/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "boxes/peer_list_box.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "styles/style_dialogs.h" #include "ui/widgets/scroll_area.h" #include "ui/effects/ripple_animation.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_indexed_list.h" #include "observer_peer.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "storage/file_download.h" #include "ui/widgets/multi_select.h" #include "ui/widgets/labels.h" #include "ui/effects/widget_slide_wrap.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "ui/effects/round_checkbox.h" #include "boxes/contacts_box.h" #include "window/themes/window_theme.h" PeerListBox::PeerListBox(QWidget*, std::unique_ptr controller) : _controller(std::move(controller)) { } object_ptr> PeerListBox::createMultiSelect() { auto entity = object_ptr(this, st::contactsMultiSelect, lang(lng_participant_filter)); auto margins = style::margins(0, 0, 0, 0); auto callback = [this] { updateScrollSkips(); }; return object_ptr>(this, std::move(entity), margins, std::move(callback)); } int PeerListBox::getTopScrollSkip() const { auto result = 0; if (_select && !_select->isHidden()) { result += _select->height(); } return result; } void PeerListBox::updateScrollSkips() { setInnerTopSkip(getTopScrollSkip(), true); } void PeerListBox::prepare() { _inner = setInnerWidget(object_ptr(this, _controller.get()), st::boxLayerScroll); _controller->setView(this); setDimensions(st::boxWideWidth, st::boxMaxListHeight); if (_select) { _select->finishAnimation(); onScrollToY(0); } connect(_inner, SIGNAL(mustScrollTo(int, int)), this, SLOT(onScrollToY(int, int))); } void PeerListBox::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Down) { _inner->selectSkip(1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Up) { _inner->selectSkip(-1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_PageDown) { _inner->selectSkipPage(height(), 1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_PageUp) { _inner->selectSkipPage(height(), -1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Escape && _select && !_select->entity()->getQuery().isEmpty()) { _select->entity()->clearQuery(); } else { BoxContent::keyPressEvent(e); } } void PeerListBox::searchQueryChanged(const QString &query) { onScrollToY(0); _inner->searchQueryChanged(query); } void PeerListBox::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { BoxContent::resizeEvent(e); if (_select) { _select->resizeToWidth(width()); _select->moveToLeft(0, 0); updateScrollSkips(); } _inner->resize(width(), _inner->height()); } void PeerListBox::setInnerFocus() { if (!_select || _select->isHidden()) { _inner->setFocus(); } else { _select->entity()->setInnerFocus(); } } void PeerListBox::appendRow(std::unique_ptr row) { _inner->appendRow(std::move(row)); } void PeerListBox::prependRow(std::unique_ptr row) { _inner->prependRow(std::move(row)); } PeerListBox::Row *PeerListBox::findRow(RowId id) { return _inner->findRow(id); } void PeerListBox::updateRow(Row *row) { _inner->updateRow(row); } void PeerListBox::removeRow(Row *row) { _inner->removeRow(row); } void PeerListBox::setRowChecked(Row *row, bool checked) { auto peer = row->peer(); if (checked) { addSelectItem(peer, Row::SetStyle::Animated); _inner->changeCheckState(row, checked, Row::SetStyle::Animated); updateRow(row); // This call deletes row from _globalSearchRows. _select->entity()->clearQuery(); } else { // The itemRemovedCallback will call changeCheckState() here. _select->entity()->removeItem(peer->id); updateRow(row); } } int PeerListBox::fullRowsCount() const { return _inner->fullRowsCount(); } PeerListBox::Row *PeerListBox::rowAt(int index) const { return _inner->rowAt(index); } void PeerListBox::setAboutText(const QString &aboutText) { if (aboutText.isEmpty()) { setAbout(nullptr); } else { setAbout(object_ptr(this, aboutText, Ui::FlatLabel::InitType::Simple, st::membersAbout)); } } void PeerListBox::setAbout(object_ptr about) { _inner->setAbout(std::move(about)); } void PeerListBox::refreshRows() { _inner->refreshRows(); } void PeerListBox::setSearchMode(SearchMode mode) { _inner->setSearchMode(mode); if (mode != SearchMode::None && !_select) { _select = createMultiSelect(); _select->entity()->setSubmittedCallback([this](bool chtrlShiftEnter) { _inner->submitted(); }); _select->entity()->setQueryChangedCallback([this](const QString &query) { searchQueryChanged(query); }); _select->entity()->setItemRemovedCallback([this](uint64 itemId) { if (auto peer = App::peerLoaded(itemId)) { if (auto row = findRow(peer->id)) { _inner->changeCheckState(row, false, Row::SetStyle::Animated); update(); } } }); _select->resizeToWidth(st::boxWideWidth); _select->moveToLeft(0, 0); } if (_select) { _select->toggleAnimated(mode != SearchMode::None); } } void PeerListBox::setSearchNoResultsText(const QString &searchNoResultsText) { if (searchNoResultsText.isEmpty()) { setSearchNoResults(nullptr); } else { setSearchNoResults(object_ptr(this, searchNoResultsText, Ui::FlatLabel::InitType::Simple, st::membersAbout)); } } void PeerListBox::setSearchNoResults(object_ptr searchNoResults) { _inner->setSearchNoResults(std::move(searchNoResults)); } void PeerListBox::setSearchLoadingText(const QString &searchLoadingText) { if (searchLoadingText.isEmpty()) { setSearchLoading(nullptr); } else { setSearchLoading(object_ptr(this, searchLoadingText, Ui::FlatLabel::InitType::Simple, st::membersAbout)); } } void PeerListBox::setSearchLoading(object_ptr searchLoading) { _inner->setSearchLoading(std::move(searchLoading)); } QVector PeerListBox::collectSelectedRows() const { Expects(_select != nullptr); auto result = QVector(); auto items = _select->entity()->getItems(); if (!items.empty()) { result.reserve(items.size()); for_const (auto itemId, items) { result.push_back(App::peer(itemId)); } } return result; } void PeerListBox::addSelectItem(PeerData *peer, Row::SetStyle style) { Expects(_select != nullptr); if (style == Row::SetStyle::Fast) { _select->entity()->addItemInBunch(peer->id, peer->shortName(), st::activeButtonBg, PaintUserpicCallback(peer)); } else { _select->entity()->addItem(peer->id, peer->shortName(), st::activeButtonBg, PaintUserpicCallback(peer), Ui::MultiSelect::AddItemWay::Default); } } void PeerListBox::finishSelectItemsBunch() { Expects(_select != nullptr); _select->entity()->finishItemsBunch(); } bool PeerListBox::isRowSelected(PeerData *peer) const { Expects(_select != nullptr); return _select->entity()->hasItem(peer->id); } PeerListBox::Row::Row(PeerData *peer) : Row(peer, peer->id) { } PeerListBox::Row::Row(PeerData *peer, RowId id) : _id(id), _peer(peer) { } bool PeerListBox::Row::checked() const { return _checkbox && _checkbox->checked(); } void PeerListBox::Row::setCustomStatus(const QString &status) { _status = status; _statusType = StatusType::Custom; } void PeerListBox::Row::clearCustomStatus() { _statusType = StatusType::Online; refreshStatus(); } void PeerListBox::Row::refreshStatus() { if (!_initialized || _statusType == StatusType::Custom) { return; } if (auto user = peer()->asUser()) { auto time = unixtime(); _status = App::onlineText(user, time); _statusType = App::onlineColorUse(user, time) ? StatusType::Online : StatusType::LastSeen; } } void PeerListBox::Row::refreshName() { if (!_initialized) { return; } _name.setText(st::contactsNameStyle, peer()->name, _textNameOptions); } PeerListBox::Row::~Row() = default; void PeerListBox::Row::invalidatePixmapsCache() { if (_checkbox) { _checkbox->invalidateCache(); } } void PeerListBox::Row::paintStatusText(Painter &p, int x, int y, int outerWidth, bool selected) { auto statusHasOnlineColor = (_statusType == Row::StatusType::Online); p.setPen(statusHasOnlineColor ? st::contactsStatusFgOnline : (selected ? st::contactsStatusFgOver : st::contactsStatusFg)); p.drawTextLeft(x, y, outerWidth, _status); } template void PeerListBox::Row::addRipple(QSize size, QPoint point, UpdateCallback updateCallback) { if (!_ripple) { auto mask = Ui::RippleAnimation::rectMask(size); _ripple = std::make_unique(st::contactsRipple, std::move(mask), std::move(updateCallback)); } _ripple->add(point); } void PeerListBox::Row::stopLastRipple() { if (_ripple) { _ripple->lastStop(); } } void PeerListBox::Row::paintRipple(Painter &p, TimeMs ms, int x, int y, int outerWidth) { if (_ripple) { _ripple->paint(p, x, y, outerWidth, ms); if (_ripple->empty()) { _ripple.reset(); } } } void PeerListBox::Row::paintUserpic(Painter &p, TimeMs ms, int x, int y, int outerWidth) { if (_checkbox) { if (disabled() && checked()) { paintDisabledCheckUserpic(p, x, y, outerWidth); } else { _checkbox->paint(p, ms, x, y, outerWidth); } } else { peer()->paintUserpicLeft(p, x, y, outerWidth, st::contactsPhotoSize); } } // Emulates Ui::RoundImageCheckbox::paint() in a checked state. void PeerListBox::Row::paintDisabledCheckUserpic(Painter &p, int x, int y, int outerWidth) const { auto userpicRadius = st::contactsPhotoCheckbox.imageSmallRadius; auto userpicShift = st::contactsPhotoCheckbox.imageRadius - userpicRadius; auto userpicDiameter = st::contactsPhotoCheckbox.imageRadius * 2; auto userpicLeft = x + userpicShift; auto userpicTop = y + userpicShift; auto userpicEllipse = rtlrect(x, y, userpicDiameter, userpicDiameter, outerWidth); auto userpicBorderPen = st::contactsPhotoDisabledCheckFg->p; userpicBorderPen.setWidth(st::contactsPhotoCheckbox.selectWidth); auto iconDiameter = st::contactsPhotoCheckbox.check.size; auto iconLeft = x + userpicDiameter + st::contactsPhotoCheckbox.selectWidth - iconDiameter; auto iconTop = y + userpicDiameter + st::contactsPhotoCheckbox.selectWidth - iconDiameter; auto iconEllipse = rtlrect(iconLeft, iconTop, iconDiameter, iconDiameter, outerWidth); auto iconBorderPen = st::contactsPhotoCheckbox.check.border->p; iconBorderPen.setWidth(st::contactsPhotoCheckbox.selectWidth); peer()->paintUserpicLeft(p, userpicLeft, userpicTop, outerWidth, userpicRadius * 2); { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.setPen(userpicBorderPen); p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); p.drawEllipse(userpicEllipse); p.setPen(iconBorderPen); p.setBrush(st::contactsPhotoDisabledCheckFg); p.drawEllipse(iconEllipse); } st::contactsPhotoCheckbox.check.check.paint(p, iconEllipse.topLeft(), outerWidth); } float64 PeerListBox::Row::checkedRatio() { return _checkbox ? _checkbox->checkedAnimationRatio() : 0.; } void PeerListBox::Row::lazyInitialize() { if (_initialized) { return; } _initialized = true; refreshName(); refreshStatus(); } void PeerListBox::Row::createCheckbox(base::lambda updateCallback) { _checkbox = std::make_unique(st::contactsPhotoCheckbox, std::move(updateCallback), PaintUserpicCallback(_peer)); } void PeerListBox::Row::setCheckedInternal(bool checked, SetStyle style) { Expects(_checkbox != nullptr); using CheckboxStyle = Ui::RoundCheckbox::SetStyle; auto speed = (style == SetStyle::Animated) ? CheckboxStyle::Animated : CheckboxStyle::Fast; _checkbox->setChecked(checked, speed); } PeerListBox::Inner::Inner(QWidget *parent, Controller *controller) : TWidget(parent) , _controller(controller) , _rowHeight(st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsPhotoSize + st::contactsPadding.bottom()) { subscribe(AuthSession::CurrentDownloaderTaskFinished(), [this] { update(); }); connect(App::main(), SIGNAL(peerNameChanged(PeerData*, const PeerData::Names&, const PeerData::NameFirstChars&)), this, SLOT(onPeerNameChanged(PeerData*, const PeerData::Names&, const PeerData::NameFirstChars&))); connect(App::main(), SIGNAL(peerPhotoChanged(PeerData*)), this, SLOT(peerUpdated(PeerData*))); subscribe(Window::Theme::Background(), [this](const Window::Theme::BackgroundUpdate &update) { if (update.paletteChanged()) { invalidatePixmapsCache(); } }); } void PeerListBox::Inner::appendRow(std::unique_ptr row) { if (_rowsById.find(row->id()) == _rowsById.cend()) { row->setAbsoluteIndex(_rows.size()); addRowEntry(row.get()); _rows.push_back(std::move(row)); } } void PeerListBox::Inner::appendGlobalSearchRow(std::unique_ptr row) { Expects(showingSearch()); if (_rowsById.find(row->id()) == _rowsById.cend()) { row->setAbsoluteIndex(_globalSearchRows.size()); row->setIsGlobalSearchResult(true); addRowEntry(row.get()); _filterResults.push_back(row.get()); _globalSearchRows.push_back(std::move(row)); } } void PeerListBox::Inner::changeCheckState(Row *row, bool checked, Row::SetStyle style) { row->setChecked(checked, style, [this, row] { updateRow(row); }); } void PeerListBox::Inner::addRowEntry(Row *row) { _rowsById.emplace(row->id(), row); _rowsByPeer[row->peer()].push_back(row); if (addingToSearchIndex()) { addToSearchIndex(row); } if (_searchMode != SearchMode::None) { t_assert(row->id() == row->peer()->id); if (_controller->view()->isRowSelected(row->peer())) { changeCheckState(row, true, Row::SetStyle::Fast); } } } void PeerListBox::Inner::invalidatePixmapsCache() { for_const (auto &row, _rows) { row->invalidatePixmapsCache(); } for_const (auto &row, _globalSearchRows) { row->invalidatePixmapsCache(); } } bool PeerListBox::Inner::addingToSearchIndex() const { // If we started indexing already, we continue. return (_searchMode != SearchMode::None) || !_searchIndex.empty(); } void PeerListBox::Inner::addToSearchIndex(Row *row) { if (row->isGlobalSearchResult()) { return; } removeFromSearchIndex(row); row->setNameFirstChars(row->peer()->chars); for_const (auto ch, row->nameFirstChars()) { _searchIndex[ch].push_back(row); } } void PeerListBox::Inner::removeFromSearchIndex(Row *row) { auto &nameFirstChars = row->nameFirstChars(); if (!nameFirstChars.empty()) { for_const (auto ch, row->nameFirstChars()) { auto it = _searchIndex.find(ch); if (it != _searchIndex.cend()) { auto &entry = it->second; entry.erase(std::remove(entry.begin(), entry.end(), row), entry.end()); if (entry.empty()) { _searchIndex.erase(it); } } } row->setNameFirstChars(OrderedSet()); } } void PeerListBox::Inner::prependRow(std::unique_ptr row) { if (_rowsById.find(row->id()) == _rowsById.cend()) { addRowEntry(row.get()); _rows.insert(_rows.begin(), std::move(row)); refreshIndices(); } } void PeerListBox::Inner::refreshIndices() { auto index = 0; for (auto &row : _rows) { row->setAbsoluteIndex(index++); } } PeerListBox::Row *PeerListBox::Inner::findRow(RowId id) { auto it = _rowsById.find(id); return (it == _rowsById.cend()) ? nullptr : it->second; } void PeerListBox::Inner::removeRow(Row *row) { auto index = row->absoluteIndex(); auto isGlobalSearchResult = row->isGlobalSearchResult(); auto &eraseFrom = isGlobalSearchResult ? _globalSearchRows : _rows; t_assert(index >= 0 && index < eraseFrom.size()); t_assert(eraseFrom[index].get() == row); setSelected(Selected()); setPressed(Selected()); _rowsById.erase(row->id()); auto &byPeer = _rowsByPeer[row->peer()]; byPeer.erase(std::remove(byPeer.begin(), byPeer.end(), row), byPeer.end()); removeFromSearchIndex(row); _filterResults.erase(std::find(_filterResults.begin(), _filterResults.end(), row), _filterResults.end()); eraseFrom.erase(eraseFrom.begin() + index); for (auto i = index, count = int(eraseFrom.size()); i != count; ++i) { eraseFrom[i]->setAbsoluteIndex(i); } restoreSelection(); } int PeerListBox::Inner::fullRowsCount() const { return _rows.size(); } PeerListBox::Row *PeerListBox::Inner::rowAt(int index) const { Expects(index >= 0 && index < _rows.size()); return _rows[index].get(); } void PeerListBox::Inner::setAbout(object_ptr about) { _about = std::move(about); if (_about) { _about->setParent(this); } } int PeerListBox::Inner::labelHeight() const { auto computeLabelHeight = [](auto &label) { if (!label) { return 0; } return st::membersAboutLimitPadding.top() + label->height() + st::membersAboutLimitPadding.bottom(); }; if (showingSearch()) { if (!_filterResults.empty()) { return 0; } if (globalSearchLoading()) { return computeLabelHeight(_searchLoading); } return computeLabelHeight(_searchNoResults); } return computeLabelHeight(_about); } void PeerListBox::Inner::refreshRows() { auto labelTop = st::membersMarginTop + qMax(1, shownRowsCount()) * _rowHeight; resize(width(), labelTop + labelHeight() + st::membersMarginBottom); if (_about) { _about->moveToLeft(st::contactsPadding.left(), labelTop + st::membersAboutLimitPadding.top()); _about->setVisible(!showingSearch()); } if (_searchNoResults) { _searchNoResults->moveToLeft(st::contactsPadding.left(), labelTop + st::membersAboutLimitPadding.top()); _searchNoResults->setVisible(showingSearch() && _filterResults.empty() && !globalSearchLoading()); } if (_searchLoading) { _searchLoading->moveToLeft(st::contactsPadding.left(), labelTop + st::membersAboutLimitPadding.top()); _searchLoading->setVisible(showingSearch() && _filterResults.empty() && globalSearchLoading()); } if (_visibleBottom > 0) { checkScrollForPreload(); } update(); } void PeerListBox::Inner::setSearchMode(SearchMode mode) { if (_searchMode != mode) { if (!addingToSearchIndex()) { for_const (auto &row, _rows) { addToSearchIndex(row.get()); } } _searchMode = mode; if (_searchMode == SearchMode::Global) { if (!_searchLoading) { setSearchLoading(object_ptr(this, lang(lng_contacts_loading), Ui::FlatLabel::InitType::Simple, st::membersAbout)); } } else { clearGlobalSearchRows(); } } } void PeerListBox::Inner::clearGlobalSearchRows() { while (!_globalSearchRows.empty()) { removeRow(_globalSearchRows.back().get()); } } void PeerListBox::Inner::setSearchNoResults(object_ptr searchNoResults) { _searchNoResults = std::move(searchNoResults); if (_searchNoResults) { _searchNoResults->setParent(this); } } void PeerListBox::Inner::setSearchLoading(object_ptr searchLoading) { _searchLoading = std::move(searchLoading); if (_searchLoading) { _searchLoading->setParent(this); } } void PeerListBox::Inner::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QRect r(e->rect()); Painter p(this); p.fillRect(r, st::contactsBg); auto ms = getms(); auto yFrom = r.y() - st::membersMarginTop; auto yTo = r.y() + r.height() - st::membersMarginTop; p.translate(0, st::membersMarginTop); auto count = shownRowsCount(); if (count > 0) { auto from = floorclamp(yFrom, _rowHeight, 0, count); auto to = ceilclamp(yTo, _rowHeight, 0, count); p.translate(0, from * _rowHeight); for (auto index = from; index != to; ++index) { paintRow(p, ms, RowIndex(index)); p.translate(0, _rowHeight); } } } void PeerListBox::Inner::enterEventHook(QEvent *e) { setMouseTracking(true); } void PeerListBox::Inner::leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) { _mouseSelection = false; setMouseTracking(false); setSelected(Selected()); } void PeerListBox::Inner::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { auto position = e->globalPos(); if (_mouseSelection || _lastMousePosition != position) { _lastMousePosition = position; _mouseSelection = true; updateSelection(); } } void PeerListBox::Inner::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { _mouseSelection = true; _lastMousePosition = e->globalPos(); updateSelection(); setPressed(_selected); if (auto row = getRow(_selected.index)) { auto updateCallback = [this, row, hint = _selected.index] { updateRow(row, hint); }; if (_selected.action) { auto actionRect = getActionRect(row, _selected.index); if (!actionRect.isEmpty()) { auto point = mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()) - actionRect.topLeft(); row->addActionRipple(point, std::move(updateCallback)); } } else { auto size = QSize(width(), _rowHeight); auto point = mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()) - QPoint(0, getRowTop(_selected.index)); row->addRipple(size, point, std::move(updateCallback)); } } } void PeerListBox::Inner::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { updateRow(_pressed.index); updateRow(_selected.index); auto pressed = _pressed; setPressed(Selected()); if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton && pressed == _selected) { if (auto row = getRow(pressed.index)) { if (pressed.action) { _controller->rowActionClicked(row); } else { _controller->rowClicked(row); } } } } void PeerListBox::Inner::setPressed(Selected pressed) { if (auto row = getRow(_pressed.index)) { row->stopLastRipple(); row->stopLastActionRipple(); } _pressed = pressed; } void PeerListBox::Inner::paintRow(Painter &p, TimeMs ms, RowIndex index) { auto row = getRow(index); t_assert(row != nullptr); row->lazyInitialize(); auto peer = row->peer(); auto user = peer->asUser(); auto active = (_pressed.index.value >= 0) ? _pressed : _selected; auto selected = (active.index == index); auto actionSelected = (selected && active.action); p.fillRect(0, 0, width(), _rowHeight, selected ? st::contactsBgOver : st::contactsBg); row->paintRipple(p, ms, 0, 0, width()); row->paintUserpic(p, ms, st::contactsPadding.left(), st::contactsPadding.top(), width()); p.setPen(st::contactsNameFg); auto actionSize = row->actionSize(); auto actionMargins = actionSize.isEmpty() ? QMargins() : row->actionMargins(); auto &name = row->name(); auto namex = st::contactsPadding.left() + st::contactsPhotoSize + st::contactsPadding.left(); auto namew = width() - namex - st::contactsPadding.right(); if (!actionSize.isEmpty()) { namew -= actionMargins.left() + actionSize.width() + actionMargins.right(); } if (row->needsVerifiedIcon()) { auto icon = &st::dialogsVerifiedIcon; namew -= icon->width(); icon->paint(p, namex + qMin(name.maxWidth(), namew), st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsNameTop, width()); } p.setPen(anim::pen(st::contactsNameFg, st::contactsNameCheckedFg, row->checkedRatio())); name.drawLeftElided(p, namex, st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsNameTop, namew, width()); if (!actionSize.isEmpty()) { auto actionLeft = width() - st::contactsPadding.right() - actionMargins.right() - actionSize.width(); auto actionTop = actionMargins.top(); row->paintAction(p, ms, actionLeft, actionTop, width(), actionSelected); } p.setFont(st::contactsStatusFont); if (row->isGlobalSearchResult() && !peer->userName().isEmpty()) { auto username = peer->userName(); if (!_globalSearchHighlight.isEmpty() && username.startsWith(_globalSearchHighlight, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { auto availableWidth = width() - namex - st::contactsPadding.right(); auto highlightedPart = '@' + username.mid(0, _globalSearchHighlight.size()); auto grayedPart = username.mid(_globalSearchHighlight.size()); auto highlightedWidth = st::contactsStatusFont->width(highlightedPart); if (highlightedWidth >= availableWidth || grayedPart.isEmpty()) { if (highlightedWidth > availableWidth) { highlightedPart = st::contactsStatusFont->elided(highlightedPart, availableWidth); } p.setPen(st::contactsStatusFgOnline); p.drawTextLeft(namex, st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsStatusTop, width(), highlightedPart); } else { grayedPart = st::contactsStatusFont->elided(grayedPart, availableWidth - highlightedWidth); auto grayedWidth = st::contactsStatusFont->width(grayedPart); p.setPen(st::contactsStatusFgOnline); p.drawTextLeft(namex, st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsStatusTop, width(), highlightedPart); p.setPen(selected ? st::contactsStatusFgOver : st::contactsStatusFg); p.drawTextLeft(namex + highlightedWidth, st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsStatusTop, width(), grayedPart); } } else { p.setPen(st::contactsStatusFgOnline); p.drawTextLeft(namex, st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsStatusTop, width(), '@' + username); } } else { row->paintStatusText(p, namex, st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsStatusTop, width(), selected); } } void PeerListBox::Inner::selectSkip(int direction) { if (_pressed.index.value >= 0) { return; } _mouseSelection = false; auto newSelectedIndex = _selected.index.value + direction; auto rowsCount = shownRowsCount(); auto index = 0; auto firstEnabled = -1, lastEnabled = -1; enumerateShownRows([&firstEnabled, &lastEnabled, &index](Row *row) { if (!row->disabled()) { if (firstEnabled < 0) { firstEnabled = index; } lastEnabled = index; } ++index; return true; }); if (firstEnabled < 0) { firstEnabled = rowsCount; lastEnabled = firstEnabled - 1; } t_assert(lastEnabled < rowsCount); t_assert(firstEnabled - 1 <= lastEnabled); // Always pass through the first enabled item when changing from / to none selected. if ((_selected.index.value > firstEnabled && newSelectedIndex < firstEnabled) || (_selected.index.value < firstEnabled && newSelectedIndex > firstEnabled)) { newSelectedIndex = firstEnabled; } // Snap the index. newSelectedIndex = snap(newSelectedIndex, firstEnabled - 1, lastEnabled); // Skip the disabled rows. if (newSelectedIndex < firstEnabled) { newSelectedIndex = -1; } else if (newSelectedIndex > lastEnabled) { newSelectedIndex = lastEnabled; } else if (getRow(RowIndex(newSelectedIndex))->disabled()) { auto delta = (direction > 0) ? 1 : -1; for (newSelectedIndex += delta; ; newSelectedIndex += delta) { // We must find an enabled row, firstEnabled <= us <= lastEnabled. t_assert(newSelectedIndex >= 0 && newSelectedIndex < rowsCount); if (!getRow(RowIndex(newSelectedIndex))->disabled()) { break; } } } _selected.index.value = newSelectedIndex; _selected.action = false; if (newSelectedIndex >= 0) { auto top = (newSelectedIndex > 0) ? getRowTop(RowIndex(newSelectedIndex)) : 0; auto bottom = (newSelectedIndex + 1 < rowsCount) ? getRowTop(RowIndex(newSelectedIndex + 1)) : height(); emit mustScrollTo(top, bottom); } update(); } void PeerListBox::Inner::selectSkipPage(int height, int direction) { auto rowsToSkip = height / _rowHeight; if (!rowsToSkip) return; selectSkip(rowsToSkip * direction); } void PeerListBox::Inner::loadProfilePhotos() { if (_visibleTop >= _visibleBottom) return; auto yFrom = _visibleTop; auto yTo = _visibleBottom + (_visibleBottom - _visibleTop) * PreloadHeightsCount; AuthSession::Current().downloader().clearPriorities(); if (yTo < 0) return; if (yFrom < 0) yFrom = 0; auto rowsCount = shownRowsCount(); if (rowsCount > 0) { auto from = yFrom / _rowHeight; if (from < 0) from = 0; if (from < rowsCount) { auto to = (yTo / _rowHeight) + 1; if (to > rowsCount) to = rowsCount; for (auto index = from; index != to; ++index) { getRow(RowIndex(index))->peer()->loadUserpic(); } } } } void PeerListBox::Inner::checkScrollForPreload() { if (_visibleBottom + PreloadHeightsCount * (_visibleBottom - _visibleTop) > height()) { _controller->preloadRows(); } } void PeerListBox::Inner::searchQueryChanged(QString query) { auto searchWordsList = query.isEmpty() ? QStringList() : query.split(cWordSplit(), QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (!searchWordsList.isEmpty()) { query = searchWordsList.join(' '); } if (_searchQuery != query) { setSelected(Selected()); setPressed(Selected()); _searchQuery = query; _filterResults.clear(); clearGlobalSearchRows(); if (!searchWordsList.isEmpty()) { auto minimalList = (const std::vector*)nullptr; for_const (auto &searchWord, searchWordsList) { auto searchWordStart = searchWord[0].toLower(); auto it = _searchIndex.find(searchWordStart); if (it == _searchIndex.cend()) { // Some word can't be found in any row. minimalList = nullptr; break; } else if (!minimalList || minimalList->size() > it->second.size()) { minimalList = &it->second; } } if (minimalList) { auto searchWordInNames = [](PeerData *peer, const QString &searchWord) { for_const (auto &nameWord, peer->names) { if (nameWord.startsWith(searchWord)) { return true; } } return false; }; auto allSearchWordsInNames = [searchWordInNames, &searchWordsList](PeerData *peer) { for_const (auto &searchWord, searchWordsList) { if (!searchWordInNames(peer, searchWord)) { return false; } } return true; }; _filterResults.reserve(minimalList->size()); for_const (auto row, *minimalList) { if (allSearchWordsInNames(row->peer())) { _filterResults.push_back(row); } } } } if (_searchMode == SearchMode::Global) { _globalSearchRequestId = 0; needGlobalSearch(); } refreshRows(); restoreSelection(); } } void PeerListBox::Inner::needGlobalSearch() { if (!globalSearchInCache()) { if (!_globalSearchTimer) { _globalSearchTimer = object_ptr(this); _globalSearchTimer->setTimeoutHandler([this] { globalSearchOnServer(); }); } _globalSearchTimer->start(AutoSearchTimeout); } } bool PeerListBox::Inner::globalSearchInCache() { auto it = _globalSearchCache.find(_searchQuery); if (it != _globalSearchCache.cend()) { _globalSearchQuery = _searchQuery; _globalSearchRequestId = 0; globalSearchDone(it->second, _globalSearchRequestId); return true; } return false; } void PeerListBox::Inner::globalSearchOnServer() { _globalSearchQuery = _searchQuery; _globalSearchRequestId = request(MTPcontacts_Search(MTP_string(_globalSearchQuery), MTP_int(SearchPeopleLimit))).done([this](const MTPcontacts_Found &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { globalSearchDone(result, requestId); }).fail([this](const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId requestId) { if (_globalSearchRequestId == requestId) { _globalSearchRequestId = 0; refreshRows(); } }).send(); _globalSearchQueries.emplace(_globalSearchRequestId, _globalSearchQuery); } void PeerListBox::Inner::globalSearchDone(const MTPcontacts_Found &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { auto query = _globalSearchQuery; if (requestId) { auto it = _globalSearchQueries.find(requestId); if (it != _globalSearchQueries.cend()) { query = it->second; _globalSearchCache[query] = result; _globalSearchQueries.erase(it); } } if (_globalSearchRequestId == requestId) { _globalSearchRequestId = 0; if (result.type() == mtpc_contacts_found) { auto &contacts = result.c_contacts_found(); App::feedUsers(contacts.vusers); App::feedChats(contacts.vchats); _globalSearchHighlight = query; if (!_globalSearchHighlight.isEmpty() && _globalSearchHighlight[0] == '@') { _globalSearchHighlight = _globalSearchHighlight.mid(1); } for_const (auto &mtpPeer, contacts.vresults.v) { if (auto peer = App::peerLoaded(peerFromMTP(mtpPeer))) { if (findRow(peer->id)) { continue; } if (auto row = _controller->createGlobalRow(peer)) { t_assert(row->id() == row->peer()->id); appendGlobalSearchRow(std::move(row)); } } } } refreshRows(); updateSelection(); } } bool PeerListBox::Inner::globalSearchLoading() const { return (_globalSearchTimer && _globalSearchTimer->isActive()) || _globalSearchRequestId; } void PeerListBox::Inner::submitted() { if (auto row = getRow(_selected.index)) { _controller->rowClicked(row); } } void PeerListBox::Inner::setVisibleTopBottom(int visibleTop, int visibleBottom) { _visibleTop = visibleTop; _visibleBottom = visibleBottom; loadProfilePhotos(); checkScrollForPreload(); } void PeerListBox::Inner::setSelected(Selected selected) { updateRow(_selected.index); if (_selected != selected) { _selected = selected; updateRow(_selected.index); setCursor(_selected.action ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); } } void PeerListBox::Inner::restoreSelection() { _lastMousePosition = QCursor::pos(); updateSelection(); } void PeerListBox::Inner::updateSelection() { if (!_mouseSelection) return; auto rowsTop = st::membersMarginTop; auto point = mapFromGlobal(_lastMousePosition); auto in = parentWidget()->rect().contains(parentWidget()->mapFromGlobal(_lastMousePosition)); auto selected = Selected(); auto rowsPointY = point.y() - rowsTop; selected.index.value = (in && rowsPointY >= 0 && rowsPointY < shownRowsCount() * _rowHeight) ? (rowsPointY / _rowHeight) : -1; if (selected.index.value >= 0) { auto row = getRow(selected.index); if (row->disabled()) { selected = Selected(); } else { if (getActionRect(row, selected.index).contains(point)) { selected.action = true; } } } setSelected(selected); } QRect PeerListBox::Inner::getActionRect(Row *row, RowIndex index) const { auto actionSize = row->actionSize(); if (actionSize.isEmpty()) { return QRect(); } auto actionMargins = row->actionMargins(); auto actionRight = st::contactsPadding.right() + actionMargins.right(); auto actionTop = actionMargins.top(); auto actionLeft = width() - actionRight - actionSize.width(); auto rowTop = getRowTop(index); return myrtlrect(actionLeft, rowTop + actionTop, actionSize.width(), actionSize.height()); } void PeerListBox::Inner::peerUpdated(PeerData *peer) { update(); } int PeerListBox::Inner::getRowTop(RowIndex index) const { if (index.value >= 0) { return st::membersMarginTop + index.value * _rowHeight; } return -1; } void PeerListBox::Inner::updateRow(Row *row, RowIndex hint) { updateRow(findRowIndex(row, hint)); } void PeerListBox::Inner::updateRow(RowIndex index) { if (index.value < 0) { return; } auto row = getRow(index); if (row->disabled()) { if (index == _selected.index) { setSelected(Selected()); } if (index == _pressed.index) { setPressed(Selected()); } } update(0, getRowTop(index), width(), _rowHeight); } template bool PeerListBox::Inner::enumerateShownRows(Callback callback) { return enumerateShownRows(0, shownRowsCount(), std::move(callback)); } template bool PeerListBox::Inner::enumerateShownRows(int from, int to, Callback callback) { t_assert(0 <= from); t_assert(from <= to); if (showingSearch()) { t_assert(to <= _filterResults.size()); for (auto i = from; i != to; ++i) { if (!callback(_filterResults[i])) { return false; } } } else { t_assert(to <= _rows.size()); for (auto i = from; i != to; ++i) { if (!callback(_rows[i].get())) { return false; } } } return true; } PeerListBox::Row *PeerListBox::Inner::getRow(RowIndex index) { if (index.value >= 0) { if (showingSearch()) { if (index.value < _filterResults.size()) { return _filterResults[index.value]; } } else if (index.value < _rows.size()) { return _rows[index.value].get(); } } return nullptr; } PeerListBox::Inner::RowIndex PeerListBox::Inner::findRowIndex(Row *row, RowIndex hint) { if (!showingSearch()) { t_assert(!row->isGlobalSearchResult()); return RowIndex(row->absoluteIndex()); } auto result = hint; if (getRow(result) == row) { return result; } auto count = shownRowsCount(); for (result.value = 0; result.value != count; ++result.value) { if (getRow(result) == row) { return result; } } result.value = -1; return result; } void PeerListBox::Inner::onPeerNameChanged(PeerData *peer, const PeerData::Names &oldNames, const PeerData::NameFirstChars &oldChars) { auto byPeer = _rowsByPeer.find(peer); if (byPeer != _rowsByPeer.cend()) { for (auto row : byPeer->second) { if (addingToSearchIndex()) { addToSearchIndex(row); } row->refreshName(); updateRow(row); } } } void PeerListRowWithLink::setActionLink(const QString &action) { _action = action; refreshActionLink(); } void PeerListRowWithLink::refreshActionLink() { if (!isInitialized()) return; _actionWidth = _action.isEmpty() ? 0 : st::normalFont->width(_action); } void PeerListRowWithLink::lazyInitialize() { Row::lazyInitialize(); refreshActionLink(); } QSize PeerListRowWithLink::actionSize() const { return QSize(_actionWidth, st::normalFont->height); } QMargins PeerListRowWithLink::actionMargins() const { return QMargins(st::contactsCheckPosition.x(), (st::contactsPadding.top() + st::contactsPhotoSize + st::contactsPadding.bottom() - st::normalFont->height) / 2, st::contactsCheckPosition.x(), 0); } void PeerListRowWithLink::paintAction(Painter &p, TimeMs ms, int x, int y, int outerWidth, bool actionSelected) { p.setFont(actionSelected ? st::linkOverFont : st::linkFont); p.setPen(actionSelected ? st::defaultLinkButton.overColor : st::defaultLinkButton.color); p.drawTextLeft(x, y, outerWidth, _action, _actionWidth); } void ChatsListBoxController::prepare() { view()->setSearchNoResultsText(lang(lng_blocked_list_not_found)); view()->setSearchMode(PeerListBox::SearchMode::Global); prepareViewHook(); rebuildRows(); auto &sessionData = AuthSession::Current().data(); subscribe(sessionData.contactsLoaded(), [this](bool loaded) { rebuildRows(); }); subscribe(sessionData.moreChatsLoaded(), [this] { rebuildRows(); }); subscribe(sessionData.allChatsLoaded(), [this](bool loaded) { checkForEmptyRows(); }); } void ChatsListBoxController::rebuildRows() { auto ms = getms(); auto wasEmpty = !view()->fullRowsCount(); auto appendList = [this](auto chats) { auto count = 0; for_const (auto row, chats->all()) { auto history = row->history(); if (history->peer->isUser()) { if (appendRow(history)) { ++count; } } } return count; }; auto added = appendList(App::main()->dialogsList()); added += appendList(App::main()->contactsNoDialogsList()); if (!wasEmpty && added > 0) { view()->reorderRows([](auto &&begin, auto &&end) { // Place dialogs list before contactsNoDialogs list. std::stable_partition(begin, end, [](auto &row) { auto history = static_cast(*row).history(); return history->inChatList(Dialogs::Mode::All); }); }); } checkForEmptyRows(); view()->refreshRows(); } void ChatsListBoxController::checkForEmptyRows() { if (view()->fullRowsCount()) { view()->setAboutText(QString()); } else { auto &sessionData = AuthSession::Current().data(); auto loaded = sessionData.contactsLoaded().value() && sessionData.allChatsLoaded().value(); view()->setAboutText(lang(loaded ? lng_contacts_not_found : lng_contacts_loading)); } } std::unique_ptr ChatsListBoxController::createGlobalRow(PeerData *peer) { return createRow(App::history(peer)); } bool ChatsListBoxController::appendRow(History *history) { if (auto row = view()->findRow(history->peer->id)) { updateRowHook(static_cast(row)); return false; } if (auto row = createRow(history)) { view()->appendRow(std::move(row)); return true; } return false; }