/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "ui/chat/group_call_userpics.h" #include "ui/paint/blobs.h" #include "base/openssl_help.h" #include "styles/style_chat.h" namespace Ui { namespace { constexpr auto kDuration = 160; constexpr auto kMaxUserpics = 4; constexpr auto kWideScale = 5; constexpr auto kBlobsEnterDuration = crl::time(250); constexpr auto kLevelDuration = 100. + 500. * 0.23; constexpr auto kBlobScale = 0.605; constexpr auto kMinorBlobFactor = 0.9f; constexpr auto kUserpicMinScale = 0.8; constexpr auto kMaxLevel = 1.; constexpr auto kSendRandomLevelInterval = crl::time(100); auto Blobs()->std::array { return { { { .segmentsCount = 6, .minScale = kBlobScale * kMinorBlobFactor, .minRadius = st::historyGroupCallBlobMinRadius * kMinorBlobFactor, .maxRadius = st::historyGroupCallBlobMaxRadius * kMinorBlobFactor, .speedScale = 1., .alpha = .5, }, { .segmentsCount = 8, .minScale = kBlobScale, .minRadius = (float)st::historyGroupCallBlobMinRadius, .maxRadius = (float)st::historyGroupCallBlobMaxRadius, .speedScale = 1., .alpha = .2, }, } }; } } // namespace struct GroupCallUserpics::BlobsAnimation { BlobsAnimation( std::vector blobDatas, float levelDuration, float maxLevel) : blobs(std::move(blobDatas), levelDuration, maxLevel) { } Ui::Paint::Blobs blobs; crl::time lastTime = 0; crl::time lastSpeakingUpdateTime = 0; float64 enter = 0.; }; struct GroupCallUserpics::Userpic { User data; std::pair cacheKey; crl::time speakingStarted = 0; QImage cache; Animations::Simple leftAnimation; Animations::Simple shownAnimation; std::unique_ptr blobsAnimation; int left = 0; bool positionInited = false; bool topMost = false; bool hiding = false; bool cacheMasked = false; }; GroupCallUserpics::GroupCallUserpics( const style::GroupCallUserpics &st, rpl::producer &&hideBlobs, Fn repaint) : _st(st) , _randomSpeakingTimer([=] { sendRandomLevels(); }) , _repaint(std::move(repaint)) { const auto limit = kMaxUserpics; const auto single = _st.size; const auto shift = _st.shift; // + 1 * single for the blobs. _maxWidth = 2 * single + (limit - 1) * (single - shift); style::PaletteChanged( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { for (auto &userpic : _list) { userpic.cache = QImage(); } }, lifetime()); _speakingAnimation.init([=](crl::time now) { if (const auto &last = _speakingAnimationHideLastTime; (last > 0) && (now - last >= kBlobsEnterDuration)) { _speakingAnimation.stop(); } for (auto &userpic : _list) { if (const auto blobs = userpic.blobsAnimation.get()) { blobs->blobs.updateLevel(now - blobs->lastTime); blobs->lastTime = now; } } if (const auto onstack = _repaint) { onstack(); } }); rpl::combine( rpl::single(anim::Disabled()) | rpl::then(anim::Disables()), std::move(hideBlobs) ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool animDisabled, bool deactivated) { const auto hide = animDisabled || deactivated; if (!(hide && _speakingAnimationHideLastTime)) { _speakingAnimationHideLastTime = hide ? crl::now() : 0; } _skipLevelUpdate = hide; for (auto &userpic : _list) { if (const auto blobs = userpic.blobsAnimation.get()) { blobs->blobs.setLevel(0.); } } if (!hide && !_speakingAnimation.animating()) { _speakingAnimation.start(); } _skipLevelUpdate = hide; }, lifetime()); } GroupCallUserpics::~GroupCallUserpics() = default; void GroupCallUserpics::paint(Painter &p, int x, int y, int size) { const auto factor = style::DevicePixelRatio(); const auto &minScale = kUserpicMinScale; for (auto &userpic : ranges::views::reverse(_list)) { const auto shown = userpic.shownAnimation.value( userpic.hiding ? 0. : 1.); if (shown == 0.) { continue; } validateCache(userpic); p.setOpacity(shown); const auto left = x + userpic.leftAnimation.value(userpic.left); const auto blobs = userpic.blobsAnimation.get(); const auto shownScale = 0.5 + shown / 2.; const auto scale = shownScale * (!blobs ? 1. : (minScale + (1. - minScale) * (_speakingAnimationHideLastTime ? (1. - blobs->blobs.currentLevel()) : blobs->blobs.currentLevel()))); if (blobs) { auto hq = PainterHighQualityEnabler(p); const auto shift = QPointF(left + size / 2., y + size / 2.); p.translate(shift); blobs->blobs.paint(p, st::windowActiveTextFg); p.translate(-shift); p.setOpacity(1.); } if (std::abs(scale - 1.) < 0.001) { const auto skip = ((kWideScale - 1) / 2) * size * factor; p.drawImage( QRect(left, y, size, size), userpic.cache, QRect(skip, skip, size * factor, size * factor)); } else { auto hq = PainterHighQualityEnabler(p); auto target = QRect( left + (1 - kWideScale) / 2 * size, y + (1 - kWideScale) / 2 * size, kWideScale * size, kWideScale * size); auto shrink = anim::interpolate( (1 - kWideScale) / 2 * size, 0, scale); auto margins = QMargins(shrink, shrink, shrink, shrink); p.drawImage(target.marginsAdded(margins), userpic.cache); } } p.setOpacity(1.); const auto hidden = [](const Userpic &userpic) { return userpic.hiding && !userpic.shownAnimation.animating(); }; _list.erase(ranges::remove_if(_list, hidden), end(_list)); } int GroupCallUserpics::maxWidth() const { return _maxWidth; } rpl::producer GroupCallUserpics::widthValue() const { return _width.value(); } bool GroupCallUserpics::needCacheRefresh(Userpic &userpic) { if (userpic.cache.isNull()) { return true; } else if (userpic.hiding) { return false; } else if (userpic.cacheKey != userpic.data.userpicKey) { return true; } const auto shouldBeMasked = !userpic.topMost; if (userpic.cacheMasked == shouldBeMasked || !shouldBeMasked) { return true; } return !userpic.leftAnimation.animating(); } void GroupCallUserpics::ensureBlobsAnimation(Userpic &userpic) { if (userpic.blobsAnimation) { return; } userpic.blobsAnimation = std::make_unique( Blobs() | ranges::to_vector, kLevelDuration, kMaxLevel); userpic.blobsAnimation->lastTime = crl::now(); } void GroupCallUserpics::sendRandomLevels() { if (_skipLevelUpdate) { return; } for (auto &userpic : _list) { if (const auto blobs = userpic.blobsAnimation.get()) { const auto value = 30 + (openssl::RandomValue() % 70); userpic.blobsAnimation->blobs.setLevel(float64(value) / 100.); } } } void GroupCallUserpics::validateCache(Userpic &userpic) { if (!needCacheRefresh(userpic)) { return; } const auto factor = style::DevicePixelRatio(); const auto size = _st.size; const auto shift = _st.shift; const auto full = QSize(size, size) * kWideScale * factor; if (userpic.cache.isNull()) { userpic.cache = QImage(full, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); userpic.cache.setDevicePixelRatio(factor); } userpic.cacheKey = userpic.data.userpicKey; userpic.cacheMasked = !userpic.topMost; userpic.cache.fill(Qt::transparent); { Painter p(&userpic.cache); const auto skip = (kWideScale - 1) / 2 * size; p.drawImage(skip, skip, userpic.data.userpic); if (userpic.cacheMasked) { auto hq = PainterHighQualityEnabler(p); auto pen = QPen(Qt::transparent); pen.setWidth(_st.stroke); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); p.setBrush(Qt::transparent); p.setPen(pen); p.drawEllipse(skip - size + shift, skip, size, size); } } } void GroupCallUserpics::update( const std::vector &users, bool visible) { const auto idFromUserpic = [](const Userpic &userpic) { return userpic.data.id; }; // Use "topMost" as "willBeHidden" flag. for (auto &userpic : _list) { userpic.topMost = true; } for (const auto &user : users) { const auto i = ranges::find(_list, user.id, idFromUserpic); if (i == end(_list)) { _list.push_back(Userpic{ user }); toggle(_list.back(), true); continue; } i->topMost = false; if (i->hiding) { toggle(*i, true); } i->data = user; // Put this one after the last we are not hiding. for (auto j = end(_list) - 1; j != i; --j) { if (!j->topMost) { ranges::rotate(i, i + 1, j + 1); break; } } } // Hide the ones that "willBeHidden" (currently having "topMost" flag). // Set correct real values of "topMost" flag. const auto userpicsBegin = begin(_list); const auto userpicsEnd = end(_list); auto markedTopMost = userpicsEnd; auto hasBlobs = false; for (auto i = userpicsBegin; i != userpicsEnd; ++i) { auto &userpic = *i; if (userpic.data.speaking) { ensureBlobsAnimation(userpic); hasBlobs = true; } else { userpic.blobsAnimation = nullptr; } if (userpic.topMost) { toggle(userpic, false); userpic.topMost = false; } else if (markedTopMost == userpicsEnd) { userpic.topMost = true; markedTopMost = i; } } if (markedTopMost != userpicsEnd && markedTopMost != userpicsBegin) { // Bring the topMost userpic to the very beginning, above all hiding. std::rotate(userpicsBegin, markedTopMost, markedTopMost + 1); } updatePositions(); if (!hasBlobs) { _randomSpeakingTimer.cancel(); _speakingAnimation.stop(); } else if (!_randomSpeakingTimer.isActive()) { _randomSpeakingTimer.callEach(kSendRandomLevelInterval); _speakingAnimation.start(); } if (!visible) { for (auto &userpic : _list) { userpic.shownAnimation.stop(); userpic.leftAnimation.stop(); } } recountAndRepaint(); } void GroupCallUserpics::toggle(Userpic &userpic, bool shown) { userpic.hiding = !shown; userpic.shownAnimation.start( [=] { recountAndRepaint(); }, shown ? 0. : 1., shown ? 1. : 0., kDuration); } void GroupCallUserpics::updatePositions() { const auto shownCount = ranges::count(_list, false, &Userpic::hiding); if (!shownCount) { return; } const auto single = _st.size; const auto shift = _st.shift; // + 1 * single for the blobs. const auto fullWidth = single + (shownCount - 1) * (single - shift); auto left = (_st.align & Qt::AlignLeft) ? 0 : (_st.align & Qt::AlignHCenter) ? (-fullWidth / 2) : -fullWidth; for (auto &userpic : _list) { if (userpic.hiding) { continue; } if (!userpic.positionInited) { userpic.positionInited = true; userpic.left = left; } else if (userpic.left != left) { userpic.leftAnimation.start( _repaint, userpic.left, left, kDuration); userpic.left = left; } left += (single - shift); } } void GroupCallUserpics::recountAndRepaint() { auto width = 0; auto maxShown = 0.; for (const auto &userpic : _list) { const auto shown = userpic.shownAnimation.value( userpic.hiding ? 0. : 1.); if (shown > maxShown) { maxShown = shown; } width += anim::interpolate(0, _st.size - _st.shift, shown); } _width = width + anim::interpolate(0, _st.shift, maxShown); if (_repaint) { _repaint(); } } } // namespace Ui