/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "media/media_audio_loaders.h" #include "media/media_audio.h" #include "media/media_audio_ffmpeg_loader.h" #include "media/media_child_ffmpeg_loader.h" namespace Media { namespace Player { Loaders::Loaders(QThread *thread) : _fromVideoNotify(this, "onVideoSoundAdded") { moveToThread(thread); connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), this, SLOT(onInit())); connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(deleteLater())); } void Loaders::feedFromVideo(VideoSoundPart &&part) { bool invoke = false; { QMutexLocker lock(&_fromVideoMutex); if (_fromVideoPlayId == part.videoPlayId) { _fromVideoQueue.enqueue(FFMpeg::dataWrapFromPacket(*part.packet)); invoke = true; } else { FFMpeg::freePacket(part.packet); } } if (invoke) { _fromVideoNotify.call(); } } void Loaders::startFromVideo(uint64 videoPlayId) { QMutexLocker lock(&_fromVideoMutex); _fromVideoPlayId = videoPlayId; clearFromVideoQueue(); } void Loaders::stopFromVideo() { startFromVideo(0); } void Loaders::onVideoSoundAdded() { bool waitingAndAdded = false; { QMutexLocker lock(&_fromVideoMutex); if (_videoLoader && _videoLoader->playId() == _fromVideoPlayId && !_fromVideoQueue.isEmpty()) { _videoLoader->enqueuePackets(_fromVideoQueue); waitingAndAdded = _videoLoader->holdsSavedDecodedSamples(); } } if (waitingAndAdded) { onLoad(_video); } } Loaders::~Loaders() { QMutexLocker lock(&_fromVideoMutex); clearFromVideoQueue(); } void Loaders::clearFromVideoQueue() { auto queue = base::take(_fromVideoQueue); for (auto &packetData : queue) { AVPacket packet; FFMpeg::packetFromDataWrap(packet, packetData); FFMpeg::freePacket(&packet); } } void Loaders::onInit() { } void Loaders::onStart(const AudioMsgId &audio, qint64 position) { auto type = audio.type(); clear(type); { QMutexLocker lock(internal::audioPlayerMutex()); if (!mixer()) return; auto track = mixer()->trackForType(type); if (!track) return; track->loading = true; } loadData(audio, position); } AudioMsgId Loaders::clear(AudioMsgId::Type type) { AudioMsgId result; switch (type) { case AudioMsgId::Type::Voice: std::swap(result, _audio); _audioLoader = nullptr; break; case AudioMsgId::Type::Song: std::swap(result, _song); _songLoader = nullptr; break; case AudioMsgId::Type::Video: std::swap(result, _video); _videoLoader = nullptr; break; } return result; } void Loaders::setStoppedState(Mixer::Track *track, State state) { track->state.state = state; track->state.position = 0; } void Loaders::emitError(AudioMsgId::Type type) { emit error(clear(type)); } void Loaders::onLoad(const AudioMsgId &audio) { loadData(audio, 0); } void Loaders::loadData(AudioMsgId audio, qint64 position) { auto err = SetupNoErrorStarted; auto type = audio.type(); auto l = setupLoader(audio, err, position); if (!l) { if (err == SetupErrorAtStart) { emitError(type); } return; } auto started = (err == SetupNoErrorStarted); auto finished = false; auto waiting = false; auto errAtStart = started; QByteArray samples; int64 samplesCount = 0; if (l->holdsSavedDecodedSamples()) { l->takeSavedDecodedSamples(&samples, &samplesCount); } while (samples.size() < AudioVoiceMsgBufferSize) { auto res = l->readMore(samples, samplesCount); using Result = AudioPlayerLoader::ReadResult; if (res == Result::Error) { if (errAtStart) { { QMutexLocker lock(internal::audioPlayerMutex()); if (auto track = checkLoader(type)) { track->state.state = State::StoppedAtStart; } } emitError(type); return; } finished = true; break; } else if (res == Result::EndOfFile) { finished = true; break; } else if (res == Result::Ok) { errAtStart = false; } else if (res == Result::Wait) { waiting = (samples.size() < AudioVoiceMsgBufferSize); if (waiting) { l->saveDecodedSamples(&samples, &samplesCount); } break; } QMutexLocker lock(internal::audioPlayerMutex()); if (!checkLoader(type)) { clear(type); return; } } QMutexLocker lock(internal::audioPlayerMutex()); auto track = checkLoader(type); if (!track) { clear(type); return; } if (started) { mixer()->reattachTracks(); track->started(); if (!internal::audioCheckError()) { setStoppedState(track, State::StoppedAtStart); emitError(type); return; } track->bufferedPosition = position; track->state.position = position; track->fadeStartPosition = position; track->format = l->format(); track->frequency = l->frequency(); } if (samplesCount) { track->ensureStreamCreated(); auto bufferIndex = track->getNotQueuedBufferIndex(); if (!internal::audioCheckError()) { setStoppedState(track, State::StoppedAtError); emitError(type); return; } if (bufferIndex < 0) { // No free buffers, wait. l->saveDecodedSamples(&samples, &samplesCount); return; } track->bufferSamples[bufferIndex] = samples; track->samplesCount[bufferIndex] = samplesCount; track->bufferedLength += samplesCount; alBufferData(track->stream.buffers[bufferIndex], track->format, samples.constData(), samples.size(), track->frequency); alSourceQueueBuffers(track->stream.source, 1, track->stream.buffers + bufferIndex); if (!internal::audioCheckError()) { setStoppedState(track, State::StoppedAtError); emitError(type); return; } } else { if (waiting) { return; } finished = true; } if (finished) { track->loaded = true; track->state.duration = track->bufferedPosition + track->bufferedLength; clear(type); } track->loading = false; if (track->state.state == State::Resuming || track->state.state == State::Playing || track->state.state == State::Starting) { ALint state = AL_INITIAL; alGetSourcei(track->stream.source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); if (internal::audioCheckError()) { if (state != AL_PLAYING) { if (state == AL_STOPPED && !internal::CheckAudioDeviceConnected()) { return; } alSourcef(track->stream.source, AL_GAIN, ComputeVolume(type)); if (!internal::audioCheckError()) { setStoppedState(track, State::StoppedAtError); emitError(type); return; } alSourcePlay(track->stream.source); if (!internal::audioCheckError()) { setStoppedState(track, State::StoppedAtError); emitError(type); return; } emit needToCheck(); } } else { setStoppedState(track, State::StoppedAtError); emitError(type); } } } AudioPlayerLoader *Loaders::setupLoader(const AudioMsgId &audio, SetupError &err, qint64 &position) { err = SetupErrorAtStart; QMutexLocker lock(internal::audioPlayerMutex()); if (!mixer()) return nullptr; auto track = mixer()->trackForType(audio.type()); if (!track || track->state.id != audio || !track->loading) { emit error(audio); LOG(("Audio Error: trying to load part of audio, that is not current at the moment")); err = SetupErrorNotPlaying; return nullptr; } bool isGoodId = false; AudioPlayerLoader *l = nullptr; switch (audio.type()) { case AudioMsgId::Type::Voice: l = _audioLoader.get(); isGoodId = (_audio == audio); break; case AudioMsgId::Type::Song: l = _songLoader.get(); isGoodId = (_song == audio); break; case AudioMsgId::Type::Video: l = _videoLoader.get(); isGoodId = (_video == audio); break; } if (l && (!isGoodId || !l->check(track->file, track->data))) { clear(audio.type()); l = nullptr; } if (!l) { std::unique_ptr *loader = nullptr; switch (audio.type()) { case AudioMsgId::Type::Voice: _audio = audio; loader = &_audioLoader; break; case AudioMsgId::Type::Song: _song = audio; loader = &_songLoader; break; case AudioMsgId::Type::Video: _video = audio; break; } if (audio.type() == AudioMsgId::Type::Video) { if (!track->videoData) { track->state.state = State::StoppedAtError; emit error(audio); LOG(("Audio Error: video sound data not ready")); return nullptr; } _videoLoader = std::make_unique(track->videoPlayId, std::move(track->videoData)); l = _videoLoader.get(); } else { *loader = std::make_unique(track->file, track->data); l = loader->get(); } if (!l->open(position)) { track->state.state = State::StoppedAtStart; return nullptr; } int64 duration = l->duration(); if (duration <= 0) { track->state.state = State::StoppedAtStart; return nullptr; } track->state.duration = duration; track->state.frequency = l->frequency(); if (!track->state.frequency) track->state.frequency = kDefaultFrequency; err = SetupNoErrorStarted; } else if (track->loaded) { err = SetupErrorLoadedFull; LOG(("Audio Error: trying to load part of audio, that is already loaded to the end")); return nullptr; } return l; } Mixer::Track *Loaders::checkLoader(AudioMsgId::Type type) { if (!mixer()) return nullptr; auto track = mixer()->trackForType(type); auto isGoodId = false; AudioPlayerLoader *l = nullptr; switch (type) { case AudioMsgId::Type::Voice: l = _audioLoader.get(); isGoodId = (track->state.id == _audio); break; case AudioMsgId::Type::Song: l = _songLoader.get(); isGoodId = (track->state.id == _song); break; case AudioMsgId::Type::Video: l = _videoLoader.get(); isGoodId = (track->state.id == _video); break; } if (!l || !track) return nullptr; if (!isGoodId || !track->loading || !l->check(track->file, track->data)) { LOG(("Audio Error: playing changed while loading")); return nullptr; } return track; } void Loaders::onCancel(const AudioMsgId &audio) { switch (audio.type()) { case AudioMsgId::Type::Voice: if (_audio == audio) clear(audio.type()); break; case AudioMsgId::Type::Song: if (_song == audio) clear(audio.type()); break; case AudioMsgId::Type::Video: if (_video == audio) clear(audio.type()); break; } QMutexLocker lock(internal::audioPlayerMutex()); if (!mixer()) return; for (auto i = 0; i != kTogetherLimit; ++i) { auto track = mixer()->trackForType(audio.type(), i); if (track->state.id == audio) { track->loading = false; } } } } // namespace Player } // namespace Media