/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "ui/widgets/continuous_sliders.h" #include "ui/painter.h" #include "base/timer.h" #include "base/platform/base_platform_info.h" #include "styles/style_widgets.h" namespace Ui { namespace { constexpr auto kByWheelFinishedTimeout = 1000; } // namespace ContinuousSlider::ContinuousSlider(QWidget *parent) : RpWidget(parent) { setCursor(style::cur_pointer); } void ContinuousSlider::setDisabled(bool disabled) { if (_disabled != disabled) { _disabled = disabled; setCursor(_disabled ? style::cur_default : style::cur_pointer); update(); } } void ContinuousSlider::setMoveByWheel(bool move) { if (move != moveByWheel()) { if (move) { _byWheelFinished = std::make_unique([=] { if (_changeFinishedCallback) { _changeFinishedCallback(getCurrentValue()); } }); } else { _byWheelFinished = nullptr; } } } QRect ContinuousSlider::getSeekRect() const { const auto decrease = getSeekDecreaseSize(); return isHorizontal() ? QRect(decrease.width() / 2, 0, width() - decrease.width(), height()) : QRect(0, decrease.height() / 2, width(), height() - decrease.width()); } float64 ContinuousSlider::value() const { return getCurrentValue(); } void ContinuousSlider::setValue(float64 value) { setValue(value, -1); } void ContinuousSlider::setValue(float64 value, float64 receivedTill) { if (_value != value || _receivedTill != receivedTill) { _value = value; _receivedTill = receivedTill; update(); } } void ContinuousSlider::setFadeOpacity(float64 opacity) { _fadeOpacity = opacity; update(); } void ContinuousSlider::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (_mouseDown) { updateDownValueFromPos(e->pos()); } } float64 ContinuousSlider::computeValue(const QPoint &pos) const { const auto seekRect = myrtlrect(getSeekRect()); const auto result = isHorizontal() ? (pos.x() - seekRect.x()) / float64(seekRect.width()) : (1. - (pos.y() - seekRect.y()) / float64(seekRect.height())); const auto snapped = std::clamp(result, 0., 1.); return _adjustCallback ? _adjustCallback(snapped) : snapped; } void ContinuousSlider::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { _mouseDown = true; _downValue = computeValue(e->pos()); update(); if (_changeProgressCallback) { _changeProgressCallback(_downValue); } } void ContinuousSlider::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (_mouseDown) { _mouseDown = false; if (_changeFinishedCallback) { _changeFinishedCallback(_downValue); } _value = _downValue; update(); } } void ContinuousSlider::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e) { if (_mouseDown || !moveByWheel()) { return; } constexpr auto step = static_cast(QWheelEvent::DefaultDeltasPerStep); constexpr auto coef = 1. / (step * 10.); auto deltaX = e->angleDelta().x(), deltaY = e->angleDelta().y(); if (Platform::IsMac()) { deltaY *= -1; } else { deltaX *= -1; } auto delta = (qAbs(deltaX) > qAbs(deltaY)) ? deltaX : deltaY; auto finalValue = std::clamp(_value + delta * coef, 0., 1.); setValue(finalValue); if (_changeProgressCallback) { _changeProgressCallback(finalValue); } _byWheelFinished->callOnce(kByWheelFinishedTimeout); } void ContinuousSlider::updateDownValueFromPos(const QPoint &pos) { _downValue = computeValue(pos); update(); if (_changeProgressCallback) { _changeProgressCallback(_downValue); } } void ContinuousSlider::enterEventHook(QEnterEvent *e) { setOver(true); } void ContinuousSlider::leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) { setOver(false); } void ContinuousSlider::setOver(bool over) { if (_over == over) return; _over = over; auto from = _over ? 0. : 1., to = _over ? 1. : 0.; _overAnimation.start([=] { update(); }, from, to, getOverDuration()); } FilledSlider::FilledSlider(QWidget *parent, const style::FilledSlider &st) : ContinuousSlider(parent) , _st(st) { } QSize FilledSlider::getSeekDecreaseSize() const { return QSize(0, 0); } float64 FilledSlider::getOverDuration() const { return _st.duration; } void FilledSlider::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { auto p = QPainter(this); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); const auto masterOpacity = fadeOpacity(); const auto disabled = isDisabled(); const auto over = getCurrentOverFactor(); const auto lineWidth = _st.lineWidth + ((_st.fullWidth - _st.lineWidth) * over); const auto lineWidthRounded = std::floor(lineWidth); const auto lineWidthPartial = lineWidth - lineWidthRounded; const auto seekRect = getSeekRect(); const auto value = getCurrentValue(); const auto from = seekRect.x(); const auto mid = qRound(from + value * seekRect.width()); const auto end = from + seekRect.width(); if (mid > from) { p.setOpacity(masterOpacity); p.fillRect(from, height() - lineWidthRounded, (mid - from), lineWidthRounded, disabled ? _st.disabledFg : _st.activeFg); if (lineWidthPartial > 0.01) { p.setOpacity(masterOpacity * lineWidthPartial); p.fillRect(from, height() - lineWidthRounded - 1, (mid - from), 1, disabled ? _st.disabledFg : _st.activeFg); } } if (end > mid && over > 0) { p.setOpacity(masterOpacity * over); p.fillRect(mid, height() - lineWidthRounded, (end - mid), lineWidthRounded, _st.inactiveFg); if (lineWidthPartial > 0.01) { p.setOpacity(masterOpacity * over * lineWidthPartial); p.fillRect(mid, height() - lineWidthRounded - 1, (end - mid), 1, _st.inactiveFg); } } } MediaSlider::MediaSlider(QWidget *parent, const style::MediaSlider &st) : ContinuousSlider(parent) , _st(st) { } QSize MediaSlider::getSeekDecreaseSize() const { return _alwaysDisplayMarker ? _st.seekSize : QSize(); } float64 MediaSlider::getOverDuration() const { return _st.duration; } void MediaSlider::disablePaint(bool disabled) { _paintDisabled = disabled; } void MediaSlider::addDivider(float64 atValue, const QSize &size) { _dividers.push_back(Divider{ atValue, size }); } void MediaSlider::setActiveFgOverride(std::optional color) { _activeFgOverride = color; update(); } void MediaSlider::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { if (_paintDisabled) { return; } auto p = QPainter(this); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setOpacity(fadeOpacity()); const auto horizontal = isHorizontal(); const auto radius = _st.width / 2; const auto disabled = isDisabled(); const auto over = getCurrentOverFactor(); const auto seekRect = getSeekRect(); // invert colors and value for vertical const auto value = horizontal ? getCurrentValue() : (1. - getCurrentValue()); // receivedTill is not supported for vertical const auto receivedTill = horizontal ? getCurrentReceivedTill() : value; const auto markerFrom = (horizontal ? seekRect.x() : seekRect.y()); const auto markerLength = horizontal ? seekRect.width() : seekRect.height(); const auto from = 0; const auto length = (horizontal ? width() : height()); const auto alwaysSeekSize = horizontal ? _st.seekSize.width() : _st.seekSize.height(); const auto mid = _alwaysDisplayMarker ? qRound(from + (alwaysSeekSize / 2.) + value * (length - alwaysSeekSize)) : qRound(from + value * length); const auto till = horizontal ? std::max(mid, qRound(from + receivedTill * length)) : mid; const auto end = from + length; const auto activeFg = disabled ? _st.activeFgDisabled : _activeFgOverride ? QBrush(*_activeFgOverride) : anim::brush(_st.activeFg, _st.activeFgOver, over); const auto receivedTillFg = _st.receivedTillFg; const auto inactiveFg = disabled ? _st.inactiveFgDisabled : anim::brush(_st.inactiveFg, _st.inactiveFgOver, over); if (mid > from) { const auto fromClipRect = horizontal ? QRect(0, 0, mid, height()) : QRect(0, 0, width(), mid); const auto till = std::min(mid + radius, end); const auto fromRect = horizontal ? QRect(from, (height() - _st.width) / 2, till - from, _st.width) : QRect((width() - _st.width) / 2, from, _st.width, till - from); p.setClipRect(fromClipRect); p.setBrush(horizontal ? activeFg : inactiveFg); p.drawRoundedRect(fromRect, radius, radius); } if (till > mid) { Assert(horizontal); auto clipRect = QRect(mid, 0, till - mid, height()); const auto left = std::max(mid - radius, from); const auto right = std::min(till + radius, end); const auto rect = QRect( left, (height() - _st.width) / 2, right - left, _st.width); p.setClipRect(clipRect); p.setBrush(receivedTillFg); p.drawRoundedRect(rect, radius, radius); } if (end > till) { const auto endClipRect = horizontal ? QRect(till, 0, width() - till, height()) : QRect(0, till, width(), height() - till); const auto begin = std::max(till - radius, from); const auto endRect = horizontal ? QRect( begin, (height() - _st.width) / 2, end - begin, _st.width) : QRect( (width() - _st.width) / 2, begin, _st.width, end - begin); p.setClipRect(endClipRect); p.setBrush(horizontal ? inactiveFg : activeFg); p.drawRoundedRect(endRect, radius, radius); } if (!_dividers.empty()) { p.setClipRect(rect()); for (const auto ÷r : _dividers) { const auto dividerValue = horizontal ? divider.atValue : (1. - divider.atValue); const auto dividerMid = base::SafeRound(from + dividerValue * length); const auto &size = divider.size; const auto rect = horizontal ? QRect( dividerMid - size.width() / 2, (height() - size.height()) / 2, size.width(), size.height()) : QRect( (width() - size.height()) / 2, dividerMid - size.width() / 2, size.height(), size.width()); p.setBrush(((value < dividerValue) == horizontal) ? inactiveFg : activeFg); const auto dividerRadius = size.width() / 2.; p.drawRoundedRect(rect, dividerRadius, dividerRadius); } } const auto markerSizeRatio = disabled ? 0. : (_alwaysDisplayMarker ? 1. : over); if (markerSizeRatio > 0) { const auto position = qRound(markerFrom + value * markerLength) - (horizontal ? (_st.seekSize.width() / 2) : (_st.seekSize.height() / 2)); const auto seekButton = horizontal ? QRect( position, (height() - _st.seekSize.height()) / 2, _st.seekSize.width(), _st.seekSize.height()) : QRect( (width() - _st.seekSize.width()) / 2, position, _st.seekSize.width(), _st.seekSize.height()); const auto size = horizontal ? _st.seekSize.width() : _st.seekSize.height(); const auto remove = static_cast( ((1. - markerSizeRatio) * size) / 2.); if (remove * 2 < size) { p.setClipRect(rect()); p.setBrush(activeFg); const auto xshift = horizontal ? std::max( seekButton.x() + seekButton.width() - remove - width(), 0) + std::min(seekButton.x() + remove, 0) : 0; const auto yshift = horizontal ? 0 : std::max( seekButton.y() + seekButton.height() - remove - height(), 0) + std::min(seekButton.y() + remove, 0); p.drawEllipse(seekButton.marginsRemoved( QMargins(remove, remove, remove, remove) ).translated(-xshift, -yshift)); } } } } // namespace Ui