/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "media/media_clip_reader.h" extern "C" { #include #include #include #include } #include "media/media_clip_ffmpeg.h" #include "media/media_clip_qtgif.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "mainwindow.h" namespace Media { namespace Clip { namespace { QVector threads; QVector managers; QPixmap _prepareFrame(const FrameRequest &request, const QImage &original, bool hasAlpha, QImage &cache) { bool badSize = (original.width() != request.framew) || (original.height() != request.frameh); bool needOuter = (request.outerw != request.framew) || (request.outerh != request.frameh); if (badSize || needOuter || hasAlpha || request.radius != ImageRoundRadius::None) { int32 factor(request.factor); bool newcache = (cache.width() != request.outerw || cache.height() != request.outerh); if (newcache) { cache = QImage(request.outerw, request.outerh, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); cache.setDevicePixelRatio(factor); } { Painter p(&cache); if (newcache) { if (request.framew < request.outerw) { p.fillRect(0, 0, (request.outerw - request.framew) / (2 * factor), cache.height() / factor, st::imageBg); p.fillRect((request.outerw - request.framew) / (2 * factor) + (request.framew / factor), 0, (cache.width() / factor) - ((request.outerw - request.framew) / (2 * factor) + (request.framew / factor)), cache.height() / factor, st::imageBg); } if (request.frameh < request.outerh) { p.fillRect(qMax(0, (request.outerw - request.framew) / (2 * factor)), 0, qMin(cache.width(), request.framew) / factor, (request.outerh - request.frameh) / (2 * factor), st::imageBg); p.fillRect(qMax(0, (request.outerw - request.framew) / (2 * factor)), (request.outerh - request.frameh) / (2 * factor) + (request.frameh / factor), qMin(cache.width(), request.framew) / factor, (cache.height() / factor) - ((request.outerh - request.frameh) / (2 * factor) + (request.frameh / factor)), st::imageBg); } } if (hasAlpha) { p.fillRect(qMax(0, (request.outerw - request.framew) / (2 * factor)), qMax(0, (request.outerh - request.frameh) / (2 * factor)), qMin(cache.width(), request.framew) / factor, qMin(cache.height(), request.frameh) / factor, st::imageBgTransparent); } QPoint position((request.outerw - request.framew) / (2 * factor), (request.outerh - request.frameh) / (2 * factor)); if (badSize) { p.setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); QRect to(position, QSize(request.framew / factor, request.frameh / factor)); QRect from(0, 0, original.width(), original.height()); p.drawImage(to, original, from, Qt::ColorOnly); } else { p.drawImage(position, original); } } if (request.radius != ImageRoundRadius::None) { Images::prepareRound(cache, request.radius, request.corners); } return QPixmap::fromImage(cache, Qt::ColorOnly); } return QPixmap::fromImage(original, Qt::ColorOnly); } } // namespace Reader::Reader(const FileLocation &location, const QByteArray &data, Callback &&callback, Mode mode, int64 seekMs) : _callback(std::move(callback)) , _mode(mode) , _playId(rand_value()) , _seekPositionMs(seekMs) { if (threads.size() < ClipThreadsCount) { _threadIndex = threads.size(); threads.push_back(new QThread()); managers.push_back(new Manager(threads.back())); threads.back()->start(); } else { _threadIndex = int32(rand_value() % threads.size()); int32 loadLevel = 0x7FFFFFFF; for (int32 i = 0, l = threads.size(); i < l; ++i) { int32 level = managers.at(i)->loadLevel(); if (level < loadLevel) { _threadIndex = i; loadLevel = level; } } } managers.at(_threadIndex)->append(this, location, data); } Reader::Frame *Reader::frameToShow(int32 *index) const { // 0 means not ready int step = _step.loadAcquire(), i; if (step == WaitingForDimensionsStep) { if (index) *index = 0; return nullptr; } else if (step == WaitingForRequestStep) { i = 0; } else if (step == WaitingForFirstFrameStep) { i = 0; } else { i = (step / 2) % 3; } if (index) *index = i; return _frames + i; } Reader::Frame *Reader::frameToWrite(int32 *index) const { // 0 means not ready int32 step = _step.loadAcquire(), i; if (step == WaitingForDimensionsStep) { i = 0; } else if (step == WaitingForRequestStep) { if (index) *index = 0; return nullptr; } else if (step == WaitingForFirstFrameStep) { i = 0; } else { i = ((step + 2) / 2) % 3; } if (index) *index = i; return _frames + i; } Reader::Frame *Reader::frameToWriteNext(bool checkNotWriting, int32 *index) const { int32 step = _step.loadAcquire(), i; if (step == WaitingForDimensionsStep || step == WaitingForRequestStep || (checkNotWriting && (step % 2))) { if (index) *index = 0; return nullptr; } i = ((step + 4) / 2) % 3; if (index) *index = i; return _frames + i; } void Reader::moveToNextShow() const { int32 step = _step.loadAcquire(); if (step == WaitingForDimensionsStep) { } else if (step == WaitingForRequestStep) { _step.storeRelease(WaitingForFirstFrameStep); } else if (step == WaitingForFirstFrameStep) { } else if (!(step % 2)) { _step.storeRelease(step + 1); } } void Reader::moveToNextWrite() const { int32 step = _step.loadAcquire(); if (step == WaitingForDimensionsStep) { _step.storeRelease(WaitingForRequestStep); } else if (step == WaitingForRequestStep) { } else if (step == WaitingForFirstFrameStep) { _step.storeRelease(0); // Force paint the first frame so moveToNextShow() is called. _frames[0].displayed.storeRelease(0); } else if (step % 2) { _step.storeRelease((step + 1) % 6); } } void Reader::callback(Reader *reader, int32 threadIndex, Notification notification) { // check if reader is not deleted already if (managers.size() > threadIndex && managers.at(threadIndex)->carries(reader) && reader->_callback) { reader->_callback(notification); } } void Reader::start(int32 framew, int32 frameh, int32 outerw, int32 outerh, ImageRoundRadius radius, ImageRoundCorners corners) { if (managers.size() <= _threadIndex) error(); if (_state == State::Error) return; if (_step.loadAcquire() == WaitingForRequestStep) { int factor = cIntRetinaFactor(); FrameRequest request; request.factor = factor; request.framew = framew * factor; request.frameh = frameh * factor; request.outerw = outerw * factor; request.outerh = outerh * factor; request.radius = radius; request.corners = corners; _frames[0].request = _frames[1].request = _frames[2].request = request; moveToNextShow(); managers.at(_threadIndex)->start(this); } } QPixmap Reader::current(int32 framew, int32 frameh, int32 outerw, int32 outerh, ImageRoundRadius radius, ImageRoundCorners corners, TimeMs ms) { auto frame = frameToShow(); t_assert(frame != nullptr); auto shouldBePaused = !ms; if (!shouldBePaused) { frame->displayed.storeRelease(1); if (_autoPausedGif.loadAcquire()) { _autoPausedGif.storeRelease(0); if (managers.size() <= _threadIndex) error(); if (_state != State::Error) { managers.at(_threadIndex)->update(this); } } } else { frame->displayed.storeRelease(-1); } auto factor = cIntRetinaFactor(); if (frame->pix.width() == outerw * factor && frame->pix.height() == outerh * factor && frame->request.radius == radius && frame->request.corners == corners) { moveToNextShow(); return frame->pix; } frame->request.framew = framew * factor; frame->request.frameh = frameh * factor; frame->request.outerw = outerw * factor; frame->request.outerh = outerh * factor; QImage cacheForResize; frame->original.setDevicePixelRatio(factor); frame->pix = QPixmap(); frame->pix = _prepareFrame(frame->request, frame->original, true, cacheForResize); auto other = frameToWriteNext(true); if (other) other->request = frame->request; moveToNextShow(); if (managers.size() <= _threadIndex) error(); if (_state != State::Error) { managers.at(_threadIndex)->update(this); } return frame->pix; } bool Reader::ready() const { if (_width && _height) return true; auto frame = frameToShow(); if (frame) { _width = frame->original.width(); _height = frame->original.height(); return true; } return false; } bool Reader::hasAudio() const { return ready() ? _hasAudio : false; } TimeMs Reader::getPositionMs() const { if (auto frame = frameToShow()) { return frame->positionMs; } return _seekPositionMs; } TimeMs Reader::getDurationMs() const { return ready() ? _durationMs : 0; } void Reader::pauseResumeVideo() { if (managers.size() <= _threadIndex) error(); if (_state == State::Error) return; _videoPauseRequest.storeRelease(1 - _videoPauseRequest.loadAcquire()); managers.at(_threadIndex)->start(this); } bool Reader::videoPaused() const { return _videoPauseRequest.loadAcquire() != 0; } int32 Reader::width() const { return _width; } int32 Reader::height() const { return _height; } State Reader::state() const { return _state; } void Reader::stop() { if (managers.size() <= _threadIndex) error(); if (_state != State::Error) { managers.at(_threadIndex)->stop(this); _width = _height = 0; } } void Reader::error() { _state = State::Error; _private = nullptr; } void Reader::finished() { _state = State::Finished; _private = nullptr; } Reader::~Reader() { stop(); } class ReaderPrivate { public: ReaderPrivate(Reader *reader, const FileLocation &location, const QByteArray &data) : _interface(reader) , _mode(reader->mode()) , _playId(reader->playId()) , _seekPositionMs(reader->seekPositionMs()) , _data(data) { if (_data.isEmpty()) { _location = std::make_unique(location); if (!_location->accessEnable()) { error(); return; } } _accessed = true; } ProcessResult start(TimeMs ms) { if (!_implementation && !init()) { return error(); } if (frame() && frame()->original.isNull()) { auto readResult = _implementation->readFramesTill(-1, ms); if (readResult == internal::ReaderImplementation::ReadResult::EndOfFile && _seekPositionMs > 0) { // If seek was done to the end: try to read the first frame, // get the frame size and return a black frame with that size. auto firstFramePlayId = 0LL; auto firstFramePositionMs = 0LL; auto reader = std::make_unique(_location.get(), &_data, firstFramePlayId); if (reader->start(internal::ReaderImplementation::Mode::Normal, firstFramePositionMs)) { auto firstFrameReadResult = reader->readFramesTill(-1, ms); if (firstFrameReadResult == internal::ReaderImplementation::ReadResult::Success) { if (reader->renderFrame(frame()->original, frame()->alpha, QSize())) { frame()->original.fill(QColor(0, 0, 0)); frame()->positionMs = _seekPositionMs; _width = frame()->original.width(); _height = frame()->original.height(); _durationMs = _implementation->durationMs(); _hasAudio = _implementation->hasAudio(); return ProcessResult::Started; } } } return error(); } else if (readResult != internal::ReaderImplementation::ReadResult::Success) { // Read the first frame. return error(); } if (!_implementation->renderFrame(frame()->original, frame()->alpha, QSize())) { return error(); } frame()->positionMs = _implementation->frameRealTime(); _width = frame()->original.width(); _height = frame()->original.height(); _durationMs = _implementation->durationMs(); _hasAudio = _implementation->hasAudio(); return ProcessResult::Started; } return ProcessResult::Wait; } ProcessResult process(TimeMs ms) { // -1 - do nothing, 0 - update, 1 - reinit if (_state == State::Error) { return ProcessResult::Error; } else if (_state == State::Finished) { return ProcessResult::Finished; } if (!_request.valid()) { return start(ms); } if (!_started) { _started = true; if (!_videoPausedAtMs) { _implementation->resumeAudio(); } } if (!_autoPausedGif && !_videoPausedAtMs && ms >= _nextFrameWhen) { return ProcessResult::Repaint; } return ProcessResult::Wait; } ProcessResult finishProcess(TimeMs ms) { auto frameMs = _seekPositionMs + ms - _animationStarted; auto readResult = _implementation->readFramesTill(frameMs, ms); if (readResult == internal::ReaderImplementation::ReadResult::EndOfFile) { stop(); _state = State::Finished; return ProcessResult::Finished; } else if (readResult == internal::ReaderImplementation::ReadResult::Error) { return error(); } _nextFramePositionMs = _implementation->frameRealTime(); _nextFrameWhen = _animationStarted + _implementation->framePresentationTime(); if (_nextFrameWhen > _seekPositionMs) { _nextFrameWhen -= _seekPositionMs; } else { _nextFrameWhen = 1; } if (!renderFrame()) { return error(); } return ProcessResult::CopyFrame; } bool renderFrame() { t_assert(frame() != 0 && _request.valid()); if (!_implementation->renderFrame(frame()->original, frame()->alpha, QSize(_request.framew, _request.frameh))) { return false; } frame()->original.setDevicePixelRatio(_request.factor); frame()->pix = QPixmap(); frame()->pix = _prepareFrame(_request, frame()->original, frame()->alpha, frame()->cache); frame()->when = _nextFrameWhen; frame()->positionMs = _nextFramePositionMs; return true; } bool init() { if (_data.isEmpty() && QFileInfo(_location->name()).size() <= AnimationInMemory) { QFile f(_location->name()); if (f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { _data = f.readAll(); if (f.error() != QFile::NoError) { _data = QByteArray(); } } } _implementation = std::make_unique(_location.get(), &_data, _playId); // _implementation = new QtGifReaderImplementation(_location, &_data); auto implementationMode = [this]() { using ImplementationMode = internal::ReaderImplementation::Mode; if (_mode == Reader::Mode::Gif) { return ImplementationMode::Silent; } return ImplementationMode::Normal; }; return _implementation->start(implementationMode(), _seekPositionMs); } void startedAt(TimeMs ms) { _animationStarted = _nextFrameWhen = ms; } void pauseVideo(TimeMs ms) { if (_videoPausedAtMs) return; // Paused already. _videoPausedAtMs = ms; _implementation->pauseAudio(); } void resumeVideo(TimeMs ms) { if (!_videoPausedAtMs) return; // Not paused. auto delta = ms - _videoPausedAtMs; _animationStarted += delta; _nextFrameWhen += delta; _videoPausedAtMs = 0; _implementation->resumeAudio(); } ProcessResult error() { stop(); _state = State::Error; return ProcessResult::Error; } void stop() { _implementation = nullptr; if (_location) { if (_accessed) { _location->accessDisable(); } _location = nullptr; } _accessed = false; } ~ReaderPrivate() { stop(); _data.clear(); } private: Reader *_interface; State _state = State::Reading; Reader::Mode _mode; uint64 _playId; TimeMs _seekPositionMs = 0; QByteArray _data; std::unique_ptr _location; bool _accessed = false; QBuffer _buffer; std::unique_ptr _implementation; FrameRequest _request; struct Frame { QPixmap pix; QImage original, cache; bool alpha = true; TimeMs when = 0; // Counted from the end, so that positionMs <= durationMs despite keep up delays. TimeMs positionMs = 0; }; Frame _frames[3]; int _frame = 0; Frame *frame() { return _frames + _frame; } int _width = 0; int _height = 0; bool _hasAudio = false; TimeMs _durationMs = 0; TimeMs _animationStarted = 0; TimeMs _nextFrameWhen = 0; TimeMs _nextFramePositionMs = 0; bool _autoPausedGif = false; bool _started = false; TimeMs _videoPausedAtMs = 0; friend class Manager; }; Manager::Manager(QThread *thread) : _processingInThread(0), _needReProcess(false) { moveToThread(thread); connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), this, SLOT(process())); connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(finish())); connect(this, SIGNAL(processDelayed()), this, SLOT(process()), Qt::QueuedConnection); _timer.setSingleShot(true); _timer.moveToThread(thread); connect(&_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(process())); anim::registerClipManager(this); } void Manager::append(Reader *reader, const FileLocation &location, const QByteArray &data) { reader->_private = new ReaderPrivate(reader, location, data); _loadLevel.fetchAndAddRelaxed(AverageGifSize); update(reader); } void Manager::start(Reader *reader) { update(reader); } void Manager::update(Reader *reader) { QMutexLocker lock(&_readerPointersMutex); auto i = _readerPointers.find(reader); if (i == _readerPointers.cend()) { _readerPointers.insert(reader, QAtomicInt(1)); } else { i->storeRelease(1); } emit processDelayed(); } void Manager::stop(Reader *reader) { if (!carries(reader)) return; QMutexLocker lock(&_readerPointersMutex); _readerPointers.remove(reader); emit processDelayed(); } bool Manager::carries(Reader *reader) const { QMutexLocker lock(&_readerPointersMutex); return _readerPointers.contains(reader); } Manager::ReaderPointers::iterator Manager::unsafeFindReaderPointer(ReaderPrivate *reader) { ReaderPointers::iterator it = _readerPointers.find(reader->_interface); // could be a new reader which was realloced in the same address return (it == _readerPointers.cend() || it.key()->_private == reader) ? it : _readerPointers.end(); } Manager::ReaderPointers::const_iterator Manager::constUnsafeFindReaderPointer(ReaderPrivate *reader) const { ReaderPointers::const_iterator it = _readerPointers.constFind(reader->_interface); // could be a new reader which was realloced in the same address return (it == _readerPointers.cend() || it.key()->_private == reader) ? it : _readerPointers.cend(); } bool Manager::handleProcessResult(ReaderPrivate *reader, ProcessResult result, TimeMs ms) { QMutexLocker lock(&_readerPointersMutex); auto it = unsafeFindReaderPointer(reader); if (result == ProcessResult::Error) { if (it != _readerPointers.cend()) { it.key()->error(); emit callback(it.key(), it.key()->threadIndex(), NotificationReinit); _readerPointers.erase(it); } return false; } else if (result == ProcessResult::Finished) { if (it != _readerPointers.cend()) { it.key()->finished(); emit callback(it.key(), it.key()->threadIndex(), NotificationReinit); } return false; } if (it == _readerPointers.cend()) { return false; } if (result == ProcessResult::Started) { _loadLevel.fetchAndAddRelaxed(reader->_width * reader->_height - AverageGifSize); it.key()->_durationMs = reader->_durationMs; it.key()->_hasAudio = reader->_hasAudio; } // See if we need to pause GIF because it is not displayed right now. if (!reader->_autoPausedGif && reader->_mode == Reader::Mode::Gif && result == ProcessResult::Repaint) { int32 ishowing, iprevious; auto showing = it.key()->frameToShow(&ishowing), previous = it.key()->frameToWriteNext(false, &iprevious); t_assert(previous != nullptr && showing != nullptr && ishowing >= 0 && iprevious >= 0); if (reader->_frames[ishowing].when > 0 && showing->displayed.loadAcquire() <= 0) { // current frame was not shown if (reader->_frames[ishowing].when + WaitBeforeGifPause < ms || (reader->_frames[iprevious].when && previous->displayed.loadAcquire() <= 0)) { reader->_autoPausedGif = true; it.key()->_autoPausedGif.storeRelease(1); result = ProcessResult::Paused; } } } if (result == ProcessResult::Started || result == ProcessResult::CopyFrame) { t_assert(reader->_frame >= 0); auto frame = it.key()->_frames + reader->_frame; frame->clear(); frame->pix = reader->frame()->pix; frame->original = reader->frame()->original; frame->displayed.storeRelease(0); frame->positionMs = reader->frame()->positionMs; if (result == ProcessResult::Started) { reader->startedAt(ms); it.key()->moveToNextWrite(); emit callback(it.key(), it.key()->threadIndex(), NotificationReinit); } } else if (result == ProcessResult::Paused) { it.key()->moveToNextWrite(); emit callback(it.key(), it.key()->threadIndex(), NotificationReinit); } else if (result == ProcessResult::Repaint) { it.key()->moveToNextWrite(); emit callback(it.key(), it.key()->threadIndex(), NotificationRepaint); } return true; } Manager::ResultHandleState Manager::handleResult(ReaderPrivate *reader, ProcessResult result, TimeMs ms) { if (!handleProcessResult(reader, result, ms)) { _loadLevel.fetchAndAddRelaxed(-1 * (reader->_width > 0 ? reader->_width * reader->_height : AverageGifSize)); delete reader; return ResultHandleRemove; } _processingInThread->eventDispatcher()->processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents); if (_processingInThread->isInterruptionRequested()) { return ResultHandleStop; } if (result == ProcessResult::Repaint) { { QMutexLocker lock(&_readerPointersMutex); auto it = constUnsafeFindReaderPointer(reader); if (it != _readerPointers.cend()) { int32 index = 0; Reader *r = it.key(); Reader::Frame *frame = it.key()->frameToWrite(&index); if (frame) { frame->clear(); } else { t_assert(!reader->_request.valid()); } reader->_frame = index; } } return handleResult(reader, reader->finishProcess(ms), ms); } return ResultHandleContinue; } void Manager::process() { if (_processingInThread) { _needReProcess = true; return; } _timer.stop(); _processingInThread = thread(); bool checkAllReaders = false; auto ms = getms(), minms = ms + 86400 * 1000LL; { QMutexLocker lock(&_readerPointersMutex); for (auto it = _readerPointers.begin(), e = _readerPointers.end(); it != e; ++it) { if (it->loadAcquire() && it.key()->_private != nullptr) { auto i = _readers.find(it.key()->_private); if (i == _readers.cend()) { _readers.insert(it.key()->_private, 0); } else { i.value() = ms; if (i.key()->_autoPausedGif && !it.key()->_autoPausedGif.loadAcquire()) { i.key()->_autoPausedGif = false; } if (it.key()->_videoPauseRequest.loadAcquire()) { i.key()->pauseVideo(ms); } else { i.key()->resumeVideo(ms); } } auto frame = it.key()->frameToWrite(); if (frame) it.key()->_private->_request = frame->request; it->storeRelease(0); } } checkAllReaders = (_readers.size() > _readerPointers.size()); } for (auto i = _readers.begin(), e = _readers.end(); i != e;) { ReaderPrivate *reader = i.key(); if (i.value() <= ms) { ResultHandleState state = handleResult(reader, reader->process(ms), ms); if (state == ResultHandleRemove) { i = _readers.erase(i); continue; } else if (state == ResultHandleStop) { _processingInThread = 0; return; } ms = getms(); if (reader->_videoPausedAtMs) { i.value() = ms + 86400 * 1000ULL; } else if (reader->_nextFrameWhen && reader->_started) { i.value() = reader->_nextFrameWhen; } else { i.value() = (ms + 86400 * 1000ULL); } } else if (checkAllReaders) { QMutexLocker lock(&_readerPointersMutex); auto it = constUnsafeFindReaderPointer(reader); if (it == _readerPointers.cend()) { _loadLevel.fetchAndAddRelaxed(-1 * (reader->_width > 0 ? reader->_width * reader->_height : AverageGifSize)); delete reader; i = _readers.erase(i); continue; } } if (!reader->_autoPausedGif && i.value() < minms) { minms = i.value(); } ++i; } ms = getms(); if (_needReProcess || minms <= ms) { _needReProcess = false; _timer.start(1); } else { _timer.start(minms - ms); } _processingInThread = 0; } void Manager::finish() { _timer.stop(); clear(); } void Manager::clear() { { QMutexLocker lock(&_readerPointersMutex); for (auto it = _readerPointers.begin(), e = _readerPointers.end(); it != e; ++it) { it.key()->_private = nullptr; } _readerPointers.clear(); } for (Readers::iterator i = _readers.begin(), e = _readers.end(); i != e; ++i) { delete i.key(); } _readers.clear(); } Manager::~Manager() { clear(); } MTPDocumentAttribute readAttributes(const QString &fname, const QByteArray &data, QImage &cover) { FileLocation localloc(fname); QByteArray localdata(data); auto playId = 0ULL; auto seekPositionMs = 0LL; auto reader = std::make_unique(&localloc, &localdata, playId); if (reader->start(internal::ReaderImplementation::Mode::OnlyGifv, seekPositionMs)) { bool hasAlpha = false; auto readResult = reader->readFramesTill(-1, getms()); auto readFrame = (readResult == internal::ReaderImplementation::ReadResult::Success); if (readFrame && reader->renderFrame(cover, hasAlpha, QSize())) { if (cover.width() > 0 && cover.height() > 0 && cover.width() < cover.height() * 10 && cover.height() < cover.width() * 10) { if (hasAlpha) { QImage cacheForResize; FrameRequest request; request.framew = request.outerw = cover.width(); request.frameh = request.outerh = cover.height(); request.factor = 1; cover = _prepareFrame(request, cover, hasAlpha, cacheForResize).toImage(); } int duration = reader->durationMs() / 1000; return MTP_documentAttributeVideo(MTP_int(duration), MTP_int(cover.width()), MTP_int(cover.height())); } } } return MTP_documentAttributeFilename(MTP_string(fname)); } void Finish() { if (!threads.isEmpty()) { for (int32 i = 0, l = threads.size(); i < l; ++i) { threads.at(i)->quit(); DEBUG_LOG(("Waiting for clipThread to finish: %1").arg(i)); threads.at(i)->wait(); delete managers.at(i); delete threads.at(i); } threads.clear(); managers.clear(); } } } // namespace Clip } // namespace Media