/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ using "basic.style"; using "ui/widgets/widgets.style"; confirmInviteTitle: flatLabel(labelDefFlat) { font: font(16px semibold); align: align(center); width: 320px; maxHeight: 24px; textFg: #333333; } confirmInviteStatus: flatLabel(labelDefFlat) { font: font(boxFontSize); align: align(center); width: 320px; maxHeight: 20px; textFg: windowSubTextFg; } confirmInviteTitleTop: 106px; confirmInvitePhotoSize: 76px; confirmInvitePhotoTop: 20px; confirmInviteStatusTop: 136px; confirmInviteUserHeight: 80px; confirmInviteUserPhotoSize: 56px; confirmInviteUserPhotoTop: 166px; confirmInviteUserName: flatLabel(labelDefFlat) { font: normalFont; align: align(center); width: 66px; maxHeight: 20px; } confirmInviteUserNameTop: 227px; confirmPhoneAboutLabel: flatLabel(labelDefFlat) { width: 282px; } confirmPhoneCodeField: InputField(defaultInputField) { } revokePublicLinkStatusStyle: textStyle(defaultTextStyle) { linkFg: contactsStatusFgOnline; linkFgDown: contactsStatusFgOnline; linkFlagsOver: font(fsize); } aboutRevokePublicLabel: flatLabel(labelDefFlat) { font: normalFont; align: align(topleft); width: 320px; textFg: windowTextFg; } boxSearchField: InputField(defaultInputField) { textMargins: margins(41px, 16px, 41px, 0px); placeholderFg: #999; placeholderFgActive: #aaa; placeholderMargins: margins(4px, 0px, 4px, 0px); border: 0px; borderActive: 0px; borderError: 0px; height: 48px; iconSprite: sprite(227px, 21px, 24px, 24px); iconPosition: point(15px, 14px); font: normalFont; } boxSearchCancel: IconButton { width: 41px; height: 48px; opacity: 0.3; overOpacity: 0.4; icon: icon {{ "box_search_cancel", #000000 }}; iconPosition: point(8px, 18px); downIconPosition: point(8px, 18px); duration: 150; } contactsPhotoCheckbox: RoundImageCheckbox { imageRadius: 21px; imageSmallRadius: 18px; selectWidth: 2px; selectFg: windowActiveBg; selectDuration: 150; checkBorder: windowBg; checkBg: windowActiveBg; checkRadius: 10px; checkSmallRadius: 3px; checkIcon: icon {{ "default_checkbox_check", windowBg, point(3px, 6px) }}; } contactsPhotoDisabledCheckFg: #bbbbbb; contactsNameCheckedFg: #2b88b8; localStorageBoxSkip: 10px; shareRowsTop: 12px; shareRowHeight: 108px; sharePhotoTop: 6px; sharePhotoCheckbox: RoundImageCheckbox(contactsPhotoCheckbox) { imageRadius: 28px; imageSmallRadius: 24px; } shareNameFont: font(11px); shareNameFg: windowTextFg; shareNameActiveFg: btnYesColor; shareNameTop: 6px; shareColumnSkip: 6px; shareActivateDuration: 150; shareScrollDuration: 300; notificationsBoxHeight: 450px; notificationsBoxMonitorTop: 63px; notificationsBoxMonitor: icon {{ "monitor", #000000 }}; notificationsBoxScreenTop: 10px; notificationsBoxScreenSize: size(280px, 160px); notificationsBoxScreenBg: titleBg; notificationsBoxCountLabelTop: 80px; notificationsBoxCountTop: 30px; notificationsSampleSkip: 5px; notificationsSampleTopSkip: 5px; notificationsSampleBottomSkip: 5px; notificationsSampleMargin: 2px; notificationSampleOpacity: 0.5; notificationSampleSize: size(64px, 16px); notificationSampleUserpicFg: #40ace3; notificationSampleCloseFg: #d7d7d7; notificationSampleTextFg: #d7d7d7; notificationSampleNameFg: #939393;