/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "data/data_replies_list.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "history/history_service.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "data/data_histories.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_messages.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "apiwrap.h" namespace Data { namespace { constexpr auto kMessagesPerPage = 50; [[nodiscard]] HistoryService *GenerateDivider( not_null history, TimeId date, const QString &text) { return history->makeServiceMessage( history->session().data().nextNonHistoryEntryId(), MTPDmessage_ClientFlag::f_fake_history_item, date, HistoryService::PreparedText{ text }); } } // namespace struct RepliesList::Viewer { MessagesSlice slice; MsgId around = 0; int limitBefore = 0; int limitAfter = 0; int injectedForRoot = 0; base::has_weak_ptr guard; bool stale = true; bool scheduled = false; }; RepliesList::RepliesList(not_null history, MsgId rootId) : _history(history) , _rootId(rootId) { } RepliesList::~RepliesList() { histories().cancelRequest(base::take(_beforeId)); histories().cancelRequest(base::take(_afterId)); if (_divider) { _divider->destroy(); } } rpl::producer RepliesList::source( MessagePosition aroundId, int limitBefore, int limitAfter) { return rpl::combine( sourceFromServer(aroundId, limitBefore, limitAfter), _history->session().changes().historyFlagsValue( _history, Data::HistoryUpdate::Flag::LocalMessages) ) | rpl::filter([=](const MessagesSlice &data, const auto &) { return (data.fullCount.value_or(0) >= 0); }) | rpl::map([=](MessagesSlice &&server, const auto &) { appendLocalMessages(server); return std::move(server); }); } rpl::producer RepliesList::sourceFromServer( MessagePosition aroundId, int limitBefore, int limitAfter) { const auto around = aroundId.fullId.msg; return [=](auto consumer) { auto lifetime = rpl::lifetime(); const auto viewer = lifetime.make_state(); const auto push = [=] { viewer->scheduled = false; if (buildFromData(viewer)) { viewer->stale = false; consumer.put_next_copy(viewer->slice); } }; const auto pushDelayed = [=] { if (!viewer->stale) { viewer->stale = true; consumer.put_next_copy(MessagesSlice{ .fullCount = -1 }); } if (!viewer->scheduled) { viewer->scheduled = true; crl::on_main(&viewer->guard, push); } }; viewer->around = around; viewer->limitBefore = limitBefore; viewer->limitAfter = limitAfter; _history->session().changes().messageUpdates( MessageUpdate::Flag::NewAdded | MessageUpdate::Flag::NewMaybeAdded | MessageUpdate::Flag::Destroyed ) | rpl::filter([=](const MessageUpdate &update) { return applyUpdate(viewer, update); }) | rpl::start_with_next(pushDelayed, lifetime); _partLoaded.events( ) | rpl::start_with_next(pushDelayed, lifetime); push(); return lifetime; }; } void RepliesList::appendLocalMessages(MessagesSlice &slice) { const auto &local = _history->localMessages(); if (local.empty()) { return; } else if (slice.ids.empty()) { if (slice.skippedBefore != 0 || slice.skippedAfter != 0) { return; } slice.ids.reserve(local.size()); for (const auto item : local) { if (item->replyToTop() != _rootId) { continue; } slice.ids.push_back(item->fullId()); } ranges::sort(slice.ids); return; } auto &owner = _history->owner(); auto dates = std::vector(); dates.reserve(slice.ids.size()); for (const auto &id : slice.ids) { const auto message = owner.message(id); Assert(message != nullptr); dates.push_back(message->date()); } for (const auto item : local) { if (item->replyToTop() != _rootId) { continue; } const auto date = item->date(); if (date < dates.front()) { if (slice.skippedBefore != 0) { if (slice.skippedBefore) { ++*slice.skippedBefore; } continue; } dates.insert(dates.begin(), date); slice.ids.insert(slice.ids.begin(), item->fullId()); } else { auto to = dates.size(); for (; to != 0; --to) { const auto checkId = slice.ids[to - 1].msg; if (dates[to - 1] > date) { continue; } else if (dates[to - 1] < date || IsServerMsgId(checkId) || checkId < item->id) { break; } } dates.insert(dates.begin() + to, date); slice.ids.insert(slice.ids.begin() + to, item->fullId()); } } } rpl::producer RepliesList::fullCount() const { return _fullCount.value() | rpl::filter_optional(); } void RepliesList::injectRootMessageAndReverse(not_null viewer) { injectRootMessage(viewer); ranges::reverse(viewer->slice.ids); } void RepliesList::injectRootMessage(not_null viewer) { const auto slice = &viewer->slice; viewer->injectedForRoot = 0; if (slice->skippedBefore != 0) { return; } const auto root = lookupRoot(); if (!root) { return; } injectRootDivider(root, slice); if (const auto group = _history->owner().groups().find(root)) { for (const auto item : ranges::views::reverse(group->items)) { slice->ids.push_back(item->fullId()); } viewer->injectedForRoot = group->items.size(); if (slice->fullCount) { *slice->fullCount += group->items.size(); } } else { slice->ids.push_back(root->fullId()); viewer->injectedForRoot = 1; } if (slice->fullCount) { *slice->fullCount += viewer->injectedForRoot; } } void RepliesList::injectRootDivider( not_null root, not_null slice) { const auto withComments = !slice->ids.empty(); const auto text = [&] { return withComments ? tr::lng_replies_discussion_started(tr::now) : tr::lng_replies_no_comments(tr::now); }; if (!_divider) { _dividerWithComments = withComments; _divider = GenerateDivider( _history, root->date(), text()); } else if (_dividerWithComments != withComments) { _dividerWithComments = withComments; _divider->setServiceText(HistoryService::PreparedText{ text() }); } slice->ids.push_back(_divider->fullId()); } bool RepliesList::buildFromData(not_null viewer) { if (_list.empty() && _skippedBefore == 0 && _skippedAfter == 0) { viewer->slice.ids.clear(); viewer->slice.nearestToAround = FullMsgId(); viewer->slice.fullCount = viewer->slice.skippedBefore = viewer->slice.skippedAfter = 0; viewer->injectedForRoot = 0; injectRootMessageAndReverse(viewer); return true; } const auto around = [&] { if (viewer->around != ShowAtUnreadMsgId) { return viewer->around; } else if (const auto item = lookupRoot()) { return item->computeRepliesInboxReadTillFull(); } return viewer->around; }(); if (_list.empty() || (!around && _skippedAfter != 0) || (around > _list.front() && _skippedAfter != 0) || (around > 0 && around < _list.back() && _skippedBefore != 0)) { loadAround(around); return false; } const auto i = around ? ranges::lower_bound(_list, around, std::greater<>()) : end(_list); const auto availableBefore = int(end(_list) - i); const auto availableAfter = int(i - begin(_list)); const auto useBefore = std::min(availableBefore, viewer->limitBefore + 1); const auto useAfter = std::min(availableAfter, viewer->limitAfter); const auto slice = &viewer->slice; if (_skippedBefore.has_value()) { slice->skippedBefore = (*_skippedBefore + (availableBefore - useBefore)); } if (_skippedAfter.has_value()) { slice->skippedAfter = (*_skippedAfter + (availableAfter - useAfter)); } const auto channelId = _history->channelId(); slice->ids.clear(); auto nearestToAround = std::optional(); slice->ids.reserve(useAfter + useBefore); for (auto j = i - useAfter, e = i + useBefore; j != e; ++j) { if (!nearestToAround && *j < around) { nearestToAround = (j == i - useAfter) ? *j : *(j - 1); } slice->ids.emplace_back(channelId, *j); } slice->nearestToAround = FullMsgId( channelId, nearestToAround.value_or( slice->ids.empty() ? 0 : slice->ids.back().msg)); slice->fullCount = _fullCount.current(); injectRootMessageAndReverse(viewer); if (_skippedBefore != 0 && useBefore < viewer->limitBefore + 1) { loadBefore(); } if (_skippedAfter != 0 && useAfter < viewer->limitAfter) { loadAfter(); } return true; } bool RepliesList::applyUpdate( not_null viewer, const MessageUpdate &update) { if (update.item->history() != _history || !IsServerMsgId(update.item->id)) { return false; } if (update.flags & MessageUpdate::Flag::Destroyed) { const auto id = update.item->fullId(); for (auto i = 0; i != viewer->injectedForRoot; ++i) { if (viewer->slice.ids[i] == id) { return true; } } } if (update.item->replyToTop() != _rootId) { return false; } const auto id = update.item->id; const auto i = ranges::lower_bound(_list, id, std::greater<>()); if (update.flags & MessageUpdate::Flag::Destroyed) { if (i == end(_list) || *i != id) { return false; } _list.erase(i); if (_skippedBefore && _skippedAfter) { _fullCount = *_skippedBefore + _list.size() + *_skippedAfter; } else if (const auto known = _fullCount.current()) { if (*known > 0) { _fullCount = (*known - 1); } } } else if (_skippedAfter != 0) { return false; } else { if (i != end(_list) && *i == id) { return false; } _list.insert(i, id); if (_skippedBefore && _skippedAfter) { _fullCount = *_skippedBefore + _list.size() + *_skippedAfter; } else if (const auto known = _fullCount.current()) { _fullCount = *known + 1; } } return true; } Histories &RepliesList::histories() { return _history->owner().histories(); } HistoryItem *RepliesList::lookupRoot() { return _history->owner().message(_history->channelId(), _rootId); } void RepliesList::loadAround(MsgId id) { if (_loadingAround && *_loadingAround == id) { return; } histories().cancelRequest(base::take(_beforeId)); histories().cancelRequest(base::take(_afterId)); const auto send = [=](Fn finish) { return _history->session().api().request(MTPmessages_GetReplies( _history->peer->input, MTP_int(_rootId), MTP_int(id), // offset_id MTP_int(0), // offset_date MTP_int(id ? (-kMessagesPerPage / 2) : 0), // add_offset MTP_int(kMessagesPerPage), // limit MTP_int(0), // max_id MTP_int(0), // min_id MTP_int(0) // hash )).done([=](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { _beforeId = 0; _loadingAround = std::nullopt; finish(); if (!id) { _skippedAfter = 0; } else { _skippedAfter = std::nullopt; } _skippedBefore = std::nullopt; _list.clear(); if (processMessagesIsEmpty(result)) { _fullCount = _skippedBefore = _skippedAfter = 0; } else if (id > 0) { Assert(!_list.empty()); if (_list.front() <= id) { _skippedAfter = 0; } else if (_list.back() >= id) { _skippedBefore = 0; } } }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { _beforeId = 0; _loadingAround = std::nullopt; finish(); }).send(); }; _loadingAround = id; _beforeId = histories().sendRequest( _history, Histories::RequestType::History, send); } void RepliesList::loadBefore() { Expects(!_list.empty()); if (_loadingAround) { histories().cancelRequest(base::take(_beforeId)); } else if (_beforeId) { return; } const auto last = _list.back(); const auto send = [=](Fn finish) { return _history->session().api().request(MTPmessages_GetReplies( _history->peer->input, MTP_int(_rootId), MTP_int(last), // offset_id MTP_int(0), // offset_date MTP_int(0), // add_offset MTP_int(kMessagesPerPage), // limit MTP_int(0), // min_id MTP_int(0), // max_id MTP_int(0) // hash )).done([=](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { _beforeId = 0; finish(); if (_list.empty()) { return; } else if (_list.back() != last) { loadBefore(); } else if (processMessagesIsEmpty(result)) { _skippedBefore = 0; if (_skippedAfter == 0) { _fullCount = _list.size(); } } }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { _beforeId = 0; finish(); }).send(); }; _beforeId = histories().sendRequest( _history, Histories::RequestType::History, send); } void RepliesList::loadAfter() { Expects(!_list.empty()); if (_afterId) { return; } const auto first = _list.front(); const auto send = [=](Fn finish) { return _history->session().api().request(MTPmessages_GetReplies( _history->peer->input, MTP_int(_rootId), MTP_int(first + 1), // offset_id MTP_int(0), // offset_date MTP_int(-kMessagesPerPage), // add_offset MTP_int(kMessagesPerPage), // limit MTP_int(0), // min_id MTP_int(0), // max_id MTP_int(0) // hash )).done([=](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { _afterId = 0; finish(); if (_list.empty()) { return; } else if (_list.front() != first) { loadAfter(); } else if (processMessagesIsEmpty(result)) { _skippedAfter = 0; if (_skippedBefore == 0) { _fullCount = _list.size(); } } }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { _afterId = 0; finish(); }).send(); }; _afterId = histories().sendRequest( _history, Histories::RequestType::History, send); } bool RepliesList::processMessagesIsEmpty(const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { const auto guard = gsl::finally([&] { _partLoaded.fire({}); }); const auto fullCount = result.match([&]( const MTPDmessages_messagesNotModified &) { LOG(("API Error: received messages.messagesNotModified! " "(HistoryWidget::messagesReceived)")); return 0; }, [&](const MTPDmessages_messages &data) { return int(data.vmessages().v.size()); }, [&](const MTPDmessages_messagesSlice &data) { return data.vcount().v; }, [&](const MTPDmessages_channelMessages &data) { if (_history->peer->isChannel()) { _history->peer->asChannel()->ptsReceived(data.vpts().v); } else { LOG(("API Error: received messages.channelMessages when " "no channel was passed! (HistoryWidget::messagesReceived)")); } return data.vcount().v; }); auto &owner = _history->owner(); const auto list = result.match([&]( const MTPDmessages_messagesNotModified &) { LOG(("API Error: received messages.messagesNotModified! " "(HistoryWidget::messagesReceived)")); return QVector(); }, [&](const auto &data) { owner.processUsers(data.vusers()); owner.processChats(data.vchats()); return data.vmessages().v; }); if (list.isEmpty()) { return true; } const auto maxId = IdFromMessage(list.front()); const auto wasSize = int(_list.size()); const auto toFront = (wasSize > 0) && (maxId > _list.front()); const auto clientFlags = MTPDmessage_ClientFlags(); const auto type = NewMessageType::Existing; auto refreshed = std::vector(); if (toFront) { refreshed.reserve(_list.size() + list.size()); } auto skipped = 0; for (const auto &message : list) { if (const auto item = owner.addNewMessage(message, clientFlags, type)) { if (item->replyToTop() == _rootId) { if (toFront) { refreshed.push_back(item->id); } else { _list.push_back(item->id); } } else { ++skipped; } } else { ++skipped; } } if (toFront) { refreshed.insert(refreshed.end(), _list.begin(), _list.end()); _list = std::move(refreshed); } const auto nowSize = int(_list.size()); auto &decrementFrom = toFront ? _skippedAfter : _skippedBefore; if (decrementFrom.has_value()) { *decrementFrom = std::max( *decrementFrom - (nowSize - wasSize), 0); } const auto checkedCount = std::max(fullCount - skipped, nowSize); if (_skippedBefore && _skippedAfter) { auto &correct = toFront ? _skippedBefore : _skippedAfter; *correct = std::max( checkedCount - *decrementFrom - nowSize, 0); *decrementFrom = checkedCount - *correct - nowSize; Assert(*decrementFrom >= 0); } else if (_skippedBefore) { *_skippedBefore = std::min(*_skippedBefore, checkedCount - nowSize); _skippedAfter = checkedCount - *_skippedBefore - nowSize; } else if (_skippedAfter) { *_skippedAfter = std::min(*_skippedAfter, checkedCount - nowSize); _skippedBefore = checkedCount - *_skippedAfter - nowSize; } _fullCount = checkedCount; if (const auto item = lookupRoot()) { if (_skippedAfter == 0 && !_list.empty()) { item->setRepliesMaxId(_list.front()); } else { item->setRepliesPossibleMaxId(maxId); } if (const auto original = item->lookupDiscussionPostOriginal()) { if (_skippedAfter == 0 && !_list.empty()) { original->setRepliesMaxId(_list.front()); } else { original->setRepliesPossibleMaxId(maxId); } } } Ensures(list.size() >= skipped); return (list.size() == skipped); } } // namespace Data