/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "media/view/media_view_overlay_raster.h" #include "media/view/media_view_pip.h" namespace Media::View { OverlayWidget::RendererSW::RendererSW(not_null owner) : _owner(owner) , _transparentBrush(style::TransparentPlaceholder()) { } void OverlayWidget::RendererSW::paintFallback( Painter &&p, const QRegion &clip, Ui::GL::Backend backend) { _p = &p; _clip = &clip; _clipOuter = clip.boundingRect(); _owner->paint(this); _p = nullptr; _clip = nullptr; } void OverlayWidget::RendererSW::paintBackground() { const auto region = _owner->opaqueContentShown() ? (*_clip - _owner->finalContentRect()) : *_clip; const auto m = _p->compositionMode(); _p->setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); const auto &bg = _owner->_fullScreenVideo ? st::mediaviewVideoBg : st::mediaviewBg; for (const auto rect : region) { _p->fillRect(rect, bg); } _p->setCompositionMode(m); } QRect OverlayWidget::RendererSW::TransformRect( QRectF geometry, int rotation) { const auto center = geometry.center(); const auto rect = ((rotation % 180) == 90) ? QRectF( center.x() - geometry.height() / 2., center.y() - geometry.width() / 2., geometry.height(), geometry.width()) : geometry; return QRect( int(rect.x()), int(rect.y()), int(rect.width()), int(rect.height())); } void OverlayWidget::RendererSW::paintTransformedVideoFrame( ContentGeometry geometry) { Expects(_owner->_streamed != nullptr); const auto rotation = int(geometry.rotation); const auto rect = TransformRect(geometry.rect, rotation); if (!rect.intersects(_clipOuter)) { return; } paintTransformedImage(_owner->videoFrame(), rect, rotation); } void OverlayWidget::RendererSW::paintTransformedStaticContent( const QImage &image, ContentGeometry geometry, bool fillTransparentBackground) { const auto rotation = int(geometry.rotation); const auto rect = TransformRect(geometry.rect, rotation); if (!rect.intersects(_clipOuter)) { return; } if (fillTransparentBackground) { _p->fillRect(rect, _transparentBrush); } if (image.isNull()) { return; } paintTransformedImage(image, rect, rotation); } void OverlayWidget::RendererSW::paintTransformedImage( const QImage &image, QRect rect, int rotation) { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(*_p); if (UsePainterRotation(rotation, false)) { if (rotation) { _p->save(); _p->rotate(rotation); } _p->drawImage(RotatedRect(rect, rotation), image); if (rotation) { _p->restore(); } } else { _p->drawImage(rect, _owner->transformShownContent(image, rotation)); } } void OverlayWidget::RendererSW::paintRadialLoading( QRect inner, bool radial, float64 radialOpacity) { _owner->paintRadialLoadingContent(*_p, inner, radial, radialOpacity); } void OverlayWidget::RendererSW::paintThemePreview(QRect outer) { _owner->paintThemePreviewContent(*_p, outer, _clipOuter); } void OverlayWidget::RendererSW::paintDocumentBubble( QRect outer, QRect icon) { if (outer.intersects(_clipOuter)) { _owner->paintDocumentBubbleContent(*_p, outer, icon, _clipOuter); if (icon.intersects(_clipOuter)) { _owner->paintRadialLoading(this); } } } void OverlayWidget::RendererSW::paintSaveMsg(QRect outer) { if (outer.intersects(_clipOuter)) { _owner->paintSaveMsgContent(*_p, outer, _clipOuter); } } void OverlayWidget::RendererSW::paintControlsStart() { } void OverlayWidget::RendererSW::paintControl( OverState control, QRect outer, float64 outerOpacity, QRect inner, float64 innerOpacity, const style::icon &icon) { if (!outer.isEmpty() && !outer.intersects(_clipOuter)) { return; } if (!outer.isEmpty() && outerOpacity > 0) { _p->setOpacity(outerOpacity); for (const auto &rect : *_clip) { const auto fill = outer.intersected(rect); if (!fill.isEmpty()) { _p->fillRect(fill, st::mediaviewControlBg); } } } if (inner.intersects(_clipOuter)) { _p->setOpacity(innerOpacity); icon.paintInCenter(*_p, inner); } } void OverlayWidget::RendererSW::paintFooter(QRect outer, float64 opacity) { if (outer.intersects(_clipOuter)) { _owner->paintFooterContent(*_p, outer, _clipOuter, opacity); } } void OverlayWidget::RendererSW::paintCaption(QRect outer, float64 opacity) { if (outer.intersects(_clipOuter)) { _owner->paintCaptionContent(*_p, outer, _clipOuter, opacity); } } void OverlayWidget::RendererSW::paintGroupThumbs( QRect outer, float64 opacity) { if (outer.intersects(_clipOuter)) { _owner->paintGroupThumbsContent(*_p, outer, _clipOuter, opacity); } } } // namespace Media::View