/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "core/core_settings.h" #include "boxes/send_files_box.h" #include "ui/widgets/input_fields.h" #include "storage/serialize_common.h" #include "window/section_widget.h" #include "base/platform/base_platform_info.h" #include "webrtc/webrtc_create_adm.h" #include "media/player/media_player_instance.h" #include "ui/gl/gl_detection.h" #include "calls/group/calls_group_common.h" #include "facades.h" namespace Core { namespace { constexpr auto kRecentEmojiLimit = 42; [[nodiscard]] WindowPosition Deserialize(const QByteArray &data) { QDataStream stream(data); stream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_1); auto result = WindowPosition(); stream >> result.x >> result.y >> result.w >> result.h >> result.moncrc >> result.maximized >> result.scale; return result; } [[nodiscard]] QByteArray Serialize(const WindowPosition &position) { auto result = QByteArray(); const auto size = 7 * sizeof(qint32); result.reserve(size); { QDataStream stream(&result, QIODevice::WriteOnly); stream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_1); stream << qint32(position.x) << qint32(position.y) << qint32(position.w) << qint32(position.h) << qint32(position.moncrc) << qint32(position.maximized) << qint32(position.scale); } DEBUG_LOG(("Window Pos: Writing to storage %1, %2, %3, %4" " (scale %5%, maximized %6)") .arg(position.x) .arg(position.y) .arg(position.w) .arg(position.h) .arg(position.scale) .arg(Logs::b(position.maximized))); return result; } } // namespace Settings::Settings() : _sendSubmitWay(Ui::InputSubmitSettings::Enter) , _floatPlayerColumn(Window::Column::Second) , _floatPlayerCorner(RectPart::TopRight) , _dialogsWidthRatio(DefaultDialogsWidthRatio()) { } QByteArray Settings::serialize() const { const auto themesAccentColors = _themesAccentColors.serialize(); const auto windowPosition = Serialize(_windowPosition); const auto proxy = _proxy.serialize(); auto recentEmojiPreloadGenerated = std::vector(); if (_recentEmojiPreload.empty()) { recentEmojiPreloadGenerated.reserve(_recentEmoji.size()); for (const auto &[emoji, rating] : _recentEmoji) { recentEmojiPreloadGenerated.push_back({ emoji->id(), rating }); } } const auto &recentEmojiPreloadData = _recentEmojiPreload.empty() ? recentEmojiPreloadGenerated : _recentEmojiPreload; auto size = Serialize::bytearraySize(themesAccentColors) + sizeof(qint32) * 5 + Serialize::stringSize(_downloadPath.current()) + Serialize::bytearraySize(_downloadPathBookmark) + sizeof(qint32) * 9 + Serialize::stringSize(_callOutputDeviceId) + Serialize::stringSize(_callInputDeviceId) + sizeof(qint32) * 5; for (const auto &[key, value] : _soundOverrides) { size += Serialize::stringSize(key) + Serialize::stringSize(value); } size += sizeof(qint32) * 13 + Serialize::bytearraySize(_videoPipGeometry) + sizeof(qint32) + (_dictionariesEnabled.current().size() * sizeof(quint64)) + sizeof(qint32) * 12 + Serialize::stringSize(_callVideoInputDeviceId) + sizeof(qint32) * 2 + Serialize::bytearraySize(_groupCallPushToTalkShortcut) + sizeof(qint64) + sizeof(qint32) * 2 + Serialize::bytearraySize(windowPosition) + sizeof(qint32) * 2 + (_accountsOrder.size() * sizeof(quint64)); for (const auto &[id, rating] : recentEmojiPreloadData) { size += Serialize::stringSize(id) + sizeof(quint16); } size += sizeof(qint32); for (const auto &[id, variant] : _emojiVariants) { size += Serialize::stringSize(id) + sizeof(quint8); } size += sizeof(qint32) * 3 + Serialize::bytearraySize(proxy) + sizeof(qint32) * 2 + Serialize::bytearraySize(_photoEditorBrush) + sizeof(qint32) * 3 + Serialize::stringSize(_customDeviceModel.current()) + sizeof(qint32) * 4; auto result = QByteArray(); result.reserve(size); { QDataStream stream(&result, QIODevice::WriteOnly); stream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_1); stream << themesAccentColors << qint32(_adaptiveForWide.current() ? 1 : 0) << qint32(_moderateModeEnabled ? 1 : 0) << qint32(qRound(_songVolume.current() * 1e6)) << qint32(qRound(_videoVolume.current() * 1e6)) << qint32(_askDownloadPath ? 1 : 0) << _downloadPath.current() << _downloadPathBookmark << qint32(_nonDefaultVoicePlaybackSpeed ? 1 : 0) << qint32(_soundNotify ? 1 : 0) << qint32(_desktopNotify ? 1 : 0) << qint32(_flashBounceNotify ? 1 : 0) << static_cast(_notifyView) << qint32(_nativeNotifications ? (*_nativeNotifications ? 1 : 2) : 0) << qint32(_notificationsCount) << static_cast(_notificationsCorner) << qint32(_autoLock) << _callOutputDeviceId << _callInputDeviceId << qint32(_callOutputVolume) << qint32(_callInputVolume) << qint32(_callAudioDuckingEnabled ? 1 : 0) << qint32(_lastSeenWarningSeen ? 1 : 0) << qint32(_soundOverrides.size()); for (const auto &[key, value] : _soundOverrides) { stream << key << value; } stream << qint32(_sendFilesWay.serialize()) << qint32(_sendSubmitWay) << qint32(_includeMutedCounter ? 1 : 0) << qint32(_countUnreadMessages ? 1 : 0) << qint32(_exeLaunchWarning ? 1 : 0) << qint32(_notifyAboutPinned.current() ? 1 : 0) << qint32(_loopAnimatedStickers ? 1 : 0) << qint32(_largeEmoji.current() ? 1 : 0) << qint32(_replaceEmoji.current() ? 1 : 0) << qint32(_suggestEmoji ? 1 : 0) << qint32(_suggestStickersByEmoji ? 1 : 0) << qint32(_spellcheckerEnabled.current() ? 1 : 0) << qint32(SerializePlaybackSpeed(_videoPlaybackSpeed.current())) << _videoPipGeometry << qint32(_dictionariesEnabled.current().size()); for (const auto i : _dictionariesEnabled.current()) { stream << quint64(i); } stream << qint32(_autoDownloadDictionaries.current() ? 1 : 0) << qint32(_mainMenuAccountsShown.current() ? 1 : 0) << qint32(_tabbedSelectorSectionEnabled ? 1 : 0) << qint32(_floatPlayerColumn) << qint32(_floatPlayerCorner) << qint32(_thirdSectionInfoEnabled ? 1 : 0) << qint32(std::clamp( qRound(_dialogsWidthRatio.current() * 1000000), 0, 1000000)) << qint32(_thirdColumnWidth.current()) << qint32(_thirdSectionExtendedBy) << qint32(_notifyFromAll ? 1 : 0) << qint32(_nativeWindowFrame.current() ? 1 : 0) << qint32(_systemDarkModeEnabled.current() ? 1 : 0) << _callVideoInputDeviceId << qint32(_ipRevealWarning ? 1 : 0) << qint32(_groupCallPushToTalk ? 1 : 0) << _groupCallPushToTalkShortcut << qint64(_groupCallPushToTalkDelay) << qint32(0) // Call audio backend << qint32(0) // Legacy disable calls, now in session settings << windowPosition << qint32(recentEmojiPreloadData.size()); for (const auto &[id, rating] : recentEmojiPreloadData) { stream << id << quint16(rating); } stream << qint32(_emojiVariants.size()); for (const auto &[id, variant] : _emojiVariants) { stream << id << quint8(variant); } stream << qint32(0) // Old Disable OpenGL << qint32(0) // Old Noise Suppression << qint32(_workMode.current()) << proxy << qint32(_hiddenGroupCallTooltips.value()) << qint32(_disableOpenGL ? 1 : 0) << _photoEditorBrush << qint32(_groupCallNoiseSuppression ? 1 : 0) << qint32(_voicePlaybackSpeed * 100) << qint32(_closeToTaskbar.current() ? 1 : 0) << _customDeviceModel.current() << qint32(_playerRepeatMode.current()) << qint32(_playerOrderMode.current()) << qint32(_macWarnBeforeQuit ? 1 : 0); stream << qint32(_accountsOrder.size()); for (const auto &id : _accountsOrder) { stream << quint64(id); } stream << qint32(_hardwareAcceleratedVideo ? 1 : 0); } return result; } void Settings::addFromSerialized(const QByteArray &serialized) { if (serialized.isEmpty()) { return; } QDataStream stream(serialized); stream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_1); QByteArray themesAccentColors; qint32 adaptiveForWide = _adaptiveForWide.current() ? 1 : 0; qint32 moderateModeEnabled = _moderateModeEnabled ? 1 : 0; qint32 songVolume = qint32(qRound(_songVolume.current() * 1e6)); qint32 videoVolume = qint32(qRound(_videoVolume.current() * 1e6)); qint32 askDownloadPath = _askDownloadPath ? 1 : 0; QString downloadPath = _downloadPath.current(); QByteArray downloadPathBookmark = _downloadPathBookmark; qint32 nonDefaultVoicePlaybackSpeed = _nonDefaultVoicePlaybackSpeed ? 1 : 0; qint32 soundNotify = _soundNotify ? 1 : 0; qint32 desktopNotify = _desktopNotify ? 1 : 0; qint32 flashBounceNotify = _flashBounceNotify ? 1 : 0; qint32 notifyView = static_cast(_notifyView); qint32 nativeNotifications = _nativeNotifications ? (*_nativeNotifications ? 1 : 2) : 0; qint32 notificationsCount = _notificationsCount; qint32 notificationsCorner = static_cast(_notificationsCorner); qint32 autoLock = _autoLock; QString callOutputDeviceId = _callOutputDeviceId; QString callInputDeviceId = _callInputDeviceId; QString callVideoInputDeviceId = _callVideoInputDeviceId; qint32 callOutputVolume = _callOutputVolume; qint32 callInputVolume = _callInputVolume; qint32 callAudioDuckingEnabled = _callAudioDuckingEnabled ? 1 : 0; qint32 lastSeenWarningSeen = _lastSeenWarningSeen ? 1 : 0; qint32 soundOverridesCount = 0; base::flat_map soundOverrides; qint32 sendFilesWay = _sendFilesWay.serialize(); qint32 sendSubmitWay = static_cast(_sendSubmitWay); qint32 includeMutedCounter = _includeMutedCounter ? 1 : 0; qint32 countUnreadMessages = _countUnreadMessages ? 1 : 0; qint32 exeLaunchWarning = _exeLaunchWarning ? 1 : 0; qint32 notifyAboutPinned = _notifyAboutPinned.current() ? 1 : 0; qint32 loopAnimatedStickers = _loopAnimatedStickers ? 1 : 0; qint32 largeEmoji = _largeEmoji.current() ? 1 : 0; qint32 replaceEmoji = _replaceEmoji.current() ? 1 : 0; qint32 suggestEmoji = _suggestEmoji ? 1 : 0; qint32 suggestStickersByEmoji = _suggestStickersByEmoji ? 1 : 0; qint32 spellcheckerEnabled = _spellcheckerEnabled.current() ? 1 : 0; qint32 videoPlaybackSpeed = Core::Settings::SerializePlaybackSpeed(_videoPlaybackSpeed.current()); qint32 voicePlaybackSpeed = _voicePlaybackSpeed * 100; QByteArray videoPipGeometry = _videoPipGeometry; qint32 dictionariesEnabledCount = 0; std::vector dictionariesEnabled; qint32 autoDownloadDictionaries = _autoDownloadDictionaries.current() ? 1 : 0; qint32 mainMenuAccountsShown = _mainMenuAccountsShown.current() ? 1 : 0; qint32 tabbedSelectorSectionEnabled = 1; qint32 floatPlayerColumn = static_cast(Window::Column::Second); qint32 floatPlayerCorner = static_cast(RectPart::TopRight); qint32 thirdSectionInfoEnabled = 0; float64 dialogsWidthRatio = _dialogsWidthRatio.current(); qint32 thirdColumnWidth = _thirdColumnWidth.current(); qint32 thirdSectionExtendedBy = _thirdSectionExtendedBy; qint32 notifyFromAll = _notifyFromAll ? 1 : 0; qint32 nativeWindowFrame = _nativeWindowFrame.current() ? 1 : 0; qint32 systemDarkModeEnabled = _systemDarkModeEnabled.current() ? 1 : 0; qint32 ipRevealWarning = _ipRevealWarning ? 1 : 0; qint32 groupCallPushToTalk = _groupCallPushToTalk ? 1 : 0; QByteArray groupCallPushToTalkShortcut = _groupCallPushToTalkShortcut; qint64 groupCallPushToTalkDelay = _groupCallPushToTalkDelay; qint32 callAudioBackend = 0; qint32 disableCallsLegacy = 0; QByteArray windowPosition; std::vector recentEmojiPreload; base::flat_map emojiVariants; qint32 disableOpenGL = _disableOpenGL ? 1 : 0; qint32 groupCallNoiseSuppression = _groupCallNoiseSuppression ? 1 : 0; qint32 workMode = static_cast(_workMode.current()); QByteArray proxy; qint32 hiddenGroupCallTooltips = qint32(_hiddenGroupCallTooltips.value()); QByteArray photoEditorBrush = _photoEditorBrush; qint32 closeToTaskbar = _closeToTaskbar.current() ? 1 : 0; QString customDeviceModel = _customDeviceModel.current(); qint32 playerRepeatMode = static_cast(_playerRepeatMode.current()); qint32 playerOrderMode = static_cast(_playerOrderMode.current()); qint32 macWarnBeforeQuit = _macWarnBeforeQuit ? 1 : 0; qint32 accountsOrderCount = 0; std::vector accountsOrder; qint32 hardwareAcceleratedVideo = _hardwareAcceleratedVideo ? 1 : 0; stream >> themesAccentColors; if (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> adaptiveForWide >> moderateModeEnabled >> songVolume >> videoVolume >> askDownloadPath >> downloadPath >> downloadPathBookmark >> nonDefaultVoicePlaybackSpeed >> soundNotify >> desktopNotify >> flashBounceNotify >> notifyView >> nativeNotifications >> notificationsCount >> notificationsCorner >> autoLock >> callOutputDeviceId >> callInputDeviceId >> callOutputVolume >> callInputVolume >> callAudioDuckingEnabled >> lastSeenWarningSeen >> soundOverridesCount; if (stream.status() == QDataStream::Ok) { for (auto i = 0; i != soundOverridesCount; ++i) { QString key, value; stream >> key >> value; soundOverrides.emplace(key, value); } } stream >> sendFilesWay >> sendSubmitWay >> includeMutedCounter >> countUnreadMessages >> exeLaunchWarning >> notifyAboutPinned >> loopAnimatedStickers >> largeEmoji >> replaceEmoji >> suggestEmoji >> suggestStickersByEmoji >> spellcheckerEnabled >> videoPlaybackSpeed >> videoPipGeometry >> dictionariesEnabledCount; if (stream.status() == QDataStream::Ok) { for (auto i = 0; i != dictionariesEnabledCount; ++i) { qint64 langId; stream >> langId; dictionariesEnabled.emplace_back(langId); } } stream >> autoDownloadDictionaries >> mainMenuAccountsShown; } if (!stream.atEnd()) { auto dialogsWidthRatioInt = qint32(); stream >> tabbedSelectorSectionEnabled >> floatPlayerColumn >> floatPlayerCorner >> thirdSectionInfoEnabled >> dialogsWidthRatioInt >> thirdColumnWidth >> thirdSectionExtendedBy >> notifyFromAll; dialogsWidthRatio = std::clamp( dialogsWidthRatioInt / 1000000., 0., 1.); } if (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> nativeWindowFrame; } if (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> systemDarkModeEnabled; } if (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> callVideoInputDeviceId; } if (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> ipRevealWarning; } if (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> groupCallPushToTalk >> groupCallPushToTalkShortcut >> groupCallPushToTalkDelay; } if (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> callAudioBackend; } if (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> disableCallsLegacy; } if (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> windowPosition; } if (!stream.atEnd()) { auto recentCount = qint32(0); stream >> recentCount; if (recentCount > 0 && recentCount < 10000) { recentEmojiPreload.reserve(recentCount); for (auto i = 0; i != recentCount; ++i) { auto id = QString(); auto rating = quint16(); stream >> id >> rating; recentEmojiPreload.push_back({ id, rating }); } } auto variantsCount = qint32(0); stream >> variantsCount; if (variantsCount > 0 && variantsCount < 10000) { emojiVariants.reserve(variantsCount); for (auto i = 0; i != variantsCount; ++i) { auto id = QString(); auto variant = quint8(); stream >> id >> variant; emojiVariants.emplace(id, variant); } } } if (!stream.atEnd()) { qint32 disableOpenGLOld; stream >> disableOpenGLOld; } if (!stream.atEnd()) { qint32 groupCallNoiseSuppressionOld; stream >> groupCallNoiseSuppressionOld; } if (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> workMode; } if (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> proxy; } if (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> hiddenGroupCallTooltips; } if (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> disableOpenGL; } if (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> photoEditorBrush; } if (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> groupCallNoiseSuppression; } if (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> voicePlaybackSpeed; } if (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> closeToTaskbar; } if (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> customDeviceModel; } if (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> playerRepeatMode >> playerOrderMode; } if (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> macWarnBeforeQuit; } if (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> accountsOrderCount; if (stream.status() == QDataStream::Ok) { for (auto i = 0; i != accountsOrderCount; ++i) { quint64 sessionUniqueId; stream >> sessionUniqueId; accountsOrder.emplace_back(sessionUniqueId); } } } if (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> hardwareAcceleratedVideo; } if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) { LOG(("App Error: " "Bad data for Core::Settings::constructFromSerialized()")); return; } else if (!_themesAccentColors.setFromSerialized(themesAccentColors)) { return; } else if (!_proxy.setFromSerialized(proxy)) { return; } _adaptiveForWide = (adaptiveForWide == 1); _moderateModeEnabled = (moderateModeEnabled == 1); _songVolume = std::clamp(songVolume / 1e6, 0., 1.); _videoVolume = std::clamp(videoVolume / 1e6, 0., 1.); _askDownloadPath = (askDownloadPath == 1); _downloadPath = downloadPath; _downloadPathBookmark = downloadPathBookmark; _soundNotify = (soundNotify == 1); _desktopNotify = (desktopNotify == 1); _flashBounceNotify = (flashBounceNotify == 1); const auto uncheckedNotifyView = static_cast(notifyView); switch (uncheckedNotifyView) { case NotifyView::ShowNothing: case NotifyView::ShowName: case NotifyView::ShowPreview: _notifyView = uncheckedNotifyView; break; } switch (nativeNotifications) { case 0: _nativeNotifications = std::nullopt; break; case 1: _nativeNotifications = true; break; case 2: _nativeNotifications = false; break; default: break; } _notificationsCount = (notificationsCount > 0) ? notificationsCount : 3; const auto uncheckedNotificationsCorner = static_cast(notificationsCorner); switch (uncheckedNotificationsCorner) { case ScreenCorner::TopLeft: case ScreenCorner::TopRight: case ScreenCorner::BottomRight: case ScreenCorner::BottomLeft: _notificationsCorner = uncheckedNotificationsCorner; break; } _includeMutedCounter = (includeMutedCounter == 1); _countUnreadMessages = (countUnreadMessages == 1); _notifyAboutPinned = (notifyAboutPinned == 1); _autoLock = autoLock; _callOutputDeviceId = callOutputDeviceId; _callInputDeviceId = callInputDeviceId; _callVideoInputDeviceId = callVideoInputDeviceId; _callOutputVolume = callOutputVolume; _callInputVolume = callInputVolume; _callAudioDuckingEnabled = (callAudioDuckingEnabled == 1); _lastSeenWarningSeen = (lastSeenWarningSeen == 1); _soundOverrides = std::move(soundOverrides); _sendFilesWay = Ui::SendFilesWay::FromSerialized(sendFilesWay).value_or(_sendFilesWay); auto uncheckedSendSubmitWay = static_cast(sendSubmitWay); switch (uncheckedSendSubmitWay) { case Ui::InputSubmitSettings::Enter: case Ui::InputSubmitSettings::CtrlEnter: _sendSubmitWay = uncheckedSendSubmitWay; break; } _includeMutedCounter = (includeMutedCounter == 1); _countUnreadMessages = (countUnreadMessages == 1); _exeLaunchWarning = (exeLaunchWarning == 1); _ipRevealWarning = (ipRevealWarning == 1); _notifyAboutPinned = (notifyAboutPinned == 1); _loopAnimatedStickers = (loopAnimatedStickers == 1); _largeEmoji = (largeEmoji == 1); _replaceEmoji = (replaceEmoji == 1); _suggestEmoji = (suggestEmoji == 1); _suggestStickersByEmoji = (suggestStickersByEmoji == 1); _spellcheckerEnabled = (spellcheckerEnabled == 1); _videoPlaybackSpeed = DeserializePlaybackSpeed(videoPlaybackSpeed); { // Restore settings from 3.0.1 version. if (voicePlaybackSpeed == 100) { _nonDefaultVoicePlaybackSpeed = false; _voicePlaybackSpeed = 2.0; } else { _nonDefaultVoicePlaybackSpeed = (nonDefaultVoicePlaybackSpeed == 1); _voicePlaybackSpeed = voicePlaybackSpeed / 100.; } } _videoPipGeometry = (videoPipGeometry); _dictionariesEnabled = std::move(dictionariesEnabled); _autoDownloadDictionaries = (autoDownloadDictionaries == 1); _mainMenuAccountsShown = (mainMenuAccountsShown == 1); _tabbedSelectorSectionEnabled = (tabbedSelectorSectionEnabled == 1); auto uncheckedColumn = static_cast(floatPlayerColumn); switch (uncheckedColumn) { case Window::Column::First: case Window::Column::Second: case Window::Column::Third: _floatPlayerColumn = uncheckedColumn; break; } auto uncheckedCorner = static_cast(floatPlayerCorner); switch (uncheckedCorner) { case RectPart::TopLeft: case RectPart::TopRight: case RectPart::BottomLeft: case RectPart::BottomRight: _floatPlayerCorner = uncheckedCorner; break; } _thirdSectionInfoEnabled = thirdSectionInfoEnabled; _dialogsWidthRatio = dialogsWidthRatio; _thirdColumnWidth = thirdColumnWidth; _thirdSectionExtendedBy = thirdSectionExtendedBy; if (_thirdSectionInfoEnabled) { _tabbedSelectorSectionEnabled = false; } _notifyFromAll = (notifyFromAll == 1); _nativeWindowFrame = (nativeWindowFrame == 1); _systemDarkModeEnabled = (systemDarkModeEnabled == 1); _groupCallPushToTalk = (groupCallPushToTalk == 1); _groupCallPushToTalkShortcut = groupCallPushToTalkShortcut; _groupCallPushToTalkDelay = groupCallPushToTalkDelay; _disableCallsLegacy = (disableCallsLegacy == 1); if (!windowPosition.isEmpty()) { _windowPosition = Deserialize(windowPosition); } _recentEmojiPreload = std::move(recentEmojiPreload); _emojiVariants = std::move(emojiVariants); _disableOpenGL = (disableOpenGL == 1); if (!Platform::IsMac()) { Ui::GL::ForceDisable(_disableOpenGL || Ui::GL::LastCrashCheckFailed()); } _groupCallNoiseSuppression = (groupCallNoiseSuppression == 1); const auto uncheckedWorkMode = static_cast(workMode); switch (uncheckedWorkMode) { case WorkMode::WindowAndTray: case WorkMode::TrayOnly: case WorkMode::WindowOnly: _workMode = uncheckedWorkMode; break; } _hiddenGroupCallTooltips = [&] { using Tooltip = Calls::Group::StickedTooltip; return Tooltip(0) | ((hiddenGroupCallTooltips & int(Tooltip::Camera)) ? Tooltip::Camera : Tooltip(0)) | ((hiddenGroupCallTooltips & int(Tooltip::Microphone)) ? Tooltip::Microphone : Tooltip(0)); }(); _photoEditorBrush = photoEditorBrush; _closeToTaskbar = (closeToTaskbar == 1); _customDeviceModel = customDeviceModel; _accountsOrder = accountsOrder; const auto uncheckedPlayerRepeatMode = static_cast(playerRepeatMode); switch (uncheckedPlayerRepeatMode) { case Media::Player::RepeatMode::None: case Media::Player::RepeatMode::One: case Media::Player::RepeatMode::All: _playerRepeatMode = uncheckedPlayerRepeatMode; break; } const auto uncheckedPlayerOrderMode = static_cast(playerOrderMode); switch (uncheckedPlayerOrderMode) { case Media::Player::OrderMode::Default: case Media::Player::OrderMode::Reverse: case Media::Player::OrderMode::Shuffle: _playerOrderMode = uncheckedPlayerOrderMode; break; } _macWarnBeforeQuit = (macWarnBeforeQuit == 1); _hardwareAcceleratedVideo = (hardwareAcceleratedVideo == 1); } QString Settings::getSoundPath(const QString &key) const { auto it = _soundOverrides.find(key); if (it != _soundOverrides.end()) { return it->second; } return qsl(":/sounds/") + key + qsl(".mp3"); } void Settings::setTabbedSelectorSectionEnabled(bool enabled) { _tabbedSelectorSectionEnabled = enabled; if (enabled) { setThirdSectionInfoEnabled(false); } setTabbedReplacedWithInfo(false); } rpl::producer Settings::tabbedReplacedWithInfoValue() const { return _tabbedReplacedWithInfoValue.events_starting_with( tabbedReplacedWithInfo()); } void Settings::setThirdSectionInfoEnabled(bool enabled) { if (_thirdSectionInfoEnabled != enabled) { _thirdSectionInfoEnabled = enabled; if (enabled) { setTabbedSelectorSectionEnabled(false); } setTabbedReplacedWithInfo(false); _thirdSectionInfoEnabledValue.fire_copy(enabled); } } rpl::producer Settings::thirdSectionInfoEnabledValue() const { return _thirdSectionInfoEnabledValue.events_starting_with( thirdSectionInfoEnabled()); } void Settings::setTabbedReplacedWithInfo(bool enabled) { if (_tabbedReplacedWithInfo != enabled) { _tabbedReplacedWithInfo = enabled; _tabbedReplacedWithInfoValue.fire_copy(enabled); } } Webrtc::Backend Settings::callAudioBackend() const { return Webrtc::Backend::OpenAL; } void Settings::setDialogsWidthRatio(float64 ratio) { _dialogsWidthRatio = ratio; } float64 Settings::dialogsWidthRatio() const { return _dialogsWidthRatio.current(); } rpl::producer Settings::dialogsWidthRatioChanges() const { return _dialogsWidthRatio.changes(); } void Settings::setThirdColumnWidth(int width) { _thirdColumnWidth = width; } QString Settings::deviceModel() const { const auto custom = customDeviceModel(); return custom.isEmpty() ? Platform::DeviceModelPretty() : custom; } rpl::producer Settings::deviceModelChanges() const { return customDeviceModelChanges() | rpl::map([=] { return deviceModel(); }); } rpl::producer Settings::deviceModelValue() const { return customDeviceModelValue() | rpl::map([=] { return deviceModel(); }); } int Settings::thirdColumnWidth() const { return _thirdColumnWidth.current(); } rpl::producer Settings::thirdColumnWidthChanges() const { return _thirdColumnWidth.changes(); } const std::vector &Settings::recentEmoji() const { if (_recentEmoji.empty()) { resolveRecentEmoji(); } return _recentEmoji; } void Settings::resolveRecentEmoji() const { const auto haveAlready = [&](EmojiPtr emoji) { return ranges::contains( _recentEmoji, emoji->id(), [](const RecentEmoji &data) { return data.emoji->id(); }); }; if (!_recentEmojiPreload.empty()) { _recentEmoji.reserve(_recentEmojiPreload.size()); for (const auto &[id, rating] : base::take(_recentEmojiPreload)) { if (const auto emoji = Ui::Emoji::Find(id)) { if (!haveAlready(emoji)) { _recentEmoji.push_back({ emoji, rating }); } } } _recentEmojiPreload.clear(); } for (const auto emoji : Ui::Emoji::GetDefaultRecent()) { if (_recentEmoji.size() >= kRecentEmojiLimit) { break; } else if (!haveAlready(emoji)) { _recentEmoji.push_back({ emoji, 1 }); } } } EmojiPack Settings::recentEmojiSection() const { const auto &recent = recentEmoji(); auto result = EmojiPack(); result.reserve(recent.size()); for (const auto &[emoji, rating] : recent) { result.push_back(emoji); } return result; } void Settings::incrementRecentEmoji(EmojiPtr emoji) { resolveRecentEmoji(); auto i = _recentEmoji.begin(), e = _recentEmoji.end(); for (; i != e; ++i) { if (i->emoji == emoji) { ++i->rating; if (i->rating > 0x8000) { for (auto j = _recentEmoji.begin(); j != e; ++j) { if (j->rating > 1) { j->rating /= 2; } else { j->rating = 1; } } } for (; i != _recentEmoji.begin(); --i) { if ((i - 1)->rating > i->rating) { break; } std::swap(*i, *(i - 1)); } break; } } if (i == e) { while (_recentEmoji.size() >= kRecentEmojiLimit) { _recentEmoji.pop_back(); } _recentEmoji.push_back({ emoji, 1 }); for (i = _recentEmoji.end() - 1; i != _recentEmoji.begin(); --i) { if ((i - 1)->rating > i->rating) { break; } std::swap(*i, *(i - 1)); } } _recentEmojiUpdated.fire({}); _saveDelayed.fire({}); } void Settings::setLegacyRecentEmojiPreload( QVector> data) { if (!_recentEmojiPreload.empty() || data.isEmpty()) { return; } _recentEmojiPreload.reserve(data.size()); for (const auto &[id, rating] : data) { _recentEmojiPreload.push_back({ id, rating }); } } void Settings::saveEmojiVariant(EmojiPtr emoji) { _emojiVariants[emoji->nonColoredId()] = emoji->variantIndex(emoji); _saveDelayed.fire({}); } void Settings::setLegacyEmojiVariants(QMap data) { if (!_emojiVariants.empty() || data.isEmpty()) { return; } _emojiVariants.reserve(data.size()); for (auto i = data.begin(), e = data.end(); i != e; ++i) { _emojiVariants.emplace(i.key(), i.value()); } } void Settings::resetOnLastLogout() { _adaptiveForWide = true; _moderateModeEnabled = false; _songVolume = kDefaultVolume; _videoVolume = kDefaultVolume; _askDownloadPath = false; _downloadPath = QString(); _downloadPathBookmark = QByteArray(); _nonDefaultVoicePlaybackSpeed = false; _soundNotify = true; _desktopNotify = true; _flashBounceNotify = true; _notifyView = NotifyView::ShowPreview; //_nativeNotifications = std::nullopt; //_notificationsCount = 3; //_notificationsCorner = ScreenCorner::BottomRight; _includeMutedCounter = true; _countUnreadMessages = true; _notifyAboutPinned = true; //_autoLock = 3600; //_callOutputDeviceId = u"default"_q; //_callInputDeviceId = u"default"_q; //_callVideoInputDeviceId = u"default"_q; //_callOutputVolume = 100; //_callInputVolume = 100; //_callAudioDuckingEnabled = true; _disableCallsLegacy = false; _groupCallPushToTalk = false; _groupCallPushToTalkShortcut = QByteArray(); _groupCallPushToTalkDelay = 20; _groupCallNoiseSuppression = false; //_themesAccentColors = Window::Theme::AccentColors(); _lastSeenWarningSeen = false; _sendFilesWay = Ui::SendFilesWay(); //_sendSubmitWay = Ui::InputSubmitSettings::Enter; _soundOverrides = {}; _exeLaunchWarning = true; _ipRevealWarning = true; _loopAnimatedStickers = true; _largeEmoji = true; _replaceEmoji = true; _suggestEmoji = true; _suggestStickersByEmoji = true; _spellcheckerEnabled = true; _videoPlaybackSpeed = 1.; _voicePlaybackSpeed = 1.; //_videoPipGeometry = QByteArray(); _dictionariesEnabled = std::vector(); _autoDownloadDictionaries = true; _mainMenuAccountsShown = true; _tabbedSelectorSectionEnabled = false; // per-window _floatPlayerColumn = Window::Column::Second; // per-window _floatPlayerCorner = RectPart::TopRight; // per-window _thirdSectionInfoEnabled = true; // per-window _thirdSectionExtendedBy = -1; // per-window _dialogsWidthRatio = DefaultDialogsWidthRatio(); // per-window _thirdColumnWidth = kDefaultThirdColumnWidth; // p-w _notifyFromAll = true; _tabbedReplacedWithInfo = false; // per-window _systemDarkModeEnabled = false; _hiddenGroupCallTooltips = 0; _recentEmojiPreload.clear(); _recentEmoji.clear(); _emojiVariants.clear(); _workMode = WorkMode::WindowAndTray; _accountsOrder.clear(); } bool Settings::ThirdColumnByDefault() { return Platform::IsMacStoreBuild(); } float64 Settings::DefaultDialogsWidthRatio() { return ThirdColumnByDefault() ? kDefaultBigDialogsWidthRatio : kDefaultDialogsWidthRatio; } } // namespace Core