/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "stickers.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_document_media.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_file_origin.h" #include "boxes/stickers_box.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui/toast/toast.h" #include "ui/emoji_config.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "lottie/lottie_single_player.h" #include "lottie/lottie_multi_player.h" #include "facades.h" #include "app.h" #include "styles/style_chat_helpers.h" namespace Stickers { namespace { constexpr auto kDontCacheLottieAfterArea = 512 * 512; } // namespace void ApplyArchivedResult(const MTPDmessages_stickerSetInstallResultArchive &d) { auto &v = d.vsets().v; auto &order = Auth().data().stickerSetsOrderRef(); Order archived; archived.reserve(v.size()); QMap setsToRequest; for_const (auto &stickerSet, v) { const MTPDstickerSet *setData = nullptr; switch (stickerSet.type()) { case mtpc_stickerSetCovered: { auto &d = stickerSet.c_stickerSetCovered(); if (d.vset().type() == mtpc_stickerSet) { setData = &d.vset().c_stickerSet(); } } break; case mtpc_stickerSetMultiCovered: { auto &d = stickerSet.c_stickerSetMultiCovered(); if (d.vset().type() == mtpc_stickerSet) { setData = &d.vset().c_stickerSet(); } } break; } if (setData) { auto set = FeedSet(*setData); if (set->stickers.isEmpty()) { setsToRequest.insert(set->id, set->access); } auto index = order.indexOf(set->id); if (index >= 0) { order.removeAt(index); } archived.push_back(set->id); } } if (!setsToRequest.isEmpty()) { for (auto i = setsToRequest.cbegin(), e = setsToRequest.cend(); i != e; ++i) { Auth().api().scheduleStickerSetRequest(i.key(), i.value()); } Auth().api().requestStickerSets(); } Local::writeInstalledStickers(); Local::writeArchivedStickers(); Ui::Toast::Show(Ui::Toast::Config{ .text = { tr::lng_stickers_packs_archived(tr::now) }, .st = &st::stickersToast, .multiline = true, }); // Ui::show(Box(archived, &Auth()), Ui::LayerOption::KeepOther); Auth().data().notifyStickersUpdated(); } // For testing: Just apply random subset or your sticker sets as archived. bool ApplyArchivedResultFake() { auto sets = QVector(); for (auto &set : Auth().data().stickerSetsRef()) { if ((set.flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed_date) && !(set.flags & MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_special)) { if (rand_value() % 128 < 64) { const auto data = MTP_stickerSet( MTP_flags(set.flags | MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived), MTP_int(set.installDate), MTP_long(set.id), MTP_long(set.access), MTP_string(set.title), MTP_string(set.shortName), MTP_photoSizeEmpty(MTP_string()), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(set.count), MTP_int(set.hash)); sets.push_back(MTP_stickerSetCovered( data, MTP_documentEmpty(MTP_long(0)))); } } } if (sets.size() > 3) { sets = sets.mid(0, 3); } auto fakeResult = MTP_messages_stickerSetInstallResultArchive( MTP_vector(sets)); ApplyArchivedResult(fakeResult.c_messages_stickerSetInstallResultArchive()); return true; } void InstallLocally(uint64 setId) { auto &sets = Auth().data().stickerSetsRef(); auto it = sets.find(setId); if (it == sets.end()) { return; } auto flags = it->flags; it->flags &= ~(MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived | MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_unread); it->flags |= MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed_date; it->installDate = base::unixtime::now(); auto changedFlags = flags ^ it->flags; auto &order = Auth().data().stickerSetsOrderRef(); int insertAtIndex = 0, currentIndex = order.indexOf(setId); if (currentIndex != insertAtIndex) { if (currentIndex > 0) { order.removeAt(currentIndex); } order.insert(insertAtIndex, setId); } auto custom = sets.find(CustomSetId); if (custom != sets.cend()) { for_const (auto sticker, it->stickers) { int removeIndex = custom->stickers.indexOf(sticker); if (removeIndex >= 0) custom->stickers.removeAt(removeIndex); } if (custom->stickers.isEmpty()) { sets.erase(custom); } } Local::writeInstalledStickers(); if (changedFlags & MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_unread) { Local::writeFeaturedStickers(); } if (changedFlags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived) { auto index = Auth().data().archivedStickerSetsOrderRef().indexOf(setId); if (index >= 0) { Auth().data().archivedStickerSetsOrderRef().removeAt(index); Local::writeArchivedStickers(); } } Auth().data().notifyStickersUpdated(); } void UndoInstallLocally(uint64 setId) { auto &sets = Auth().data().stickerSetsRef(); auto it = sets.find(setId); if (it == sets.end()) { return; } it->flags &= ~MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed_date; it->installDate = TimeId(0); auto &order = Auth().data().stickerSetsOrderRef(); int currentIndex = order.indexOf(setId); if (currentIndex >= 0) { order.removeAt(currentIndex); } Local::writeInstalledStickers(); Auth().data().notifyStickersUpdated(); Ui::show( Box(tr::lng_stickers_not_found(tr::now)), Ui::LayerOption::KeepOther); } bool IsFaved(not_null document) { const auto it = Auth().data().stickerSets().constFind(FavedSetId); if (it == Auth().data().stickerSets().cend()) { return false; } for (const auto sticker : it->stickers) { if (sticker == document) { return true; } } return false; } void CheckFavedLimit(Set &set) { if (set.stickers.size() <= Global::StickersFavedLimit()) { return; } auto removing = set.stickers.back(); set.stickers.pop_back(); for (auto i = set.emoji.begin(); i != set.emoji.end();) { auto index = i->indexOf(removing); if (index >= 0) { i->removeAt(index); if (i->empty()) { i = set.emoji.erase(i); continue; } } ++i; } } void PushFavedToFront( Set &set, not_null document, const std::vector> &emojiList) { set.stickers.push_front(document); for (auto emoji : emojiList) { set.emoji[emoji].push_front(document); } CheckFavedLimit(set); } void MoveFavedToFront(Set &set, int index) { Expects(index > 0 && index < set.stickers.size()); auto document = set.stickers[index]; while (index-- != 0) { set.stickers[index + 1] = set.stickers[index]; } set.stickers[0] = document; for (auto &list : set.emoji) { auto index = list.indexOf(document); if (index > 0) { while (index-- != 0) { list[index + 1] = list[index]; } list[0] = document; } } } void RequestSetToPushFaved(not_null document); void SetIsFaved(not_null document, std::optional>> emojiList = std::nullopt) { auto &sets = Auth().data().stickerSetsRef(); auto it = sets.find(FavedSetId); if (it == sets.end()) { it = sets.insert(FavedSetId, Set( FavedSetId, uint64(0), Lang::Hard::FavedSetTitle(), QString(), 0, // count 0, // hash MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_special | 0, TimeId(0), ImagePtr())); } auto index = it->stickers.indexOf(document); if (index == 0) { return; } if (index > 0) { MoveFavedToFront(*it, index); } else if (emojiList) { PushFavedToFront(*it, document, *emojiList); } else if (auto list = GetEmojiListFromSet(document)) { PushFavedToFront(*it, document, *list); } else { RequestSetToPushFaved(document); return; } Local::writeFavedStickers(); Auth().data().notifyStickersUpdated(); Auth().api().stickerSetInstalled(FavedSetId); } void RequestSetToPushFaved(not_null document) { auto addAnyway = [document](std::vector> list) { if (list.empty()) { if (auto sticker = document->sticker()) { if (auto emoji = Ui::Emoji::Find(sticker->alt)) { list.push_back(emoji); } } } SetIsFaved(document, std::move(list)); }; MTP::send(MTPmessages_GetStickerSet(document->sticker()->set), rpcDone([document, addAnyway](const MTPmessages_StickerSet &result) { Expects(result.type() == mtpc_messages_stickerSet); auto list = std::vector>(); auto &d = result.c_messages_stickerSet(); list.reserve(d.vpacks().v.size()); for_const (auto &mtpPack, d.vpacks().v) { auto &pack = mtpPack.c_stickerPack(); for_const (auto &documentId, pack.vdocuments().v) { if (documentId.v == document->id) { if (const auto emoji = Ui::Emoji::Find(qs(mtpPack.c_stickerPack().vemoticon()))) { list.emplace_back(emoji); } break; } } } addAnyway(std::move(list)); }), rpcFail([addAnyway](const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) { return false; } // Perhaps this is a deleted sticker pack. Add anyway. addAnyway({}); return true; })); } void SetIsNotFaved(not_null document) { auto &sets = Auth().data().stickerSetsRef(); auto it = sets.find(FavedSetId); if (it == sets.end()) { return; } auto index = it->stickers.indexOf(document); if (index < 0) { return; } it->stickers.removeAt(index); for (auto i = it->emoji.begin(); i != it->emoji.end();) { auto index = i->indexOf(document); if (index >= 0) { i->removeAt(index); if (i->empty()) { i = it->emoji.erase(i); continue; } } ++i; } if (it->stickers.empty()) { sets.erase(it); } Local::writeFavedStickers(); Auth().data().notifyStickersUpdated(); } void SetFaved(not_null document, bool faved) { if (faved) { SetIsFaved(document); } else { SetIsNotFaved(document); } } void SetsReceived(const QVector &data, int32 hash) { auto &setsOrder = Auth().data().stickerSetsOrderRef(); setsOrder.clear(); auto &sets = Auth().data().stickerSetsRef(); QMap setsToRequest; for (auto &set : sets) { if (!(set.flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived)) { // Mark for removing. set.flags &= ~MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed_date; set.installDate = 0; } } for_const (auto &setData, data) { if (setData.type() == mtpc_stickerSet) { auto set = FeedSet(setData.c_stickerSet()); if (!(set->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived) || (set->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_official)) { setsOrder.push_back(set->id); if (set->stickers.isEmpty() || (set->flags & MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_not_loaded)) { setsToRequest.insert(set->id, set->access); } } } } auto writeRecent = false; auto &recent = GetRecentPack(); for (auto it = sets.begin(), e = sets.end(); it != e;) { bool installed = (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed_date); bool featured = (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_featured); bool special = (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_special); bool archived = (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived); if (!installed) { // remove not mine sets from recent stickers for (auto i = recent.begin(); i != recent.cend();) { if (it->stickers.indexOf(i->first) >= 0) { i = recent.erase(i); writeRecent = true; } else { ++i; } } } if (installed || featured || special || archived) { ++it; } else { it = sets.erase(it); } } if (!setsToRequest.isEmpty()) { auto &api = Auth().api(); for (auto i = setsToRequest.cbegin(), e = setsToRequest.cend(); i != e; ++i) { api.scheduleStickerSetRequest(i.key(), i.value()); } api.requestStickerSets(); } Local::writeInstalledStickers(); if (writeRecent) Local::writeUserSettings(); if (Local::countStickersHash() != hash) { LOG(("API Error: received stickers hash %1 while counted hash is %2").arg(hash).arg(Local::countStickersHash())); } Auth().data().notifyStickersUpdated(); } void SetPackAndEmoji( Set &set, Pack &&pack, const std::vector &&dates, const QVector &packs) { set.stickers = std::move(pack); set.dates = std::move(dates); set.emoji.clear(); for_const (auto &mtpPack, packs) { Assert(mtpPack.type() == mtpc_stickerPack); auto &pack = mtpPack.c_stickerPack(); if (auto emoji = Ui::Emoji::Find(qs(pack.vemoticon()))) { emoji = emoji->original(); auto &stickers = pack.vdocuments().v; auto p = Pack(); p.reserve(stickers.size()); for (auto j = 0, c = stickers.size(); j != c; ++j) { auto document = Auth().data().document(stickers[j].v); if (!document || !document->sticker()) continue; p.push_back(document); } set.emoji.insert(emoji, p); } } } void SpecialSetReceived( uint64 setId, const QString &setTitle, const QVector &items, int32 hash, const QVector &packs, const QVector &usageDates) { auto &sets = Auth().data().stickerSetsRef(); auto it = sets.find(setId); if (items.isEmpty()) { if (it != sets.cend()) { sets.erase(it); } } else { if (it == sets.cend()) { it = sets.insert(setId, Set( setId, uint64(0), setTitle, QString(), 0, // count 0, // hash MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_special | 0, TimeId(0), ImagePtr())); } else { it->title = setTitle; } it->hash = hash; auto dates = std::vector(); auto dateIndex = 0; auto datesAvailable = (items.size() == usageDates.size()) && (setId == CloudRecentSetId); auto custom = sets.find(CustomSetId); auto pack = Pack(); pack.reserve(items.size()); for (const auto &item : items) { ++dateIndex; const auto document = Auth().data().processDocument(item); if (!document->sticker()) { continue; } pack.push_back(document); if (datesAvailable) { dates.push_back(TimeId(usageDates[dateIndex - 1].v)); } if (custom != sets.cend()) { auto index = custom->stickers.indexOf(document); if (index >= 0) { custom->stickers.removeAt(index); } } } if (custom != sets.cend() && custom->stickers.isEmpty()) { sets.erase(custom); custom = sets.end(); } auto writeRecent = false; auto &recent = GetRecentPack(); for (auto i = recent.begin(); i != recent.cend();) { if (it->stickers.indexOf(i->first) >= 0 && pack.indexOf(i->first) < 0) { i = recent.erase(i); writeRecent = true; } else { ++i; } } if (pack.isEmpty()) { sets.erase(it); } else { SetPackAndEmoji(*it, std::move(pack), std::move(dates), packs); } if (writeRecent) { Local::writeUserSettings(); } } switch (setId) { case CloudRecentSetId: { if (Local::countRecentStickersHash() != hash) { LOG(("API Error: received recent stickers hash %1 while counted hash is %2").arg(hash).arg(Local::countRecentStickersHash())); } Local::writeRecentStickers(); } break; case FavedSetId: { if (Local::countFavedStickersHash() != hash) { LOG(("API Error: received faved stickers hash %1 while counted hash is %2").arg(hash).arg(Local::countFavedStickersHash())); } Local::writeFavedStickers(); } break; default: Unexpected("setId in SpecialSetReceived()"); } Auth().data().notifyStickersUpdated(); } void FeaturedSetsReceived( const QVector &data, const QVector &unread, int32 hash) { auto &&unreadIds = ranges::view::all( unread ) | ranges::view::transform([](const MTPlong &id) { return id.v; }); const auto unreadMap = base::flat_set{ unreadIds.begin(), unreadIds.end() }; auto &setsOrder = Auth().data().featuredStickerSetsOrderRef(); setsOrder.clear(); auto &sets = Auth().data().stickerSetsRef(); auto setsToRequest = base::flat_map(); for (auto &set : sets) { // Mark for removing. set.flags &= ~MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_featured; } for (int i = 0, l = data.size(); i != l; ++i) { auto &setData = data[i]; const MTPDstickerSet *set = nullptr; switch (setData.type()) { case mtpc_stickerSetCovered: { auto &d = setData.c_stickerSetCovered(); if (d.vset().type() == mtpc_stickerSet) { set = &d.vset().c_stickerSet(); } } break; case mtpc_stickerSetMultiCovered: { auto &d = setData.c_stickerSetMultiCovered(); if (d.vset().type() == mtpc_stickerSet) { set = &d.vset().c_stickerSet(); } } break; } if (set) { auto it = sets.find(set->vid().v); const auto title = GetSetTitle(*set); const auto installDate = set->vinstalled_date().value_or_empty(); const auto thumb = set->vthumb(); const auto thumbnail = thumb ? Images::Create(*set, *thumb) : ImagePtr(); if (it == sets.cend()) { auto setClientFlags = MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_featured | MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_not_loaded; if (unreadMap.contains(set->vid().v)) { setClientFlags |= MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_unread; } it = sets.insert(set->vid().v, Set( set->vid().v, set->vaccess_hash().v, title, qs(set->vshort_name()), set->vcount().v, set->vhash().v, set->vflags().v | setClientFlags, installDate, thumbnail)); } else { it->access = set->vaccess_hash().v; it->title = title; it->shortName = qs(set->vshort_name()); auto clientFlags = it->flags & (MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_featured | MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_unread | MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_not_loaded | MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_special); it->flags = set->vflags().v | clientFlags; it->flags |= MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_featured; it->installDate = installDate; it->thumbnail = thumbnail; if (unreadMap.contains(it->id)) { it->flags |= MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_unread; } else { it->flags &= ~MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_unread; } if (it->count != set->vcount().v || it->hash != set->vhash().v || it->emoji.isEmpty()) { it->count = set->vcount().v; it->hash = set->vhash().v; it->flags |= MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_not_loaded; // need to request this set } } setsOrder.push_back(set->vid().v); if (it->stickers.isEmpty() || (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_not_loaded)) { setsToRequest.emplace(set->vid().v, set->vaccess_hash().v); } } } auto unreadCount = 0; for (auto it = sets.begin(), e = sets.end(); it != e;) { bool installed = (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed_date); bool featured = (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_featured); bool special = (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_special); bool archived = (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived); if (installed || featured || special || archived) { if (featured && (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_unread)) { ++unreadCount; } ++it; } else { it = sets.erase(it); } } Auth().data().setFeaturedStickerSetsUnreadCount(unreadCount); if (Local::countFeaturedStickersHash() != hash) { LOG(("API Error: received featured stickers hash %1 while counted hash is %2").arg(hash).arg(Local::countFeaturedStickersHash())); } if (!setsToRequest.empty()) { auto &api = Auth().api(); for (const auto [setId, accessHash] : setsToRequest) { api.scheduleStickerSetRequest(setId, accessHash); } api.requestStickerSets(); } Local::writeFeaturedStickers(); Auth().data().notifyStickersUpdated(); } void GifsReceived(const QVector &items, int32 hash) { auto &saved = Auth().data().savedGifsRef(); saved.clear(); saved.reserve(items.size()); for (const auto &item : items) { const auto document = Auth().data().processDocument(item); if (!document->isGifv()) { LOG(("API Error: " "bad document returned in HistoryWidget::savedGifsGot!")); continue; } saved.push_back(document); } if (Local::countSavedGifsHash() != hash) { LOG(("API Error: received saved gifs hash %1 while counted hash is %2").arg(hash).arg(Local::countSavedGifsHash())); } Local::writeSavedGifs(); Auth().data().notifySavedGifsUpdated(); } std::vector> GetListByEmoji( not_null session, not_null emoji, uint64 seed) { const auto original = emoji->original(); struct StickerWithDate { not_null document; TimeId date = 0; }; auto result = std::vector(); auto &sets = session->data().stickerSetsRef(); auto setsToRequest = base::flat_map(); const auto add = [&](not_null document, TimeId date) { if (ranges::find(result, document, [](const StickerWithDate &data) { return data.document; }) == result.end()) { result.push_back({ document, date }); } }; constexpr auto kSlice = 65536; const auto CreateSortKey = [&]( not_null document, int base) { if (document->sticker() && document->sticker()->animated) { base += kSlice; } return TimeId(base + int((document->id ^ seed) % kSlice)); }; const auto CreateRecentSortKey = [&](not_null document) { return CreateSortKey(document, kSlice * 6); }; auto myCounter = 0; const auto CreateMySortKey = [&](not_null document) { auto base = kSlice * 6; if (!document->sticker() || !document->sticker()->animated) { base -= kSlice; } return (base - (++myCounter)); }; const auto CreateFeaturedSortKey = [&](not_null document) { return CreateSortKey(document, kSlice * 2); }; const auto CreateOtherSortKey = [&](not_null document) { return CreateSortKey(document, 0); }; const auto InstallDateAdjusted = [&]( TimeId date, not_null document) { return (document->sticker() && document->sticker()->animated) ? date : date / 2; }; const auto InstallDate = [&](not_null document) { Expects(document->sticker() != nullptr); const auto sticker = document->sticker(); if (sticker->set.type() == mtpc_inputStickerSetID) { const auto setId = sticker->set.c_inputStickerSetID().vid().v; const auto setIt = sets.find(setId); if (setIt != sets.end()) { return InstallDateAdjusted(setIt->installDate, document); } } return TimeId(0); }; auto recentIt = sets.find(Stickers::CloudRecentSetId); if (recentIt != sets.cend()) { auto i = recentIt->emoji.constFind(original); if (i != recentIt->emoji.cend()) { result.reserve(i->size()); for (const auto document : *i) { const auto usageDate = [&] { if (recentIt->dates.empty()) { return TimeId(0); } const auto index = recentIt->stickers.indexOf(document); if (index < 0) { return TimeId(0); } Assert(index < recentIt->dates.size()); return recentIt->dates[index]; }(); const auto date = usageDate ? usageDate : InstallDate(document); result.push_back({ document, date ? date : CreateRecentSortKey(document) }); } } } const auto addList = [&](const Order &order, MTPDstickerSet::Flag skip) { for (const auto setId : order) { auto it = sets.find(setId); if (it == sets.cend() || (it->flags & skip)) { continue; } if (it->emoji.isEmpty()) { setsToRequest.emplace(it->id, it->access); it->flags |= MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_not_loaded; continue; } auto i = it->emoji.constFind(original); if (i == it->emoji.cend()) { continue; } const auto my = (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed_date); result.reserve(result.size() + i->size()); for (const auto document : *i) { const auto installDate = my ? it->installDate : TimeId(0); const auto date = (installDate > 1) ? InstallDateAdjusted(installDate, document) : my ? CreateMySortKey(document) : CreateFeaturedSortKey(document); add(document, date); } } }; addList( session->data().stickerSetsOrder(), MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived); //addList( // session->data().featuredStickerSetsOrder(), // MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed_date); if (!setsToRequest.empty()) { for (const auto &[setId, accessHash] : setsToRequest) { session->api().scheduleStickerSetRequest(setId, accessHash); } session->api().requestStickerSets(); } if (session->settings().suggestStickersByEmoji()) { const auto others = session->api().stickersByEmoji(original); if (!others) { return {}; } result.reserve(result.size() + others->size()); for (const auto document : *others) { add(document, CreateOtherSortKey(document)); } } ranges::action::sort( result, std::greater<>(), &StickerWithDate::date); return ranges::view::all( result ) | ranges::view::transform([](const StickerWithDate &data) { return data.document; }) | ranges::to_vector; } std::optional>> GetEmojiListFromSet( not_null document) { if (auto sticker = document->sticker()) { auto &inputSet = sticker->set; if (inputSet.type() != mtpc_inputStickerSetID) { return std::nullopt; } auto &sets = Auth().data().stickerSets(); auto it = sets.constFind(inputSet.c_inputStickerSetID().vid().v); if (it == sets.cend()) { return std::nullopt; } auto result = std::vector>(); for (auto i = it->emoji.cbegin(), e = it->emoji.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (i->contains(document)) { result.emplace_back(i.key()); } } if (result.empty()) { return std::nullopt; } return result; } return std::nullopt; } Set *FeedSet(const MTPDstickerSet &set) { auto &sets = Auth().data().stickerSetsRef(); auto it = sets.find(set.vid().v); auto title = GetSetTitle(set); auto flags = MTPDstickerSet::Flags(0); const auto thumb = set.vthumb(); const auto thumbnail = thumb ? Images::Create(set, *thumb) : ImagePtr(); if (it == sets.cend()) { it = sets.insert(set.vid().v, Stickers::Set( set.vid().v, set.vaccess_hash().v, title, qs(set.vshort_name()), set.vcount().v, set.vhash().v, set.vflags().v | MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_not_loaded, set.vinstalled_date().value_or_empty(), thumbnail)); } else { it->access = set.vaccess_hash().v; it->title = title; it->shortName = qs(set.vshort_name()); flags = it->flags; auto clientFlags = it->flags & (MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_featured | MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_unread | MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_not_loaded | MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_special); it->flags = set.vflags().v | clientFlags; const auto installDate = set.vinstalled_date(); it->installDate = installDate ? (installDate->v ? installDate->v : base::unixtime::now()) : TimeId(0); it->thumbnail = thumbnail; if (it->count != set.vcount().v || it->hash != set.vhash().v || it->emoji.isEmpty()) { // Need to request this set. it->count = set.vcount().v; it->hash = set.vhash().v; it->flags |= MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_not_loaded; } } auto changedFlags = (flags ^ it->flags); if (changedFlags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived) { auto index = Auth().data().archivedStickerSetsOrder().indexOf(it->id); if (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived) { if (index < 0) { Auth().data().archivedStickerSetsOrderRef().push_front(it->id); } } else if (index >= 0) { Auth().data().archivedStickerSetsOrderRef().removeAt(index); } } return &it.value(); } Set *FeedSetFull(const MTPmessages_StickerSet &data) { Expects(data.type() == mtpc_messages_stickerSet); Expects(data.c_messages_stickerSet().vset().type() == mtpc_stickerSet); const auto &d = data.c_messages_stickerSet(); const auto &s = d.vset().c_stickerSet(); auto &sets = Auth().data().stickerSetsRef(); auto it = sets.find(s.vid().v); const auto wasArchived = (it->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived); auto set = FeedSet(s); set->flags &= ~MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_not_loaded; auto &d_docs = d.vdocuments().v; auto custom = sets.find(Stickers::CustomSetId); auto inputSet = MTP_inputStickerSetID( MTP_long(set->id), MTP_long(set->access)); auto pack = Pack(); pack.reserve(d_docs.size()); for (const auto &item : d_docs) { const auto document = Auth().data().processDocument(item); if (!document->sticker()) continue; pack.push_back(document); if (document->sticker()->set.type() != mtpc_inputStickerSetID) { document->sticker()->set = inputSet; } if (custom != sets.cend()) { const auto index = custom->stickers.indexOf(document); if (index >= 0) { custom->stickers.removeAt(index); } } } if (custom != sets.cend() && custom->stickers.isEmpty()) { sets.erase(custom); custom = sets.end(); } auto writeRecent = false; auto &recent = GetRecentPack(); for (auto i = recent.begin(); i != recent.cend();) { if (set->stickers.indexOf(i->first) >= 0 && pack.indexOf(i->first) < 0) { i = recent.erase(i); writeRecent = true; } else { ++i; } } if (pack.isEmpty()) { int removeIndex = Auth().data().stickerSetsOrder().indexOf(set->id); if (removeIndex >= 0) Auth().data().stickerSetsOrderRef().removeAt(removeIndex); sets.remove(set->id); set = nullptr; } else { set->stickers = pack; set->emoji.clear(); auto &v = d.vpacks().v; for (auto i = 0, l = v.size(); i != l; ++i) { if (v[i].type() != mtpc_stickerPack) continue; auto &pack = v[i].c_stickerPack(); if (auto emoji = Ui::Emoji::Find(qs(pack.vemoticon()))) { emoji = emoji->original(); auto &stickers = pack.vdocuments().v; Pack p; p.reserve(stickers.size()); for (auto j = 0, c = stickers.size(); j != c; ++j) { auto doc = Auth().data().document(stickers[j].v); if (!doc || !doc->sticker()) continue; p.push_back(doc); } set->emoji.insert(emoji, p); } } } if (writeRecent) { Local::writeUserSettings(); } if (set) { const auto isArchived = (set->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived); if (set->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed_date) { if (!isArchived) { Local::writeInstalledStickers(); } } if (set->flags & MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_featured) { Local::writeFeaturedStickers(); } if (wasArchived != isArchived) { Local::writeArchivedStickers(); } } Auth().data().notifyStickersUpdated(); return set; } void NewSetReceived(const MTPmessages_StickerSet &data) { bool writeArchived = false; const auto &set = data.c_messages_stickerSet(); const auto &s = set.vset().c_stickerSet(); if (!s.vinstalled_date()) { LOG(("API Error: " "updateNewStickerSet without install_date flag.")); return; } else if (s.is_archived()) { LOG(("API Error: " "updateNewStickerSet with archived flag.")); return; } else if (s.is_masks()) { return; } auto &order = Auth().data().stickerSetsOrderRef(); int32 insertAtIndex = 0, currentIndex = order.indexOf(s.vid().v); if (currentIndex != insertAtIndex) { if (currentIndex > 0) { order.removeAt(currentIndex); } order.insert(insertAtIndex, s.vid().v); } FeedSetFull(data); } QString GetSetTitle(const MTPDstickerSet &s) { auto title = qs(s.vtitle()); if ((s.vflags().v & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_official) && !title.compare(qstr("Great Minds"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { return tr::lng_stickers_default_set(tr::now); } return title; } RecentStickerPack &GetRecentPack() { if (cRecentStickers().isEmpty() && !cRecentStickersPreload().isEmpty()) { const auto p = cRecentStickersPreload(); cSetRecentStickersPreload(RecentStickerPreload()); auto &recent = cRefRecentStickers(); recent.reserve(p.size()); for (const auto &preloaded : p) { const auto document = Auth().data().document(preloaded.first); if (!document || !document->sticker()) continue; recent.push_back(qMakePair(document, preloaded.second)); } } return cRefRecentStickers(); } template auto LottieCachedFromContent( Method &&method, Storage::Cache::Key baseKey, uint8 keyShift, not_null session, const QByteArray &content, QSize box) { const auto key = Storage::Cache::Key{ baseKey.high, baseKey.low + keyShift }; const auto get = [=](FnMut handler) { session->data().cacheBigFile().get( key, std::move(handler)); }; const auto weak = base::make_weak(session.get()); const auto put = [=](QByteArray &&cached) { crl::on_main(weak, [=, data = std::move(cached)]() mutable { weak->data().cacheBigFile().put(key, std::move(data)); }); }; return method( get, put, content, Lottie::FrameRequest{ box }); } template auto LottieFromDocument( Method &&method, not_null media, uint8 keyShift, QSize box) { const auto document = media->owner(); const auto data = media->bytes(); const auto filepath = document->filepath(); if (box.width() * box.height() > kDontCacheLottieAfterArea) { // Don't use frame caching for large stickers. return method( Lottie::ReadContent(data, filepath), Lottie::FrameRequest{ box }); } if (const auto baseKey = document->bigFileBaseCacheKey()) { return LottieCachedFromContent( std::forward(method), baseKey, keyShift, &document->session(), Lottie::ReadContent(data, filepath), box); } return method( Lottie::ReadContent(data, filepath), Lottie::FrameRequest{ box }); } std::unique_ptr LottiePlayerFromDocument( not_null media, LottieSize sizeTag, QSize box, Lottie::Quality quality, std::shared_ptr renderer) { return LottiePlayerFromDocument( media, nullptr, sizeTag, box, quality, std::move(renderer)); } std::unique_ptr LottiePlayerFromDocument( not_null media, const Lottie::ColorReplacements *replacements, LottieSize sizeTag, QSize box, Lottie::Quality quality, std::shared_ptr renderer) { const auto method = [&](auto &&...args) { return std::make_unique( std::forward(args)..., quality, replacements, std::move(renderer)); }; const auto tag = replacements ? replacements->tag : uint8(0); const auto keyShift = ((tag << 4) & 0xF0) | (uint8(sizeTag) & 0x0F); return LottieFromDocument(method, media, uint8(keyShift), box); } not_null LottieAnimationFromDocument( not_null player, not_null media, LottieSize sizeTag, QSize box) { const auto method = [&](auto &&...args) { return player->append(std::forward(args)...); }; return LottieFromDocument(method, media, uint8(sizeTag), box); } bool HasLottieThumbnail( ImagePtr thumbnail, not_null media) { const auto document = media->owner(); if (thumbnail) { if (!thumbnail->loaded()) { return false; } const auto &location = thumbnail->location(); const auto &bytes = thumbnail->bytesForCache(); return location.valid() && location.type() == StorageFileLocation::Type::StickerSetThumb && !bytes.isEmpty(); } else if (const auto info = document->sticker()) { if (!info->animated) { return false; } media->automaticLoad(document->stickerSetOrigin(), nullptr); if (!media->loaded()) { return false; } return document->bigFileBaseCacheKey().valid(); } return false; } std::unique_ptr LottieThumbnail( ImagePtr thumbnail, not_null media, LottieSize sizeTag, QSize box, std::shared_ptr renderer) { const auto document = media->owner(); const auto baseKey = thumbnail ? thumbnail->location().file().bigFileBaseCacheKey() : document->bigFileBaseCacheKey(); if (!baseKey) { return nullptr; } const auto content = (thumbnail ? thumbnail->bytesForCache() : Lottie::ReadContent(media->bytes(), document->filepath())); if (content.isEmpty()) { return nullptr; } const auto method = [](auto &&...args) { return std::make_unique( std::forward(args)...); }; return LottieCachedFromContent( method, baseKey, uint8(sizeTag), &document->session(), content, box); } ThumbnailSource::ThumbnailSource( const StorageImageLocation &location, int size) : StorageSource(location, size) { } QImage ThumbnailSource::takeLoaded() { const auto loader = currentLoader(); if (_bytesForAnimated.isEmpty() && loader && loader->finished() && !loader->cancelled()) { _bytesForAnimated = loader->bytes(); } auto result = StorageSource::takeLoaded(); if (!_bytesForAnimated.isEmpty() && !result.isNull() && result.size() != Image::Empty()->original().size()) { _bytesForAnimated = QByteArray(); } return result; } QByteArray ThumbnailSource::bytesForCache() { return _bytesForAnimated; } } // namespace Stickers