/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ using "basic.style"; using "ui/widgets/widgets.style"; using "window/window.style"; callWidth: 300px; callHeight: 470px; callShadow: Shadow { left: icon {{ "call_shadow_left", windowShadowFg }}; topLeft: icon {{ "call_shadow_top_left", windowShadowFg }}; top: icon {{ "call_shadow_top", windowShadowFg }}; topRight: icon {{ "call_shadow_top_left-flip_horizontal", windowShadowFg }}; right: icon {{ "call_shadow_left-flip_horizontal", windowShadowFg }}; bottomRight: icon {{ "call_shadow_top_left-flip_vertical-flip_horizontal", windowShadowFg }}; bottom: icon {{ "call_shadow_top-flip_vertical", windowShadowFg }}; bottomLeft: icon {{ "call_shadow_top_left-flip_vertical", windowShadowFg }}; extend: margins(9px, 8px, 9px, 10px); fallback: windowShadowFgFallback; } callButton: IconButton { width: 72px; height: 72px; iconPosition: point(-1px, -1px); rippleAreaPosition: point(12px, 12px); rippleAreaSize: 48px; ripple: defaultRippleAnimation; } callAnswer: CallButton { button: IconButton(callButton) { icon: icon {{ "call_answer", callIconFg }}; ripple: RippleAnimation(defaultRippleAnimation) { color: callAnswerRipple; } } bg: callAnswerBg; angle: 135.; outerRadius: 12px; outerBg: callAnswerBgOuter; } callHangup: CallButton { button: IconButton(callButton) { icon: icon {{ "call_discard", callIconFg }}; ripple: RippleAnimation(defaultRippleAnimation) { color: callHangupRipple; } } bg: callHangupBg; outerBg: callHangupBg; } callCancel: CallButton { button: IconButton(callButton) { icon: icon {{ "box_button_close", callCancelFg }}; ripple: RippleAnimation(defaultRippleAnimation) { color: callCancelRipple; } } bg: callCancelBg; outerBg: callCancelBg; } callMuteToggle: IconButton(callButton) { icon: icon {{ "call_record_active", callIconFg }}; ripple: RippleAnimation(defaultRippleAnimation) { color: callMuteRipple; } } callUnmuteIcon: icon {{ "call_record_muted", callIconFg }}; callControlsTop: 80px; callControlsSkip: 0px; callMuteRight: 8px; callNameTop: 15px; callName: FlatLabel(defaultFlatLabel) { width: 260px; maxHeight: 30px; textFg: callNameFg; align: align(top); style: TextStyle(defaultTextStyle) { font: font(21px semibold); linkFont: font(21px semibold); linkFontOver: font(21px semibold underline); } } callStatusTop: 46px; callStatus: FlatLabel(defaultFlatLabel) { width: 260px; maxHeight: 20px; textFg: callStatusFg; align: align(top); style: TextStyle(defaultTextStyle) { font: font(14px); linkFont: font(14px); linkFontOver: font(14px underline); } } callFingerprintPadding: margins(9px, 4px, 9px, 5px); callFingerprintSkip: 3px; callFingerprintBottom: 8px; callBarHeight: 38px; callBarMuteToggle: IconButton { width: 41px; height: 38px; icon: icon {{ "call_record_active", callBarFg }}; iconPosition: point(9px, 8px); ripple: RippleAnimation(defaultRippleAnimation) { color: callBarMuteRipple; } rippleAreaPosition: point(5px, 3px); rippleAreaSize: 32px; } callBarUnmuteIcon: icon {{ "call_record_muted", callBarFg }}; callBarRightSkip: 12px; callBarSkip: 10px; callBarHangup: IconButton(callBarMuteToggle) { icon: icon {{ "call_discard", callBarFg }}; iconPosition: point(9px, 11px); } callBarLabel: LabelSimple(defaultLabelSimple) { font: semiboldFont; textFg: callBarFg; } callBarInfoLabel: FlatLabel(defaultFlatLabel) { maxHeight: 28px; align: align(top); textFg: callBarFg; style: TextStyle(defaultTextStyle) { font: semiboldFont; } } callBarLabelTop: 10px; callArrowPosition: point(-2px, 1px); callArrowIn: icon {{ "call_arrow_in", callArrowFg }}; callArrowOut: icon {{ "call_arrow_out", callArrowFg }}; callArrowMissed: icon {{ "call_arrow_in", callArrowMissedFg }}; callArrowSkip: 4px; callReDial: IconButton { width: 40px; height: 56px; icon: mainMenuCalls; iconOver: mainMenuCallsOver; iconPosition: point(-1px, -1px); ripple: defaultRippleAnimation; rippleAreaPosition: point(0px, 8px); rippleAreaSize: 40px; } callRatingPadding: margins(24px, 12px, 24px, 0px); callRatingStar: IconButton { width: 36px; height: 36px; icon: icon {{ "call_rating", windowSubTextFg }}; iconPosition: point(-1px, -1px); ripple: RippleAnimation(defaultRippleAnimation) { color: windowBgOver; } rippleAreaPosition: point(0px, 0px); rippleAreaSize: 36px; } callRatingStarFilled: icon {{ "call_rating_filled", lightButtonFg }}; callRatingStarTop: 4px; callRatingComment: InputField(defaultInputField) { textMargins: margins(1px, 26px, 1px, 4px); heightMax: 135px; } callRatingCommentTop: 8px; callDebugLabel: FlatLabel(defaultFlatLabel) { margin: margins(24px, 0px, 24px, 0px); } callPanelDuration: 150;