(stops[i - 1].first * width); const auto next = ((i + 1) >= stops.size()) ? std::nullopt : std::make_optional(stops[i + 1].first * width); return ColorPicker::OutlinedStop{ .stopPos = (current.first * width), .prevStopPos = prev, .nextStopPos = next, }; } } return ColorPicker::OutlinedStop(); } QGradientStops Colors() { return QGradientStops{ { 0.00f, QColor(234, 39, 57) }, { 0.14f, QColor(219, 58, 210) }, { 0.24f, QColor(48, 81, 227) }, { 0.39f, QColor(73, 197, 237) }, { 0.49f, QColor(128, 200, 100) }, { 0.62f, QColor(252, 222, 101) }, { 0.73f, QColor(252, 150, 77) }, { 0.85f, QColor(0, 0, 0) }, { 1.00f, QColor(255, 255, 255) } }; } QBrush GradientBrush(const QPoint &p, const QGradientStops &stops) { auto gradient = QLinearGradient(0, p.y(), p.x(), p.y()); gradient.setStops(stops); return QBrush(std::move(gradient)); } float RatioPrecise(float a) { return int(a * kPrecision) / float(kPrecision); } inline float64 InterpolateF(float a, float b, float64 b_ratio) { return a + float64(b - a) * b_ratio; }; inline float64 InterpolationRatio(int from, int to, int result) { return (result - from) / float64(to - from); }; } // namespace ColorPicker::ColorPicker( not_null parent, const Brush &savedBrush) : _circleColor(Qt::white) , _width(st::photoEditorColorPickerWidth) , _lineHeight(st::photoEditorColorPickerLineHeight) , _colorLine(base::make_unique_q(parent)) , _canvasForCircle(base::make_unique_q(parent)) , _gradientStops(Colors()) , _outlinedStop(FindOutlinedStop(_circleColor, _gradientStops, _width)) , _gradientBrush( GradientBrush(QPoint(_width, _lineHeight / 2), _gradientStops)) , _brush(Brush{ .sizeRatio = (savedBrush.sizeRatio ? savedBrush.sizeRatio : kMinBrushSize), .color = (savedBrush.color.isValid() ? savedBrush.color : _gradientStops.front().second), }) { _colorLine->resize(_width, _lineHeight); _canvasForCircle->resize( _width + circleHeight(kMax), st::photoEditorColorPickerCanvasHeight); _canvasForCircle->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents); _down.pos = QPoint(colorToPosition(savedBrush.color), 0); _colorLine->paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { auto p = QPainter(_colorLine); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(_gradientBrush); const auto radius = _colorLine->height() / 2.; p.drawRoundedRect(_colorLine->rect(), radius, radius); }, _colorLine->lifetime()); _canvasForCircle->paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { auto p = QPainter(_canvasForCircle); paintCircle(p); }, _canvasForCircle->lifetime()); _colorLine->events( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null event) { const auto type = event->type(); const auto isPress = (type == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) || (type == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick); const auto isMove = (type == QEvent::MouseMove); const auto isRelease = (type == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease); if (!isPress && !isMove && !isRelease) { return; } _down.pressed = !isRelease; const auto progress = _circleAnimation.value(isPress ? 0. : 1.); if (!isMove) { const auto from = progress; const auto to = isPress ? 1. : 0.; _circleAnimation.stop(); _circleAnimation.start( [=] { _canvasForCircle->update(); }, from, to, kCircleDuration * std::abs(to - from), anim::easeOutCirc); } const auto e = static_cast(event.get()); updateMousePosition(e->pos(), progress); if (isRelease) { _saveBrushRequests.fire_copy(_brush); } _canvasForCircle->update(); }, _colorLine->lifetime()); } void ColorPicker::updateMousePosition(const QPoint &pos, float64 progress) { const auto mapped = _canvasForCircle->mapFromParent( _colorLine->mapToParent(pos)); const auto height = circleHeight(progress); const auto mappedY = int(mapped.y() - height * kMouseSkip); const auto bottom = _canvasForCircle->height() - circleHeight(kMax); const auto &skip = st::photoEditorColorPickerCircleSkip; _down.pos = QPoint( std::clamp(pos.x(), 0, _width), std::clamp(mappedY, 0, bottom - skip)); // Convert Y to the brush size. const auto from = 0; const auto to = bottom - skip; // Don't change the brush size when we are on the color line. if (mappedY <= to) { _brush.sizeRatio = std::clamp( float(1. - InterpolationRatio(from, to, _down.pos.y())), kMinBrushSize, 1.f); } _brush.color = positionToColor(_down.pos.x()); } void ColorPicker::moveLine(const QPoint &position) { _colorLine->move(position - QPoint(_colorLine->width() / 2, _colorLine->height() / 2)); _canvasForCircle->move( _colorLine->x() - circleHeight(kMax) / 2, _colorLine->y() + _colorLine->height() + ((circleHeight() - _colorLine->height()) / 2) - _canvasForCircle->height()); } QColor ColorPicker::positionToColor(int x) const { const auto from = 0; const auto to = _width; const auto gradientRatio = InterpolationRatio(from, to, x); for (auto i = 1; i < _gradientStops.size(); i++) { const auto &previous = _gradientStops[i - 1]; const auto ¤t = _gradientStops[i]; const auto &fromStop = previous.first; const auto &toStop = current.first; const auto &fromColor = previous.second; const auto &toColor = current.second; if ((fromStop <= gradientRatio) && (toStop >= gradientRatio)) { const auto stopRatio = RatioPrecise( (gradientRatio - fromStop) / float64(toStop - fromStop)); return anim::color(fromColor, toColor, stopRatio); } } return QColor(); } void ColorPicker::paintCircle(QPainter &p) { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(_circleColor); const auto progress = _circleAnimation.value(_down.pressed ? 1. : 0.); const auto h = circleHeight(progress); const auto bottom = _canvasForCircle->height() - h; const auto circleX = _down.pos.x() + (circleHeight(kMax) - h) / 2; const auto circleY = _circleAnimation.animating() ? anim::interpolate(bottom, _down.pos.y(), progress) : _down.pressed ? _down.pos.y() : bottom; const auto r = QRect(circleX, circleY, h, h); p.drawEllipse(r); const auto innerH = InterpolateF( h * kMinInnerHeight, h * kMaxInnerHeight, _brush.sizeRatio); p.setBrush(_brush.color); const auto innerRect = QRectF( r.x() + (r.width() - innerH) / 2., r.y() + (r.height() - innerH) / 2., innerH, innerH); paintOutline(p, innerRect); p.drawEllipse(innerRect); } void ColorPicker::paintOutline(QPainter &p, const QRectF &rect) { const auto &s = _outlinedStop; if (!s.stopPos) { return; } const auto draw = [&](float opacity) { p.save(); p.setOpacity(opacity); p.setPen(Qt::lightGray); p.setPen(Qt::NoBrush); p.drawEllipse(rect); p.restore(); }; const auto x = _down.pos.x(); if (s.prevStopPos && (x >= s.prevStopPos && x <= s.stopPos)) { const auto from = *s.prevStopPos; const auto to = *s.stopPos; const auto ratio = InterpolationRatio(from, to, x); if (ratio >= 0. && ratio <= 1.) { draw(ratio); } } else if (s.nextStopPos && (x >= s.stopPos && x <= s.nextStopPos)) { const auto from = *s.stopPos; const auto to = *s.nextStopPos; const auto ratio = InterpolationRatio(from, to, x); if (ratio >= 0. && ratio <= 1.) { draw(1. - ratio); } } } int ColorPicker::circleHeight(float64 progress) const { return anim::interpolate( st::photoEditorColorPickerCircleSize, st::photoEditorColorPickerCircleBigSize, progress); } void ColorPicker::setVisible(bool visible) { _colorLine->setVisible(visible); _canvasForCircle->setVisible(visible); } rpl::producer ColorPicker::saveBrushRequests() const { return _saveBrushRequests.events_starting_with_copy(_brush); } int ColorPicker::colorToPosition(const QColor &color) const { const auto step = 1. / kPrecision; for (auto i = 0.; i <= 1.; i += step) { if (positionToColor(i * _width) == color) { return i * _width; } } return 0; } bool ColorPicker::preventHandleKeyPress() const { return _canvasForCircle->isVisible() && (_circleAnimation.animating() || _down.pressed); } } // namespace Editor