/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "boxes/connection_box.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "base/qthelp_url.h" #include "base/call_delayed.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "core/core_settings.h" #include "main/main_account.h" #include "mtproto/facade.h" #include "ui/widgets/checkbox.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/input_fields.h" #include "ui/widgets/labels.h" #include "ui/widgets/dropdown_menu.h" #include "ui/wrap/slide_wrap.h" #include "ui/wrap/vertical_layout.h" #include "ui/toast/toast.h" #include "ui/effects/animations.h" #include "ui/effects/radial_animation.h" #include "ui/text/text_options.h" #include "ui/basic_click_handlers.h" #include "styles/style_layers.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "styles/style_chat_helpers.h" #include "styles/style_info.h" #include #include namespace { constexpr auto kSaveSettingsDelayedTimeout = crl::time(1000); using ProxyData = MTP::ProxyData; class HostInput : public Ui::MaskedInputField { public: HostInput( QWidget *parent, const style::InputField &st, rpl::producer placeholder, const QString &val); protected: void correctValue( const QString &was, int wasCursor, QString &now, int &nowCursor) override; }; HostInput::HostInput( QWidget *parent, const style::InputField &st, rpl::producer placeholder, const QString &val) : MaskedInputField(parent, st, std::move(placeholder), val) { } void HostInput::correctValue( const QString &was, int wasCursor, QString &now, int &nowCursor) { QString newText; int newCursor = nowCursor; newText.reserve(now.size()); for (auto i = 0, l = now.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (now[i] == ',') { newText.append('.'); } else { newText.append(now[i]); } } setCorrectedText(now, nowCursor, newText, newCursor); } class Base64UrlInput : public Ui::MaskedInputField { public: Base64UrlInput( QWidget *parent, const style::InputField &st, rpl::producer placeholder, const QString &val); protected: void correctValue( const QString &was, int wasCursor, QString &now, int &nowCursor) override; }; Base64UrlInput::Base64UrlInput( QWidget *parent, const style::InputField &st, rpl::producer placeholder, const QString &val) : MaskedInputField(parent, st, std::move(placeholder), val) { if (!QRegularExpression("^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]+$").match(val).hasMatch()) { setText(QString()); } } void Base64UrlInput::correctValue( const QString &was, int wasCursor, QString &now, int &nowCursor) { QString newText; newText.reserve(now.size()); auto newPos = nowCursor; for (auto i = 0, l = now.size(); i < l; ++i) { const auto ch = now[i]; if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch == '-') || (ch == '_')) { newText.append(ch); } else if (i < nowCursor) { --newPos; } } setCorrectedText(now, nowCursor, newText, newPos); } class ProxyRow : public Ui::RippleButton { public: using View = ProxiesBoxController::ItemView; using State = ProxiesBoxController::ItemState; ProxyRow(QWidget *parent, View &&view); void updateFields(View &&view); rpl::producer<> deleteClicks() const; rpl::producer<> restoreClicks() const; rpl::producer<> editClicks() const; rpl::producer<> shareClicks() const; protected: int resizeGetHeight(int newWidth) override; void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override; private: void setupControls(View &&view); int countAvailableWidth() const; void radialAnimationCallback(); void paintCheck(Painter &p); void showMenu(); View _view; Ui::Text::String _title; object_ptr _menuToggle; rpl::event_stream<> _deleteClicks; rpl::event_stream<> _restoreClicks; rpl::event_stream<> _editClicks; rpl::event_stream<> _shareClicks; base::unique_qptr _menu; bool _set = false; Ui::Animations::Simple _toggled; Ui::Animations::Simple _setAnimation; std::unique_ptr _progress; std::unique_ptr _checking; int _skipLeft = 0; int _skipRight = 0; }; class ProxiesBox : public Ui::BoxContent { public: using View = ProxiesBoxController::ItemView; ProxiesBox( QWidget*, not_null controller, Core::SettingsProxy &settings); protected: void prepare() override; private: void setupContent(); void createNoRowsLabel(); void addNewProxy(); void applyView(View &&view); void setupButtons(int id, not_null button); int rowHeight() const; void refreshProxyForCalls(); not_null _controller; Core::SettingsProxy &_settings; QPointer _tryIPv6; std::shared_ptr> _proxySettings; QPointer> _proxyForCalls; QPointer _about; base::unique_qptr _noRows; object_ptr _initialWrap; QPointer _wrap; int _currentProxySupportsCallsId = 0; base::flat_map> _rows; }; class ProxyBox final : public Ui::BoxContent { public: ProxyBox( QWidget*, const ProxyData &data, Fn callback, Fn shareCallback); private: using Type = ProxyData::Type; void prepare() override; void setInnerFocus() override { _host->setFocusFast(); } void refreshButtons(); ProxyData collectData(); void save(); void share(); void setupControls(const ProxyData &data); void setupTypes(); void setupSocketAddress(const ProxyData &data); void setupCredentials(const ProxyData &data); void setupMtprotoCredentials(const ProxyData &data); void addLabel( not_null parent, const QString &text) const; Fn _callback; Fn _shareCallback; object_ptr _content; std::shared_ptr> _type; QPointer> _aboutSponsored; QPointer _host; QPointer _port; QPointer _user; QPointer _password; QPointer _secret; QPointer> _credentials; QPointer> _mtprotoCredentials; }; ProxyRow::ProxyRow(QWidget *parent, View &&view) : RippleButton(parent, st::proxyRowRipple) , _menuToggle(this, st::topBarMenuToggle) { setupControls(std::move(view)); } rpl::producer<> ProxyRow::deleteClicks() const { return _deleteClicks.events(); } rpl::producer<> ProxyRow::restoreClicks() const { return _restoreClicks.events(); } rpl::producer<> ProxyRow::editClicks() const { return _editClicks.events(); } rpl::producer<> ProxyRow::shareClicks() const { return _shareClicks.events(); } void ProxyRow::setupControls(View &&view) { updateFields(std::move(view)); _toggled.stop(); _setAnimation.stop(); _menuToggle->addClickHandler([=] { showMenu(); }); } int ProxyRow::countAvailableWidth() const { return width() - _skipLeft - _skipRight; } void ProxyRow::updateFields(View &&view) { if (_view.selected != view.selected) { _toggled.start( [=] { update(); }, view.selected ? 0. : 1., view.selected ? 1. : 0., st::defaultRadio.duration); } _view = std::move(view); const auto endpoint = _view.host + ':' + QString::number(_view.port); _title.setText( st::proxyRowTitleStyle, _view.type + ' ' + textcmdLink(1, endpoint), Ui::ItemTextDefaultOptions()); const auto state = _view.state; if (state == State::Connecting) { if (!_progress) { _progress = std::make_unique( [=] { radialAnimationCallback(); }, st::proxyCheckingAnimation); } _progress->start(); } else if (_progress) { _progress->stop(); } if (state == State::Checking) { if (!_checking) { _checking = std::make_unique( [=] { radialAnimationCallback(); }, st::proxyCheckingAnimation); _checking->start(); } } else { _checking = nullptr; } const auto set = (state == State::Connecting || state == State::Online); if (_set != set) { _set = set; _setAnimation.start( [=] { update(); }, _set ? 0. : 1., _set ? 1. : 0., st::defaultRadio.duration); } setPointerCursor(!_view.deleted); update(); } void ProxyRow::radialAnimationCallback() { if (!anim::Disabled()) { update(); } } int ProxyRow::resizeGetHeight(int newWidth) { const auto result = st::proxyRowPadding.top() + st::semiboldFont->height + st::proxyRowSkip + st::normalFont->height + st::proxyRowPadding.bottom(); auto right = st::proxyRowPadding.right(); _menuToggle->moveToRight( right, (result - _menuToggle->height()) / 2, newWidth); right += _menuToggle->width(); _skipRight = right; _skipLeft = st::proxyRowPadding.left() + st::proxyRowIconSkip; return result; } void ProxyRow::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); if (!_view.deleted) { paintRipple(p, 0, 0); } const auto left = _skipLeft; const auto availableWidth = countAvailableWidth(); auto top = st::proxyRowPadding.top(); if (_view.deleted) { p.setOpacity(st::stickersRowDisabledOpacity); } paintCheck(p); p.setPen(st::proxyRowTitleFg); p.setFont(st::semiboldFont); p.setTextPalette(st::proxyRowTitlePalette); _title.drawLeftElided(p, left, top, availableWidth, width()); top += st::semiboldFont->height + st::proxyRowSkip; const auto statusFg = [&] { switch (_view.state) { case State::Online: return st::proxyRowStatusFgOnline; case State::Unavailable: return st::proxyRowStatusFgOffline; case State::Available: return st::proxyRowStatusFgAvailable; default: return st::proxyRowStatusFg; } }(); const auto status = [&] { switch (_view.state) { case State::Available: return tr::lng_proxy_available( tr::now, lt_ping, QString::number(_view.ping)); case State::Checking: return tr::lng_proxy_checking(tr::now); case State::Connecting: return tr::lng_proxy_connecting(tr::now); case State::Online: return tr::lng_proxy_online(tr::now); case State::Unavailable: return tr::lng_proxy_unavailable(tr::now); } Unexpected("State in ProxyRow::paintEvent."); }(); p.setPen(_view.deleted ? st::proxyRowStatusFg : statusFg); p.setFont(st::normalFont); auto statusLeft = left; if (_checking) { _checking->draw( p, { st::proxyCheckingPosition.x() + statusLeft, st::proxyCheckingPosition.y() + top }, width()); statusLeft += st::proxyCheckingPosition.x() + st::proxyCheckingAnimation.size.width() + st::proxyCheckingSkip; } p.drawTextLeft(statusLeft, top, width(), status); top += st::normalFont->height + st::proxyRowPadding.bottom(); } void ProxyRow::paintCheck(Painter &p) { const auto loading = _progress ? _progress->computeState() : Ui::RadialState{ 0., 0, FullArcLength }; const auto toggled = _toggled.value(_view.selected ? 1. : 0.) * (1. - loading.shown); const auto _st = &st::defaultRadio; const auto set = _setAnimation.value(_set ? 1. : 0.); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); const auto left = st::proxyRowPadding.left(); const auto top = (height() - _st->diameter - _st->thickness) / 2; const auto outerWidth = width(); auto pen = anim::pen(_st->untoggledFg, _st->toggledFg, toggled * set); pen.setWidth(_st->thickness); pen.setCapStyle(Qt::RoundCap); p.setPen(pen); p.setBrush(_st->bg); const auto rect = style::rtlrect(QRectF(left, top, _st->diameter, _st->diameter).marginsRemoved(QMarginsF(_st->thickness / 2., _st->thickness / 2., _st->thickness / 2., _st->thickness / 2.)), outerWidth); if (_progress && loading.shown > 0 && anim::Disabled()) { anim::DrawStaticLoading( p, rect, _st->thickness, pen.color(), _st->bg); } else if (loading.arcLength < FullArcLength) { p.drawArc(rect, loading.arcFrom, loading.arcLength); } else { p.drawEllipse(rect); } if (toggled > 0 && (!_progress || !anim::Disabled())) { p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(anim::brush(_st->untoggledFg, _st->toggledFg, toggled * set)); auto skip0 = _st->diameter / 2., skip1 = _st->skip / 10., checkSkip = skip0 * (1. - toggled) + skip1 * toggled; p.drawEllipse(style::rtlrect(QRectF(left, top, _st->diameter, _st->diameter).marginsRemoved(QMarginsF(checkSkip, checkSkip, checkSkip, checkSkip)), outerWidth)); } } void ProxyRow::showMenu() { if (_menu) { return; } _menu = base::make_unique_q(window()); const auto weak = _menu.get(); _menu->setHiddenCallback([=] { weak->deleteLater(); if (_menu == weak) { _menuToggle->setForceRippled(false); } }); _menu->setShowStartCallback([=] { if (_menu == weak) { _menuToggle->setForceRippled(true); } }); _menu->setHideStartCallback([=] { if (_menu == weak) { _menuToggle->setForceRippled(false); } }); _menuToggle->installEventFilter(_menu); const auto addAction = [&]( const QString &text, Fn callback) { return _menu->addAction(text, std::move(callback)); }; addAction(tr::lng_proxy_menu_edit(tr::now), [=] { _editClicks.fire({}); }); if (_view.supportsShare) { addAction(tr::lng_proxy_edit_share(tr::now), [=] { _shareClicks.fire({}); }); } if (_view.deleted) { addAction(tr::lng_proxy_menu_restore(tr::now), [=] { _restoreClicks.fire({}); }); } else { addAction(tr::lng_proxy_menu_delete(tr::now), [=] { _deleteClicks.fire({}); }); } const auto parentTopLeft = window()->mapToGlobal({ 0, 0 }); const auto buttonTopLeft = _menuToggle->mapToGlobal({ 0, 0 }); const auto parent = QRect(parentTopLeft, window()->size()); const auto button = QRect(buttonTopLeft, _menuToggle->size()); const auto bottom = button.y() + st::proxyDropdownDownPosition.y() + _menu->height() - parent.y(); const auto top = button.y() + st::proxyDropdownUpPosition.y() - _menu->height() - parent.y(); if (bottom > parent.height() && top >= 0) { const auto left = button.x() + button.width() + st::proxyDropdownUpPosition.x() - _menu->width() - parent.x(); _menu->move(left, top); _menu->showAnimated(Ui::PanelAnimation::Origin::BottomRight); } else { const auto left = button.x() + button.width() + st::proxyDropdownDownPosition.x() - _menu->width() - parent.x(); _menu->move(left, bottom - _menu->height()); _menu->showAnimated(Ui::PanelAnimation::Origin::TopRight); } } ProxiesBox::ProxiesBox( QWidget*, not_null controller, Core::SettingsProxy &settings) : _controller(controller) , _settings(settings) , _initialWrap(this) { _controller->views( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](View &&view) { applyView(std::move(view)); }, lifetime()); } void ProxiesBox::prepare() { setTitle(tr::lng_proxy_settings()); addButton(tr::lng_proxy_add(), [=] { addNewProxy(); }); addButton(tr::lng_close(), [=] { closeBox(); }); setupContent(); } void ProxiesBox::setupContent() { const auto inner = setInnerWidget(object_ptr(this)); _tryIPv6 = inner->add( object_ptr( inner, tr::lng_connection_try_ipv6(tr::now), _settings.tryIPv6()), st::proxyTryIPv6Padding); _proxySettings = std::make_shared>( _settings.settings()); inner->add( object_ptr>( inner, _proxySettings, ProxyData::Settings::Disabled, tr::lng_proxy_disable(tr::now)), st::proxyUsePadding); inner->add( object_ptr>( inner, _proxySettings, ProxyData::Settings::System, tr::lng_proxy_use_system_settings(tr::now)), st::proxyUsePadding); inner->add( object_ptr>( inner, _proxySettings, ProxyData::Settings::Enabled, tr::lng_proxy_use_custom(tr::now)), st::proxyUsePadding); _proxyForCalls = inner->add( object_ptr>( inner, object_ptr( inner, tr::lng_proxy_use_for_calls(tr::now), _settings.useProxyForCalls()), style::margins( 0, st::proxyUsePadding.top(), 0, st::proxyUsePadding.bottom())), style::margins( st::proxyTryIPv6Padding.left(), 0, st::proxyTryIPv6Padding.right(), st::proxyTryIPv6Padding.top())); _about = inner->add( object_ptr( inner, object_ptr( inner, tr::lng_proxy_about(tr::now), st::boxDividerLabel), st::proxyAboutPadding), style::margins(0, 0, 0, st::proxyRowPadding.top())); _wrap = inner->add(std::move(_initialWrap)); inner->add(object_ptr( inner, st::proxyRowPadding.bottom())); _proxySettings->setChangedCallback([=](ProxyData::Settings value) { if (!_controller->setProxySettings(value)) { _proxySettings->setValue(_settings.settings()); addNewProxy(); } refreshProxyForCalls(); }); _tryIPv6->checkedChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool checked) { _controller->setTryIPv6(checked); }, _tryIPv6->lifetime()); _controller->proxySettingsValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](ProxyData::Settings value) { _proxySettings->setValue(value); }, inner->lifetime()); _proxyForCalls->entity()->checkedChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool checked) { _controller->setProxyForCalls(checked); }, _proxyForCalls->lifetime()); if (_rows.empty()) { createNoRowsLabel(); } refreshProxyForCalls(); _proxyForCalls->finishAnimating(); inner->resizeToWidth(st::boxWideWidth); inner->heightValue( ) | rpl::map([=](int height) { return std::min( std::max(height, _about->y() + _about->height() + 3 * rowHeight()), st::boxMaxListHeight); }) | rpl::distinct_until_changed( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int height) { setDimensions(st::boxWideWidth, height); }, inner->lifetime()); } void ProxiesBox::refreshProxyForCalls() { if (!_proxyForCalls) { return; } _proxyForCalls->toggle( (_proxySettings->value() == ProxyData::Settings::Enabled && _currentProxySupportsCallsId != 0), anim::type::normal); } int ProxiesBox::rowHeight() const { return st::proxyRowPadding.top() + st::semiboldFont->height + st::proxyRowSkip + st::normalFont->height + st::proxyRowPadding.bottom(); } void ProxiesBox::addNewProxy() { getDelegate()->show(_controller->addNewItemBox()); } void ProxiesBox::applyView(View &&view) { if (view.selected) { _currentProxySupportsCallsId = view.supportsCalls ? view.id : 0; } else if (view.id == _currentProxySupportsCallsId) { _currentProxySupportsCallsId = 0; } refreshProxyForCalls(); const auto id = view.id; const auto i = _rows.find(id); if (i == _rows.end()) { const auto wrap = _wrap ? _wrap.data() : _initialWrap.data(); const auto [i, ok] = _rows.emplace(id, nullptr); i->second.reset(wrap->insert( 0, object_ptr( wrap, std::move(view)))); setupButtons(id, i->second.get()); if (_noRows) { _noRows.reset(); } wrap->resizeToWidth(width()); } else if (view.host.isEmpty()) { _rows.erase(i); } else { i->second->updateFields(std::move(view)); } } void ProxiesBox::createNoRowsLabel() { _noRows.reset(_wrap->add( object_ptr( _wrap, rowHeight()), st::proxyEmptyListPadding)); _noRows->resize( (st::boxWideWidth - st::proxyEmptyListPadding.left() - st::proxyEmptyListPadding.right()), _noRows->height()); const auto label = Ui::CreateChild( _noRows.get(), tr::lng_proxy_description(tr::now), st::proxyEmptyListLabel); _noRows->widthValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int width) { label->resizeToWidth(width); label->moveToLeft(0, 0); }, label->lifetime()); } void ProxiesBox::setupButtons(int id, not_null button) { button->deleteClicks( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _controller->deleteItem(id); }, button->lifetime()); button->restoreClicks( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _controller->restoreItem(id); }, button->lifetime()); button->editClicks( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { getDelegate()->show(_controller->editItemBox(id)); }, button->lifetime()); button->shareClicks( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _controller->shareItem(id); }, button->lifetime()); button->clicks( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _controller->applyItem(id); }, button->lifetime()); } ProxyBox::ProxyBox( QWidget*, const ProxyData &data, Fn callback, Fn shareCallback) : _callback(std::move(callback)) , _shareCallback(std::move(shareCallback)) , _content(this) { setupControls(data); } void ProxyBox::prepare() { setTitle(tr::lng_proxy_edit()); connect(_host.data(), &HostInput::changed, [=] { Ui::PostponeCall(_host, [=] { const auto host = _host->getLastText().trimmed(); static const auto mask = u"^\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+:(\\d*)$"_q; const auto match = QRegularExpression(mask).match(host); if (_host->cursorPosition() == host.size() && match.hasMatch()) { const auto port = match.captured(1); _port->setText(port); _port->setCursorPosition(port.size()); _port->setFocus(); _host->setText(host.mid(0, host.size() - port.size() - 1)); } }); }); _port.data()->events( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress && (static_cast(e.get())->key() == Qt::Key_Backspace) && _port->cursorPosition() == 0) { _host->setCursorPosition(_host->getLastText().size()); _host->setFocus(); } }, _port->lifetime()); refreshButtons(); setDimensionsToContent(st::boxWideWidth, _content); } void ProxyBox::refreshButtons() { clearButtons(); addButton(tr::lng_settings_save(), [=] { save(); }); addButton(tr::lng_cancel(), [=] { closeBox(); }); const auto type = _type->value(); if (type == Type::Socks5 || type == Type::Mtproto) { addLeftButton(tr::lng_proxy_share(), [=] { share(); }); } } void ProxyBox::save() { if (const auto data = collectData()) { _callback(data); closeBox(); } } void ProxyBox::share() { if (const auto data = collectData()) { _shareCallback(data); } } ProxyData ProxyBox::collectData() { auto result = ProxyData(); result.type = _type->value(); result.host = _host->getLastText().trimmed(); result.port = _port->getLastText().trimmed().toInt(); result.user = (result.type == Type::Mtproto) ? QString() : _user->getLastText(); result.password = (result.type == Type::Mtproto) ? _secret->getLastText() : _password->getLastText(); if (result.host.isEmpty()) { _host->showError(); } else if (!result.port) { _port->showError(); } else if ((result.type == Type::Http || result.type == Type::Socks5) && !result.password.isEmpty() && result.user.isEmpty()) { _user->showError(); } else if (result.type == Type::Mtproto && !result.valid()) { _secret->showError(); } else if (!result) { _host->showError(); } else { return result; } return ProxyData(); } void ProxyBox::setupTypes() { const auto types = std::map{ { Type::Http, "HTTP" }, { Type::Socks5, "SOCKS5" }, { Type::Mtproto, "MTPROTO" }, }; for (const auto &[type, label] : types) { _content->add( object_ptr>( _content, _type, type, label), st::proxyEditTypePadding); } _aboutSponsored = _content->add(object_ptr>( _content, object_ptr>( _content, object_ptr( _content, tr::lng_proxy_sponsor_warning(tr::now), st::boxDividerLabel), st::proxyAboutSponsorPadding))); } void ProxyBox::setupSocketAddress(const ProxyData &data) { addLabel(_content, tr::lng_proxy_address_label(tr::now)); const auto address = _content->add( object_ptr( _content, st::connectionHostInputField.heightMin), st::proxyEditInputPadding); _host = Ui::CreateChild( address, st::connectionHostInputField, tr::lng_connection_host_ph(), data.host); _port = Ui::CreateChild( address, st::connectionPortInputField, tr::lng_connection_port_ph(), data.port ? QString::number(data.port) : QString(), 65535); address->widthValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int width) { _port->moveToRight(0, 0); _host->resize( width - _port->width() - st::proxyEditSkip, _host->height()); _host->moveToLeft(0, 0); }, address->lifetime()); } void ProxyBox::setupCredentials(const ProxyData &data) { _credentials = _content->add( object_ptr>( _content, object_ptr(_content))); const auto credentials = _credentials->entity(); addLabel(credentials, tr::lng_proxy_credentials_optional(tr::now)); _user = credentials->add( object_ptr( credentials, st::connectionUserInputField, tr::lng_connection_user_ph(), data.user), st::proxyEditInputPadding); auto passwordWrap = object_ptr(credentials); _password = Ui::CreateChild( passwordWrap.data(), st::connectionPasswordInputField, tr::lng_connection_password_ph(), (data.type == Type::Mtproto) ? QString() : data.password); _password->move(0, 0); _password->heightValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=, wrap = passwordWrap.data()](int height) { wrap->resize(wrap->width(), height); }, _password->lifetime()); passwordWrap->widthValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int width) { _password->resize(width, _password->height()); }, _password->lifetime()); credentials->add(std::move(passwordWrap), st::proxyEditInputPadding); } void ProxyBox::setupMtprotoCredentials(const ProxyData &data) { _mtprotoCredentials = _content->add( object_ptr>( _content, object_ptr(_content))); const auto mtproto = _mtprotoCredentials->entity(); addLabel(mtproto, tr::lng_proxy_credentials(tr::now)); auto secretWrap = object_ptr(mtproto); _secret = Ui::CreateChild( secretWrap.data(), st::connectionUserInputField, tr::lng_connection_proxy_secret_ph(), (data.type == Type::Mtproto) ? data.password : QString()); _secret->move(0, 0); _secret->heightValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=, wrap = secretWrap.data()](int height) { wrap->resize(wrap->width(), height); }, _secret->lifetime()); secretWrap->widthValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int width) { _secret->resize(width, _secret->height()); }, _secret->lifetime()); mtproto->add(std::move(secretWrap), st::proxyEditInputPadding); } void ProxyBox::setupControls(const ProxyData &data) { _type = std::make_shared>( (data.type == Type::None ? Type::Socks5 : data.type)); _content.create(this); _content->resizeToWidth(st::boxWideWidth); _content->moveToLeft(0, 0); setupTypes(); setupSocketAddress(data); setupCredentials(data); setupMtprotoCredentials(data); const auto handleType = [=](Type type) { _credentials->toggle( type == Type::Http || type == Type::Socks5, anim::type::instant); _mtprotoCredentials->toggle( type == Type::Mtproto, anim::type::instant); _aboutSponsored->toggle( type == Type::Mtproto, anim::type::instant); }; _type->setChangedCallback([=](Type type) { handleType(type); refreshButtons(); }); handleType(_type->value()); } void ProxyBox::addLabel( not_null parent, const QString &text) const { parent->add( object_ptr( parent, text, st::proxyEditTitle), st::proxyEditTitlePadding); } } // namespace ProxiesBoxController::ProxiesBoxController(not_null account) : _account(account) , _settings(Core::App().settings().proxy()) , _saveTimer([] { Local::writeSettings(); }) { _list = ranges::views::all( _settings.list() ) | ranges::views::transform([&](const ProxyData &proxy) { return Item{ ++_idCounter, proxy }; }) | ranges::to_vector; _settings.connectionTypeChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _proxySettingsChanges.fire_copy(_settings.settings()); const auto i = findByProxy(_settings.selected()); if (i != end(_list)) { updateView(*i); } }, _lifetime); for (auto &item : _list) { refreshChecker(item); } } void ProxiesBoxController::ShowApplyConfirmation( Type type, const QMap &fields) { const auto server = fields.value(qsl("server")); const auto port = fields.value(qsl("port")).toUInt(); auto proxy = ProxyData(); proxy.type = type; proxy.host = server; proxy.port = port; if (type == Type::Socks5) { proxy.user = fields.value(qsl("user")); proxy.password = fields.value(qsl("pass")); } else if (type == Type::Mtproto) { proxy.password = fields.value(qsl("secret")); } if (proxy) { const auto displayed = "https://" + server + "/"; const auto parsed = QUrl::fromUserInput(displayed); const auto displayUrl = !UrlClickHandler::IsSuspicious(displayed) ? displayed : parsed.isValid() ? QString::fromUtf8(parsed.toEncoded()) : UrlClickHandler::ShowEncoded(displayed); const auto displayServer = QString( displayUrl ).replace( QRegularExpression( "^https://", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption), QString() ).replace(QRegularExpression("/$"), QString()); const auto text = tr::lng_sure_enable_socks( tr::now, lt_server, displayServer, lt_port, QString::number(port)) + (proxy.type == Type::Mtproto ? "\n\n" + tr::lng_proxy_sponsor_warning(tr::now) : QString()); auto callback = [=](Fn &&close) { auto &proxies = Core::App().settings().proxy().list(); if (!ranges::contains(proxies, proxy)) { proxies.push_back(proxy); } Core::App().setCurrentProxy( proxy, ProxyData::Settings::Enabled); Local::writeSettings(); close(); }; Ui::show( Box( text, tr::lng_sure_enable(tr::now), std::move(callback)), Ui::LayerOption::KeepOther); } else { Ui::show(Box( (proxy.status() == ProxyData::Status::Unsupported ? tr::lng_proxy_unsupported(tr::now) : tr::lng_proxy_invalid(tr::now)))); } } auto ProxiesBoxController::proxySettingsValue() const -> rpl::producer { return _proxySettingsChanges.events_starting_with_copy( _settings.settings() ) | rpl::distinct_until_changed(); } void ProxiesBoxController::refreshChecker(Item &item) { using Variants = MTP::DcOptions::Variants; const auto type = (item.data.type == Type::Http) ? Variants::Http : Variants::Tcp; const auto mtproto = &_account->mtp(); const auto dcId = mtproto->mainDcId(); const auto forFiles = false; item.state = ItemState::Checking; const auto setup = [&](Checker &checker, const bytes::vector &secret) { checker = MTP::details::AbstractConnection::Create( mtproto, type, QThread::currentThread(), secret, item.data); setupChecker(item.id, checker); }; if (item.data.type == Type::Mtproto) { const auto secret = item.data.secretFromMtprotoPassword(); setup(item.checker, secret); item.checker->connectToServer( item.data.host, item.data.port, secret, dcId, forFiles); item.checkerv6 = nullptr; } else { const auto options = mtproto->dcOptions().lookup( dcId, MTP::DcType::Regular, true); const auto connect = [&]( Checker &checker, Variants::Address address) { const auto &list = options.data[address][type]; if (list.empty() || ((address == Variants::IPv6) && !Core::App().settings().proxy().tryIPv6())) { checker = nullptr; return; } const auto &endpoint = list.front(); setup(checker, endpoint.secret); checker->connectToServer( QString::fromStdString(endpoint.ip), endpoint.port, endpoint.secret, dcId, forFiles); }; connect(item.checker, Variants::IPv4); connect(item.checkerv6, Variants::IPv6); if (!item.checker && !item.checkerv6) { item.state = ItemState::Unavailable; } } } void ProxiesBoxController::setupChecker(int id, const Checker &checker) { using Connection = MTP::details::AbstractConnection; const auto pointer = checker.get(); pointer->connect(pointer, &Connection::connected, [=] { const auto item = findById(id); const auto pingTime = pointer->pingTime(); item->checker = nullptr; item->checkerv6 = nullptr; if (item->state == ItemState::Checking) { item->state = ItemState::Available; item->ping = pingTime; updateView(*item); } }); const auto failed = [=] { const auto item = findById(id); if (item->checker == pointer) { item->checker = nullptr; } else if (item->checkerv6 == pointer) { item->checkerv6 = nullptr; } if (!item->checker && !item->checkerv6 && item->state == ItemState::Checking) { item->state = ItemState::Unavailable; updateView(*item); } }; pointer->connect(pointer, &Connection::disconnected, failed); pointer->connect(pointer, &Connection::error, failed); } object_ptr ProxiesBoxController::CreateOwningBox( not_null account) { auto controller = std::make_unique(account); auto box = controller->create(); Ui::AttachAsChild(box, std::move(controller)); return box; } object_ptr ProxiesBoxController::create() { auto result = Box(this, _settings); for (const auto &item : _list) { updateView(item); } return result; } auto ProxiesBoxController::findById(int id) -> std::vector::iterator { const auto result = ranges::find( _list, id, [](const Item &item) { return item.id; }); Assert(result != end(_list)); return result; } auto ProxiesBoxController::findByProxy(const ProxyData &proxy) ->std::vector::iterator { return ranges::find( _list, proxy, [](const Item &item) { return item.data; }); } void ProxiesBoxController::deleteItem(int id) { setDeleted(id, true); } void ProxiesBoxController::restoreItem(int id) { setDeleted(id, false); } void ProxiesBoxController::shareItem(int id) { share(findById(id)->data); } void ProxiesBoxController::applyItem(int id) { auto item = findById(id); if (_settings.isEnabled() && (_settings.selected() == item->data)) { return; } else if (item->deleted) { return; } auto j = findByProxy(_settings.selected()); Core::App().setCurrentProxy( item->data, ProxyData::Settings::Enabled); saveDelayed(); if (j != end(_list)) { updateView(*j); } updateView(*item); } void ProxiesBoxController::setDeleted(int id, bool deleted) { auto item = findById(id); item->deleted = deleted; if (deleted) { auto &proxies = _settings.list(); proxies.erase(ranges::remove(proxies, item->data), end(proxies)); if (item->data == _settings.selected()) { _lastSelectedProxy = _settings.selected(); _settings.setSelected(MTP::ProxyData()); if (_settings.isEnabled()) { _lastSelectedProxyUsed = true; Core::App().setCurrentProxy( ProxyData(), ProxyData::Settings::System); saveDelayed(); } else { _lastSelectedProxyUsed = false; } } } else { auto &proxies = _settings.list(); if (ranges::find(proxies, item->data) == end(proxies)) { auto insertBefore = item + 1; while (insertBefore != end(_list) && insertBefore->deleted) { ++insertBefore; } auto insertBeforeIt = (insertBefore == end(_list)) ? end(proxies) : ranges::find(proxies, insertBefore->data); proxies.insert(insertBeforeIt, item->data); } if (!_settings.selected() && _lastSelectedProxy == item->data) { Assert(!_settings.isEnabled()); if (base::take(_lastSelectedProxyUsed)) { Core::App().setCurrentProxy( base::take(_lastSelectedProxy), ProxyData::Settings::Enabled); } else { _settings.setSelected(base::take(_lastSelectedProxy)); } } } saveDelayed(); updateView(*item); } object_ptr ProxiesBoxController::editItemBox(int id) { return Box(findById(id)->data, [=](const ProxyData &result) { auto i = findById(id); auto j = ranges::find( _list, result, [](const Item &item) { return item.data; }); if (j != end(_list) && j != i) { replaceItemWith(i, j); } else { replaceItemValue(i, result); } }, [=](const ProxyData &proxy) { share(proxy); }); } void ProxiesBoxController::replaceItemWith( std::vector::iterator which, std::vector::iterator with) { auto &proxies = _settings.list(); proxies.erase(ranges::remove(proxies, which->data), end(proxies)); _views.fire({ which->id }); _list.erase(which); if (with->deleted) { restoreItem(with->id); } applyItem(with->id); saveDelayed(); } void ProxiesBoxController::replaceItemValue( std::vector::iterator which, const ProxyData &proxy) { if (which->deleted) { restoreItem(which->id); } auto &proxies = _settings.list(); const auto i = ranges::find(proxies, which->data); Assert(i != end(proxies)); *i = proxy; which->data = proxy; refreshChecker(*which); applyItem(which->id); saveDelayed(); } object_ptr ProxiesBoxController::addNewItemBox() { return Box(ProxyData(), [=](const ProxyData &result) { auto j = ranges::find( _list, result, [](const Item &item) { return item.data; }); if (j != end(_list)) { if (j->deleted) { restoreItem(j->id); } applyItem(j->id); } else { addNewItem(result); } }, [=](const ProxyData &proxy) { share(proxy); }); } void ProxiesBoxController::addNewItem(const ProxyData &proxy) { auto &proxies = _settings.list(); proxies.push_back(proxy); _list.push_back({ ++_idCounter, proxy }); refreshChecker(_list.back()); applyItem(_list.back().id); } bool ProxiesBoxController::setProxySettings(ProxyData::Settings value) { if (_settings.settings() == value) { return true; } else if (value == ProxyData::Settings::Enabled) { if (_settings.list().empty()) { return false; } else if (!_settings.selected()) { _settings.setSelected(_settings.list().back()); auto j = findByProxy(_settings.selected()); if (j != end(_list)) { updateView(*j); } } } Core::App().setCurrentProxy(_settings.selected(), value); saveDelayed(); return true; } void ProxiesBoxController::setProxyForCalls(bool enabled) { if (_settings.useProxyForCalls() == enabled) { return; } _settings.setUseProxyForCalls(enabled); if (_settings.isEnabled() && _settings.selected().supportsCalls()) { _settings.connectionTypeChangesNotify(); } saveDelayed(); } void ProxiesBoxController::setTryIPv6(bool enabled) { if (Core::App().settings().proxy().tryIPv6() == enabled) { return; } Core::App().settings().proxy().setTryIPv6(enabled); _account->mtp().restart(); _settings.connectionTypeChangesNotify(); saveDelayed(); } void ProxiesBoxController::saveDelayed() { _saveTimer.callOnce(kSaveSettingsDelayedTimeout); } auto ProxiesBoxController::views() const -> rpl::producer { return _views.events(); } void ProxiesBoxController::updateView(const Item &item) { const auto selected = (_settings.selected() == item.data); const auto deleted = item.deleted; const auto type = [&] { switch (item.data.type) { case Type::Http: return qsl("HTTP"); case Type::Socks5: return qsl("SOCKS5"); case Type::Mtproto: return qsl("MTPROTO"); } Unexpected("Proxy type in ProxiesBoxController::updateView."); }(); const auto state = [&] { if (!selected || !_settings.isEnabled()) { return item.state; } else if (_account->mtp().dcstate() == MTP::ConnectedState) { return ItemState::Online; } return ItemState::Connecting; }(); const auto supportsShare = (item.data.type == Type::Socks5) || (item.data.type == Type::Mtproto); const auto supportsCalls = item.data.supportsCalls(); _views.fire({ item.id, type, item.data.host, item.data.port, item.ping, !deleted && selected, deleted, !deleted && supportsShare, supportsCalls, state }); } void ProxiesBoxController::share(const ProxyData &proxy) { if (proxy.type == Type::Http) { return; } const auto link = qsl("https://t.me/") + (proxy.type == Type::Socks5 ? "socks" : "proxy") + "?server=" + proxy.host + "&port=" + QString::number(proxy.port) + ((proxy.type == Type::Socks5 && !proxy.user.isEmpty()) ? "&user=" + qthelp::url_encode(proxy.user) : "") + ((proxy.type == Type::Socks5 && !proxy.password.isEmpty()) ? "&pass=" + qthelp::url_encode(proxy.password) : "") + ((proxy.type == Type::Mtproto && !proxy.password.isEmpty()) ? "&secret=" + proxy.password : ""); QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(link); Ui::Toast::Show(tr::lng_username_copied(tr::now)); } ProxiesBoxController::~ProxiesBoxController() { if (_saveTimer.isActive()) { base::call_delayed( kSaveSettingsDelayedTimeout, QCoreApplication::instance(), [] { Local::writeSettings(); }); } }