/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "dialogs/dialogs_key.h" #include "data/data_messages.h" #include "ui/effects/animations.h" #include "ui/rp_widget.h" #include "base/flags.h" #include "base/object_ptr.h" namespace MTP { class Error; } // namespace MTP namespace Main { class Session; } // namespace Main namespace Ui { class IconButton; class PopupMenu; class FlatLabel; } // namespace Ui namespace Window { class SessionController; } // namespace Window namespace Data { class CloudImageView; } // namespace Data namespace Dialogs { class Row; class FakeRow; class IndexedList; struct ChosenRow { Key key; Data::MessagePosition message; bool filteredRow = false; }; enum class SearchRequestType { FromStart, FromOffset, PeerFromStart, PeerFromOffset, MigratedFromStart, MigratedFromOffset, }; enum class WidgetState { Default, Filtered, }; class InnerWidget final : public Ui::RpWidget { Q_OBJECT public: InnerWidget( QWidget *parent, not_null controller); bool searchReceived( const QVector &result, HistoryItem *inject, SearchRequestType type, int fullCount); void peerSearchReceived( const QString &query, const QVector &my, const QVector &result); [[nodiscard]] FilterId filterId() const; void clearSelection(); void changeOpenedFolder(Data::Folder *folder); void selectSkip(int32 direction); void selectSkipPage(int32 pixels, int32 direction); void dragLeft(); void clearFilter(); void refresh(bool toTop = false); void refreshEmptyLabel(); void resizeEmptyLabel(); bool chooseRow(); void scrollToEntry(const RowDescriptor &entry); Data::Folder *shownFolder() const; int32 lastSearchDate() const; PeerData *lastSearchPeer() const; MsgId lastSearchId() const; MsgId lastSearchMigratedId() const; WidgetState state() const; bool waitingForSearch() const { return _waitingForSearch; } bool hasFilteredResults() const; void searchInChat(Key key, PeerData *from); void applyFilterUpdate(QString newFilter, bool force = false); void onHashtagFilterUpdate(QStringView newFilter); PeerData *updateFromParentDrag(QPoint globalPosition); void setLoadMoreCallback(Fn callback); [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<> listBottomReached() const; [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<> cancelSearchFromUserRequests() const; [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer chosenRow() const; [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<> updated() const; ~InnerWidget(); public Q_SLOTS: void onParentGeometryChanged(); Q_SIGNALS: void draggingScrollDelta(int delta); void mustScrollTo(int scrollToTop, int scrollToBottom); void dialogMoved(int movedFrom, int movedTo); void searchMessages(); void cancelSearchInChat(); void completeHashtag(QString tag); void refreshHashtags(); protected: void visibleTopBottomUpdated( int visibleTop, int visibleBottom) override; void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override; void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) override; void enterEventHook(QEnterEvent *e) override; void leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) override; void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e) override; private: struct CollapsedRow; struct HashtagResult; struct PeerSearchResult; enum class JumpSkip { PreviousOrBegin, NextOrEnd, PreviousOrOriginal, NextOrOriginal, }; enum class EmptyState : uchar { None, Loading, NoContacts, EmptyFolder, }; Main::Session &session() const; void dialogRowReplaced(Row *oldRow, Row *newRow); void editOpenedFilter(); void repaintCollapsedFolderRow(not_null folder); void refreshWithCollapsedRows(bool toTop = false); bool needCollapsedRowsRefresh() const; bool chooseCollapsedRow(); void switchToFilter(FilterId filterId); bool chooseHashtag(); ChosenRow computeChosenRow() const; bool isSearchResultActive( not_null result, const RowDescriptor &entry) const; void repaintDialogRow(FilterId filterId, not_null row); void repaintDialogRow(RowDescriptor row); void refreshDialogRow(RowDescriptor row); void clearMouseSelection(bool clearSelection = false); void mousePressReleased(QPoint globalPosition, Qt::MouseButton button); void clearIrrelevantState(); void selectByMouse(QPoint globalPosition); void loadPeerPhotos(); void setCollapsedPressed(int pressed); void setPressed(Row *pressed); void setHashtagPressed(int pressed); void setFilteredPressed(int pressed); void setPeerSearchPressed(int pressed); void setSearchedPressed(int pressed); bool isPressed() const { return (_collapsedPressed >= 0) || _pressed || (_hashtagPressed >= 0) || (_filteredPressed >= 0) || (_peerSearchPressed >= 0) || (_searchedPressed >= 0); } bool isSelected() const { return (_collapsedSelected >= 0) || _selected || (_hashtagSelected >= 0) || (_filteredSelected >= 0) || (_peerSearchSelected >= 0) || (_searchedSelected >= 0); } bool uniqueSearchResults() const; bool hasHistoryInResults(not_null history) const; int defaultRowTop(not_null row) const; void setupOnlineStatusCheck(); void userOnlineUpdated(not_null peer); void groupHasCallUpdated(not_null peer); void updateRowCornerStatusShown( not_null history, bool shown); void updateDialogRowCornerStatus(not_null history); void setupShortcuts(); RowDescriptor computeJump( const RowDescriptor &to, JumpSkip skip); bool jumpToDialogRow(RowDescriptor to); RowDescriptor chatListEntryBefore(const RowDescriptor &which) const; RowDescriptor chatListEntryAfter(const RowDescriptor &which) const; RowDescriptor chatListEntryFirst() const; RowDescriptor chatListEntryLast() const; void itemRemoved(not_null item); enum class UpdateRowSection { Default = (1 << 0), Filtered = (1 << 1), PeerSearch = (1 << 2), MessageSearch = (1 << 3), All = Default | Filtered | PeerSearch | MessageSearch, }; using UpdateRowSections = base::flags; friend inline constexpr auto is_flag_type(UpdateRowSection) { return true; }; void updateSearchResult(not_null peer); void updateDialogRow( RowDescriptor row, QRect updateRect = QRect(), UpdateRowSections sections = UpdateRowSection::All); void fillSupportSearchMenu(not_null menu); void fillArchiveSearchMenu(not_null menu); int dialogsOffset() const; int fixedOnTopCount() const; int pinnedOffset() const; int filteredOffset() const; int peerSearchOffset() const; int searchedOffset() const; int searchInChatSkip() const; void paintCollapsedRows( Painter &p, QRect clip) const; void paintCollapsedRow( Painter &p, not_null row, bool selected) const; void paintPeerSearchResult( Painter &p, not_null result, int fullWidth, bool active, bool selected) const; void paintSearchInChat(Painter &p) const; void paintSearchInPeer( Painter &p, not_null peer, std::shared_ptr &userpic, int top, const Ui::Text::String &text) const; void paintSearchInSaved( Painter &p, int top, const Ui::Text::String &text) const; void paintSearchInReplies( Painter &p, int top, const Ui::Text::String &text) const; template void paintSearchInFilter( Painter &p, PaintUserpic paintUserpic, int top, const style::icon *icon, const Ui::Text::String &text) const; void refreshSearchInChatLabel(); void clearSearchResults(bool clearPeerSearchResults = true); void updateSelectedRow(Key key = Key()); not_null shownDialogs() const; void checkReorderPinnedStart(QPoint localPosition); int updateReorderIndexGetCount(); bool updateReorderPinned(QPoint localPosition); void finishReorderPinned(); void stopReorderPinned(); int countPinnedIndex(Row *ofRow); void savePinnedOrder(); bool pinnedShiftAnimationCallback(crl::time now); void handleChatListEntryRefreshes(); not_null _controller; FilterId _filterId = 0; bool _mouseSelection = false; std::optional _lastMousePosition; Qt::MouseButton _pressButton = Qt::LeftButton; Data::Folder *_openedFolder = nullptr; std::vector> _collapsedRows; int _collapsedSelected = -1; int _collapsedPressed = -1; int _skipTopDialogs = 0; Row *_selected = nullptr; Row *_pressed = nullptr; Row *_dragging = nullptr; int _draggingIndex = -1; int _aboveIndex = -1; QPoint _dragStart; struct PinnedRow { anim::value yadd; crl::time animStartTime = 0; }; std::vector _pinnedRows; Ui::Animations::Basic _pinnedShiftAnimation; base::flat_set _pinnedOnDragStart; // Remember the last currently dragged row top shift for updating area. int _aboveTopShift = -1; int _visibleTop = 0; int _visibleBottom = 0; QString _filter, _hashtagFilter; std::vector> _hashtagResults; int _hashtagSelected = -1; int _hashtagPressed = -1; bool _hashtagDeleteSelected = false; bool _hashtagDeletePressed = false; std::vector> _filterResults; base::flat_map< not_null, std::unique_ptr> _filterResultsGlobal; int _filteredSelected = -1; int _filteredPressed = -1; bool _waitingForSearch = false; EmptyState _emptyState = EmptyState::None; QString _peerSearchQuery; std::vector> _peerSearchResults; int _peerSearchSelected = -1; int _peerSearchPressed = -1; std::vector> _searchResults; int _searchedCount = 0; int _searchedMigratedCount = 0; int _searchedSelected = -1; int _searchedPressed = -1; int _lastSearchDate = 0; PeerData *_lastSearchPeer = nullptr; MsgId _lastSearchId = 0; MsgId _lastSearchMigratedId = 0; WidgetState _state = WidgetState::Default; object_ptr _empty = { nullptr }; object_ptr _cancelSearchInChat; object_ptr _cancelSearchFromUser; Key _searchInChat; History *_searchInMigrated = nullptr; PeerData *_searchFromPeer = nullptr; mutable std::shared_ptr _searchInChatUserpic; mutable std::shared_ptr _searchFromUserUserpic; Ui::Text::String _searchInChatText; Ui::Text::String _searchFromUserText; RowDescriptor _menuRow; Fn _loadMoreCallback; rpl::event_stream<> _listBottomReached; rpl::event_stream _chosenRow; rpl::event_stream<> _updated; base::unique_qptr _menu; }; } // namespace Dialogs