/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "boxes/peers/edit_participants_box.h" #include "api/api_chat_participants.h" #include "boxes/peers/edit_participant_box.h" #include "boxes/peers/add_participants_box.h" #include "boxes/peers/prepare_short_info_box.h" // PrepareShortInfoBox #include "boxes/peers/edit_members_visible.h" #include "ui/boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "boxes/max_invite_box.h" #include "boxes/add_contact_box.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "menu/menu_antispam_validator.h" #include "mtproto/mtproto_config.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_indexed_list.h" #include "data/data_peer_values.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_stories.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_chat.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "ui/effects/outline_segments.h" #include "ui/widgets/popup_menu.h" #include "info/profile/info_profile_values.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "styles/style_menu_icons.h" namespace { // How many messages from chat history server should forward to user, // that was added to this chat. constexpr auto kForwardMessagesOnAdd = 100; constexpr auto kParticipantsFirstPageCount = 16; constexpr auto kParticipantsPerPage = 200; constexpr auto kSortByOnlineDelay = crl::time(1000); void RemoveAdmin( not_null channel, not_null user, ChatAdminRightsInfo oldRights, Fn onDone, Fn onFail) { const auto newRights = MTP_chatAdminRights(MTP_flags(0)); channel->session().api().request(MTPchannels_EditAdmin( channel->inputChannel, user->inputUser, newRights, MTP_string(QString()) )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { channel->session().api().applyUpdates(result); channel->applyEditAdmin(user, oldRights, ChatAdminRightsInfo(), QString()); if (onDone) { onDone(); } }).fail([=] { if (onFail) { onFail(); } }).send(); } void AddChatParticipant( std::shared_ptr show, not_null chat, not_null user, Fn onDone, Fn onFail) { chat->session().api().request(MTPmessages_AddChatUser( chat->inputChat, user->inputUser, MTP_int(kForwardMessagesOnAdd) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_InvitedUsers &result) { const auto &data = result.data(); chat->session().api().applyUpdates(data.vupdates()); if (onDone) { onDone(); } ChatInviteForbidden( show, chat, CollectForbiddenUsers(&chat->session(), result)); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { ShowAddParticipantsError(show, error.type(), chat, user); if (onFail) { onFail(); } }).send(); } void SaveChatAdmin( std::shared_ptr show, not_null chat, not_null user, bool isAdmin, Fn onDone, Fn onFail, bool retryOnNotParticipant = true) { chat->session().api().request(MTPmessages_EditChatAdmin( chat->inputChat, user->inputUser, MTP_bool(isAdmin) )).done([=] { chat->applyEditAdmin(user, isAdmin); if (onDone) { onDone(); } }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { const auto &type = error.type(); if (retryOnNotParticipant && isAdmin && (type == u"USER_NOT_PARTICIPANT"_q)) { AddChatParticipant(show, chat, user, [=] { SaveChatAdmin( show, chat, user, isAdmin, onDone, onFail, false); }, onFail); } else if (onFail) { onFail(); } }).send(); } void SaveChannelAdmin( std::shared_ptr show, not_null channel, not_null user, ChatAdminRightsInfo oldRights, ChatAdminRightsInfo newRights, const QString &rank, Fn onDone, Fn onFail) { channel->session().api().request(MTPchannels_EditAdmin( channel->inputChannel, user->inputUser, MTP_chatAdminRights(MTP_flags( MTPDchatAdminRights::Flags::from_raw(uint32(newRights.flags)))), MTP_string(rank) )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { channel->session().api().applyUpdates(result); channel->applyEditAdmin(user, oldRights, newRights, rank); if (onDone) { onDone(); } }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { ShowAddParticipantsError(show, error.type(), channel, user); if (onFail) { onFail(); } }).send(); } void SaveChatParticipantKick( not_null chat, not_null user, Fn onDone, Fn onFail) { chat->session().api().request(MTPmessages_DeleteChatUser( MTP_flags(0), chat->inputChat, user->inputUser )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { chat->session().api().applyUpdates(result); if (onDone) { onDone(); } }).fail([=] { if (onFail) { onFail(); } }).send(); } } // namespace Fn SaveAdminCallback( std::shared_ptr show, not_null peer, not_null user, Fn onDone, Fn onFail) { return [=]( ChatAdminRightsInfo oldRights, ChatAdminRightsInfo newRights, const QString &rank) { const auto done = [=] { if (onDone) onDone(newRights, rank); }; const auto saveForChannel = [=](not_null channel) { SaveChannelAdmin( show, channel, user, oldRights, newRights, rank, done, onFail); }; if (const auto chat = peer->asChatNotMigrated()) { const auto saveChatAdmin = [&](bool isAdmin) { SaveChatAdmin(show, chat, user, isAdmin, done, onFail); }; if (newRights.flags == chat->defaultAdminRights(user).flags && rank.isEmpty()) { saveChatAdmin(true); } else if (!newRights.flags) { saveChatAdmin(false); } else { peer->session().api().migrateChat(chat, saveForChannel); } } else if (const auto channel = peer->asChannelOrMigrated()) { saveForChannel(channel); } else { Unexpected("Peer in SaveAdminCallback."); } }; } Fn SaveRestrictedCallback( not_null peer, not_null participant, Fn onDone, Fn onFail) { return [=]( ChatRestrictionsInfo oldRights, ChatRestrictionsInfo newRights) { const auto done = [=] { if (onDone) onDone(newRights); }; const auto saveForChannel = [=](not_null channel) { Api::ChatParticipants::Restrict( channel, participant, oldRights, newRights, done, onFail); }; if (const auto chat = peer->asChatNotMigrated()) { if (participant->isUser() && (newRights.flags & ChatRestriction::ViewMessages)) { SaveChatParticipantKick( chat, participant->asUser(), done, onFail); } else if (!newRights.flags) { done(); } else { peer->session().api().migrateChat(chat, saveForChannel); } } else if (const auto channel = peer->asChannelOrMigrated()) { saveForChannel(channel); } else { Unexpected("Peer in SaveAdminCallback."); } }; } void SubscribeToMigration( not_null peer, rpl::lifetime &lifetime, Fn)> migrate) { if (const auto chat = peer->asChat()) { if (const auto channel = peer->migrateTo()) { migrate(channel); } else if (!chat->isDeactivated()) { chat->session().changes().peerUpdates( peer, Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::Migration ) | rpl::map([](const Data::PeerUpdate &update) { return update.peer->migrateTo(); }) | rpl::filter([](ChannelData *channel) { return (channel != nullptr); }) | rpl::take( 1 ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null channel) { const auto onstack = base::duplicate(migrate); onstack(channel); }, lifetime); } } } ParticipantsAdditionalData::ParticipantsAdditionalData( not_null peer, Role role) : _peer(peer) , _role(role) { fillFromPeer(); } bool ParticipantsAdditionalData::infoLoaded( not_null participant) const { return _peer->isChat() || (_infoNotLoaded.find(participant) == end(_infoNotLoaded)); } bool ParticipantsAdditionalData::canEditAdmin( not_null user) const { if (_creator && _creator->isSelf()) { return true; } else if (_creator == user || user->isSelf()) { return false; } else if (adminRights(user).has_value()) { return !_peer->isChat() && _adminCanEdit.contains(user); } return true; } bool ParticipantsAdditionalData::canAddOrEditAdmin( not_null user) const { if (!canEditAdmin(user)) { return false; } else if (const auto chat = _peer->asChat()) { return chat->canAddAdmins(); } else if (const auto channel = _peer->asChannel()) { return channel->canAddAdmins(); } Unexpected("Peer in ParticipantsAdditionalData::canAddOrEditAdmin."); } bool ParticipantsAdditionalData::canRestrictParticipant( not_null participant) const { const auto user = participant->asUser(); if (user && (!canEditAdmin(user) || user->isSelf())) { return false; } else if (const auto chat = _peer->asChat()) { return chat->canBanMembers(); } else if (const auto channel = _peer->asChannel()) { return channel->canBanMembers(); } Unexpected("Peer in ParticipantsAdditionalData::canRestrictParticipant."); } bool ParticipantsAdditionalData::canRemoveParticipant( not_null participant) const { const auto user = participant->asUser(); if (canRestrictParticipant(participant)) { return true; } else if (const auto chat = _peer->asChat()) { return user && !user->isSelf() && chat->invitedByMe.contains(user) && (chat->amCreator() || !_admins.contains(user)); } return false; } auto ParticipantsAdditionalData::adminRights( not_null user) const -> std::optional { if (const auto chat = _peer->asChat()) { return _admins.contains(user) ? std::make_optional(chat->defaultAdminRights(user)) : std::nullopt; } const auto i = _adminRights.find(user); return (i != end(_adminRights)) ? std::make_optional(i->second) : std::nullopt; } QString ParticipantsAdditionalData::adminRank( not_null user) const { const auto i = _adminRanks.find(user); return (i != end(_adminRanks)) ? i->second : QString(); } auto ParticipantsAdditionalData::restrictedRights( not_null participant) const -> std::optional { if (_peer->isChat()) { return std::nullopt; } const auto i = _restrictedRights.find(participant); return (i != end(_restrictedRights)) ? std::make_optional(i->second) : std::nullopt; } bool ParticipantsAdditionalData::isCreator(not_null user) const { return (_creator == user); } bool ParticipantsAdditionalData::isExternal( not_null participant) const { return _peer->isChat() ? (participant->isUser() && !_members.contains(participant->asUser())) : _external.find(participant) != end(_external); } bool ParticipantsAdditionalData::isKicked( not_null participant) const { return !_peer->isChat() && (_kicked.find(participant) != end(_kicked)); } UserData *ParticipantsAdditionalData::adminPromotedBy( not_null user) const { if (_peer->isChat()) { return _admins.contains(user) ? _creator : nullptr; } const auto i = _adminPromotedBy.find(user); return (i != end(_adminPromotedBy)) ? i->second.get() : nullptr; } UserData *ParticipantsAdditionalData::restrictedBy( not_null participant) const { if (_peer->isChat()) { return nullptr; } const auto i = _restrictedBy.find(participant); return (i != end(_restrictedBy)) ? i->second.get() : nullptr; } void ParticipantsAdditionalData::setExternal( not_null participant) { if (const auto user = participant->asUser()) { _adminRights.erase(user); _adminCanEdit.erase(user); _adminPromotedBy.erase(user); _admins.erase(user); } _restrictedRights.erase(participant); _kicked.erase(participant); _restrictedBy.erase(participant); _infoNotLoaded.erase(participant); _external.emplace(participant); } void ParticipantsAdditionalData::checkForLoaded( not_null participant) { const auto contains = [](const auto &map, const auto &value) { return map.find(value) != map.end(); }; const auto user = participant->asUser(); if (!(user && _creator == user) && !(user && contains(_adminRights, user)) && !contains(_restrictedRights, participant) && !contains(_external, participant) && !contains(_kicked, participant)) { _infoNotLoaded.emplace(participant); } } void ParticipantsAdditionalData::fillFromPeer() { if (const auto chat = _peer->asChat()) { fillFromChat(chat); } else if (const auto channel = _peer->asChannel()) { fillFromChannel(channel); } else { Unexpected("Peer in ParticipantsAdditionalData::fillFromPeer."); } } void ParticipantsAdditionalData::fillFromChat(not_null chat) { if (const auto creator = chat->owner().userLoaded(chat->creator)) { _creator = creator; } if (chat->participants.empty()) { return; } _members = chat->participants; _admins = chat->admins; } void ParticipantsAdditionalData::fillFromChannel( not_null channel) { const auto information = channel->mgInfo.get(); if (!information || !channel->canViewMembers()) { return; } if (information->creator) { _creator = information->creator; _adminRanks[information->creator] = information->creatorRank; } for (const auto user : information->lastParticipants) { const auto admin = information->lastAdmins.find(user); const auto rank = information->admins.find(peerToUser(user->id)); const auto restricted = information->lastRestricted.find(user); if (admin != information->lastAdmins.cend()) { _restrictedRights.erase(user); _kicked.erase(user); _restrictedBy.erase(user); if (admin->second.canEdit) { _adminCanEdit.emplace(user); } else { _adminCanEdit.erase(user); } _adminRights.emplace(user, admin->second.rights); if (rank != end(information->admins) && !rank->second.isEmpty()) { _adminRanks[user] = rank->second; } } else if (restricted != information->lastRestricted.cend()) { _adminRights.erase(user); _adminCanEdit.erase(user); _adminPromotedBy.erase(user); _restrictedRights.emplace(user, restricted->second.rights); } } } void ParticipantsAdditionalData::applyAdminLocally( UserData *user, ChatAdminRightsInfo rights, const QString &rank) { if (isCreator(user) && user->isSelf()) { applyParticipant(Api::ChatParticipant( Api::ChatParticipant::Type::Creator, user->id, UserId(), ChatRestrictionsInfo(), std::move(rights), true, // As the creator is self. rank)); } else if (!rights.flags) { applyParticipant(Api::ChatParticipant( Api::ChatParticipant::Type::Member, user->id, UserId(), ChatRestrictionsInfo(), ChatAdminRightsInfo())); } else { const auto alreadyPromotedBy = adminPromotedBy(user); applyParticipant(Api::ChatParticipant( Api::ChatParticipant::Type::Admin, user->id, alreadyPromotedBy ? peerToUser(alreadyPromotedBy->id) : user->session().userId(), ChatRestrictionsInfo(), std::move(rights), true, rank)); } } void ParticipantsAdditionalData::applyBannedLocally( not_null participant, ChatRestrictionsInfo rights) { const auto user = participant->asUser(); if (!rights.flags) { if (user) { applyParticipant(Api::ChatParticipant( Api::ChatParticipant::Type::Member, user->id, UserId(), ChatRestrictionsInfo(), ChatAdminRightsInfo())); } else { setExternal(participant); } } else { const auto kicked = rights.flags & ChatRestriction::ViewMessages; const auto alreadyRestrictedBy = restrictedBy(participant); applyParticipant(Api::ChatParticipant( kicked ? Api::ChatParticipant::Type::Banned : Api::ChatParticipant::Type::Restricted, participant->id, alreadyRestrictedBy ? peerToUser(alreadyRestrictedBy->id) : participant->session().userId(), std::move(rights), ChatAdminRightsInfo())); } } PeerData *ParticipantsAdditionalData::applyParticipant( const Api::ChatParticipant &data) { return applyParticipant(data, _role); } PeerData *ParticipantsAdditionalData::applyParticipant( const Api::ChatParticipant &data, Role overrideRole) { const auto logBad = [&]() -> PeerData* { LOG(("API Error: Bad participant type %1 got " "while requesting for participants, role: %2" ).arg(static_cast(data.type()) ).arg(static_cast(overrideRole))); return nullptr; }; switch (data.type()) { case Api::ChatParticipant::Type::Creator: { if (overrideRole != Role::Profile && overrideRole != Role::Members && overrideRole != Role::Admins) { return logBad(); } return applyCreator(data); } case Api::ChatParticipant::Type::Admin: { if (overrideRole != Role::Profile && overrideRole != Role::Members && overrideRole != Role::Admins) { return logBad(); } return applyAdmin(data); } case Api::ChatParticipant::Type::Member: { if (overrideRole != Role::Profile && overrideRole != Role::Members) { return logBad(); } return applyRegular(data.userId()); } case Api::ChatParticipant::Type::Restricted: case Api::ChatParticipant::Type::Banned: if (overrideRole != Role::Profile && overrideRole != Role::Members && overrideRole != Role::Restricted && overrideRole != Role::Kicked) { return logBad(); } return applyBanned(data); case Api::ChatParticipant::Type::Left: return logBad(); }; Unexpected("Api::ChatParticipant::type in applyParticipant."); } UserData *ParticipantsAdditionalData::applyCreator( const Api::ChatParticipant &data) { if (const auto user = applyRegular(data.userId())) { _creator = user; _adminRights[user] = data.rights(); if (user->isSelf()) { _adminCanEdit.emplace(user); } else { _adminCanEdit.erase(user); } if (!data.rank().isEmpty()) { _adminRanks[user] = data.rank(); } else { _adminRanks.remove(user); } return user; } return nullptr; } UserData *ParticipantsAdditionalData::applyAdmin( const Api::ChatParticipant &data) { const auto user = _peer->owner().userLoaded(data.userId()); if (!user) { return nullptr; } else if (const auto chat = _peer->asChat()) { // This can come from saveAdmin callback. _admins.emplace(user); return user; } _infoNotLoaded.erase(user); _restrictedRights.erase(user); _kicked.erase(user); _restrictedBy.erase(user); _adminRights[user] = data.rights(); if (data.canBeEdited()) { _adminCanEdit.emplace(user); } else { _adminCanEdit.erase(user); } if (!data.rank().isEmpty()) { _adminRanks[user] = data.rank(); } else { _adminRanks.remove(user); } if (const auto by = _peer->owner().userLoaded(data.by())) { const auto i = _adminPromotedBy.find(user); if (i == _adminPromotedBy.end()) { _adminPromotedBy.emplace(user, by); } else { i->second = by; } } else { LOG(("API Error: No user %1 for admin promoted by." ).arg(data.by().bare)); } return user; } UserData *ParticipantsAdditionalData::applyRegular(UserId userId) { const auto user = _peer->owner().userLoaded(userId); if (!user) { return nullptr; } else if (const auto chat = _peer->asChat()) { // This can come from saveAdmin or saveRestricted callback. _admins.erase(user); return user; } _infoNotLoaded.erase(user); _adminRights.erase(user); _adminCanEdit.erase(user); _adminPromotedBy.erase(user); _restrictedRights.erase(user); _kicked.erase(user); _restrictedBy.erase(user); return user; } PeerData *ParticipantsAdditionalData::applyBanned( const Api::ChatParticipant &data) { const auto participant = _peer->owner().peerLoaded(data.id()); if (!participant) { return nullptr; } _infoNotLoaded.erase(participant); if (const auto user = participant->asUser()) { _adminRights.erase(user); _adminCanEdit.erase(user); _adminPromotedBy.erase(user); } if (data.isKicked()) { _kicked.emplace(participant); } else { _kicked.erase(participant); } _restrictedRights[participant] = data.restrictions(); if (const auto by = _peer->owner().userLoaded(data.by())) { const auto i = _restrictedBy.find(participant); if (i == _restrictedBy.end()) { _restrictedBy.emplace(participant, by); } else { i->second = by; } } return participant; } void ParticipantsAdditionalData::migrate( not_null chat, not_null channel) { _peer = channel; fillFromChannel(channel); for (const auto &user : _admins) { _adminRights.emplace(user, chat->defaultAdminRights(user)); if (channel->amCreator()) { _adminCanEdit.emplace(user); } if (_creator) { _adminPromotedBy.emplace(user, _creator); } } } ParticipantsOnlineSorter::ParticipantsOnlineSorter( not_null peer, not_null delegate) : _peer(peer) , _delegate(delegate) , _sortByOnlineTimer([=] { sort(); }) { peer->session().changes().peerUpdates( Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::OnlineStatus ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Data::PeerUpdate &update) { const auto peerId = update.peer->id; if (const auto row = _delegate->peerListFindRow(peerId.value)) { row->refreshStatus(); sortDelayed(); } }, _lifetime); sort(); } void ParticipantsOnlineSorter::sortDelayed() { if (!_sortByOnlineTimer.isActive()) { _sortByOnlineTimer.callOnce(kSortByOnlineDelay); } } void ParticipantsOnlineSorter::sort() { const auto channel = _peer->asChannel(); if (channel && (!channel->isMegagroup() || (channel->membersCount() > channel->session().serverConfig().chatSizeMax))) { _onlineCount = 0; return; } const auto now = base::unixtime::now(); _delegate->peerListSortRows([&]( const PeerListRow &a, const PeerListRow &b) { return Data::SortByOnlineValue(a.peer()->asUser(), now) > Data::SortByOnlineValue(b.peer()->asUser(), now); }); refreshOnlineCount(); } rpl::producer ParticipantsOnlineSorter::onlineCountValue() const { return _onlineCount.value(); } void ParticipantsOnlineSorter::refreshOnlineCount() { const auto now = base::unixtime::now(); auto left = 0, right = _delegate->peerListFullRowsCount(); while (right > left) { const auto middle = (left + right) / 2; const auto row = _delegate->peerListRowAt(middle); if (Data::OnlineTextActive(row->peer()->asUser(), now)) { left = middle + 1; } else { right = middle; } } _onlineCount = left; } ParticipantsBoxController::SavedState::SavedState( const ParticipantsAdditionalData &additional) : additional(additional) { } ParticipantsBoxController::ParticipantsBoxController( not_null navigation, not_null peer, Role role) : ParticipantsBoxController(CreateTag(), navigation, peer, role) { } ParticipantsBoxController::ParticipantsBoxController( CreateTag, Window::SessionNavigation *navigation, not_null peer, Role role) : PeerListController(CreateSearchController(peer, role, &_additional)) , _navigation(navigation) , _peer(peer) , _api(&_peer->session().mtp()) , _role(role) , _additional(peer, _role) { subscribeToMigration(); if (_role == Role::Profile) { setupListChangeViewers(); } if (const auto channel = _peer->asChannel()) { subscribeToCreatorChange(channel); } } Main::Session &ParticipantsBoxController::session() const { return _peer->session(); } void ParticipantsBoxController::setupListChangeViewers() { const auto channel = _peer->asChannel(); if (!channel || !channel->isMegagroup()) { return; } channel->owner().megagroupParticipantAdded( channel ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null user) { if (delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount() > 0) { if (delegate()->peerListRowAt(0)->peer() == user) { return; } } if (const auto row = delegate()->peerListFindRow(user->id.value)) { delegate()->peerListPartitionRows([&](const PeerListRow &row) { return (row.peer() == user); }); } else if (auto row = createRow(user)) { const auto raw = row.get(); delegate()->peerListPrependRow(std::move(row)); if (_stories) { _stories->process(raw); } refreshRows(); if (_onlineSorter) { _onlineSorter->sort(); } } }, lifetime()); channel->owner().megagroupParticipantRemoved( channel ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null user) { if (const auto row = delegate()->peerListFindRow(user->id.value)) { delegate()->peerListRemoveRow(row); } refreshRows(); }, lifetime()); } auto ParticipantsBoxController::CreateSearchController( not_null peer, Role role, not_null additional) -> std::unique_ptr { const auto channel = peer->asChannel(); // In admins box complex search is used for adding new admins. if (channel && (role != Role::Admins || channel->canAddAdmins())) { return std::make_unique( channel, role, additional); } return nullptr; } void ParticipantsBoxController::Start( not_null navigation, not_null peer, Role role) { auto controller = std::make_unique( navigation, peer, role); auto initBox = [=, controller = controller.get()]( not_null box) { box->addButton(tr::lng_close(), [=] { box->closeBox(); }); const auto chat = peer->asChat(); const auto channel = peer->asChannel(); const auto canAddNewItem = [&] { Assert(chat != nullptr || channel != nullptr); switch (role) { case Role::Members: return chat ? chat->canAddMembers() : (channel->canAddMembers() && (channel->isMegagroup() || (channel->membersCount() < channel->session().serverConfig().chatSizeMax))); case Role::Admins: return chat ? chat->canAddAdmins() : channel->canAddAdmins(); case Role::Restricted: case Role::Kicked: return chat ? chat->canBanMembers() : channel->canBanMembers(); } Unexpected("Role value in ParticipantsBoxController::Start()"); }(); auto addNewItemText = [&] { switch (role) { case Role::Members: return (chat || channel->isMegagroup()) ? tr::lng_channel_add_members() : tr::lng_channel_add_users(); case Role::Admins: return tr::lng_channel_add_admin(); case Role::Restricted: return tr::lng_channel_add_exception(); case Role::Kicked: return tr::lng_channel_add_removed(); } Unexpected("Role value in ParticipantsBoxController::Start()"); }(); if (canAddNewItem) { box->addLeftButton(std::move(addNewItemText), [=] { controller->addNewItem(); }); } }; navigation->parentController()->show( Box(std::move(controller), initBox)); } void ParticipantsBoxController::addNewItem() { Expects(_role != Role::Profile); if (_role == Role::Members) { addNewParticipants(); return; } const auto adminDone = crl::guard(this, [=]( not_null user, ChatAdminRightsInfo rights, const QString &rank) { editAdminDone(user, rights, rank); }); const auto restrictedDone = crl::guard(this, [=]( not_null participant, ChatRestrictionsInfo rights) { editRestrictedDone(participant, rights); }); const auto initBox = [](not_null box) { box->addButton(tr::lng_cancel(), [=] { box->closeBox(); }); }; _addBox = showBox( Box( std::make_unique( _peer, _role, adminDone, restrictedDone), initBox)); } void ParticipantsBoxController::addNewParticipants() { Expects(_navigation != nullptr); const auto chat = _peer->asChat(); const auto channel = _peer->asChannel(); if (chat) { AddParticipantsBoxController::Start(_navigation, chat); } else if (channel->isMegagroup() || (channel->membersCount() < channel->session().serverConfig().chatSizeMax)) { const auto count = delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount(); auto already = std::vector>(); already.reserve(count); for (auto i = 0; i != count; ++i) { const auto participant = delegate()->peerListRowAt(i)->peer(); if (const auto user = participant->asUser()) { already.emplace_back(user); } } AddParticipantsBoxController::Start( _navigation, channel, { already.begin(), already.end() }); } else { showBox(Box(channel)); } } void ParticipantsBoxController::peerListSearchAddRow( not_null peer) { PeerListController::peerListSearchAddRow(peer); if (_role == Role::Restricted && delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount() > 0) { setDescriptionText(QString()); } } std::unique_ptr ParticipantsBoxController::createSearchRow( not_null peer) { if (const auto user = peer->asUser()) { return createRow(user); } return nullptr; } std::unique_ptr ParticipantsBoxController::createRestoredRow( not_null peer) { if (const auto user = peer->asUser()) { return createRow(user); } return nullptr; } auto ParticipantsBoxController::saveState() const -> std::unique_ptr { Expects(_role == Role::Profile); auto result = PeerListController::saveState(); auto my = std::make_unique(_additional); my->offset = _offset; my->allLoaded = _allLoaded; my->wasLoading = (_loadRequestId != 0); if (const auto search = searchController()) { my->searchState = search->saveState(); } const auto weak = result.get(); if (const auto chat = _peer->asChat()) { chat->session().changes().peerUpdates( chat, Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::Members ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { weak->controllerState = nullptr; }, my->lifetime); } else if (const auto channel = _peer->asMegagroup()) { channel->owner().megagroupParticipantAdded( channel ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null user) { if (!weak->list.empty()) { if (weak->list[0] == user) { return; } } auto pos = ranges::find(weak->list, user); if (pos == weak->list.cend()) { weak->list.emplace_back(user); } ranges::stable_partition( weak->list, [user](auto peer) { return (peer == user); }); }, my->lifetime); channel->owner().megagroupParticipantRemoved( channel ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null user) { weak->list.erase(std::remove( weak->list.begin(), weak->list.end(), user), weak->list.end()); weak->filterResults.erase(std::remove( weak->filterResults.begin(), weak->filterResults.end(), user), weak->filterResults.end()); }, my->lifetime); } result->controllerState = std::move(my); return result; } void ParticipantsBoxController::restoreState( std::unique_ptr state) { auto typeErasedState = state ? state->controllerState.get() : nullptr; if (const auto my = dynamic_cast(typeErasedState)) { if (const auto requestId = base::take(_loadRequestId)) { _api.request(requestId).cancel(); } _additional = std::move(my->additional); _offset = my->offset; _allLoaded = my->allLoaded; if (const auto search = searchController()) { search->restoreState(std::move(my->searchState)); } if (my->wasLoading) { loadMoreRows(); } const auto was = _fullCountValue.current(); PeerListController::restoreState(std::move(state)); const auto now = delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount(); if (now > 0 || _allLoaded) { refreshDescription(); if (_stories) { for (auto i = 0; i != now; ++i) { _stories->process(delegate()->peerListRowAt(i)); } } if (now != was) { refreshRows(); } } if (_onlineSorter) { _onlineSorter->sort(); } } } rpl::producer ParticipantsBoxController::onlineCountValue() const { return _onlineCountValue.value(); } rpl::producer ParticipantsBoxController::fullCountValue() const { return _fullCountValue.value(); } void ParticipantsBoxController::setStoriesShown(bool shown) { _stories = std::make_unique( this, &_navigation->session()); } void ParticipantsBoxController::prepare() { auto title = [&] { switch (_role) { case Role::Admins: return tr::lng_channel_admins(); case Role::Profile: case Role::Members: return ((_peer->isChannel() && !_peer->isMegagroup()) ? tr::lng_profile_subscribers_section() : tr::lng_profile_participants_section()); case Role::Restricted: return tr::lng_exceptions_list_title(); case Role::Kicked: return tr::lng_removed_list_title(); } Unexpected("Role in ParticipantsBoxController::prepare()"); }(); if (const auto megagroup = _peer->asMegagroup()) { if (_role == Role::Members) { delegate()->peerListSetAboveWidget(CreateMembersVisibleButton( megagroup)); } else if ((_role == Role::Admins) && (megagroup->amCreator() || megagroup->hasAdminRights())) { const auto validator = AntiSpamMenu::AntiSpamValidator( _navigation->parentController(), megagroup); delegate()->peerListSetAboveWidget(validator.createButton()); } } delegate()->peerListSetSearchMode(PeerListSearchMode::Enabled); delegate()->peerListSetTitle(std::move(title)); setDescriptionText(tr::lng_contacts_loading(tr::now)); setSearchNoResultsText(tr::lng_blocked_list_not_found(tr::now)); if (_stories) { _stories->prepare(delegate()); } if (_role == Role::Profile) { auto visible = _peer->isMegagroup() ? Info::Profile::CanViewParticipantsValue(_peer->asMegagroup()) : rpl::single(true); std::move(visible) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool visible) { if (!visible) { _onlineCountValue = 0; _onlineSorter = nullptr; } else if (!_onlineSorter) { _onlineSorter = std::make_unique( _peer, delegate()); _onlineCountValue = _onlineSorter->onlineCountValue(); } unload(); rebuild(); }, lifetime()); } else { rebuild(); } } void ParticipantsBoxController::unload() { while (delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount() > 0) { delegate()->peerListRemoveRow( delegate()->peerListRowAt( delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount() - 1)); } if (const auto requestId = base::take(_loadRequestId)) { _api.request(requestId).cancel(); } _allLoaded = false; _offset = 0; } void ParticipantsBoxController::rebuild() { if (const auto chat = _peer->asChat()) { prepareChatRows(chat); } else { loadMoreRows(); } refreshRows(); } QPointer ParticipantsBoxController::showBox( object_ptr box) const { const auto weak = Ui::MakeWeak(box.data()); delegate()->peerListUiShow()->showBox(std::move(box)); return weak; } void ParticipantsBoxController::prepareChatRows(not_null chat) { if (_role == Role::Profile || _role == Role::Members) { _onlineSorter = std::make_unique( chat, delegate()); } rebuildChatRows(chat); if (!delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount()) { chat->updateFullForced(); } using UpdateFlag = Data::PeerUpdate::Flag; chat->session().changes().peerUpdates( chat, UpdateFlag::Members | UpdateFlag::Admins ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Data::PeerUpdate &update) { _additional.fillFromPeer(); if ((update.flags & UpdateFlag::Members) || (_role == Role::Admins)) { rebuildChatRows(chat); } if (update.flags & UpdateFlag::Admins) { rebuildRowTypes(); } }, lifetime()); } void ParticipantsBoxController::rebuildChatRows(not_null chat) { switch (_role) { case Role::Profile: case Role::Members: return rebuildChatParticipants(chat); case Role::Admins: return rebuildChatAdmins(chat); case Role::Restricted: case Role::Kicked: return chatListReady(); } Unexpected("Role in ParticipantsBoxController::rebuildChatRows"); } void ParticipantsBoxController::rebuildChatParticipants( not_null chat) { if (chat->noParticipantInfo()) { chat->updateFullForced(); return; } auto &participants = chat->participants; auto count = delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount(); for (auto i = 0; i != count;) { auto row = delegate()->peerListRowAt(i); Assert(row->peer()->isUser()); auto user = row->peer()->asUser(); if (participants.contains(user)) { ++i; } else { delegate()->peerListRemoveRow(row); --count; } } for (const auto &user : participants) { if (!delegate()->peerListFindRow(user->id.value)) { if (auto row = createRow(user)) { const auto raw = row.get(); delegate()->peerListAppendRow(std::move(row)); if (_stories) { _stories->process(raw); } } } } _onlineSorter->sort(); refreshRows(); chatListReady(); } void ParticipantsBoxController::rebuildChatAdmins( not_null chat) { if (chat->participants.empty()) { // We get such updates often // (when participants list was invalidated). //while (delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount() > 0) { // delegate()->peerListRemoveRow( // delegate()->peerListRowAt(0)); //} return; } auto list = ranges::views::all(chat->admins) | ranges::to_vector; if (const auto creator = chat->owner().userLoaded(chat->creator)) { list.emplace_back(creator); } ranges::sort(list, [](not_null a, not_null b) { return (a->name().compare(b->name(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) < 0); }); const auto same = [&] { const auto count = delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount(); if (count != list.size()) { return false; } for (auto i = 0; i != count; ++i) { if (list[i] != delegate()->peerListRowAt(i)->peer()) { return false; } } return true; }(); if (same) { if (!_allLoaded && !delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount()) { chatListReady(); } return; } while (delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount() > 0) { delegate()->peerListRemoveRow( delegate()->peerListRowAt(0)); } for (const auto user : list) { if (auto row = createRow(user)) { const auto raw = row.get(); delegate()->peerListAppendRow(std::move(row)); if (_stories) { _stories->process(raw); } } } refreshRows(); chatListReady(); } void ParticipantsBoxController::chatListReady() { if (_allLoaded) { return; } _allLoaded = true; refreshDescription(); } void ParticipantsBoxController::rebuildRowTypes() { if (_role != Role::Profile) { return; } const auto count = delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount(); for (auto i = 0; i != count; ++i) { const auto row = static_cast( delegate()->peerListRowAt(i).get()); row->setType(computeType(row->user())); } refreshRows(); } void ParticipantsBoxController::loadMoreRows() { if (searchController() && searchController()->loadMoreRows()) { return; } else if (!_peer->isChannel() || _loadRequestId || _allLoaded) { return; } const auto channel = _peer->asChannel(); if (feedMegagroupLastParticipants()) { return; } const auto filter = [&] { if (_role == Role::Members || _role == Role::Profile) { return MTP_channelParticipantsRecent(); } else if (_role == Role::Admins) { return MTP_channelParticipantsAdmins(); } else if (_role == Role::Restricted) { return MTP_channelParticipantsBanned(MTP_string()); } return MTP_channelParticipantsKicked(MTP_string()); }(); // First query is small and fast, next loads a lot of rows. const auto perPage = (_offset > 0) ? kParticipantsPerPage : kParticipantsFirstPageCount; const auto participantsHash = uint64(0); _loadRequestId = _api.request(MTPchannels_GetParticipants( channel->inputChannel, filter, MTP_int(_offset), MTP_int(perPage), MTP_long(participantsHash) )).done([=](const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants &result) { auto added = false; const auto firstLoad = !_offset; _loadRequestId = 0; auto wasRecentRequest = firstLoad && (_role == Role::Members || _role == Role::Profile) && channel->canViewMembers(); result.match([&](const MTPDchannels_channelParticipants &data) { const auto &[availableCount, list] = wasRecentRequest ? Api::ChatParticipants::ParseRecent(channel, data) : Api::ChatParticipants::Parse(channel, data); for (const auto &data : list) { if (const auto participant = _additional.applyParticipant( data)) { if (appendRow(participant)) { added = true; } } } if (const auto size = list.size()) { _offset += size; } else { // To be sure - wait for a whole empty result list. _allLoaded = true; } }, [](const MTPDchannels_channelParticipantsNotModified &) { LOG(("API Error: " "channels.channelParticipantsNotModified received!")); }); if (_offset > 0 && _role == Role::Admins && channel->isMegagroup()) { if (channel->mgInfo->admins.empty() && channel->mgInfo->adminsLoaded) { channel->mgInfo->adminsLoaded = false; } } if (!firstLoad && !added) { _allLoaded = true; } if (_allLoaded || (firstLoad && delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount() > 0)) { refreshDescription(); } if (_onlineSorter) { _onlineSorter->sort(); } refreshRows(); }).fail([this] { _loadRequestId = 0; }).send(); } void ParticipantsBoxController::refreshDescription() { setDescriptionText((_role == Role::Kicked) ? ((_peer->isChat() || _peer->isMegagroup()) ? tr::lng_group_removed_list_about : tr::lng_channel_removed_list_about)(tr::now) : (delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount() > 0) ? QString() : tr::lng_blocked_list_not_found(tr::now)); } bool ParticipantsBoxController::feedMegagroupLastParticipants() { if ((_role != Role::Members && _role != Role::Profile) || delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount() > 0) { return false; } const auto megagroup = _peer->asMegagroup(); if (!megagroup || !megagroup->canViewMembers()) { return false; } const auto info = megagroup->mgInfo.get(); // // channelFull and channels_channelParticipants members count desynced // so we almost always have LastParticipantsCountOutdated that is set // inside setMembersCount() and so we almost never use lastParticipants. // // => disable this check temporarily. // //if (info->lastParticipantsStatus // != MegagroupInfo::LastParticipantsUpToDate) { // _channel->updateFull(); // return false; //} if (info->lastParticipants.empty()) { return false; } auto added = false; _additional.fillFromPeer(); for (const auto user : info->lastParticipants) { if (appendRow(user)) { added = true; } // // Don't count lastParticipants in _offset, because we don't know // their exact information (admin / creator / restricted), they // could simply be added from the last messages authors. // //++_offset; } if (_onlineSorter) { _onlineSorter->sort(); } return added; } void ParticipantsBoxController::rowClicked(not_null row) { const auto participant = row->peer(); const auto user = participant->asUser(); if (_stories && _stories->handleClick(participant)) { return; } if (_role == Role::Admins) { Assert(user != nullptr); showAdmin(user); } else if (_role == Role::Restricted && (_peer->isChat() || _peer->isMegagroup()) && user) { showRestricted(user); } else { Assert(_navigation != nullptr); if (_role != Role::Profile) { _navigation->parentController()->show(PrepareShortInfoBox( participant, _navigation)); } else { _navigation->showPeerInfo(participant); } } } void ParticipantsBoxController::rowRightActionClicked( not_null row) { const auto participant = row->peer(); const auto user = participant->asUser(); if (_role == Role::Members || _role == Role::Profile) { kickParticipant(participant); } else if (_role == Role::Admins) { Assert(user != nullptr); removeAdmin(user); } else { removeKicked(row, participant); } } base::unique_qptr ParticipantsBoxController::rowContextMenu( QWidget *parent, not_null row) { const auto channel = _peer->asChannel(); const auto participant = row->peer(); const auto user = participant->asUser(); auto result = base::make_unique_q( parent, st::popupMenuWithIcons); if (_navigation) { result->addAction( (participant->isUser() ? tr::lng_context_view_profile : participant->isBroadcast() ? tr::lng_context_view_channel : tr::lng_context_view_group)(tr::now), crl::guard(this, [=] { _navigation->showPeerInfo(participant); }), (participant->isUser() ? &st::menuIconProfile : &st::menuIconInfo)); } if (const auto by = _additional.restrictedBy(participant)) { result->addAction( (_role == Role::Kicked ? tr::lng_channel_banned_status_removed_by : tr::lng_channel_banned_status_restricted_by)( tr::now, lt_user, by->name()), crl::guard(this, [=] { _navigation->parentController()->show( PrepareShortInfoBox(by, _navigation)); }), &st::menuIconAdmin); } else if (user) { if (const auto by = _additional.adminPromotedBy(user)) { result->addAction( tr::lng_channel_admin_status_promoted_by( tr::now, lt_user, by->name()), crl::guard(this, [=] { _navigation->parentController()->show( PrepareShortInfoBox(by, _navigation)); }), &st::menuIconAdmin); } } if (_role == Role::Kicked) { if (_peer->isMegagroup() && _additional.canRestrictParticipant(participant)) { if (user && channel->canAddMembers()) { result->addAction( tr::lng_context_add_to_group(tr::now), crl::guard(this, [=] { unkickParticipant(user); }), &st::menuIconInvite); } result->addAction( tr::lng_profile_delete_removed(tr::now), crl::guard(this, [=] { removeKickedWithRow(participant); }), &st::menuIconDelete); } return result; } if (user && _additional.canAddOrEditAdmin(user)) { const auto isAdmin = _additional.isCreator(user) || _additional.adminRights(user).has_value(); result->addAction( (isAdmin ? tr::lng_context_edit_permissions : tr::lng_context_promote_admin)(tr::now), crl::guard(this, [=] { showAdmin(user); }), (isAdmin ? &st::menuIconAdmin : &st::menuIconPromote)); } if (user && _additional.canRestrictParticipant(participant)) { const auto canRestrictWithoutKick = [&] { if (const auto chat = _peer->asChat()) { return chat->amCreator(); } return _peer->isMegagroup() && !_peer->isGigagroup(); }(); if (canRestrictWithoutKick) { result->addAction( tr::lng_context_restrict_user(tr::now), crl::guard(this, [=] { showRestricted(user); }), &st::menuIconPermissions); } } if (user && _additional.canRemoveParticipant(participant)) { if (!_additional.isKicked(participant)) { const auto isGroup = _peer->isChat() || _peer->isMegagroup(); result->addAction( (isGroup ? tr::lng_context_remove_from_group : tr::lng_profile_kick)(tr::now), crl::guard(this, [=] { kickParticipant(user); }), &st::menuIconRemove); } } return result; } void ParticipantsBoxController::showAdmin(not_null user) { const auto adminRights = _additional.adminRights(user); const auto currentRights = adminRights.value_or(ChatAdminRightsInfo()); auto box = Box( _peer, user, currentRights, _additional.adminRank(user)); if (_additional.canAddOrEditAdmin(user)) { const auto done = crl::guard(this, [=]( ChatAdminRightsInfo newRights, const QString &rank) { editAdminDone(user, newRights, rank); }); const auto fail = crl::guard(this, [=] { if (_editParticipantBox) { _editParticipantBox->closeBox(); } }); const auto show = delegate()->peerListUiShow(); box->setSaveCallback( SaveAdminCallback(show, _peer, user, done, fail)); } _editParticipantBox = showBox(std::move(box)); } void ParticipantsBoxController::editAdminDone( not_null user, ChatAdminRightsInfo rights, const QString &rank) { _addBox = nullptr; if (_editParticipantBox) { _editParticipantBox->closeBox(); } _additional.applyAdminLocally(user, rights, rank); if (!_additional.isCreator(user) || !user->isSelf()) { if (!rights.flags) { if (_role == Role::Admins) { removeRow(user); } } else { if (_role == Role::Admins) { prependRow(user); } else if (_role == Role::Kicked || _role == Role::Restricted) { removeRow(user); } } } recomputeTypeFor(user); refreshRows(); } void ParticipantsBoxController::showRestricted(not_null user) { const auto restrictedRights = _additional.restrictedRights(user); const auto currentRights = restrictedRights ? *restrictedRights : ChatRestrictionsInfo(); const auto hasAdminRights = _additional.adminRights(user).has_value(); auto box = Box( _peer, user, hasAdminRights, currentRights); if (_additional.canRestrictParticipant(user)) { const auto done = crl::guard(this, [=]( ChatRestrictionsInfo newRights) { editRestrictedDone(user, newRights); }); const auto fail = crl::guard(this, [=] { if (_editParticipantBox) { _editParticipantBox->closeBox(); } }); box->setSaveCallback( SaveRestrictedCallback(_peer, user, done, fail)); } _editParticipantBox = showBox(std::move(box)); } void ParticipantsBoxController::editRestrictedDone( not_null participant, ChatRestrictionsInfo rights) { _addBox = nullptr; if (_editParticipantBox) { _editParticipantBox->closeBox(); } _additional.applyBannedLocally(participant, rights); if (!rights.flags) { if (_role == Role::Kicked || _role == Role::Restricted) { removeRow(participant); } } else { const auto kicked = rights.flags & ChatRestriction::ViewMessages; if (kicked) { if (_role == Role::Kicked) { prependRow(participant); } else if (_role == Role::Admins || _role == Role::Restricted || _role == Role::Members) { removeRow(participant); } } else { if (_role == Role::Restricted) { prependRow(participant); } else if (_role == Role::Kicked || _role == Role::Admins || _role == Role::Members) { removeRow(participant); } } } recomputeTypeFor(participant); refreshRows(); } void ParticipantsBoxController::kickParticipant(not_null participant) { const auto user = participant->asUser(); const auto text = ((_peer->isChat() || _peer->isMegagroup()) ? tr::lng_profile_sure_kick : tr::lng_profile_sure_kick_channel)( tr::now, lt_user, user ? user->firstName : participant->name()); _editBox = showBox( Ui::MakeConfirmBox({ .text = text, .confirmed = crl::guard(this, [=] { kickParticipantSure(participant); }), .confirmText = tr::lng_box_remove(), })); } void ParticipantsBoxController::unkickParticipant(not_null user) { _editBox = nullptr; if (const auto row = delegate()->peerListFindRow(user->id.value)) { delegate()->peerListRemoveRow(row); refreshRows(); } const auto show = delegate()->peerListUiShow(); _peer->session().api().chatParticipants().add(show, _peer, { 1, user }); } void ParticipantsBoxController::kickParticipantSure( not_null participant) { _editBox = nullptr; const auto restrictedRights = _additional.restrictedRights(participant); const auto currentRights = restrictedRights ? *restrictedRights : ChatRestrictionsInfo(); if (const auto row = delegate()->peerListFindRow(participant->id.value)) { delegate()->peerListRemoveRow(row); refreshRows(); } auto &session = _peer->session(); if (const auto chat = _peer->asChat()) { session.api().chatParticipants().kick(chat, participant); } else if (const auto channel = _peer->asChannel()) { session.api().chatParticipants().kick( channel, participant, currentRights); } } void ParticipantsBoxController::removeAdmin(not_null user) { _editBox = showBox( Ui::MakeConfirmBox({ .text = tr::lng_profile_sure_remove_admin( tr::now, lt_user, user->firstName), .confirmed = crl::guard(this, [=] { removeAdminSure(user); }), .confirmText = tr::lng_box_remove(), })); } void ParticipantsBoxController::removeAdminSure(not_null user) { _editBox = nullptr; if (const auto chat = _peer->asChat()) { const auto show = delegate()->peerListUiShow(); SaveChatAdmin(show, chat, user, false, crl::guard(this, [=] { editAdminDone( user, ChatAdminRightsInfo(), QString()); }), nullptr); } else if (const auto channel = _peer->asChannel()) { const auto adminRights = _additional.adminRights(user); if (!adminRights) { return; } RemoveAdmin(channel, user, *adminRights, crl::guard(this, [=] { editAdminDone( user, ChatAdminRightsInfo(), QString()); }), nullptr); } } void ParticipantsBoxController::removeKickedWithRow( not_null participant) { if (const auto row = delegate()->peerListFindRow(participant->id.value)) { removeKicked(row, participant); } else { removeKicked(participant); } } void ParticipantsBoxController::removeKicked( not_null participant) { if (const auto channel = _peer->asChannel()) { channel->session().api().chatParticipants().unblock( channel, participant); } } void ParticipantsBoxController::removeKicked( not_null row, not_null participant) { delegate()->peerListRemoveRow(row); if (_role != Role::Kicked && !delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount()) { setDescriptionText(tr::lng_blocked_list_not_found(tr::now)); } refreshRows(); removeKicked(participant); } bool ParticipantsBoxController::appendRow(not_null participant) { if (delegate()->peerListFindRow(participant->id.value)) { recomputeTypeFor(participant); return false; } else if (auto row = createRow(participant)) { const auto raw = row.get(); delegate()->peerListAppendRow(std::move(row)); if (_stories) { _stories->process(raw); } if (_role != Role::Kicked) { setDescriptionText(QString()); } return true; } return false; } bool ParticipantsBoxController::prependRow(not_null participant) { if (const auto row = delegate()->peerListFindRow(participant->id.value)) { recomputeTypeFor(participant); refreshCustomStatus(row); if (_role == Role::Admins) { // Perhaps we've added a new admin from search. delegate()->peerListPrependRowFromSearchResult(row); if (_stories) { _stories->process(row); } } return false; } else if (auto row = createRow(participant)) { const auto raw = row.get(); delegate()->peerListPrependRow(std::move(row)); if (_stories) { _stories->process(raw); } if (_role != Role::Kicked) { setDescriptionText(QString()); } return true; } return false; } bool ParticipantsBoxController::removeRow(not_null participant) { if (auto row = delegate()->peerListFindRow(participant->id.value)) { if (_role == Role::Admins) { // Perhaps we are removing an admin from search results. row->setCustomStatus(tr::lng_channel_admin_status_not_admin(tr::now)); delegate()->peerListConvertRowToSearchResult(row); } else { delegate()->peerListRemoveRow(row); } if (_role != Role::Kicked && !delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount()) { setDescriptionText(tr::lng_blocked_list_not_found(tr::now)); } return true; } return false; } std::unique_ptr ParticipantsBoxController::createRow( not_null participant) const { const auto user = participant->asUser(); if (_role == Role::Profile) { Assert(user != nullptr); return std::make_unique(user, computeType(user)); } const auto chat = _peer->asChat(); const auto channel = _peer->asChannel(); auto row = std::make_unique(participant); refreshCustomStatus(row.get()); if (_role == Role::Admins && user && !_additional.isCreator(user) && _additional.adminRights(user).has_value() && _additional.canEditAdmin(user)) { row->setActionLink(tr::lng_profile_kick(tr::now)); } else if (_role == Role::Kicked || _role == Role::Restricted) { if (_additional.canRestrictParticipant(participant)) { row->setActionLink(tr::lng_profile_delete_removed(tr::now)); } } else if (_role == Role::Members) { Assert(user != nullptr); if ((chat ? chat->canBanMembers() : channel->canBanMembers()) && !_additional.isCreator(user) && (!_additional.adminRights(user) || _additional.canEditAdmin(user))) { row->setActionLink(tr::lng_profile_kick(tr::now)); } if (_role == Role::Members && user->isBot()) { auto seesAllMessages = (user->botInfo->readsAllHistory || _additional.adminRights(user).has_value()); row->setCustomStatus(seesAllMessages ? tr::lng_status_bot_reads_all(tr::now) : tr::lng_status_bot_not_reads_all(tr::now)); } } return row; } auto ParticipantsBoxController::computeType( not_null participant) const -> Type { const auto user = participant->asUser(); auto result = Type(); result.rights = (user && _additional.isCreator(user)) ? Rights::Creator : (user && _additional.adminRights(user).has_value()) ? Rights::Admin : Rights::Normal; result.adminRank = user ? _additional.adminRank(user) : QString(); return result; } void ParticipantsBoxController::recomputeTypeFor( not_null participant) { if (_role != Role::Profile) { return; } const auto row = delegate()->peerListFindRow(participant->id.value); if (row) { static_cast(row)->setType(computeType(participant)); } } void ParticipantsBoxController::refreshCustomStatus( not_null row) const { const auto participant = row->peer(); const auto user = participant->asUser(); if (_role == Role::Admins) { Assert(user != nullptr); if (const auto by = _additional.adminPromotedBy(user)) { row->setCustomStatus(tr::lng_channel_admin_status_promoted_by( tr::now, lt_user, by->name())); } else { if (_additional.isCreator(user)) { row->setCustomStatus( tr::lng_channel_admin_status_creator(tr::now)); } else { row->setCustomStatus( tr::lng_channel_admin_status_not_admin(tr::now)); } } } else if (_role == Role::Kicked || _role == Role::Restricted) { const auto by = _additional.restrictedBy(participant); row->setCustomStatus((_role == Role::Kicked ? tr::lng_channel_banned_status_removed_by : tr::lng_channel_banned_status_restricted_by)( tr::now, lt_user, by ? by->name() : "Unknown")); } } void ParticipantsBoxController::subscribeToMigration() { const auto chat = _peer->asChat(); if (!chat) { return; } SubscribeToMigration( chat, lifetime(), [=](not_null channel) { migrate(chat, channel); }); } void ParticipantsBoxController::migrate( not_null chat, not_null channel) { _peer = channel; _additional.migrate(chat, channel); subscribeToCreatorChange(channel); } void ParticipantsBoxController::subscribeToCreatorChange( not_null channel) { const auto isCreator = channel->amCreator(); channel->flagsValue( ) | rpl::filter([](const ChannelData::Flags::Change &change) { return (change.diff & ChannelDataFlag::Creator); }) | rpl::filter([=] { return (isCreator != channel->amCreator()); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { if (channel->isBroadcast()) { fullListRefresh(); return; } const auto weak = base::make_weak(this); const auto api = &channel->session().api(); api->request(MTPchannels_GetParticipants( channel->inputChannel, MTP_channelParticipantsRecent(), MTP_int(0), // offset MTP_int(channel->session().serverConfig().chatSizeMax), MTP_long(0) // hash )).done([=](const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants &result) { if (channel->amCreator()) { channel->mgInfo->creator = channel->session().user().get(); } channel->mgInfo->lastAdmins.clear(); channel->mgInfo->lastRestricted.clear(); channel->mgInfo->lastParticipants.clear(); result.match([&](const MTPDchannels_channelParticipants &data) { Api::ChatParticipants::ParseRecent(channel, data); }, [](const MTPDchannels_channelParticipantsNotModified &) { }); if (weak) { fullListRefresh(); } }).send(); }, lifetime()); } void ParticipantsBoxController::fullListRefresh() { _additional = ParticipantsAdditionalData(_peer, _role); while (const auto count = delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount()) { delegate()->peerListRemoveRow( delegate()->peerListRowAt(count - 1)); } loadMoreRows(); refreshRows(); } void ParticipantsBoxController::refreshRows() { _fullCountValue = delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount(); delegate()->peerListRefreshRows(); } ParticipantsBoxSearchController::ParticipantsBoxSearchController( not_null channel, Role role, not_null additional) : _channel(channel) , _role(role) , _additional(additional) , _api(&_channel->session().mtp()) { _timer.setCallback([=] { searchOnServer(); }); } void ParticipantsBoxSearchController::searchQuery(const QString &query) { if (_query != query) { _query = query; _offset = 0; _requestId = 0; _allLoaded = false; if (!_query.isEmpty() && !searchInCache()) { _timer.callOnce(AutoSearchTimeout); } else { _timer.cancel(); } } } auto ParticipantsBoxSearchController::saveState() const -> std::unique_ptr { auto result = std::make_unique(); result->query = _query; result->offset = _offset; result->allLoaded = _allLoaded; result->wasLoading = (_requestId != 0); return result; } void ParticipantsBoxSearchController::restoreState( std::unique_ptr state) { if (auto my = dynamic_cast(state.get())) { if (auto requestId = base::take(_requestId)) { _api.request(requestId).cancel(); } _cache.clear(); _queries.clear(); _allLoaded = my->allLoaded; _offset = my->offset; _query = my->query; if (my->wasLoading) { searchOnServer(); } } } void ParticipantsBoxSearchController::searchOnServer() { Expects(!_query.isEmpty()); loadMoreRows(); } bool ParticipantsBoxSearchController::isLoading() { return _timer.isActive() || _requestId; } bool ParticipantsBoxSearchController::searchInCache() { const auto i = _cache.find(_query); if (i != _cache.cend()) { _requestId = 0; searchDone( _requestId, i->second.result, i->second.requestedCount); return true; } return false; } bool ParticipantsBoxSearchController::loadMoreRows() { if (_query.isEmpty()) { return false; } if (_allLoaded || isLoading()) { return true; } auto filter = [&] { switch (_role) { case Role::Admins: // Search for members, appoint as admin on found. case Role::Profile: case Role::Members: return MTP_channelParticipantsSearch(MTP_string(_query)); case Role::Restricted: return MTP_channelParticipantsBanned(MTP_string(_query)); case Role::Kicked: return MTP_channelParticipantsKicked(MTP_string(_query)); } Unexpected("Role in ParticipantsBoxSearchController."); }(); // For search we request a lot of rows from the first query. // (because we've waited for search request by timer already, // so we don't expect it to be fast, but we want to fill cache). const auto perPage = kParticipantsPerPage; const auto participantsHash = uint64(0); _requestId = _api.request(MTPchannels_GetParticipants( _channel->inputChannel, filter, MTP_int(_offset), MTP_int(perPage), MTP_long(participantsHash) )).done([=]( const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { searchDone(requestId, result, perPage); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error, mtpRequestId requestId) { if (_requestId == requestId) { _requestId = 0; _allLoaded = true; delegate()->peerListSearchRefreshRows(); } }).send(); auto entry = Query(); entry.text = _query; entry.offset = _offset; _queries.emplace(_requestId, entry); return true; } void ParticipantsBoxSearchController::searchDone( mtpRequestId requestId, const MTPchannels_ChannelParticipants &result, int requestedCount) { auto query = _query; if (requestId) { const auto addToCache = [&](auto&&...) { auto it = _queries.find(requestId); if (it != _queries.cend()) { query = it->second.text; if (it->second.offset == 0) { auto &entry = _cache[query]; entry.result = result; entry.requestedCount = requestedCount; } _queries.erase(it); } }; result.match([&](const MTPDchannels_channelParticipants &data) { Api::ChatParticipants::Parse(_channel, data); addToCache(); }, [&](const MTPDchannels_channelParticipantsNotModified &) { LOG(("API Error: " "channels.channelParticipantsNotModified received!")); }); } if (_requestId != requestId) { return; } _requestId = 0; result.match([&](const MTPDchannels_channelParticipants &data) { const auto &list = data.vparticipants().v; if (list.size() < requestedCount) { // We want cache to have full information about a query with // small results count (that we don't need the second request). // So we don't wait for empty list unlike the non-search case. _allLoaded = true; } const auto overrideRole = (_role == Role::Admins) ? Role::Members : _role; for (const auto &data : list) { const auto user = _additional->applyParticipant( Api::ChatParticipant(data, _channel), overrideRole); if (user) { delegate()->peerListSearchAddRow(user); } } _offset += list.size(); }, [&](const MTPDchannels_channelParticipantsNotModified &) { _allLoaded = true; }); delegate()->peerListSearchRefreshRows(); }