/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #pragma once #include "core/type_traits.h" #include "core/observer.h" class LayerWidget; namespace InlineBots { namespace Layout { class ItemBase; } // namespace Layout } // namespace InlineBots namespace App { void sendBotCommand(PeerData *peer, UserData *bot, const QString &cmd, MsgId replyTo = 0); bool insertBotCommand(const QString &cmd, bool specialGif = false); void activateBotCommand(const HistoryItem *msg, int row, int col); void searchByHashtag(const QString &tag, PeerData *inPeer); void openPeerByName(const QString &username, MsgId msgId = ShowAtUnreadMsgId, const QString &startToken = QString()); void joinGroupByHash(const QString &hash); void stickersBox(const QString &name); void openLocalUrl(const QString &url); bool forward(const PeerId &peer, ForwardWhatMessages what); void removeDialog(History *history); void showSettings(); void activateClickHandler(ClickHandlerPtr handler, Qt::MouseButton button); void logOutDelayed(); } // namespace App namespace Ui { void showMediaPreview(DocumentData *document); void showMediaPreview(PhotoData *photo); void hideMediaPreview(); void showLayer(LayerWidget *box, ShowLayerOptions options = CloseOtherLayers); void hideLayer(bool fast = false); void hideSettingsAndLayer(bool fast = false); bool isLayerShown(); bool isMediaViewShown(); bool isInlineItemBeingChosen(); void repaintHistoryItem(const HistoryItem *item); void repaintInlineItem(const InlineBots::Layout::ItemBase *layout); bool isInlineItemVisible(const InlineBots::Layout::ItemBase *reader); void autoplayMediaInlineAsync(const FullMsgId &msgId); void showPeerProfile(const PeerId &peer); inline void showPeerProfile(const PeerData *peer) { showPeerProfile(peer->id); } inline void showPeerProfile(const History *history) { showPeerProfile(history->peer->id); } void showPeerOverview(const PeerId &peer, MediaOverviewType type); inline void showPeerOverview(const PeerData *peer, MediaOverviewType type) { showPeerOverview(peer->id, type); } inline void showPeerOverview(const History *history, MediaOverviewType type) { showPeerOverview(history->peer->id, type); } enum class ShowWay { ClearStack, Forward, Backward, }; void showPeerHistory(const PeerId &peer, MsgId msgId, ShowWay way = ShowWay::ClearStack); inline void showPeerHistory(const PeerData *peer, MsgId msgId, ShowWay way = ShowWay::ClearStack) { showPeerHistory(peer->id, msgId, way); } inline void showPeerHistory(const History *history, MsgId msgId, ShowWay way = ShowWay::ClearStack) { showPeerHistory(history->peer->id, msgId, way); } inline void showPeerHistoryAtItem(const HistoryItem *item, ShowWay way = ShowWay::ClearStack) { showPeerHistory(item->history()->peer->id, item->id, way); } void showPeerHistoryAsync(const PeerId &peer, MsgId msgId, ShowWay way = ShowWay::ClearStack); inline void showChatsList() { showPeerHistory(PeerId(0), 0, ShowWay::ClearStack); } inline void showChatsListAsync() { showPeerHistoryAsync(PeerId(0), 0, ShowWay::ClearStack); } PeerData *getPeerForMouseAction(); bool hideWindowNoQuit(); bool skipPaintEvent(QWidget *widget, QPaintEvent *event); } // namespace Ui enum ClipStopperType { ClipStopperMediaview, ClipStopperSavedGifsPanel, }; namespace Notify { void userIsBotChanged(UserData *user); void userIsContactChanged(UserData *user, bool fromThisApp = false); void botCommandsChanged(UserData *user); void inlineBotRequesting(bool requesting); void replyMarkupUpdated(const HistoryItem *item); void inlineKeyboardMoved(const HistoryItem *item, int oldKeyboardTop, int newKeyboardTop); bool switchInlineBotButtonReceived(const QString &query, UserData *samePeerBot = nullptr, MsgId samePeerReplyTo = 0); void migrateUpdated(PeerData *peer); void clipStopperHidden(ClipStopperType type); void historyItemLayoutChanged(const HistoryItem *item); void inlineItemLayoutChanged(const InlineBots::Layout::ItemBase *layout); void historyMuteUpdated(History *history); // handle pending resize() / paint() on history items void handlePendingHistoryUpdate(); void unreadCounterUpdated(); enum class ChangeType { SoundEnabled, IncludeMuted, DesktopEnabled, ViewParams, MaxCount, Corner, DemoIsShown, }; enum class ScreenCorner { TopLeft = 0, TopRight = 1, BottomRight = 2, BottomLeft = 3, }; inline bool IsLeftCorner(ScreenCorner corner) { return (corner == ScreenCorner::TopLeft) || (corner == ScreenCorner::BottomLeft); } inline bool IsTopCorner(ScreenCorner corner) { return (corner == ScreenCorner::TopLeft) || (corner == ScreenCorner::TopRight); } } // namespace Notify namespace base { template <> struct custom_is_fast_copy_type : public std_::true_type { }; } // namespace base #define DeclareReadOnlyVar(Type, Name) const Type &Name(); #define DeclareRefVar(Type, Name) DeclareReadOnlyVar(Type, Name) \ Type &Ref##Name(); #define DeclareVar(Type, Name) DeclareRefVar(Type, Name) \ void Set##Name(const Type &Name); namespace Sandbox { bool CheckBetaVersionDir(); void WorkingDirReady(); void start(); void finish(); uint64 UserTag(); DeclareReadOnlyVar(QString, LangSystemISO); DeclareReadOnlyVar(int32, LangSystem); DeclareVar(QByteArray, LastCrashDump); DeclareVar(ProxyData, PreLaunchProxy); } // namespace Sandbox namespace Adaptive { enum Layout { OneColumnLayout, NormalLayout, WideLayout, }; } // namespace Adaptive namespace DebugLogging { enum Flags { FileLoaderFlag = 0x00000001, }; } // namespace DebugLogging namespace Stickers { constexpr uint64 DefaultSetId = 0; // for backward compatibility constexpr uint64 CustomSetId = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL; constexpr uint64 RecentSetId = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEULL; // for emoji/stickers panel, should not appear in Sets constexpr uint64 NoneSetId = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFDULL; // for emoji/stickers panel, should not appear in Sets constexpr uint64 CloudRecentSetId = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFCULL; // for cloud-stored recent stickers constexpr uint64 FeaturedSetId = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBULL; // for emoji/stickers panel, should not appear in Sets struct Set { Set(uint64 id, uint64 access, const QString &title, const QString &shortName, int32 count, int32 hash, MTPDstickerSet::Flags flags) : id(id) , access(access) , title(title) , shortName(shortName) , count(count) , hash(hash) , flags(flags) { } uint64 id, access; QString title, shortName; int32 count, hash; MTPDstickerSet::Flags flags; StickerPack stickers; StickersByEmojiMap emoji; }; using Sets = QMap; using Order = QList; inline MTPInputStickerSet inputSetId(const Set &set) { if (set.id && set.access) { return MTP_inputStickerSetID(MTP_long(set.id), MTP_long(set.access)); } return MTP_inputStickerSetShortName(MTP_string(set.shortName)); } Set *feedSet(const MTPDstickerSet &set); } // namespace Stickers namespace Global { bool started(); void start(); void finish(); DeclareReadOnlyVar(uint64, LaunchId); DeclareRefVar(SingleDelayedCall, HandleHistoryUpdate); DeclareRefVar(SingleDelayedCall, HandleUnreadCounterUpdate); DeclareRefVar(SingleDelayedCall, HandleFileDialogQueue); DeclareRefVar(SingleDelayedCall, HandleDelayedPeerUpdates); DeclareRefVar(SingleDelayedCall, HandleObservables); DeclareVar(Adaptive::Layout, AdaptiveLayout); DeclareVar(bool, AdaptiveForWide); DeclareRefVar(base::Observable, AdaptiveChanged); DeclareVar(bool, DialogsModeEnabled); DeclareVar(Dialogs::Mode, DialogsMode); DeclareVar(bool, ModerateModeEnabled); DeclareVar(bool, ScreenIsLocked); DeclareVar(int32, DebugLoggingFlags); constexpr float64 kDefaultVolume = 0.9; DeclareVar(float64, RememberedSongVolume); DeclareVar(float64, SongVolume); DeclareRefVar(base::Observable, SongVolumeChanged); DeclareVar(float64, VideoVolume); DeclareRefVar(base::Observable, VideoVolumeChanged); // config DeclareVar(int32, ChatSizeMax); DeclareVar(int32, MegagroupSizeMax); DeclareVar(int32, ForwardedCountMax); DeclareVar(int32, OnlineUpdatePeriod); DeclareVar(int32, OfflineBlurTimeout); DeclareVar(int32, OfflineIdleTimeout); DeclareVar(int32, OnlineFocusTimeout); // not from config DeclareVar(int32, OnlineCloudTimeout); DeclareVar(int32, NotifyCloudDelay); DeclareVar(int32, NotifyDefaultDelay); DeclareVar(int32, ChatBigSize); DeclareVar(int32, PushChatPeriod); DeclareVar(int32, PushChatLimit); DeclareVar(int32, SavedGifsLimit); DeclareVar(int32, EditTimeLimit); DeclareVar(int32, StickersRecentLimit); typedef QMap HiddenPinnedMessagesMap; DeclareVar(HiddenPinnedMessagesMap, HiddenPinnedMessages); typedef OrderedSet PendingItemsMap; DeclareRefVar(PendingItemsMap, PendingRepaintItems); DeclareVar(Stickers::Sets, StickerSets); DeclareVar(Stickers::Order, StickerSetsOrder); DeclareVar(uint64, LastStickersUpdate); DeclareVar(uint64, LastRecentStickersUpdate); DeclareVar(Stickers::Order, FeaturedStickerSetsOrder); DeclareVar(int, FeaturedStickerSetsUnreadCount); DeclareVar(uint64, LastFeaturedStickersUpdate); DeclareVar(Stickers::Order, ArchivedStickerSetsOrder); DeclareVar(MTP::DcOptions, DcOptions); typedef QMap CircleMasksMap; DeclareRefVar(CircleMasksMap, CircleMasks); DeclareRefVar(base::Observable, SelfChanged); DeclareVar(bool, AskDownloadPath); DeclareVar(QString, DownloadPath); DeclareVar(QByteArray, DownloadPathBookmark); DeclareRefVar(base::Observable, DownloadPathChanged); DeclareVar(bool, SoundNotify); DeclareVar(bool, DesktopNotify); DeclareVar(bool, RestoreSoundNotifyFromTray); DeclareVar(bool, IncludeMuted); DeclareVar(DBINotifyView, NotifyView); DeclareVar(bool, NativeNotifications); DeclareVar(int, NotificationsCount); DeclareVar(Notify::ScreenCorner, NotificationsCorner); DeclareVar(bool, NotificationsDemoIsShown); DeclareRefVar(base::Observable, NotifySettingsChanged); DeclareVar(DBIConnectionType, ConnectionType); DeclareVar(bool, TryIPv6); DeclareVar(ProxyData, ConnectionProxy); DeclareRefVar(base::Observable, ConnectionTypeChanged); DeclareRefVar(base::Observable, ChooseCustomLang); DeclareVar(int, AutoLock); DeclareVar(bool, LocalPasscode); DeclareRefVar(base::Observable, LocalPasscodeChanged); DeclareRefVar(base::Observable, ItemRemoved); DeclareRefVar(base::Observable, UnreadCounterUpdate); DeclareRefVar(base::Observable, PeerChooseCancel); } // namespace Global namespace Adaptive { inline base::Observable &Changed() { return Global::RefAdaptiveChanged(); } inline bool OneColumn() { return Global::AdaptiveLayout() == OneColumnLayout; } inline bool Normal() { return Global::AdaptiveLayout() == NormalLayout; } inline bool Wide() { return Global::AdaptiveForWide() && (Global::AdaptiveLayout() == WideLayout); } } // namespace Adaptive namespace DebugLogging { inline bool FileLoader() { return (Global::DebugLoggingFlags() & FileLoaderFlag) != 0; } } // namespace DebugLogging