/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "style.h" #include "lang.h" #include "window.h" #include "application.h" #include "pspecific.h" #include "title.h" #include "passcodewidget.h" #include "intro/intro.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "layerwidget.h" #include "settingswidget.h" #include "boxes/confirmbox.h" #include "boxes/contactsbox.h" #include "mediaview.h" #include "localstorage.h" ConnectingWidget::ConnectingWidget(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QString &reconnect) : QWidget(parent), _shadow(st::boxShadow), _reconnect(this, QString()) { set(text, reconnect); connect(&_reconnect, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onReconnect())); } void ConnectingWidget::set(const QString &text, const QString &reconnect) { _text = text; _textWidth = st::linkFont->m.width(_text) + st::linkFont->spacew; int32 _reconnectWidth = 0; if (reconnect.isEmpty()) { _reconnect.hide(); } else { _reconnect.setText(reconnect); _reconnect.show(); _reconnect.move(st::connectingPadding.left() + _textWidth, st::boxShadow.pxHeight() + st::connectingPadding.top()); _reconnectWidth = _reconnect.width(); } resize(st::connectingPadding.left() + _textWidth + _reconnectWidth + st::connectingPadding.right() + st::boxShadow.pxWidth(), st::boxShadow.pxHeight() + st::connectingPadding.top() + st::linkFont->height + st::connectingPadding.bottom()); update(); } void ConnectingWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QPainter p(this); _shadow.paint(p, QRect(0, st::boxShadow.pxHeight(), width() - st::boxShadow.pxWidth(), height() - st::boxShadow.pxHeight()), 0, BoxShadow::Top | BoxShadow::Right); p.fillRect(0, st::boxShadow.pxHeight(), width() - st::boxShadow.pxWidth(), height() - st::boxShadow.pxHeight(), st::connectingBG->b); p.setFont(st::linkFont->f); p.setPen(st::connectingColor->p); p.drawText(st::connectingPadding.left(), st::boxShadow.pxHeight() + st::connectingPadding.top() + st::linkFont->ascent, _text); } void ConnectingWidget::onReconnect() { MTP::restart(); } NotifyWindow::NotifyWindow(HistoryItem *msg, int32 x, int32 y, int32 fwdCount) : history(msg->history()), item(msg), fwdCount(fwdCount) #ifdef Q_OS_WIN , started(GetTickCount()) #endif , close(this, st::notifyClose) , alphaDuration(st::notifyFastAnim) , posDuration(st::notifyFastAnim) , hiding(false) , _index(0) , aOpacity(0) , aOpacityFunc(st::notifyFastAnimFunc) , aY(y + st::notifyHeight + st::notifyDeltaY) { updateNotifyDisplay(); hideTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&hideTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(hideByTimer())); inputTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&inputTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkLastInput())); connect(&close, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(unlinkHistoryAndNotify())); close.setAcceptBoth(true); close.move(st::notifyWidth - st::notifyClose.width - st::notifyClosePos.x(), st::notifyClosePos.y()); close.show(); aY.start(y); setGeometry(x, aY.current(), st::notifyWidth, st::notifyHeight); aOpacity.start(1); setWindowFlags(Qt::Tool | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint); setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacAlwaysShowToolWindow); show(); setWindowOpacity(aOpacity.current()); alphaDuration = posDuration = st::notifyFastAnim; anim::start(this); checkLastInput(); } void NotifyWindow::checkLastInput() { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN LASTINPUTINFO lii; lii.cbSize = sizeof(LASTINPUTINFO); BOOL res = GetLastInputInfo(&lii); if (!res || lii.dwTime >= started) { hideTimer.start(st::notifyWaitLongHide); } else { inputTimer.start(300); } #else // TODO if (true) { hideTimer.start(st::notifyWaitLongHide); } else { inputTimer.start(300); } #endif } void NotifyWindow::moveTo(int32 x, int32 y, int32 index) { if (index >= 0) { _index = index; } move(x, aY.current()); aY.start(y); aOpacity.restart(); posDuration = st::notifyFastAnim; anim::start(this); } void NotifyWindow::updateNotifyDisplay() { if (!item) return; int32 w = st::notifyWidth, h = st::notifyHeight; QImage img(w * cIntRetinaFactor(), h * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); if (cRetina()) img.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); img.fill(st::notifyBG->c); { Painter p(&img); p.fillRect(0, 0, w - st::notifyBorderWidth, st::notifyBorderWidth, st::notifyBorder->b); p.fillRect(w - st::notifyBorderWidth, 0, st::notifyBorderWidth, h - st::notifyBorderWidth, st::notifyBorder->b); p.fillRect(st::notifyBorderWidth, h - st::notifyBorderWidth, w - st::notifyBorderWidth, st::notifyBorderWidth, st::notifyBorder->b); p.fillRect(0, st::notifyBorderWidth, st::notifyBorderWidth, h - st::notifyBorderWidth, st::notifyBorder->b); if (!App::passcoded() && cNotifyView() <= dbinvShowName) { if (history->peer->photo->loaded()) { p.drawPixmap(st::notifyPhotoPos.x(), st::notifyPhotoPos.y(), history->peer->photo->pix(st::notifyPhotoSize)); } else { MTP::clearLoaderPriorities(); peerPhoto = history->peer->photo; peerPhoto->load(true, true); } } else { static QPixmap icon = QPixmap::fromImage(App::wnd()->iconLarge().scaled(st::notifyPhotoSize, st::notifyPhotoSize, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation), Qt::ColorOnly); p.drawPixmap(st::notifyPhotoPos.x(), st::notifyPhotoPos.y(), icon); } int32 itemWidth = w - st::notifyPhotoPos.x() - st::notifyPhotoSize - st::notifyTextLeft - st::notifyClosePos.x() - st::notifyClose.width; QRect rectForName(st::notifyPhotoPos.x() + st::notifyPhotoSize + st::notifyTextLeft, st::notifyTextTop, itemWidth, st::msgNameFont->height); if (!App::passcoded() && cNotifyView() <= dbinvShowName) { if (history->peer->isChat()) { p.drawPixmap(QPoint(rectForName.left() + st::dlgChatImgPos.x(), rectForName.top() + st::dlgChatImgPos.y()), App::sprite(), st::dlgChatImg); rectForName.setLeft(rectForName.left() + st::dlgImgSkip); } else if (history->peer->isChannel()) { p.drawPixmap(QPoint(rectForName.left() + st::dlgChannelImgPos.x(), rectForName.top() + st::dlgChannelImgPos.y()), App::sprite(), st::dlgChannelImg); rectForName.setLeft(rectForName.left() + st::dlgImgSkip); } } QDateTime now(QDateTime::currentDateTime()), lastTime(item->date); QDate nowDate(now.date()), lastDate(lastTime.date()); QString dt = lastTime.toString(cTimeFormat()); int32 dtWidth = st::dlgHistFont->m.width(dt); rectForName.setWidth(rectForName.width() - dtWidth - st::dlgDateSkip); p.setFont(st::dlgDateFont->f); p.setPen(st::dlgDateColor->p); p.drawText(rectForName.left() + rectForName.width() + st::dlgDateSkip, rectForName.top() + st::dlgHistFont->ascent, dt); if (!App::passcoded() && cNotifyView() <= dbinvShowPreview) { const HistoryItem *textCachedFor = 0; Text itemTextCache(itemWidth); QRect r(st::notifyPhotoPos.x() + st::notifyPhotoSize + st::notifyTextLeft, st::notifyItemTop + st::msgNameFont->height, itemWidth, 2 * st::dlgFont->height); if (fwdCount < 2) { bool active = false; item->drawInDialog(p, r, active, textCachedFor, itemTextCache); } else { p.setFont(st::dlgHistFont->f); if (item->displayFromName() && !item->fromChannel()) { itemTextCache.setText(st::dlgHistFont, item->from()->name); p.setPen(st::dlgSystemColor->p); itemTextCache.drawElided(p, r.left(), r.top(), r.width(), st::dlgHistFont->height); r.setTop(r.top() + st::dlgHistFont->height); } p.setPen(st::dlgTextColor->p); p.drawText(r.left(), r.top() + st::dlgHistFont->ascent, lng_forward_messages(lt_count, fwdCount)); } } else { static QString notifyText = st::dlgHistFont->m.elidedText(lang(lng_notification_preview), Qt::ElideRight, itemWidth); p.setPen(st::dlgSystemColor->p); p.drawText(st::notifyPhotoPos.x() + st::notifyPhotoSize + st::notifyTextLeft, st::notifyItemTop + st::msgNameFont->height + st::dlgHistFont->ascent, notifyText); } p.setPen(st::dlgNameColor->p); if (!App::passcoded() && cNotifyView() <= dbinvShowName) { history->peer->dialogName().drawElided(p, rectForName.left(), rectForName.top(), rectForName.width()); } else { p.setFont(st::msgNameFont->f); static QString notifyTitle = st::msgNameFont->m.elidedText(qsl("Telegram Desktop"), Qt::ElideRight, rectForName.width()); p.drawText(rectForName.left(), rectForName.top() + st::msgNameFont->ascent, notifyTitle); } } pm = QPixmap::fromImage(img, Qt::ColorOnly); update(); } void NotifyWindow::updatePeerPhoto() { if (!peerPhoto->isNull() && peerPhoto->loaded()) { QImage img(pm.toImage()); { QPainter p(&img); p.drawPixmap(st::notifyPhotoPos.x(), st::notifyPhotoPos.y(), peerPhoto->pix(st::notifyPhotoSize)); } peerPhoto = ImagePtr(); pm = QPixmap::fromImage(img, Qt::ColorOnly); update(); } } void NotifyWindow::itemRemoved(HistoryItem *del) { if (item == del) { item = 0; unlinkHistoryAndNotify(); } } void NotifyWindow::unlinkHistoryAndNotify() { unlinkHistory(); App::wnd()->notifyShowNext(); } void NotifyWindow::unlinkHistory(History *hist) { if (!hist || hist == history) { animHide(st::notifyFastAnim, st::notifyFastAnimFunc); history = 0; item = 0; } } void NotifyWindow::enterEvent(QEvent *e) { if (!history) return; if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->notifyStopHiding(); } void NotifyWindow::leaveEvent(QEvent *e) { if (!history) return; App::wnd()->notifyStartHiding(); } void NotifyWindow::startHiding() { hideTimer.start(st::notifyWaitShortHide); } void NotifyWindow::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (!history) return; PeerId peer = history->peer->id; if (e->button() == Qt::RightButton) { unlinkHistoryAndNotify(); } else if (history) { App::wnd()->showFromTray(); if (App::passcoded()) { App::wnd()->setInnerFocus(); App::wnd()->notifyClear(); } else { App::wnd()->hideSettings(); App::main()->showPeerHistory(peer, (!history->peer->isUser() && item && item->notifyByFrom() && item->id > 0) ? item->id : ShowAtUnreadMsgId); } e->ignore(); } } void NotifyWindow::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QPainter p(this); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, pm); } void NotifyWindow::animHide(float64 duration, anim::transition func) { if (!history) return; alphaDuration = duration; aOpacityFunc = func; aOpacity.start(0); aY.restart(); hiding = true; anim::start(this); } void NotifyWindow::stopHiding() { if (!history) return; alphaDuration = st::notifyFastAnim; aOpacityFunc = st::notifyFastAnimFunc; aOpacity.start(1); aY.restart(); hiding = false; hideTimer.stop(); anim::start(this); } void NotifyWindow::hideByTimer() { if (!history) return; animHide(st::notifySlowHide, st::notifySlowHideFunc); } bool NotifyWindow::animStep(float64 ms) { float64 dtAlpha = ms / alphaDuration, dtPos = ms / posDuration; if (dtAlpha >= 1) { aOpacity.finish(); if (hiding) { deleteLater(); } } else { aOpacity.update(dtAlpha, aOpacityFunc); } setWindowOpacity(aOpacity.current()); if (dtPos >= 1) { aY.finish(); } else { aY.update(dtPos, anim::linear); } move(x(), aY.current()); update(); return (dtAlpha < 1 || (!hiding && dtPos < 1)); } NotifyWindow::~NotifyWindow() { if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->notifyShowNext(this); } Window::Window(QWidget *parent) : PsMainWindow(parent), _serviceHistoryRequest(0), title(0), _passcode(0), intro(0), main(0), settings(0), layerBG(0), _isActive(false), _topWidget(0), _connecting(0), _clearManager(0), dragging(false), _inactivePress(false), _shouldLockAt(0), _mediaView(0) { icon16 = icon256.scaledToWidth(16, Qt::SmoothTransformation); icon32 = icon256.scaledToWidth(32, Qt::SmoothTransformation); icon64 = icon256.scaledToWidth(64, Qt::SmoothTransformation); iconbig16 = iconbig256.scaledToWidth(16, Qt::SmoothTransformation); iconbig32 = iconbig256.scaledToWidth(32, Qt::SmoothTransformation); iconbig64 = iconbig256.scaledToWidth(64, Qt::SmoothTransformation); if (objectName().isEmpty()) { setObjectName(qsl("MainWindow")); } resize(st::wndDefWidth, st::wndDefHeight); setWindowOpacity(1); setLocale(QLocale(QLocale::English, QLocale::UnitedStates)); centralwidget = new QWidget(this); centralwidget->setObjectName(qsl("centralwidget")); setCentralWidget(centralwidget); QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName(this); _inactiveTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_inactiveTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onInactiveTimer())); connect(¬ifyWaitTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(notifyFire())); _isActiveTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_isActiveTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateIsActive())); connect(&_autoLockTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkAutoLock())); connect(this, SIGNAL(imageLoaded()), this, SLOT(update())); connect(this, SIGNAL(imageLoaded()), this, SLOT(notifyUpdateAllPhotos())); } void Window::inactivePress(bool inactive) { _inactivePress = inactive; if (_inactivePress) { _inactiveTimer.start(200); } else { _inactiveTimer.stop(); } } bool Window::inactivePress() const { return _inactivePress; } void Window::onInactiveTimer() { inactivePress(false); } void Window::stateChanged(Qt::WindowState state) { psUserActionDone(); updateIsActive((state == Qt::WindowMinimized) ? cOfflineBlurTimeout() : cOnlineFocusTimeout()); psUpdateSysMenu(state); if (state == Qt::WindowMinimized && cWorkMode() == dbiwmTrayOnly) { App::wnd()->minimizeToTray(); } psSavePosition(state); } void Window::init() { psInitFrameless(); setWindowIcon(wndIcon); App::app()->installEventFilter(this); connect(windowHandle(), SIGNAL(windowStateChanged(Qt::WindowState)), this, SLOT(stateChanged(Qt::WindowState))); connect(windowHandle(), SIGNAL(activeChanged()), this, SLOT(checkHistoryActivation())); QPalette p(palette()); p.setColor(QPalette::Window, st::wndBG->c); setPalette(p); title = new TitleWidget(this); psInitSize(); } void Window::firstShow() { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN trayIconMenu = new ContextMenu(this); #else trayIconMenu = new QMenu(this); trayIconMenu->setFont(QFont("Tahoma")); #endif if (cPlatform() == dbipWindows || cPlatform() == dbipMac) { trayIconMenu->addAction(lang(lng_minimize_to_tray), this, SLOT(minimizeToTray()))->setEnabled(true); trayIconMenu->addAction(lang(lng_quit_from_tray), this, SLOT(quitFromTray()))->setEnabled(true); } else { trayIconMenu->addAction(lang(lng_open_from_tray), this, SLOT(showFromTray()))->setEnabled(true); trayIconMenu->addAction(lang(lng_minimize_to_tray), this, SLOT(minimizeToTray()))->setEnabled(true); trayIconMenu->addAction(lang(lng_quit_from_tray), this, SLOT(quitFromTray()))->setEnabled(true); } psUpdateWorkmode(); psFirstShow(); updateTrayMenu(); } QWidget *Window::filedialogParent() { return (_mediaView && _mediaView->isVisible()) ? (QWidget*)_mediaView : (QWidget*)this; } void Window::clearWidgets() { hideLayer(true); if (_passcode) { _passcode->hide(); _passcode->deleteLater(); _passcode = 0; } if (settings) { anim::stop(settings); settings->hide(); settings->deleteLater(); settings->rpcInvalidate(); settings = 0; } if (main) { anim::stop(main); main->hide(); main->deleteLater(); main->rpcInvalidate(); main = 0; } if (intro) { anim::stop(intro); intro->hide(); intro->deleteLater(); intro->rpcInvalidate(); intro = 0; } title->updateBackButton(); updateGlobalMenu(); } void Window::clearPasscode() { if (!_passcode) return; QPixmap bg = myGrab(this, QRect(0, st::titleHeight, width(), height() - st::titleHeight)); anim::stop(_passcode); _passcode->hide(); _passcode->deleteLater(); _passcode = 0; if (intro) { intro->animShow(bg, true); } else if (settings) { settings->animShow(bg, true); } else { main->animShow(bg, true); } notifyUpdateAll(); title->updateBackButton(); updateGlobalMenu(); } void Window::setupPasscode(bool anim) { QPixmap bg = myGrab(this, QRect(0, st::titleHeight, width(), height() - st::titleHeight)); if (_passcode) { anim::stop(_passcode); _passcode->hide(); _passcode->deleteLater(); } _passcode = new PasscodeWidget(this); _passcode->move(0, st::titleHeight); if (main) main->hide(); if (settings) settings->hide(); if (intro) intro->hide(); if (anim) { _passcode->animShow(bg); } else { setInnerFocus(); } _shouldLockAt = 0; notifyUpdateAll(); title->updateBackButton(); updateGlobalMenu(); } void Window::checkAutoLockIn(int msec) { if (_autoLockTimer.isActive()) { int remain = _autoLockTimer.remainingTime(); if (remain > 0 && remain <= msec) return; } _autoLockTimer.start(msec); } void Window::checkAutoLock() { if (!cHasPasscode() || App::passcoded()) return; App::app()->checkLocalTime(); uint64 ms = getms(true), idle = psIdleTime(), should = cAutoLock() * 1000ULL; if (idle >= should || (_shouldLockAt > 0 && ms > _shouldLockAt + 3000ULL)) { setupPasscode(true); } else { _shouldLockAt = ms + (should - idle); _autoLockTimer.start(should - idle); } } void Window::setupIntro(bool anim) { cSetContactsReceived(false); cSetDialogsReceived(false); if (intro && (intro->animating() || intro->isVisible()) && !main) return; QPixmap bg = anim ? myGrab(this, QRect(0, st::titleHeight, width(), height() - st::titleHeight)) : QPixmap(); clearWidgets(); intro = new IntroWidget(this); intro->move(0, st::titleHeight); if (anim) { intro->animShow(bg); } fixOrder(); updateTitleStatus(); _delayedServiceMsgs.clear(); if (_serviceHistoryRequest) { MTP::cancel(_serviceHistoryRequest); _serviceHistoryRequest = 0; } } void Window::getNotifySetting(const MTPInputNotifyPeer &peer, uint32 msWait) { MTP::send(MTPaccount_GetNotifySettings(peer), main->rpcDone(&MainWidget::gotNotifySetting, peer), main->rpcFail(&MainWidget::failNotifySetting, peer), 0, msWait); } void Window::serviceNotification(const QString &msg, const MTPMessageMedia &media, bool force) { History *h = (main && App::userLoaded(ServiceUserId)) ? App::history(ServiceUserId) : 0; if (!h || (!force && h->isEmpty())) { _delayedServiceMsgs.push_back(DelayedServiceMsg(msg, media)); return sendServiceHistoryRequest(); } main->serviceNotification(msg, media); } void Window::showDelayedServiceMsgs() { QVector toAdd = _delayedServiceMsgs; _delayedServiceMsgs.clear(); for (QVector::const_iterator i = toAdd.cbegin(), e = toAdd.cend(); i != e; ++i) { serviceNotification(i->first, i->second, true); } } void Window::sendServiceHistoryRequest() { if (!main || !main->started() || _delayedServiceMsgs.isEmpty() || _serviceHistoryRequest) return; UserData *user = App::userLoaded(ServiceUserId); if (!user) { int32 userFlags = MTPDuser::flag_first_name | MTPDuser::flag_phone | MTPDuser::flag_status; user = App::feedUsers(MTP_vector(1, MTP_user(MTP_int(userFlags), MTP_int(ServiceUserId), MTPlong(), MTP_string("Telegram"), MTPstring(), MTPstring(), MTP_string("42777"), MTP_userProfilePhotoEmpty(), MTP_userStatusRecently(), MTPint()))); } _serviceHistoryRequest = MTP::send(MTPmessages_GetHistory(user->input, MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(1), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0)), main->rpcDone(&MainWidget::serviceHistoryDone), main->rpcFail(&MainWidget::serviceHistoryFail)); } void Window::setupMain(bool anim, const MTPUser *self) { Local::readStickers(); QPixmap bg = anim ? myGrab(this, QRect(0, st::titleHeight, width(), height() - st::titleHeight)) : QPixmap(); clearWidgets(); main = new MainWidget(this); main->move(0, st::titleHeight); if (anim) { main->animShow(bg); } else { main->activate(); } if (self) { main->start(*self); } else { MTP::send(MTPusers_GetUsers(MTP_vector(1, MTP_inputUserSelf())), main->rpcDone(&MainWidget::startFull)); } title->resizeEvent(0); fixOrder(); updateTitleStatus(); _mediaView = new MediaView(); } void Window::updateCounter() { psUpdateCounter(); title->updateCounter(); } void Window::showSettings() { if (_passcode) return; if (isHidden()) showFromTray(); App::wnd()->hideLayer(); if (settings) { return hideSettings(); } QPixmap bg = myGrab(this, QRect(0, st::titleHeight, width(), height() - st::titleHeight)); if (intro) { anim::stop(intro); intro->hide(); } else if (main) { anim::stop(main); main->hide(); } settings = new SettingsWidget(this); settings->animShow(bg); title->updateBackButton(); fixOrder(); } void Window::hideSettings(bool fast) { if (!settings || _passcode) return; if (fast) { anim::stop(settings); settings->hide(); settings->deleteLater(); settings->rpcInvalidate(); settings = 0; if (intro) { intro->show(); } else { main->show(); } } else { QPixmap bg = myGrab(this, QRect(0, st::titleHeight, width(), height() - st::titleHeight)); anim::stop(settings); settings->hide(); settings->deleteLater(); settings->rpcInvalidate(); settings = 0; if (intro) { intro->animShow(bg, true); } else { main->animShow(bg, true); } } title->updateBackButton(); fixOrder(); } void Window::mtpStateChanged(int32 dc, int32 state) { if (dc == MTP::maindc()) { updateTitleStatus(); if (settings) settings->updateConnectionType(); } } void Window::updateTitleStatus() { int32 state = MTP::dcstate(); if (state == MTProtoConnection::Connecting || state == MTProtoConnection::Disconnected || (state < 0 && state > -600)) { if (main || getms() > 5000 || _connecting) { showConnecting(lang(lng_connecting)); } } else if (state < 0) { showConnecting(lng_reconnecting(lt_count, ((-state) / 1000) + 1), lang(lng_reconnecting_try_now)); QTimer::singleShot((-state) % 1000, this, SLOT(updateTitleStatus())); } else { hideConnecting(); } } IntroWidget *Window::introWidget() { return intro; } MainWidget *Window::mainWidget() { return main; } SettingsWidget *Window::settingsWidget() { return settings; } PasscodeWidget *Window::passcodeWidget() { return _passcode; } void Window::showPhoto(const PhotoLink *lnk, HistoryItem *item) { return lnk->peer() ? showPhoto(lnk->photo(), lnk->peer()) : showPhoto(lnk->photo(), item); } void Window::showPhoto(PhotoData *photo, HistoryItem *item) { hideLayer(true); _mediaView->showPhoto(photo, item); _mediaView->activateWindow(); _mediaView->setFocus(); } void Window::showPhoto(PhotoData *photo, PeerData *peer) { hideLayer(true); _mediaView->showPhoto(photo, peer); _mediaView->activateWindow(); _mediaView->setFocus(); } void Window::showDocument(DocumentData *doc, HistoryItem *item) { hideLayer(true); _mediaView->showDocument(doc, item); _mediaView->activateWindow(); _mediaView->setFocus(); } void Window::showLayer(LayeredWidget *w, bool fast) { hideLayer(true); layerBG = new BackgroundWidget(this, w); if (fast) { layerBG->showFast(); } } void Window::replaceLayer(LayeredWidget *w) { if (layerBG) { layerBG->replaceInner(w); } else { layerBG = new BackgroundWidget(this, w); } } void Window::showConnecting(const QString &text, const QString &reconnect) { if (_connecting) { _connecting->set(text, reconnect); } else { _connecting = new ConnectingWidget(this, text, reconnect); _connecting->show(); resizeEvent(0); fixOrder(); } if (settings) settings->update(); } bool Window::connectingVisible() const { return _connecting && !_connecting->isHidden(); } void Window::hideConnecting() { if (_connecting) { _connecting->deleteLater(); _connecting = 0; } if (settings) settings->update(); } void Window::hideLayer(bool fast) { if (layerBG) { layerBG->onClose(); if (fast) { layerBG->hide(); layerBG->deleteLater(); layerBG = 0; } } hideMediaview(); } bool Window::hideInnerLayer() { if (layerBG) { return layerBG->onInnerClose(); } return true; } bool Window::layerShown() { return !!layerBG || !!_topWidget; } bool Window::historyIsActive() const { return isActive(false) && main && main->historyIsActive() && (!settings || !settings->isVisible()); } void Window::checkHistoryActivation() { if (main && MTP::authedId() && historyIsActive()) { main->historyWasRead(); } QTimer::singleShot(1, this, SLOT(updateTrayMenu())); } void Window::layerHidden() { if (layerBG) { layerBG->hide(); layerBG->deleteLater(); } layerBG = 0; hideMediaview(); setInnerFocus(); } void Window::hideMediaview() { if (_mediaView && !_mediaView->isHidden()) _mediaView->hide(); } void Window::setInnerFocus() { if (layerBG && layerBG->canSetFocus()) { layerBG->setInnerFocus(); } else if (_passcode) { _passcode->setInnerFocus(); } else if (settings) { settings->setInnerFocus(); } else if (main) { main->setInnerFocus(); } } QRect Window::clientRect() const { return QRect(0, st::titleHeight, width(), height() - st::titleHeight); } QRect Window::photoRect() const { if (settings) { return settings->geometry(); } else if (main) { QRect r(main->historyRect()); r.moveLeft(r.left() + main->x()); r.moveTop(r.top() + main->y()); return r; } return QRect(0, 0, 0, 0); } void Window::wStartDrag(QMouseEvent *e) { dragStart = e->globalPos() - frameGeometry().topLeft(); dragging = true; } void Window::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { } HitTestType Window::hitTest(const QPoint &p) const { int x(p.x()), y(p.y()), w(width()), h(height()); const int32 raw = psResizeRowWidth(); if (!windowState().testFlag(Qt::WindowMaximized)) { if (y < raw) { if (x < raw) { return HitTestTopLeft; } else if (x > w - raw - 1) { return HitTestTopRight; } return HitTestTop; } else if (y > h - raw - 1) { if (x < raw) { return HitTestBottomLeft; } else if (x > w - raw - 1) { return HitTestBottomRight; } return HitTestBottom; } else if (x < raw) { return HitTestLeft; } else if (x > w - raw - 1) { return HitTestRight; } } HitTestType titleTest = title->hitTest(p - title->geometry().topLeft()); if (titleTest) { return titleTest; } else if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < w && y < h) { return HitTestClient; } return HitTestNone; } QRect Window::iconRect() const { return QRect(st::titleIconPos + title->geometry().topLeft(), st::titleIconImg.pxSize()); } bool Window::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *evt) { QEvent::Type t = evt->type(); if (t == QEvent::MouseButtonPress || t == QEvent::KeyPress || t == QEvent::TouchBegin) { psUserActionDone(); } else if (t == QEvent::MouseMove) { if (main && main->isIdle()) { psUserActionDone(); main->checkIdleFinish(); } } if (obj == App::app()) { if (t == QEvent::ApplicationActivate) { psUserActionDone(); QTimer::singleShot(1, this, SLOT(checkHistoryActivation())); } else if (t == QEvent::FileOpen) { QString url = static_cast(evt)->url().toEncoded(); if (!url.trimmed().midRef(0, 5).compare(qsl("tg://"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { cSetStartUrl(url); if (!cStartUrl().isEmpty() && App::main() && App::self()) { App::main()->openLocalUrl(cStartUrl()); cSetStartUrl(QString()); } } activate(); } } else if (obj == this) { if (t == QEvent::WindowStateChange) { Qt::WindowState state = (windowState() & Qt::WindowMinimized) ? Qt::WindowMinimized : ((windowState() & Qt::WindowMaximized) ? Qt::WindowMaximized : ((windowState() & Qt::WindowFullScreen) ? Qt::WindowFullScreen : Qt::WindowNoState)); stateChanged(state); } else if (t == QEvent::Move || t == QEvent::Resize) { psUpdatedPosition(); } } return PsMainWindow::eventFilter(obj, evt); } void Window::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (e->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) { if (dragging) { if (windowState().testFlag(Qt::WindowMaximized)) { setWindowState(windowState() & ~Qt::WindowMaximized); dragStart = e->globalPos() - frameGeometry().topLeft(); } else { move(e->globalPos() - dragStart); } } } else if (dragging) { dragging = false; } } void Window::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { dragging = false; } bool Window::minimizeToTray() { if (App::quiting() || !psHasTrayIcon()) return false; hide(); if (cPlatform() == dbipWindows && trayIcon && !cSeenTrayTooltip()) { trayIcon->showMessage(QString::fromStdWString(AppName), lang(lng_tray_icon_text), QSystemTrayIcon::Information, 10000); cSetSeenTrayTooltip(true); Local::writeSettings(); } updateIsActive(cOfflineBlurTimeout()); updateTrayMenu(); updateGlobalMenu(); return true; } void Window::updateTrayMenu(bool force) { if (!trayIconMenu || (cPlatform() == dbipWindows && !force)) return; bool active = isActive(false); if (cPlatform() == dbipWindows || cPlatform() == dbipMac) { QAction *first = trayIconMenu->actions().at(0); first->setText(lang(active ? lng_minimize_to_tray : lng_open_from_tray)); disconnect(first, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), 0, 0); connect(first, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, active ? SLOT(minimizeToTray()) : SLOT(showFromTray())); } else { QAction *second = trayIconMenu->actions().at(1); second->setDisabled(!isVisible()); } #ifndef Q_OS_WIN if (trayIcon) { trayIcon->setContextMenu((active || cPlatform() != dbipMac) ? trayIconMenu : 0); } #endif psTrayMenuUpdated(); } void Window::onShowAddContact() { if (isHidden()) showFromTray(); if (main) main->showAddContact(); } void Window::onShowNewGroup() { if (isHidden()) showFromTray(); if (main) replaceLayer(new GroupInfoBox(CreatingGroupGroup, false)); } void Window::onShowNewChannel() { if (isHidden()) showFromTray(); if (main) replaceLayer(new GroupInfoBox(CreatingGroupChannel, false)); } void Window::onLogout() { if (isHidden()) showFromTray(); ConfirmBox *box = new ConfirmBox(lang(lng_sure_logout)); connect(box, SIGNAL(confirmed()), this, SLOT(onLogoutSure())); App::wnd()->showLayer(box); } void Window::onLogoutSure() { App::logOut(); } void Window::updateGlobalMenu() { #ifdef Q_OS_MAC psMacUpdateMenu(); #endif } void Window::quitFromTray() { App::quit(); } void Window::activate() { bool wasHidden = !isVisible(); setWindowState(windowState() & ~Qt::WindowMinimized); setVisible(true); psActivateProcess(); activateWindow(); updateIsActive(cOnlineFocusTimeout()); if (wasHidden) { if (main) { main->windowShown(); } } } void Window::noIntro(IntroWidget *was) { if (was == intro) { intro = 0; } } void Window::noSettings(SettingsWidget *was) { if (was == settings) { settings = 0; } checkHistoryActivation(); } void Window::noMain(MainWidget *was) { if (was == main) { main = 0; } } void Window::noBox(BackgroundWidget *was) { if (was == layerBG) { layerBG = 0; } } void Window::layerFinishedHide(BackgroundWidget *was) { if (was == layerBG) { QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(layerHidden())); } } void Window::fixOrder() { title->raise(); if (layerBG) layerBG->raise(); if (_topWidget) _topWidget->raise(); if (_connecting) _connecting->raise(); } void Window::topWidget(QWidget *w) { _topWidget = w; } void Window::noTopWidget(QWidget *w) { if (_topWidget == w) { _topWidget = 0; } } void Window::showFromTray(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason reason) { if (reason != QSystemTrayIcon::Context) { QTimer::singleShot(1, this, SLOT(updateTrayMenu())); QTimer::singleShot(1, this, SLOT(updateGlobalMenu())); activate(); updateCounter(); } } void Window::toggleTray(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason reason) { if (cPlatform() == dbipMac && isActive(false)) return; if (reason == QSystemTrayIcon::Context) { updateTrayMenu(true); QTimer::singleShot(1, this, SLOT(psShowTrayMenu())); } else { if (isActive(false)) { minimizeToTray(); } else { showFromTray(reason); } } } void Window::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) { if (MTP::authedId() && minimizeToTray()) { e->ignore(); } else { App::quit(); } } TitleWidget *Window::getTitle() { return title; } void Window::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { if (!title) return; bool wideMode = (width() >= st::wideModeWidth); if (wideMode != cWideMode()) { cSetWideMode(wideMode); updateWideMode(); } title->setGeometry(QRect(0, 0, width(), st::titleHeight + st::titleShadow)); if (layerBG) layerBG->resize(width(), height()); if (_connecting) _connecting->setGeometry(0, height() - _connecting->height(), _connecting->width(), _connecting->height()); emit resized(QSize(width(), height() - st::titleHeight)); } void Window::updateWideMode() { title->updateWideMode(); if (main) main->updateWideMode(); if (settings) settings->updateWideMode(); if (intro) intro->updateWideMode(); if (layerBG) layerBG->updateWideMode(); } bool Window::needBackButton() { return !!settings; } Window::TempDirState Window::tempDirState() { if (_clearManager && _clearManager->hasTask(Local::ClearManagerDownloads)) { return TempDirRemoving; } return QDir(cTempDir()).exists() ? TempDirExists : TempDirEmpty; } Window::TempDirState Window::localStorageState() { if (_clearManager && _clearManager->hasTask(Local::ClearManagerStorage)) { return TempDirRemoving; } return (Local::hasImages() || Local::hasStickers() || Local::hasAudios()) ? TempDirExists : TempDirEmpty; } void Window::tempDirDelete(int task) { if (_clearManager) { if (_clearManager->addTask(task)) { return; } else { _clearManager->deleteLater(); _clearManager = 0; } } _clearManager = new Local::ClearManager(); _clearManager->addTask(task); connect(_clearManager, SIGNAL(succeed(int,void*)), this, SLOT(onClearFinished(int,void*))); connect(_clearManager, SIGNAL(failed(int,void*)), this, SLOT(onClearFailed(int,void*))); _clearManager->start(); } void Window::onClearFinished(int task, void *manager) { if (manager && manager == _clearManager) { _clearManager->deleteLater(); _clearManager = 0; } emit tempDirCleared(task); } void Window::onClearFailed(int task, void *manager) { if (manager && manager == _clearManager) { _clearManager->deleteLater(); _clearManager = 0; } emit tempDirClearFailed(task); } void Window::quit() { delete _mediaView; _mediaView = 0; delete main; main = 0; notifyClearFast(); } void Window::notifySchedule(History *history, HistoryItem *item) { if (App::quiting() || !history->currentNotification() || !main) return; PeerData *notifyByFrom = (!history->peer->isUser() && item->notifyByFrom()) ? item->from() : 0; bool haveSetting = (history->peer->notify != UnknownNotifySettings); if (haveSetting) { if (history->peer->notify != EmptyNotifySettings && history->peer->notify->mute > unixtime()) { if (notifyByFrom) { haveSetting = (item->from()->notify != UnknownNotifySettings); if (haveSetting) { if (notifyByFrom->notify != EmptyNotifySettings && notifyByFrom->notify->mute > unixtime()) { history->popNotification(item); return; } } else { App::wnd()->getNotifySetting(MTP_inputNotifyPeer(notifyByFrom->input)); } } else { history->popNotification(item); return; } } } else { if (notifyByFrom && notifyByFrom->notify == UnknownNotifySettings) { App::wnd()->getNotifySetting(MTP_inputNotifyPeer(notifyByFrom->input), 10); } App::wnd()->getNotifySetting(MTP_inputNotifyPeer(history->peer->input)); } HistoryForwarded *fwd = item->toHistoryForwarded(); int delay = fwd ? 500 : 100, t = unixtime(); uint64 ms = getms(true); bool isOnline = main->lastWasOnline(), otherNotOld = ((cOtherOnline() * uint64(1000)) + cOnlineCloudTimeout() > t * uint64(1000)); bool otherLaterThanMe = (cOtherOnline() * uint64(1000) + (ms - main->lastSetOnline()) > t * uint64(1000)); if (!isOnline && otherNotOld && otherLaterThanMe) { delay = cNotifyCloudDelay(); } else if (cOtherOnline() >= t) { delay = cNotifyDefaultDelay(); } uint64 when = getms(true) + delay; notifyWhenAlerts[history].insert(when, notifyByFrom); if (cDesktopNotify() && !psSkipDesktopNotify()) { NotifyWhenMaps::iterator i = notifyWhenMaps.find(history); if (i == notifyWhenMaps.end()) { i = notifyWhenMaps.insert(history, NotifyWhenMap()); } if (i.value().constFind(item->id) == i.value().cend()) { i.value().insert(item->id, when); } NotifyWaiters *addTo = haveSetting ? ¬ifyWaiters : ¬ifySettingWaiters; NotifyWaiters::const_iterator it = addTo->constFind(history); if (it == addTo->cend() || it->when > when) { addTo->insert(history, NotifyWaiter(item->id, when, notifyByFrom)); } } if (haveSetting) { if (!notifyWaitTimer.isActive() || notifyWaitTimer.remainingTime() > delay) { notifyWaitTimer.start(delay); } } } void Window::notifyFire() { notifyShowNext(); } void Window::notifyClear(History *history) { if (!history) { for (NotifyWindows::const_iterator i = notifyWindows.cbegin(), e = notifyWindows.cend(); i != e; ++i) { (*i)->unlinkHistory(); } psClearNotifies(); for (NotifyWhenMaps::const_iterator i = notifyWhenMaps.cbegin(), e = notifyWhenMaps.cend(); i != e; ++i) { i.key()->clearNotifications(); } notifyWaiters.clear(); notifySettingWaiters.clear(); notifyWhenMaps.clear(); return; } notifyWaiters.remove(history); notifySettingWaiters.remove(history); for (NotifyWindows::const_iterator i = notifyWindows.cbegin(), e = notifyWindows.cend(); i != e; ++i) { (*i)->unlinkHistory(history); } psClearNotifies(history->peer->id); notifyWhenMaps.remove(history); notifyWhenAlerts.remove(history); notifyShowNext(); } void Window::notifyClearFast() { notifyWaiters.clear(); notifySettingWaiters.clear(); for (NotifyWindows::const_iterator i = notifyWindows.cbegin(), e = notifyWindows.cend(); i != e; ++i) { (*i)->deleteLater(); } psClearNotifies(); notifyWindows.clear(); notifyWhenMaps.clear(); notifyWhenAlerts.clear(); } void Window::notifySettingGot() { int32 t = unixtime(); for (NotifyWaiters::iterator i = notifySettingWaiters.begin(); i != notifySettingWaiters.end();) { History *history = i.key(); if (history->peer->notify == UnknownNotifySettings) { ++i; } else { if (history->peer->notify == EmptyNotifySettings || history->peer->notify->mute <= t) { notifyWaiters.insert(i.key(), i.value()); } else if (PeerData *from = i.value().notifyByFrom) { if (from->notify == UnknownNotifySettings) { ++i; continue; } else if (from->notify == EmptyNotifySettings || from->notify->mute <= t) { notifyWaiters.insert(i.key(), i.value()); } } i = notifySettingWaiters.erase(i); } } notifyWaitTimer.stop(); notifyShowNext(); } void Window::notifyShowNext(NotifyWindow *remove) { if (App::quiting()) return; int32 count = NotifyWindowsCount; if (remove) { for (NotifyWindows::iterator i = notifyWindows.begin(), e = notifyWindows.end(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i) == remove) { notifyWindows.erase(i); break; } } } uint64 ms = getms(true), nextAlert = 0; bool alert = false; int32 now = unixtime(); for (NotifyWhenAlerts::iterator i = notifyWhenAlerts.begin(); i != notifyWhenAlerts.end();) { while (!i.value().isEmpty() && i.value().begin().key() <= ms) { NotifySettingsPtr n = i.key()->peer->notify, f = i.value().begin().value() ? i.value().begin().value()->notify : UnknownNotifySettings; while (!i.value().isEmpty() && i.value().begin().key() <= ms + 500) { // not more than one sound in 500ms from one peer - grouping i.value().erase(i.value().begin()); } if (n == EmptyNotifySettings || (n != UnknownNotifySettings && n->mute <= now)) { alert = true; } else if (f == EmptyNotifySettings || (f != UnknownNotifySettings && f->mute <= now)) { // notify by from() alert = true; } } if (i.value().isEmpty()) { i = notifyWhenAlerts.erase(i); } else { if (!nextAlert || nextAlert > i.value().begin().key()) { nextAlert = i.value().begin().key(); } ++i; } } if (alert) { psFlash(); App::playSound(); } if (cCustomNotifies()) { for (NotifyWindows::const_iterator i = notifyWindows.cbegin(), e = notifyWindows.cend(); i != e; ++i) { int32 ind = (*i)->index(); if (ind < 0) continue; --count; } } if (count <= 0 || notifyWaiters.isEmpty() || !cDesktopNotify() || psSkipDesktopNotify()) { if (nextAlert) { notifyWaitTimer.start(nextAlert - ms); } return; } QRect r = psDesktopRect(); int32 x = r.x() + r.width() - st::notifyWidth - st::notifyDeltaX, y = r.y() + r.height() - st::notifyHeight - st::notifyDeltaY; while (count > 0) { uint64 next = 0; HistoryItem *notifyItem = 0; History *notifyHistory = 0; NotifyWaiters::iterator notifyWaiter = notifyWaiters.end(); for (NotifyWaiters::iterator i = notifyWaiters.begin(); i != notifyWaiters.end();) { History *history = i.key(); if (history->currentNotification() && history->currentNotification()->id != i.value().msg) { NotifyWhenMaps::iterator j = notifyWhenMaps.find(history); if (j == notifyWhenMaps.end()) { history->clearNotifications(); i = notifyWaiters.erase(i); notifyWaiter = notifyHistory ? notifyWaiters.find(notifyHistory) : notifyWaiters.end(); continue; } do { NotifyWhenMap::const_iterator k = j.value().constFind(history->currentNotification()->id); if (k != j.value().cend()) { i.value().msg = k.key(); i.value().when = k.value(); break; } history->skipNotification(); } while (history->currentNotification()); } if (!history->currentNotification()) { notifyWhenMaps.remove(history); i = notifyWaiters.erase(i); notifyWaiter = notifyHistory ? notifyWaiters.find(notifyHistory) : notifyWaiters.end(); continue; } uint64 when = i.value().when; if (!notifyItem || next > when) { next = when; notifyItem = history->currentNotification(); notifyHistory = history; notifyWaiter = i; } ++i; } if (notifyItem) { if (next > ms) { if (nextAlert && nextAlert < next) { next = nextAlert; nextAlert = 0; } notifyWaitTimer.start(next - ms); break; } else { HistoryForwarded *fwd = notifyItem->toHistoryForwarded(); // forwarded notify grouping int32 fwdCount = 1; uint64 ms = getms(true); History *history = notifyItem->history(); NotifyWhenMaps::iterator j = notifyWhenMaps.find(history); if (j == notifyWhenMaps.cend()) { history->clearNotifications(); } else { HistoryItem *nextNotify = 0; do { history->skipNotification(); if (!history->hasNotification()) { break; } j.value().remove((fwd ? fwd : notifyItem)->id); do { NotifyWhenMap::const_iterator k = j.value().constFind(history->currentNotification()->id); if (k != j.value().cend()) { nextNotify = history->currentNotification(); notifyWaiter.value().msg = k.key(); notifyWaiter.value().when = k.value(); break; } history->skipNotification(); } while (history->hasNotification()); if (nextNotify) { if (fwd) { HistoryForwarded *nextFwd = nextNotify->toHistoryForwarded(); if (nextFwd && fwd->from() == nextFwd->from() && qAbs(int64(nextFwd->date.toTime_t()) - int64(fwd->date.toTime_t())) < 2) { fwd = nextFwd; ++fwdCount; } else { nextNotify = 0; } } else { nextNotify = 0; } } } while (nextNotify); } if (cCustomNotifies()) { NotifyWindow *notify = new NotifyWindow(notifyItem, x, y, fwdCount); notifyWindows.push_back(notify); psNotifyShown(notify); --count; } else { psPlatformNotify(notifyItem, fwdCount); } if (!history->hasNotification()) { if (notifyWaiter != notifyWaiters.cend()) notifyWaiters.erase(notifyWaiter); notifyWhenMaps.remove(history); continue; } } } else { break; } } if (nextAlert) { notifyWaitTimer.start(nextAlert - ms); } count = NotifyWindowsCount - count; for (NotifyWindows::const_iterator i = notifyWindows.cbegin(), e = notifyWindows.cend(); i != e; ++i) { int32 ind = (*i)->index(); if (ind < 0) continue; --count; (*i)->moveTo(x, y - count * (st::notifyHeight + st::notifyDeltaY)); } } void Window::notifyItemRemoved(HistoryItem *item) { if (cCustomNotifies()) { for (NotifyWindows::const_iterator i = notifyWindows.cbegin(), e = notifyWindows.cend(); i != e; ++i) { (*i)->itemRemoved(item); } } } void Window::notifyStopHiding() { if (cCustomNotifies()) { for (NotifyWindows::const_iterator i = notifyWindows.cbegin(), e = notifyWindows.cend(); i != e; ++i) { (*i)->stopHiding(); } } } void Window::notifyStartHiding() { if (cCustomNotifies()) { for (NotifyWindows::const_iterator i = notifyWindows.cbegin(), e = notifyWindows.cend(); i != e; ++i) { (*i)->startHiding(); } } } void Window::notifyUpdateAllPhotos() { if (cCustomNotifies()) { for (NotifyWindows::const_iterator i = notifyWindows.cbegin(), e = notifyWindows.cend(); i != e; ++i) { (*i)->updatePeerPhoto(); } } if (_mediaView && !_mediaView->isHidden()) _mediaView->updateControls(); } void Window::notifyUpdateAll() { if (cCustomNotifies()) { for (NotifyWindows::const_iterator i = notifyWindows.cbegin(), e = notifyWindows.cend(); i != e; ++i) { (*i)->updateNotifyDisplay(); } } psClearNotifies(); } void Window::notifyActivateAll() { if (cCustomNotifies()) { for (NotifyWindows::const_iterator i = notifyWindows.cbegin(), e = notifyWindows.cend(); i != e; ++i) { psActivateNotify(*i); } } } QImage Window::iconLarge() const { return iconbig256; } void Window::placeSmallCounter(QImage &img, int size, int count, style::color bg, const QPoint &shift, style::color color) { QPainter p(&img); QString cnt = (count < 100) ? QString("%1").arg(count) : QString("..%1").arg(count % 10, 1, 10, QChar('0')); int32 cntSize = cnt.size(); p.setBrush(bg->b); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); int32 fontSize; if (size == 16) { fontSize = 8; } else if (size == 32) { fontSize = (cntSize < 2) ? 12 : 12; } else { fontSize = (cntSize < 2) ? 22 : 22; } style::font f(fontSize); int32 w = f->m.width(cnt), d, r; if (size == 16) { d = (cntSize < 2) ? 2 : 1; r = (cntSize < 2) ? 4 : 3; } else if (size == 32) { d = (cntSize < 2) ? 5 : 2; r = (cntSize < 2) ? 8 : 7; } else { d = (cntSize < 2) ? 9 : 4; r = (cntSize < 2) ? 16 : 14; } p.drawRoundedRect(QRect(shift.x() + size - w - d * 2, shift.y() + size - f->height, w + d * 2, f->height), r, r); p.setFont(f->f); p.setPen(color->p); p.drawText(shift.x() + size - w - d, shift.y() + size - f->height + f->ascent, cnt); } QImage Window::iconWithCounter(int size, int count, style::color bg, bool smallIcon) { bool layer = false; if (size < 0) { size = -size; layer = true; } if (layer) { if (size != 16 && size != 20 && size != 24) size = 32; QString cnt = (count < 1000) ? QString("%1").arg(count) : QString("..%1").arg(count % 100, 2, 10, QChar('0')); QImage result(size, size, QImage::Format_ARGB32); int32 cntSize = cnt.size(); result.fill(st::transparent->c); { QPainter p(&result); p.setBrush(bg->b); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); int32 fontSize; if (size == 16) { fontSize = (cntSize < 2) ? 11 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 11 : 8); } else if (size == 20) { fontSize = (cntSize < 2) ? 14 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 13 : 10); } else if (size == 24) { fontSize = (cntSize < 2) ? 17 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 16 : 12); } else { fontSize = (cntSize < 2) ? 22 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 20 : 16); } style::font f(fontSize); int32 w = f->m.width(cnt), d, r; if (size == 16) { d = (cntSize < 2) ? 5 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 2 : 1); r = (cntSize < 2) ? 8 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 7 : 3); } else if (size == 20) { d = (cntSize < 2) ? 6 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 2 : 1); r = (cntSize < 2) ? 10 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 9 : 5); } else if (size == 24) { d = (cntSize < 2) ? 7 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 3 : 1); r = (cntSize < 2) ? 12 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 11 : 6); } else { d = (cntSize < 2) ? 9 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 4 : 2); r = (cntSize < 2) ? 16 : ((cntSize < 3) ? 14 : 8); } p.drawRoundedRect(QRect(size - w - d * 2, size - f->height, w + d * 2, f->height), r, r); p.setFont(f->f); p.setPen(st::counterColor->p); p.drawText(size - w - d, size - f->height + f->ascent, cnt); } return result; } else { if (size != 16 && size != 32) size = 64; } QImage img(smallIcon ? ((size == 16) ? iconbig16 : (size == 32 ? iconbig32 : iconbig64)) : ((size == 16) ? icon16 : (size == 32 ? icon32 : icon64))); if (!count) return img; if (smallIcon) { placeSmallCounter(img, size, count, bg, QPoint(), st::counterColor); } else { QPainter p(&img); p.drawPixmap(size / 2, size / 2, QPixmap::fromImage(iconWithCounter(-size / 2, count, bg, false), Qt::ColorOnly)); } return img; } void Window::sendPaths() { if (App::passcoded()) return; hideMediaview(); if (settings) { hideSettings(); } else { if (layerShown()) { hideLayer(); } if (main && !main->animating()) { main->activate(); } } } void Window::mediaOverviewUpdated(PeerData *peer, MediaOverviewType type) { if (main) main->mediaOverviewUpdated(peer, type); if (!_mediaView || _mediaView->isHidden()) return; _mediaView->mediaOverviewUpdated(peer, type); } void Window::documentUpdated(DocumentData *doc) { if (!_mediaView || _mediaView->isHidden()) return; _mediaView->documentUpdated(doc); } void Window::changingMsgId(HistoryItem *row, MsgId newId) { if (main) main->changingMsgId(row, newId); if (!_mediaView || _mediaView->isHidden()) return; _mediaView->changingMsgId(row, newId); } bool Window::isActive(bool cached) const { if (cached) return _isActive; return isActiveWindow() && isVisible() && !(windowState() & Qt::WindowMinimized); } void Window::updateIsActive(int timeout) { if (timeout) return _isActiveTimer.start(timeout); _isActive = isActive(false); if (main) main->updateOnline(); } Window::~Window() { notifyClearFast(); delete _clearManager; delete _connecting; delete _mediaView; delete trayIcon; delete trayIconMenu; delete intro; delete main; delete settings; }