/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "main/main_domain.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "core/core_settings.h" #include "core/shortcuts.h" #include "core/crash_reports.h" #include "main/main_account.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "mtproto/mtproto_config.h" #include "mtproto/mtproto_dc_options.h" #include "storage/storage_domain.h" #include "storage/storage_account.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "export/export_settings.h" #include "window/notifications_manager.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "data/data_peer_values.h" // Data::AmPremiumValue. namespace Main { Domain::Domain(const QString &dataName) : _dataName(dataName) , _local(std::make_unique(this, dataName)) { _active.changes( ) | rpl::take(1) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { // In case we had a legacy passcoded app we start settings here. Core::App().startSettingsAndBackground(); crl::on_main(this, [=] { Core::App().notifications().createManager(); }); }, _lifetime); _active.changes( ) | rpl::map([](Main::Account *account) { return account ? account->sessionValue() : rpl::never(); }) | rpl::flatten_latest( ) | rpl::map([](Main::Session *session) { return session ? session->changes().peerFlagsValue( session->user(), Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::Username) : rpl::never(); }) | rpl::flatten_latest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([](const Data::PeerUpdate &update) { CrashReports::SetAnnotation("Username", update.peer->username()); }, _lifetime); } Domain::~Domain() = default; bool Domain::started() const { return !_accounts.empty(); } Storage::StartResult Domain::start(const QByteArray &passcode) { Expects(!started()); const auto result = _local->start(passcode); if (result == Storage::StartResult::Success) { activateAfterStarting(); crl::on_main(&Core::App(), [=] { suggestExportIfNeeded(); }); } else { Assert(!started()); } return result; } void Domain::finish() { _accountToActivate = -1; _active.reset(nullptr); base::take(_accounts); } void Domain::suggestExportIfNeeded() { Expects(started()); for (const auto &[index, account] : _accounts) { if (const auto session = account->maybeSession()) { const auto settings = session->local().readExportSettings(); if (const auto availableAt = settings.availableAt) { session->data().suggestStartExport(availableAt); } } } } void Domain::accountAddedInStorage(AccountWithIndex accountWithIndex) { Expects(accountWithIndex.account != nullptr); for (const auto &[index, _] : _accounts) { if (index == accountWithIndex.index) { Unexpected("Repeated account index."); } } _accounts.push_back(std::move(accountWithIndex)); } void Domain::activateFromStorage(int index) { _accountToActivate = index; } int Domain::activeForStorage() const { return _accountToActivate; } void Domain::resetWithForgottenPasscode() { if (_accounts.empty()) { _local->startFromScratch(); activateAfterStarting(); } else { for (const auto &[index, account] : _accounts) { account->logOut(); } } } void Domain::activateAfterStarting() { Expects(started()); auto toActivate = _accounts.front().account.get(); for (const auto &[index, account] : _accounts) { if (index == _accountToActivate) { toActivate = account.get(); } watchSession(account.get()); } activate(toActivate); removePasscodeIfEmpty(); } const std::vector &Domain::accounts() const { return _accounts; } std::vector> Domain::orderedAccounts() const { const auto order = Core::App().settings().accountsOrder(); auto accounts = ranges::views::all( _accounts ) | ranges::views::transform([](const Domain::AccountWithIndex &a) { return not_null{ a.account.get() }; }) | ranges::to_vector; ranges::stable_sort(accounts, [&]( not_null a, not_null b) { const auto aIt = a->sessionExists() ? ranges::find(order, a->session().uniqueId()) : end(order); const auto bIt = b->sessionExists() ? ranges::find(order, b->session().uniqueId()) : end(order); return aIt < bIt; }); return accounts; } rpl::producer<> Domain::accountsChanges() const { return _accountsChanges.events(); } Account *Domain::maybeLastOrSomeAuthedAccount() { auto result = (Account*)nullptr; for (const auto &[index, account] : _accounts) { if (!account->sessionExists()) { continue; } else if (index == _lastActiveIndex) { return account.get(); } else if (!result) { result = account.get(); } } return result; } int Domain::accountsAuthedCount() const { auto result = 0; for (const auto &[index, account] : _accounts) { if (account->sessionExists()) { ++result; } } return result; } rpl::producer Domain::activeValue() const { return _active.value(); } Account &Domain::active() const { Expects(!_accounts.empty()); Ensures(_active.current() != nullptr); return *_active.current(); } rpl::producer> Domain::activeChanges() const { return _active.changes() | rpl::map([](Account *value) { return not_null{ value }; }); } rpl::producer Domain::activeSessionChanges() const { return _activeSessions.events(); } rpl::producer Domain::activeSessionValue() const { const auto current = _accounts.empty() ? nullptr : active().maybeSession(); return rpl::single(current) | rpl::then(_activeSessions.events()); } int Domain::unreadBadge() const { return _unreadBadge; } bool Domain::unreadBadgeMuted() const { return _unreadBadgeMuted; } rpl::producer<> Domain::unreadBadgeChanges() const { return _unreadBadgeChanges.events(); } void Domain::notifyUnreadBadgeChanged() { for (const auto &[index, account] : _accounts) { if (const auto session = account->maybeSession()) { session->data().notifyUnreadBadgeChanged(); } } } void Domain::updateUnreadBadge() { _unreadBadge = 0; _unreadBadgeMuted = true; for (const auto &[index, account] : _accounts) { if (const auto session = account->maybeSession()) { const auto data = &session->data(); _unreadBadge += data->unreadBadge(); if (!data->unreadBadgeMuted()) { _unreadBadgeMuted = false; } } } _unreadBadgeChanges.fire({}); } void Domain::scheduleUpdateUnreadBadge() { if (_unreadBadgeUpdateScheduled) { return; } _unreadBadgeUpdateScheduled = true; Core::App().postponeCall(crl::guard(&Core::App(), [=] { _unreadBadgeUpdateScheduled = false; updateUnreadBadge(); })); } not_null Domain::add(MTP::Environment environment) { Expects(started()); Expects(_accounts.size() < kPremiumMaxAccounts); static const auto cloneConfig = [](const MTP::Config &config) { return std::make_unique(config); }; auto mainDcId = MTP::Instance::Fields::kNotSetMainDc; const auto accountConfig = [&](not_null account) { mainDcId = account->mtp().mainDcId(); return cloneConfig(account->mtp().config()); }; auto config = [&] { if (_active.current()->mtp().environment() == environment) { return accountConfig(_active.current()); } for (const auto &[index, account] : _accounts) { if (account->mtp().environment() == environment) { return accountConfig(account.get()); } } return (environment == MTP::Environment::Production) ? cloneConfig(Core::App().fallbackProductionConfig()) : std::make_unique(environment); }(); auto index = 0; while (ranges::contains(_accounts, index, &AccountWithIndex::index)) { ++index; } _accounts.push_back(AccountWithIndex{ .index = index, .account = std::make_unique(this, _dataName, index) }); const auto account = _accounts.back().account.get(); account->setMtpMainDcId(mainDcId); _local->startAdded(account, std::move(config)); watchSession(account); _accountsChanges.fire({}); auto &settings = Core::App().settings(); if (_accounts.size() == 2 && !settings.mainMenuAccountsShown()) { settings.setMainMenuAccountsShown(true); Core::App().saveSettingsDelayed(); } return account; } void Domain::addActivated(MTP::Environment environment, bool newWindow) { const auto added = [&](not_null account) { if (newWindow) { Core::App().ensureSeparateWindowFor(account); } else if (const auto window = Core::App().separateWindowFor( account)) { window->activate(); } else { activate(account); } }; if (accounts().size() < maxAccounts()) { added(add(environment)); } else { for (auto &[index, account] : accounts()) { if (!account->sessionExists() && account->mtp().environment() == environment) { added(account.get()); break; } } } } void Domain::watchSession(not_null account) { account->sessionValue( ) | rpl::filter([=](Session *session) { return session != nullptr; }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](Session *session) { session->data().unreadBadgeChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { scheduleUpdateUnreadBadge(); }, session->lifetime()); Data::AmPremiumValue( session ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _lastMaxAccounts = maxAccounts(); }, session->lifetime()); }, account->lifetime()); account->sessionChanges( ) | rpl::filter([=](Session *session) { return !session; }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { scheduleUpdateUnreadBadge(); closeAccountWindows(account); crl::on_main(&Core::App(), [=] { removeRedundantAccounts(); }); }, account->lifetime()); } void Domain::closeAccountWindows(not_null account) { auto another = (Main::Account*)nullptr; for (auto i = _accounts.begin(); i != _accounts.end(); ++i) { const auto other = not_null(i->account.get()); if (other == account) { continue; } else if (Core::App().separateWindowFor(other)) { const auto that = Core::App().separateWindowFor(account); if (that) { that->close(); } } else if (!another || (other->sessionExists() && !another->sessionExists())) { another = other; } } if (another) { activate(another); } } bool Domain::removePasscodeIfEmpty() { if (_accounts.size() != 1 || _active.current()->sessionExists()) { return false; } Local::reset(); // We completely logged out, remove the passcode if it was there. if (Core::App().passcodeLocked()) { Core::App().unlockPasscode(); } if (!_local->hasLocalPasscode()) { return false; } _local->setPasscode(QByteArray()); Core::App().settings().setSystemUnlockEnabled(false); Core::App().saveSettingsDelayed(); return true; } void Domain::removeRedundantAccounts() { Expects(started()); const auto was = _accounts.size(); for (auto i = _accounts.begin(); i != _accounts.end();) { if (Core::App().separateWindowFor(not_null(i->account.get())) || i->account->sessionExists()) { ++i; continue; } checkForLastProductionConfig(i->account.get()); i = _accounts.erase(i); } if (!removePasscodeIfEmpty() && _accounts.size() != was) { scheduleWriteAccounts(); _accountsChanges.fire({}); } } void Domain::checkForLastProductionConfig( not_null account) { const auto mtp = &account->mtp(); if (mtp->environment() != MTP::Environment::Production) { return; } for (const auto &[index, other] : _accounts) { if (other.get() != account && other->mtp().environment() == MTP::Environment::Production) { return; } } Core::App().refreshFallbackProductionConfig(mtp->config()); } void Domain::maybeActivate(not_null account) { if (Core::App().separateWindowFor(account)) { activate(account); } else { Core::App().preventOrInvoke(crl::guard(account, [=] { activate(account); })); } } void Domain::activate(not_null account) { if (const auto window = Core::App().separateWindowFor(account)) { window->activate(); } if (_active.current() == account.get()) { return; } const auto i = ranges::find(_accounts, account.get(), []( const AccountWithIndex &value) { return value.account.get(); }); Assert(i != end(_accounts)); const auto changed = (_accountToActivate != i->index); auto wasAuthed = false; _activeLifetime.destroy(); if (_active.current()) { _lastActiveIndex = _accountToActivate; wasAuthed = _active.current()->sessionExists(); } _accountToActivate = i->index; _active = account.get(); _active.current()->sessionValue( ) | rpl::start_to_stream(_activeSessions, _activeLifetime); if (changed) { if (wasAuthed) { scheduleWriteAccounts(); } else { crl::on_main(&Core::App(), [=] { removeRedundantAccounts(); }); } } } void Domain::scheduleWriteAccounts() { if (_writeAccountsScheduled) { return; } _writeAccountsScheduled = true; crl::on_main(&Core::App(), [=] { _writeAccountsScheduled = false; _local->writeAccounts(); }); } int Domain::maxAccounts() const { const auto premiumCount = ranges::count_if(accounts(), []( const Main::Domain::AccountWithIndex &d) { return d.account->sessionExists() && (d.account->session().premium() || d.account->session().isTestMode()); }); return std::min(int(premiumCount) + kMaxAccounts, kPremiumMaxAccounts); } rpl::producer Domain::maxAccountsChanges() const { return _lastMaxAccounts.changes(); } } // namespace Main