/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "data/data_peer.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_chat.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "data/data_photo.h" #include "data/data_folder.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_file_origin.h" #include "data/data_histories.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "base/crc32hash.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "main/main_account.h" #include "main/main_app_config.h" #include "mtproto/mtproto_config.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "ui/image/image.h" #include "ui/empty_userpic.h" #include "ui/text_options.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/view/history_view_element.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "storage/file_download.h" #include "facades.h" // Ui::showPeerProfile #include "app.h" namespace { constexpr auto kUpdateFullPeerTimeout = crl::time(5000); // Not more than once in 5 seconds. constexpr auto kUserpicSize = 160; using UpdateFlag = Data::PeerUpdate::Flag; } // namespace namespace Data { int PeerColorIndex(int32 bareId) { const auto index = std::abs(bareId) % 7; const int map[] = { 0, 7, 4, 1, 6, 3, 5 }; return map[index]; } int PeerColorIndex(PeerId peerId) { return PeerColorIndex(peerToBareInt(peerId)); } style::color PeerUserpicColor(PeerId peerId) { const style::color colors[] = { st::historyPeer1UserpicBg, st::historyPeer2UserpicBg, st::historyPeer3UserpicBg, st::historyPeer4UserpicBg, st::historyPeer5UserpicBg, st::historyPeer6UserpicBg, st::historyPeer7UserpicBg, st::historyPeer8UserpicBg, }; return colors[PeerColorIndex(peerId)]; } PeerId FakePeerIdForJustName(const QString &name) { return peerFromUser(name.isEmpty() ? 777 : base::crc32(name.constData(), name.size() * sizeof(QChar))); } } // namespace Data PeerClickHandler::PeerClickHandler(not_null peer) : _peer(peer) { } void PeerClickHandler::onClick(ClickContext context) const { if (context.button == Qt::LeftButton && App::wnd()) { const auto controller = App::wnd()->sessionController(); const auto currentPeer = controller->activeChatCurrent().peer(); if (_peer && _peer->isChannel() && currentPeer != _peer) { const auto clickedChannel = _peer->asChannel(); if (!clickedChannel->isPublic() && !clickedChannel->amIn() && (!currentPeer->isChannel() || currentPeer->asChannel()->linkedChat() != clickedChannel)) { Ui::show(Box(_peer->isMegagroup() ? tr::lng_group_not_accessible(tr::now) : tr::lng_channel_not_accessible(tr::now))); } else { controller->showPeerHistory( _peer, Window::SectionShow::Way::Forward); } } else { Ui::showPeerProfile(_peer); } } } PeerData::PeerData(not_null owner, PeerId id) : id(id) , _owner(owner) { _nameText.setText(st::msgNameStyle, QString(), Ui::NameTextOptions()); } Data::Session &PeerData::owner() const { return *_owner; } Main::Session &PeerData::session() const { return _owner->session(); } Main::Account &PeerData::account() const { return session().account(); } void PeerData::updateNameDelayed( const QString &newName, const QString &newNameOrPhone, const QString &newUsername) { if (name == newName && nameVersion > 1) { if (isUser()) { if (asUser()->nameOrPhone == newNameOrPhone && asUser()->username == newUsername) { return; } } else if (isChannel()) { if (asChannel()->username == newUsername) { return; } } else if (isChat()) { return; } } name = newName; _nameText.setText(st::msgNameStyle, name, Ui::NameTextOptions()); _userpicEmpty = nullptr; auto flags = UpdateFlag::None | UpdateFlag::None; auto oldFirstLetters = base::flat_set(); const auto nameUpdated = (nameVersion++ > 1); if (nameUpdated) { oldFirstLetters = nameFirstLetters(); flags |= UpdateFlag::Name; } if (isUser()) { if (asUser()->username != newUsername) { asUser()->username = newUsername; flags |= UpdateFlag::Username; } asUser()->setNameOrPhone(newNameOrPhone); } else if (isChannel()) { if (asChannel()->username != newUsername) { asChannel()->username = newUsername; if (newUsername.isEmpty()) { asChannel()->removeFlags( MTPDchannel::Flag::f_username); } else { asChannel()->addFlags(MTPDchannel::Flag::f_username); } flags |= UpdateFlag::Username; } } fillNames(); if (nameUpdated) { session().changes().nameUpdated(this, std::move(oldFirstLetters)); } if (flags) { session().changes().peerUpdated(this, flags); } } not_null PeerData::ensureEmptyUserpic() const { if (!_userpicEmpty) { _userpicEmpty = std::make_unique( Data::PeerUserpicColor(id), name); } return _userpicEmpty.get(); } ClickHandlerPtr PeerData::createOpenLink() { return std::make_shared(this); } void PeerData::setUserpic(PhotoId photoId, const ImageLocation &location) { _userpicPhotoId = photoId; _userpic.set(&session(), ImageWithLocation{ .location = location }); } void PeerData::setUserpicPhoto(const MTPPhoto &data) { const auto photoId = data.match([&](const MTPDphoto &data) { const auto photo = owner().processPhoto(data); photo->peer = this; return photo->id; }, [](const MTPDphotoEmpty &data) { return PhotoId(0); }); if (_userpicPhotoId != photoId) { _userpicPhotoId = photoId; session().changes().peerUpdated(this, UpdateFlag::Photo); } } Image *PeerData::currentUserpic( std::shared_ptr &view) const { if (!_userpic.isCurrentView(view)) { view = _userpic.createView(); _userpic.load(&session(), userpicOrigin()); } const auto image = view ? view->image() : nullptr; if (image) { _userpicEmpty = nullptr; } else if (isNotificationsUser()) { static auto result = Image( Core::App().logoNoMargin().scaledToWidth( kUserpicSize, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); return &result; } return image; } void PeerData::paintUserpic( Painter &p, std::shared_ptr &view, int x, int y, int size) const { if (const auto userpic = currentUserpic(view)) { p.drawPixmap(x, y, userpic->pixCircled(size, size)); } else { ensureEmptyUserpic()->paint(p, x, y, x + size + x, size); } } void PeerData::paintUserpicRounded( Painter &p, std::shared_ptr &view, int x, int y, int size) const { if (const auto userpic = currentUserpic(view)) { p.drawPixmap(x, y, userpic->pixRounded(size, size, ImageRoundRadius::Small)); } else { ensureEmptyUserpic()->paintRounded(p, x, y, x + size + x, size); } } void PeerData::paintUserpicSquare( Painter &p, std::shared_ptr &view, int x, int y, int size) const { if (const auto userpic = currentUserpic(view)) { p.drawPixmap(x, y, userpic->pix(size, size)); } else { ensureEmptyUserpic()->paintSquare(p, x, y, x + size + x, size); } } void PeerData::loadUserpic() { _userpic.load(&session(), userpicOrigin()); } bool PeerData::hasUserpic() const { return !_userpic.empty(); } std::shared_ptr PeerData::activeUserpicView() { return _userpic.empty() ? nullptr : _userpic.activeView(); } std::shared_ptr PeerData::createUserpicView() { if (_userpic.empty()) { return nullptr; } auto result = _userpic.createView(); _userpic.load(&session(), userpicPhotoOrigin()); return result; } bool PeerData::useEmptyUserpic( std::shared_ptr &view) const { return !currentUserpic(view); } InMemoryKey PeerData::userpicUniqueKey( std::shared_ptr &view) const { return useEmptyUserpic(view) ? ensureEmptyUserpic()->uniqueKey() : inMemoryKey(_userpic.location()); } void PeerData::saveUserpic( std::shared_ptr &view, const QString &path, int size) const { genUserpic(view, size).save(path, "PNG"); } void PeerData::saveUserpicRounded( std::shared_ptr &view, const QString &path, int size) const { genUserpicRounded(view, size).save(path, "PNG"); } QPixmap PeerData::genUserpic( std::shared_ptr &view, int size) const { if (const auto userpic = currentUserpic(view)) { return userpic->pixCircled(size, size); } auto result = QImage(QSize(size, size) * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); result.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); result.fill(Qt::transparent); { Painter p(&result); paintUserpic(p, view, 0, 0, size); } return App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(result)); } QPixmap PeerData::genUserpicRounded( std::shared_ptr &view, int size) const { if (const auto userpic = currentUserpic(view)) { return userpic->pixRounded(size, size, ImageRoundRadius::Small); } auto result = QImage(QSize(size, size) * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); result.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); result.fill(Qt::transparent); { Painter p(&result); paintUserpicRounded(p, view, 0, 0, size); } return App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(result)); } Data::FileOrigin PeerData::userpicOrigin() const { return Data::FileOriginPeerPhoto(id); } Data::FileOrigin PeerData::userpicPhotoOrigin() const { return (isUser() && userpicPhotoId()) ? Data::FileOriginUserPhoto(bareId(), userpicPhotoId()) : Data::FileOrigin(); } void PeerData::updateUserpic( PhotoId photoId, MTP::DcId dcId, const MTPFileLocation &location) { setUserpicChecked(photoId, location.match([&]( const MTPDfileLocationToBeDeprecated &deprecated) { return ImageLocation( { StorageFileLocation( dcId, isSelf() ? peerToUser(id) : 0, MTP_inputPeerPhotoFileLocation( MTP_flags(0), input, deprecated.vvolume_id(), deprecated.vlocal_id())) }, kUserpicSize, kUserpicSize); })); } void PeerData::clearUserpic() { setUserpicChecked(PhotoId(), ImageLocation()); } void PeerData::setUserpicChecked( PhotoId photoId, const ImageLocation &location) { if (_userpicPhotoId != photoId || _userpic.location() != location) { setUserpic(photoId, location); session().changes().peerUpdated(this, UpdateFlag::Photo); //if (const auto channel = asChannel()) { // #feed // if (const auto feed = channel->feed()) { // owner().notifyFeedUpdated( // feed, // Data::FeedUpdateFlag::ChannelPhoto); // } //} } } auto PeerData::unavailableReasons() const -> const std::vector & { static const auto result = std::vector(); return result; } QString PeerData::computeUnavailableReason() const { const auto &list = unavailableReasons(); const auto &config = session().account().appConfig(); const auto skip = config.get>( "ignore_restriction_reasons", std::vector()); auto &&filtered = ranges::view::all( list ) | ranges::view::filter([&](const Data::UnavailableReason &reason) { return !ranges::contains(skip, reason.reason); }); const auto first = filtered.begin(); return (first != filtered.end()) ? first->text : QString(); } bool PeerData::canPinMessages() const { if (const auto user = asUser()) { return user->fullFlags() & MTPDuserFull::Flag::f_can_pin_message; } else if (const auto chat = asChat()) { return chat->amIn() && !chat->amRestricted(ChatRestriction::f_pin_messages); } else if (const auto channel = asChannel()) { return channel->isMegagroup() ? !channel->amRestricted(ChatRestriction::f_pin_messages) : ((channel->adminRights() & ChatAdminRight::f_edit_messages) || channel->amCreator()); } Unexpected("Peer type in PeerData::canPinMessages."); } bool PeerData::canEditMessagesIndefinitely() const { if (const auto user = asUser()) { return user->isSelf(); } else if (const auto chat = asChat()) { return false; } else if (const auto channel = asChannel()) { return channel->isMegagroup() ? channel->canPinMessages() : channel->canEditMessages(); } Unexpected("Peer type in PeerData::canEditMessagesIndefinitely."); } void PeerData::setPinnedMessageId(MsgId messageId) { const auto min = [&] { if (const auto channel = asChannel()) { return channel->availableMinId(); } return MsgId(0); }(); messageId = (messageId > min) ? messageId : MsgId(0); if (_pinnedMessageId != messageId) { _pinnedMessageId = messageId; session().changes().peerUpdated(this, UpdateFlag::PinnedMessage); } } bool PeerData::canExportChatHistory() const { for (const auto &block : _owner->history(id)->blocks) { for (const auto &message : block->messages) { if (!message->data()->serviceMsg()) { return true; } } } if (const auto from = migrateFrom()) { return from->canExportChatHistory(); } return false; } bool PeerData::setAbout(const QString &newAbout) { if (_about == newAbout) { return false; } _about = newAbout; session().changes().peerUpdated(this, UpdateFlag::About); return true; } void PeerData::checkFolder(FolderId folderId) { const auto folder = folderId ? owner().folderLoaded(folderId) : nullptr; if (const auto history = owner().historyLoaded(this)) { if (folder && history->folder() != folder) { owner().histories().requestDialogEntry(history); } } } void PeerData::fillNames() { _nameWords.clear(); _nameFirstLetters.clear(); auto toIndexList = QStringList(); auto appendToIndex = [&](const QString &value) { if (!value.isEmpty()) { toIndexList.push_back(TextUtilities::RemoveAccents(value)); } }; appendToIndex(name); const auto appendTranslit = !toIndexList.isEmpty() && cRussianLetters().match(toIndexList.front()).hasMatch(); if (appendTranslit) { appendToIndex(translitRusEng(toIndexList.front())); } if (const auto user = asUser()) { if (user->nameOrPhone != name) { appendToIndex(user->nameOrPhone); } appendToIndex(user->username); if (isSelf()) { const auto english = qsl("Saved messages"); const auto localized = tr::lng_saved_messages(tr::now); appendToIndex(english); if (localized != english) { appendToIndex(localized); } } } else if (const auto channel = asChannel()) { appendToIndex(channel->username); } auto toIndex = toIndexList.join(' '); toIndex += ' ' + rusKeyboardLayoutSwitch(toIndex); const auto namesList = TextUtilities::PrepareSearchWords(toIndex); for (const auto &name : namesList) { _nameWords.insert(name); _nameFirstLetters.insert(name[0]); } } PeerData::~PeerData() = default; void PeerData::updateFull() { if (!_lastFullUpdate || crl::now() > _lastFullUpdate + kUpdateFullPeerTimeout) { updateFullForced(); } } void PeerData::updateFullForced() { session().api().requestFullPeer(this); if (const auto channel = asChannel()) { if (!channel->amCreator() && !channel->inviter) { session().api().requestSelfParticipant(channel); } } } void PeerData::fullUpdated() { _lastFullUpdate = crl::now(); } UserData *PeerData::asUser() { return isUser() ? static_cast(this) : nullptr; } const UserData *PeerData::asUser() const { return isUser() ? static_cast(this) : nullptr; } ChatData *PeerData::asChat() { return isChat() ? static_cast(this) : nullptr; } const ChatData *PeerData::asChat() const { return isChat() ? static_cast(this) : nullptr; } ChannelData *PeerData::asChannel() { return isChannel() ? static_cast(this) : nullptr; } const ChannelData *PeerData::asChannel() const { return isChannel() ? static_cast(this) : nullptr; } ChannelData *PeerData::asMegagroup() { return isMegagroup() ? static_cast(this) : nullptr; } const ChannelData *PeerData::asMegagroup() const { return isMegagroup() ? static_cast(this) : nullptr; } ChatData *PeerData::asChatNotMigrated() { if (const auto chat = asChat()) { return chat->migrateTo() ? nullptr : chat; } return nullptr; } const ChatData *PeerData::asChatNotMigrated() const { if (const auto chat = asChat()) { return chat->migrateTo() ? nullptr : chat; } return nullptr; } ChannelData *PeerData::asChannelOrMigrated() { if (const auto channel = asChannel()) { return channel; } return migrateTo(); } const ChannelData *PeerData::asChannelOrMigrated() const { if (const auto channel = asChannel()) { return channel; } return migrateTo(); } ChatData *PeerData::migrateFrom() const { if (const auto megagroup = asMegagroup()) { return megagroup->amIn() ? megagroup->getMigrateFromChat() : nullptr; } return nullptr; } ChannelData *PeerData::migrateTo() const { if (const auto chat = asChat()) { if (const auto result = chat->getMigrateToChannel()) { return result->amIn() ? result : nullptr; } } return nullptr; } not_null PeerData::migrateToOrMe() { if (const auto channel = migrateTo()) { return channel; } return this; } not_null PeerData::migrateToOrMe() const { if (const auto channel = migrateTo()) { return channel; } return this; } const Ui::Text::String &PeerData::topBarNameText() const { if (const auto to = migrateTo()) { return to->topBarNameText(); } else if (const auto user = asUser()) { if (!user->phoneText.isEmpty()) { return user->phoneText; } } return _nameText; } const Ui::Text::String &PeerData::nameText() const { if (const auto to = migrateTo()) { return to->nameText(); } return _nameText; } const QString &PeerData::shortName() const { if (const auto user = asUser()) { return user->firstName.isEmpty() ? user->lastName : user->firstName; } return name; } QString PeerData::userName() const { if (const auto user = asUser()) { return user->username; } else if (const auto channel = asChannel()) { return channel->username; } return QString(); } bool PeerData::isVerified() const { if (const auto user = asUser()) { return user->isVerified(); } else if (const auto channel = asChannel()) { return channel->isVerified(); } return false; } bool PeerData::isScam() const { if (const auto user = asUser()) { return user->isScam(); } else if (const auto channel = asChannel()) { return channel->isScam(); } return false; } bool PeerData::isMegagroup() const { return isChannel() ? asChannel()->isMegagroup() : false; } bool PeerData::canWrite() const { if (const auto user = asUser()) { return user->canWrite(); } else if (const auto channel = asChannel()) { return channel->canWrite(); } else if (const auto chat = asChat()) { return chat->canWrite(); } return false; } Data::RestrictionCheckResult PeerData::amRestricted( ChatRestriction right) const { using Result = Data::RestrictionCheckResult; const auto allowByAdminRights = [](auto right, auto chat) -> bool { if (right == ChatRestriction::f_invite_users) { return chat->adminRights() & ChatAdminRight::f_invite_users; } else if (right == ChatRestriction::f_change_info) { return chat->adminRights() & ChatAdminRight::f_change_info; } else if (right == ChatRestriction::f_pin_messages) { return chat->adminRights() & ChatAdminRight::f_pin_messages; } else { return chat->hasAdminRights(); } }; if (const auto channel = asChannel()) { const auto defaultRestrictions = channel->defaultRestrictions() | (channel->isPublic() ? (ChatRestriction::f_pin_messages | ChatRestriction::f_change_info) : ChatRestrictions(0)); return (channel->amCreator() || allowByAdminRights(right, channel)) ? Result::Allowed() : (defaultRestrictions & right) ? Result::WithEveryone() : (channel->restrictions() & right) ? Result::Explicit() : Result::Allowed(); } else if (const auto chat = asChat()) { return (chat->amCreator() || allowByAdminRights(right, chat)) ? Result::Allowed() : (chat->defaultRestrictions() & right) ? Result::WithEveryone() : Result::Allowed(); } return Result::Allowed(); } bool PeerData::canRevokeFullHistory() const { return isUser() && !isSelf() && session().serverConfig().revokePrivateInbox && (session().serverConfig().revokePrivateTimeLimit == 0x7FFFFFFF); } bool PeerData::slowmodeApplied() const { if (const auto channel = asChannel()) { return !channel->amCreator() && !channel->hasAdminRights() && (channel->flags() & MTPDchannel::Flag::f_slowmode_enabled); } return false; } int PeerData::slowmodeSecondsLeft() const { if (const auto channel = asChannel()) { if (const auto seconds = channel->slowmodeSeconds()) { if (const auto last = channel->slowmodeLastMessage()) { const auto now = base::unixtime::now(); return std::max(seconds - (now - last), 0); } } } return 0; } bool PeerData::canSendPolls() const { if (const auto user = asUser()) { return user->isBot() && !user->isSupport(); } else if (const auto chat = asChat()) { return chat->canSendPolls(); } else if (const auto channel = asChannel()) { return channel->canSendPolls(); } return false; } namespace Data { std::vector ListOfRestrictions() { using Flag = ChatRestriction; return { Flag::f_send_messages, Flag::f_send_media, Flag::f_send_stickers | Flag::f_send_gifs | Flag::f_send_games | Flag::f_send_inline, Flag::f_embed_links, Flag::f_send_polls, Flag::f_invite_users, Flag::f_pin_messages, Flag::f_change_info, }; } std::optional RestrictionError( not_null peer, ChatRestriction restriction) { using Flag = ChatRestriction; if (const auto restricted = peer->amRestricted(restriction)) { const auto all = restricted.isWithEveryone(); const auto channel = peer->asChannel(); if (!all && channel) { auto restrictedUntil = channel->restrictedUntil(); if (restrictedUntil > 0 && !ChannelData::IsRestrictedForever(restrictedUntil)) { auto restrictedUntilDateTime = base::unixtime::parse(channel->restrictedUntil()); auto date = restrictedUntilDateTime.toString(qsl("dd.MM.yy")); auto time = restrictedUntilDateTime.toString(cTimeFormat()); switch (restriction) { case Flag::f_send_polls: return tr::lng_restricted_send_polls_until( tr::now, lt_date, date, lt_time, time); case Flag::f_send_messages: return tr::lng_restricted_send_message_until( tr::now, lt_date, date, lt_time, time); case Flag::f_send_media: return tr::lng_restricted_send_media_until( tr::now, lt_date, date, lt_time, time); case Flag::f_send_stickers: return tr::lng_restricted_send_stickers_until( tr::now, lt_date, date, lt_time, time); case Flag::f_send_gifs: return tr::lng_restricted_send_gifs_until( tr::now, lt_date, date, lt_time, time); case Flag::f_send_inline: case Flag::f_send_games: return tr::lng_restricted_send_inline_until( tr::now, lt_date, date, lt_time, time); } Unexpected("Restriction in Data::RestrictionErrorKey."); } } switch (restriction) { case Flag::f_send_polls: return all ? tr::lng_restricted_send_polls_all(tr::now) : tr::lng_restricted_send_polls(tr::now); case Flag::f_send_messages: return all ? tr::lng_restricted_send_message_all(tr::now) : tr::lng_restricted_send_message(tr::now); case Flag::f_send_media: return all ? tr::lng_restricted_send_media_all(tr::now) : tr::lng_restricted_send_media(tr::now); case Flag::f_send_stickers: return all ? tr::lng_restricted_send_stickers_all(tr::now) : tr::lng_restricted_send_stickers(tr::now); case Flag::f_send_gifs: return all ? tr::lng_restricted_send_gifs_all(tr::now) : tr::lng_restricted_send_gifs(tr::now); case Flag::f_send_inline: case Flag::f_send_games: return all ? tr::lng_restricted_send_inline_all(tr::now) : tr::lng_restricted_send_inline(tr::now); } Unexpected("Restriction in Data::RestrictionErrorKey."); } return std::nullopt; } } // namespace Data