/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "updater.h" #include "base/platform/win/base_windows_safe_library.h" bool _debug = false; wstring updaterName, updaterDir, updateTo, exeName, customWorkingDir, customKeyFile; bool equal(const wstring &a, const wstring &b) { return !_wcsicmp(a.c_str(), b.c_str()); } void updateError(const WCHAR *msg, DWORD errorCode) { WCHAR errMsg[2048]; LPWSTR errorTextFormatted = nullptr; auto formatFlags = FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS; FormatMessage( formatFlags, NULL, errorCode, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPWSTR)&errorTextFormatted, 0, 0); auto errorText = errorTextFormatted ? errorTextFormatted : L"(Unknown error)"; wsprintf(errMsg, L"%s, error code: %d\nError message: %s", msg, errorCode, errorText); MessageBox(0, errMsg, L"Update error!", MB_ICONERROR); LocalFree(errorTextFormatted); } HANDLE _logFile = 0; void openLog() { if (!_debug || _logFile) return; wstring logPath = L"DebugLogs"; if (!CreateDirectory(logPath.c_str(), NULL)) { DWORD errorCode = GetLastError(); if (errorCode && errorCode != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { updateError(L"Failed to create log directory", errorCode); return; } } SYSTEMTIME stLocalTime; GetLocalTime(&stLocalTime); static const int maxFileLen = MAX_PATH * 10; WCHAR logName[maxFileLen]; wsprintf(logName, L"DebugLogs\\%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d_upd.txt", stLocalTime.wYear, stLocalTime.wMonth, stLocalTime.wDay, stLocalTime.wHour, stLocalTime.wMinute, stLocalTime.wSecond); _logFile = CreateFile(logName, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (_logFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // :( updateError(L"Failed to create log file", GetLastError()); _logFile = 0; return; } } void closeLog() { if (!_logFile) return; CloseHandle(_logFile); _logFile = 0; } void writeLog(const wstring &msg) { if (!_logFile) return; wstring full = msg + L'\n'; DWORD written = 0; BOOL result = WriteFile(_logFile, full.c_str(), full.size() * sizeof(wchar_t), &written, 0); if (!result) { updateError((L"Failed to write log entry '" + msg + L"'").c_str(), GetLastError()); closeLog(); return; } BOOL flushr = FlushFileBuffers(_logFile); if (!flushr) { updateError((L"Failed to flush log on entry '" + msg + L"'").c_str(), GetLastError()); closeLog(); return; } } void fullClearPath(const wstring &dir) { WCHAR path[4096]; memcpy(path, dir.c_str(), (dir.size() + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); path[dir.size() + 1] = 0; writeLog(L"Fully clearing path '" + dir + L"'.."); SHFILEOPSTRUCT file_op = { NULL, FO_DELETE, path, L"", FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FOF_NOERRORUI | FOF_SILENT, false, 0, L"" }; int res = SHFileOperation(&file_op); if (res) writeLog(L"Error: failed to clear path! :("); } void delFolder() { wstring delPathOld = L"tupdates\\ready", delPath = L"tupdates\\temp", delFolder = L"tupdates"; fullClearPath(delPathOld); fullClearPath(delPath); RemoveDirectory(delFolder.c_str()); } DWORD versionNum = 0, versionLen = 0, readLen = 0; WCHAR versionStr[32] = { 0 }; bool update() { writeLog(L"Update started.."); wstring updDir = L"tupdates\\temp", readyFilePath = L"tupdates\\temp\\ready", tdataDir = L"tupdates\\temp\\tdata"; { HANDLE readyFile = CreateFile(readyFilePath.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (readyFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(readyFile); } else { updDir = L"tupdates\\ready"; // old tdataDir = L"tupdates\\ready\\tdata"; } } HANDLE versionFile = CreateFile((tdataDir + L"\\version").c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (versionFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!ReadFile(versionFile, &versionNum, sizeof(DWORD), &readLen, NULL) || readLen != sizeof(DWORD)) { versionNum = 0; } else { if (versionNum == 0x7FFFFFFF) { // alpha version } else if (!ReadFile(versionFile, &versionLen, sizeof(DWORD), &readLen, NULL) || readLen != sizeof(DWORD) || versionLen > 63) { versionNum = 0; } else if (!ReadFile(versionFile, versionStr, versionLen, &readLen, NULL) || readLen != versionLen) { versionNum = 0; } } CloseHandle(versionFile); writeLog(L"Version file read."); } else { writeLog(L"Could not open version file to update registry :("); } deque dirs; dirs.push_back(updDir); deque from, to, forcedirs; do { wstring dir = dirs.front(); dirs.pop_front(); wstring toDir = updateTo; if (dir.size() > updDir.size() + 1) { toDir += (dir.substr(updDir.size() + 1) + L"\\"); forcedirs.push_back(toDir); writeLog(L"Parsing dir '" + toDir + L"' in update tree.."); } WIN32_FIND_DATA findData; HANDLE findHandle = FindFirstFileEx((dir + L"\\*").c_str(), FindExInfoStandard, &findData, FindExSearchNameMatch, 0, 0); if (findHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD errorCode = GetLastError(); if (errorCode == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) { // no update is ready return true; } writeLog(L"Error: failed to find update files :("); updateError(L"Failed to find update files", errorCode); delFolder(); return false; } do { wstring fname = dir + L"\\" + findData.cFileName; if (fname.substr(0, tdataDir.size()) == tdataDir && (fname.size() <= tdataDir.size() || fname.at(tdataDir.size()) == '/')) { writeLog(L"Skipped 'tdata' path '" + fname + L"'"); } else if (findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (findData.cFileName != wstring(L".") && findData.cFileName != wstring(L"..")) { dirs.push_back(fname); writeLog(L"Added dir '" + fname + L"' in update tree.."); } } else { wstring tofname = updateTo + fname.substr(updDir.size() + 1); if (equal(tofname, updaterName)) { // bad update - has Updater.exe - delete all dir writeLog(L"Error: bad update, has Updater.exe! '" + tofname + L"' equal '" + updaterName + L"'"); delFolder(); return false; } else if (equal(tofname, updateTo + L"Telegram.exe") && exeName != L"Telegram.exe") { wstring fullBinaryPath = updateTo + exeName; writeLog(L"Target binary found: '" + tofname + L"', changing to '" + fullBinaryPath + L"'"); tofname = fullBinaryPath; } if (equal(fname, readyFilePath)) { writeLog(L"Skipped ready file '" + fname + L"'"); } else { from.push_back(fname); to.push_back(tofname); writeLog(L"Added file '" + fname + L"' to be copied to '" + tofname + L"'"); } } } while (FindNextFile(findHandle, &findData)); DWORD errorCode = GetLastError(); if (errorCode && errorCode != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { // everything is found writeLog(L"Error: failed to find next update file :("); updateError(L"Failed to find next update file", errorCode); delFolder(); return false; } FindClose(findHandle); } while (!dirs.empty()); for (size_t i = 0; i < forcedirs.size(); ++i) { wstring forcedir = forcedirs[i]; writeLog(L"Forcing dir '" + forcedir + L"'.."); if (!forcedir.empty() && !CreateDirectory(forcedir.c_str(), NULL)) { DWORD errorCode = GetLastError(); if (errorCode && errorCode != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { writeLog(L"Error: failed to create dir '" + forcedir + L"'.."); updateError(L"Failed to create directory", errorCode); delFolder(); return false; } writeLog(L"Already exists!"); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < from.size(); ++i) { wstring fname = from[i], tofname = to[i]; BOOL copyResult; do { writeLog(L"Copying file '" + fname + L"' to '" + tofname + L"'.."); int copyTries = 0; do { copyResult = CopyFile(fname.c_str(), tofname.c_str(), FALSE); if (!copyResult) { ++copyTries; Sleep(100); } else { break; } } while (copyTries < 100); if (!copyResult) { writeLog(L"Error: failed to copy, asking to retry.."); WCHAR errMsg[2048]; wsprintf(errMsg, L"Failed to update Telegram :(\n%s is not accessible.", tofname.c_str()); if (MessageBox(0, errMsg, L"Update error!", MB_ICONERROR | MB_RETRYCANCEL) != IDRETRY) { delFolder(); return false; } } } while (!copyResult); } writeLog(L"Update succeed! Clearing folder.."); delFolder(); return true; } void updateRegistry() { if (versionNum && versionNum != 0x7FFFFFFF) { writeLog(L"Updating registry.."); versionStr[versionLen / 2] = 0; HKEY rkey; LSTATUS status = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\{53F49750-6209-4FBF-9CA8-7A333C87D1ED}_is1", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_SET_VALUE, &rkey); if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { writeLog(L"Checking registry install location.."); static const int bufSize = 4096; DWORD locationType, locationSize = bufSize * 2; WCHAR locationStr[bufSize], exp[bufSize]; if (RegQueryValueEx(rkey, L"InstallLocation", 0, &locationType, (BYTE*)locationStr, &locationSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { locationSize /= 2; if (locationStr[locationSize - 1]) { locationStr[locationSize++] = 0; } if (locationType == REG_EXPAND_SZ) { DWORD copy = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(locationStr, exp, bufSize); if (copy <= bufSize) { memcpy(locationStr, exp, copy * sizeof(WCHAR)); } } if (locationType == REG_EXPAND_SZ || locationType == REG_SZ) { if (PathCanonicalize(exp, locationStr)) { memcpy(locationStr, exp, bufSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (GetFullPathName(L".", bufSize, exp, 0) < bufSize) { wstring installpath = locationStr, mypath = exp; if (installpath == mypath + L"\\" || true) { // always update reg info, if we found it WCHAR nameStr[bufSize], dateStr[bufSize], publisherStr[bufSize], icongroupStr[bufSize]; SYSTEMTIME stLocalTime; GetLocalTime(&stLocalTime); RegSetValueEx(rkey, L"DisplayVersion", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE*)versionStr, ((versionLen / 2) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); wsprintf(nameStr, L"Telegram Desktop version %s", versionStr); RegSetValueEx(rkey, L"DisplayName", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE*)nameStr, (wcslen(nameStr) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); wsprintf(publisherStr, L"Telegram FZ-LLC"); RegSetValueEx(rkey, L"Publisher", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE*)publisherStr, (wcslen(publisherStr) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); wsprintf(icongroupStr, L"Telegram Desktop"); RegSetValueEx(rkey, L"Inno Setup: Icon Group", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE*)icongroupStr, (wcslen(icongroupStr) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); wsprintf(dateStr, L"%04d%02d%02d", stLocalTime.wYear, stLocalTime.wMonth, stLocalTime.wDay); RegSetValueEx(rkey, L"InstallDate", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE*)dateStr, (wcslen(dateStr) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); const WCHAR *appURL = L"https://desktop.telegram.org"; RegSetValueEx(rkey, L"HelpLink", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE*)appURL, (wcslen(appURL) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); RegSetValueEx(rkey, L"URLInfoAbout", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE*)appURL, (wcslen(appURL) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); RegSetValueEx(rkey, L"URLUpdateInfo", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE*)appURL, (wcslen(appURL) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); } } } } } RegCloseKey(rkey); } } } int APIENTRY wWinMain(HINSTANCE instance, HINSTANCE prevInstance, LPWSTR cmdParamarg, int cmdShow) { base::Platform::InitDynamicLibraries(); openLog(); _oldWndExceptionFilter = SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(_exceptionFilter); // CAPIHook apiHook("kernel32.dll", "SetUnhandledExceptionFilter", (PROC)RedirectedSetUnhandledExceptionFilter); writeLog(L"Updaters started.."); LPWSTR *args; int argsCount; bool needupdate = false, autostart = false, debug = false, writeprotected = false, startintray = false, testmode = false, freetype = false, externalupdater = false; args = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLine(), &argsCount); if (args) { for (int i = 1; i < argsCount; ++i) { writeLog(std::wstring(L"Argument: ") + args[i]); if (equal(args[i], L"-update")) { needupdate = true; } else if (equal(args[i], L"-autostart")) { autostart = true; } else if (equal(args[i], L"-debug")) { debug = _debug = true; openLog(); } else if (equal(args[i], L"-startintray")) { startintray = true; } else if (equal(args[i], L"-testmode")) { testmode = true; } else if (equal(args[i], L"-freetype")) { freetype = true; } else if (equal(args[i], L"-externalupdater")) { externalupdater = true; } else if (equal(args[i], L"-writeprotected") && ++i < argsCount) { writeLog(std::wstring(L"Argument: ") + args[i]); writeprotected = true; updateTo = args[i]; for (int j = 0, l = updateTo.size(); j < l; ++j) { if (updateTo[j] == L'/') { updateTo[j] = L'\\'; } } } else if (equal(args[i], L"-workdir") && ++i < argsCount) { writeLog(std::wstring(L"Argument: ") + args[i]); customWorkingDir = args[i]; } else if (equal(args[i], L"-key") && ++i < argsCount) { writeLog(std::wstring(L"Argument: ") + args[i]); customKeyFile = args[i]; } else if (equal(args[i], L"-exename") && ++i < argsCount) { writeLog(std::wstring(L"Argument: ") + args[i]); exeName = args[i]; for (int j = 0, l = exeName.size(); j < l; ++j) { if (exeName[j] == L'/' || exeName[j] == L'\\') { exeName = L"Telegram.exe"; break; } } } } if (exeName.empty()) { exeName = L"Telegram.exe"; } if (needupdate) writeLog(L"Need to update!"); if (autostart) writeLog(L"From autostart!"); if (writeprotected) writeLog(L"Write Protected folder!"); if (!customWorkingDir.empty()) writeLog(L"Will pass custom working dir: " + customWorkingDir); updaterName = args[0]; writeLog(L"Updater name is: " + updaterName); if (updaterName.size() > 11) { if (equal(updaterName.substr(updaterName.size() - 11), L"Updater.exe")) { updaterDir = updaterName.substr(0, updaterName.size() - 11); writeLog(L"Updater dir is: " + updaterDir); if (!writeprotected) { updateTo = updaterDir; } writeLog(L"Update to: " + updateTo); if (needupdate && update()) { updateRegistry(); } if (writeprotected) { // if we can't clear all tupdates\ready (Updater.exe is there) - clear only version if (DeleteFile(L"tupdates\\temp\\tdata\\version") || DeleteFile(L"tupdates\\ready\\tdata\\version")) { writeLog(L"Version file deleted!"); } else { writeLog(L"Error: could not delete version file"); } } } else { writeLog(L"Error: bad exe name!"); } } else { writeLog(L"Error: short exe name!"); } LocalFree(args); } else { writeLog(L"Error: No command line arguments!"); } wstring targs; if (autostart) targs += L" -autostart"; if (debug) targs += L" -debug"; if (startintray) targs += L" -startintray"; if (testmode) targs += L" -testmode"; if (freetype) targs += L" -freetype"; if (externalupdater) targs += L" -externalupdater"; if (!customWorkingDir.empty()) { targs += L" -workdir \"" + customWorkingDir + L"\""; } if (!customKeyFile.empty()) { targs += L" -key \"" + customKeyFile + L"\""; } writeLog(L"Result arguments: " + targs); bool executed = false; if (writeprotected) { // run un-elevated writeLog(L"Trying to run un-elevated by temp.lnk"); HRESULT hres = CoInitialize(0); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { IShellLink* psl; HRESULT hres = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellLink, (LPVOID*)&psl); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { IPersistFile* ppf; wstring exe = updateTo + exeName, dir = updateTo; psl->SetArguments((targs.size() ? targs.substr(1) : targs).c_str()); psl->SetPath(exe.c_str()); psl->SetWorkingDirectory(dir.c_str()); psl->SetDescription(L""); hres = psl->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (LPVOID*)&ppf); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { wstring lnk = L"tupdates\\temp\\temp.lnk"; hres = ppf->Save(lnk.c_str(), TRUE); if (!SUCCEEDED(hres)) { lnk = L"tupdates\\ready\\temp.lnk"; // old hres = ppf->Save(lnk.c_str(), TRUE); } ppf->Release(); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { writeLog(L"Executing un-elevated through link.."); ShellExecute(0, 0, L"explorer.exe", lnk.c_str(), 0, SW_SHOWNORMAL); executed = true; } else { writeLog(L"Error: ppf->Save failed"); } } else { writeLog(L"Error: Could not create interface IID_IPersistFile"); } psl->Release(); } else { writeLog(L"Error: could not create instance of IID_IShellLink"); } CoUninitialize(); } else { writeLog(L"Error: Could not initialize COM"); } } if (!executed) { ShellExecute(0, 0, (updateTo + exeName).c_str(), (L"-noupdate" + targs).c_str(), 0, SW_SHOWNORMAL); } writeLog(L"Executed '" + exeName + L"', closing log and quitting.."); closeLog(); return 0; } static const WCHAR *_programName = L"Telegram Desktop"; // folder in APPDATA, if current path is unavailable for writing static const WCHAR *_exeName = L"Updater.exe"; LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER _oldWndExceptionFilter = 0; typedef BOOL (FAR STDAPICALLTYPE *t_miniDumpWriteDump)( _In_ HANDLE hProcess, _In_ DWORD ProcessId, _In_ HANDLE hFile, _In_ MINIDUMP_TYPE DumpType, _In_opt_ PMINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION ExceptionParam, _In_opt_ PMINIDUMP_USER_STREAM_INFORMATION UserStreamParam, _In_opt_ PMINIDUMP_CALLBACK_INFORMATION CallbackParam ); t_miniDumpWriteDump miniDumpWriteDump = 0; HANDLE _generateDumpFileAtPath(const WCHAR *path) { static const int maxFileLen = MAX_PATH * 10; WCHAR szPath[maxFileLen]; wsprintf(szPath, L"%stdata\\", path); if (!CreateDirectory(szPath, NULL)) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { return 0; } } wsprintf(szPath, L"%sdumps\\", path); if (!CreateDirectory(szPath, NULL)) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { return 0; } } WCHAR szFileName[maxFileLen]; WCHAR szExeName[maxFileLen]; wcscpy_s(szExeName, _exeName); WCHAR *dotFrom = wcschr(szExeName, WCHAR(L'.')); if (dotFrom) { wsprintf(dotFrom, L""); } SYSTEMTIME stLocalTime; GetLocalTime(&stLocalTime); wsprintf(szFileName, L"%s%s-%s-%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d-%ld-%ld.dmp", szPath, szExeName, updaterVersionStr, stLocalTime.wYear, stLocalTime.wMonth, stLocalTime.wDay, stLocalTime.wHour, stLocalTime.wMinute, stLocalTime.wSecond, GetCurrentProcessId(), GetCurrentThreadId()); return CreateFile(szFileName, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, 0); } void _generateDump(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* pExceptionPointers) { static const int maxFileLen = MAX_PATH * 10; closeLog(); HMODULE hDll = LoadLibrary(L"DBGHELP.DLL"); if (!hDll) return; miniDumpWriteDump = (t_miniDumpWriteDump)GetProcAddress(hDll, "MiniDumpWriteDump"); if (!miniDumpWriteDump) return; HANDLE hDumpFile = 0; WCHAR szPath[maxFileLen]; DWORD len = GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(0), szPath, maxFileLen); if (!len) return; WCHAR *pathEnd = szPath + len; if (!_wcsicmp(pathEnd - wcslen(_exeName), _exeName)) { wsprintf(pathEnd - wcslen(_exeName), L""); hDumpFile = _generateDumpFileAtPath(szPath); } if (!hDumpFile || hDumpFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { WCHAR wstrPath[maxFileLen]; DWORD wstrPathLen; if (wstrPathLen = GetEnvironmentVariable(L"APPDATA", wstrPath, maxFileLen)) { wsprintf(wstrPath + wstrPathLen, L"\\%s\\", _programName); hDumpFile = _generateDumpFileAtPath(wstrPath); } } if (!hDumpFile || hDumpFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return; } MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION ExpParam = {0}; ExpParam.ThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); ExpParam.ExceptionPointers = pExceptionPointers; ExpParam.ClientPointers = TRUE; miniDumpWriteDump(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentProcessId(), hDumpFile, MiniDumpWithDataSegs, &ExpParam, NULL, NULL); } LONG CALLBACK _exceptionFilter(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* pExceptionPointers) { _generateDump(pExceptionPointers); return _oldWndExceptionFilter ? (*_oldWndExceptionFilter)(pExceptionPointers) : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } // see http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/154686/SetUnhandledExceptionFilter-and-the-C-C-Runtime-Li LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER WINAPI RedirectedSetUnhandledExceptionFilter(_In_opt_ LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER lpTopLevelExceptionFilter) { // When the CRT calls SetUnhandledExceptionFilter with NULL parameter // our handler will not get removed. _oldWndExceptionFilter = lpTopLevelExceptionFilter; return 0; }